Chapter 356 Another World Spirit Coin

Xing Yi didn’t learn much about another world, but he still knew the waters in the northern part of the soil.

Going all the way south will definitely be able to reach the earth.

I have been in the comprehension space for more than a year. As soon as I walked out and saw the bumpy ice surface, Xing Yi was also emotional.

The spirit shield immediately protected him. Since the decision is made, he will be a Qi Practitioner with the talent of fire attributes.

Regardless of whether there are people or no one, if you want to fool others, you must first deceive yourself.

After finding the right direction, Xing Yi flew all the way to the south, and the higher he flew, he also had a clear view of the ground of the waters.

It is endless, and there is ice everywhere. It is said that it is water, but the water is difficult to see. That is to say, I am a Practitioner, and I don’t have much demand for water.

Just have Spirit Power, I don’t know when I can fly out.

I don’t know how far I have flown, but I have to go around the blue star at least a few times according to the distance from the blue star.

After flying so far, I didn’t even see a personal image. I have to say that another world is too big.

But along the way, Xing Yi also found that there was less and less methamphetamine floating in the air, and the environment finally had a normal appearance.

During this, Xing Yi also saw a lot of creatures, all kinds of strange, but the only similarity is that they all have Spirit Power on them and they are terrible.

The most important thing is that Xing Yi discovered that they seemed not afraid of methamphetamine in the air, and these creatures could not be affected by methamphetamine.

This should be the Demonic Beasts mentioned in the book. Xing Yi has also seen some on the road in the earth, but most of the Demonic Beasts seen in the earth are not too strong.

The Demonic Beasts here, they have to retreat, feel the breath and immediately disappear and drift past invisible.

And most of the Demonic Beasts here are white, which may be affected by the environment.

There is also Demonic Beasts that can directly feel Xing Yi, even if Xing Yi is invisible, he can directly find Xing Yi and run around after Xing Yi.

And these Demonic Beasts are the ones that are more powerful.

Frightened along the way, I want to fly back to the earth, and I don’t know how long it will take for the communication equipment to have a signal.

Suddenly Xing Yi found traces of people. Looking at them in the air, they were not much different from ordinary human beings, and there were obvious differences in dressing style and skin color.

And the strength of these people has the lowest rank two, and the older ones have the strength of rank three.

The fourth-order Practitioner accounted for a minority, and the fifth-order Practitioner Xing Yi did not see it.

In the end, Xing Yi decided to go down and take a look. From the sky, it seemed that this place was just a village, and the strength of the people in the other world was not that strong.

Go down to find out what kind of existence another world person is, and then see if you can find a way back.

Hidden and hidden, it is impossible for anyone to find himself without the Great Master.

Another world language, freshman has a special course in order to facilitate the sophomore year to go to another world.

Even if Xing Yi often doesn’t go to class, Xing Yi still doesn’t drop a section on another world course.

Moreover, Xing Yi’s unforgettable memory has been there since childhood, and he is extremely fast when learning languages.

Stealth slowly floated in the air, carefully avoiding the crowd.

Xing Yi’s clothes and appearance are also quietly changing, more to the style of another world, after all, this is another world.

Along with the breath, Xing Yi was also familiar with the breath of one or two people and slowly changed.

Xing Yi wandered around, the biggest feeling of walking here is that people in another world don’t seem to light up the knowledge tree of science and technology.

On the contrary, the use of Spirit Power is particularly strong, using Spirit Power for cooking, farming, food, clothing, housing and transportation.

It seems that it is not worse than modern technology. Just say that this igloo is also made of ice plus the special Spirit Power, which may be more stable than steel and iron.

After all, in a continent where Spirit Power is so rich in Life, and the people here are born practitioners, naturally, they have a stronger grasp of Spirit Power.

Moreover, Spirit Power can also meet their basic needs, and it seems that there is no need to develop technology. What people here should develop is the use of Spirit Power.

There is a layer of formation floating on the surface of every igloo here, large and small. Although the defense ability is not strong, it can withstand the invasion of methamphetamine.

What’s more, people here are all related to Spirit Power, and the development of Spirit Power has reached the extreme.

If there has to be a shortcoming, it may be the environment. There are a lot of viruses floating in the air, which means that the people here can’t cultivate like the earth.

It is impossible to recover during the battle, and even the resources for cultivation may need special treatment, even with the unparalleled advantage of Spiritual Qi, it can only be seen.

If you are an ordinary person, you are definitely willing to choose an environment with less spiritual poison, at least you can cultivate in the air.

Facing the air cultivation here, I’m afraid it’s not looking for death.

And Xing Yi found one of the most interesting points, people here will have a special Martial Skill.

A kind of Martial Skill that makes money by yourself. Spirit coins are also the common currency here, but they are made by themselves.

The Spirit Power in the air is transferred to this spirit coin through Martial Skill, but the coin to store Spirit Power needs to be purchased by yourself.

Seven or eight centimeters in diameter, a circular special currency, the spirit coin is blue when it is empty, and when the Spirit Power is full, it becomes completely transparent, except that there are obvious white dots inside.

These little spots are also methamphetamine.

Spirit gathering does not have the ability to isolate spirit poison, and it is impossible to have such ability, otherwise spirit poison would not be called spirit poison.

There seems to be no Martial Skill in the world that can isolate the spirit poison and sift it out of the spirit power.

Make money by yourself, and the Spirit Power in a Lingcoin is exactly 10,000 cards.

And there is another currency, which is pure Spirit Power without methamphetamine, which is equivalent to the Chinese spar.

Through eavesdropping and all kinds of clues, Xing Yi also knew that the spirit coins they created through spirit gathering must go to the town in exchange for real spirit coins.

The exchange rate is five to one. Even though there are more spirit poisons here, there are ten calories of methamphetamine in one spirit coin, but the exchange price is five to one.

Sure enough, the world’s capital is generally black, and it can be used to the death of technology.

There are many natural spiritual veins, and people in another world control a lot, but the only way for ordinary people to make money is through spiritual gathering.

Most people have the upper limit of their own potential. If they can’t breakthrough, they will stop for life. They don’t want to go out and take risks, and they can support themselves through spirit gathering.

Spirit Power is the hard currency of this another world, which is equivalent to the food of China in the past, which is much more powerful than petroleum and gold.

“When I save enough money in the future, I must go to Life in the big city, even if I make money in it every day.” Xing Yi listened to the conversation between the two who made money through spirit gathering.

“Who isn’t it? At least the money made at that time was a real coin, and there is no need to exchange it.”

No need to exchange, it should be the same place as the White Imperial City.

“Dammit, why don’t we both go as errands? Go to the city to change money and sell it here. It feels more cost-effective than making money yourself.”

“You save the time, let’s wait for the empire to develop quickly and see us! I am afraid that the strength of the two of us is not going to be lost.”

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