Chapter 335 Space Talent

However, Xing Yi looked at Dong Mengqi, who still had enough Spirit Power, and said to Xiaobai and himself for a while.

Isn’t it ten times the human body at most? Own ten times is almost exhausted, let alone Dong Mengqi.

Spirit Power reserves more than yourself. You must know that not only is your hard power stronger than Dong Mengqi, but you are still recovering during the battle!

This is actually not enough for Dong Mengqi, what kind of talent is this guy in the end.

But these are not important anymore, and I don’t bother to spend it with Dong Mengqi anymore, 60,000 Spirit Power, Martial Skill, Fire Cloud Palm.

Xing Yi is ready to end the game.

On the other side, Dong Mengqi saw that Xing Yi actually knew the Earth-level Practitioner, but he had never used it before playing against himself for so long.

This guy has always been hiding, and this person actually has storage space, and he is not afraid to compete with himself for the consumption of Spirit Power.

It seemed that he had to show his true strength, or he would definitely be defeated.

Void cut.

Martial Skill, Dong Mengqi’s biggest trump card, space talent, directly at the target person’s position, tearing the space.

At this time, no matter how hard your body is, it will be a joke in front of the space.

This kind of talent is also the only talent that can directly break through and launch an offensive ignoring human defenses.

Dong Mengqi also ignored the power of Void Slash, and Dong Mengqi didn’t want to lose so embarrassingly.

Xing Yi and Dong Mengqi shot almost at the same time.

However, Xing Yi is faster. Fire Cloud Palm plus Xing Yi’s talent for fire attributes will destroy the world and destroy the earth.

The coverage is so large that Dong Mengqi has no room to dodge, and Dong Mengqi has no intention of hiding at all, but desperately displays her own Martial Skill.

Then Dong Mengqi was shot off the court instantly.

And Xing Yi felt the strange feeling in his body, as if he was directly tearing himself apart, and the recovery ability he was proud of was like a joke in front of this power.

The violent tearing feeling in the body, a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart, Xing Yi tried his best but only changed his position.

In the next second, Xing Yi’s entire arm fell directly.

Xing Yi tried to endure the pain, and with his other hand, he caught the falling arm smoothly, and then stepped forward to look at the original position, a black hole measuring 15 centimeters in length.

That is, it directly tore his own arm.

The Martial Skill that I couldn’t hold even after tempering three times, the body couldn’t hold it, even the bones.

Xing Yi hurriedly put his arm back to its original place, and the powerful recovery ability of the Practitioner’s body was also displayed at this time, which was visibly connected to the naked eye.

In less than a moment, even the scar did not shed.

But it takes a long time to be truly connected, especially the three-time bone-hardening connection, Meridians and other messy things.

There is also the rib on the left side of the arm, part of which has been torn, as well as the organs.

Looking at Dong Mengqi, who was really unreasonable, Xing Yi really treated him. This guy has the ability to threaten his life.

This kind of strength tore a crack in his body directly is too exaggerated.

It’s not that Xing Yi has never thought of using his own talent to directly apply it to the opponent, just like the water element talent.

It directly strips all the water in the opponent’s body, but it is okay to deal with ordinary people, and it is simply impossible to deal with Practitioner.

A simple spirit shield can be completely avoided by others, even if no spirit shield, Spirit Power coverage can be easily avoided.

Like Dong Mengqi, completely ignoring his own defense, Xing Yi is really hard to believe that there is any way to deal with it.

This time it was only a 15-centimeter tear. If it was one meter or even two meters, one or more lines, even if it was not directly divided into one’s body.

Dong Mengqi fell, Ma Xiangde also immediately announced the end of the game, Xing Yi won.

Most of the people who watched Xing Yi’s injury did not see it at the scene, because at that time the line of sight was still covered by Xing Yi’s red Spirit Power.

When the line of sight was clear, Xing Yi’s arm was already connected.

However, some capable people have seen it, and those who watch the live broadcast on the Internet can also see it clearly through the special equipment of the live broadcast.

Fighting for a few hours, although it has been fierce, but in the end neither of them suffered much, and I did not expect the final blow.

Dong Mengqi was eliminated, and Xing Yi was forced to break an arm directly.

This is so exciting.

The strengths of Xing Yi and Wang Kai were immediately drawn for comparison, and the talents Xing Yi displayed were also talked about.

I just don’t know if there is any talent that Xing Yi uses in the Fire Cloud Palm.

If there is any, Xing Yi has shown a lot of talent.

But it is Dong Mengqi’s talent that is more discussed.

The Martial Skill used by Dong Mengqi also directly exposed Dong Mengqi’s talent.

Dong Mengqi’s long-standing Spirit Power consumption problem has also been solved. Dong Mengqi is actually a legendary space talent.

Void Slash is said to be a Martial Skill in the ground level, and it is also recognized as the Martial Skill with the most difficult cultivation and the most demanding cultivation conditions.

Of course, the power of Martial Skill is also recognized as the strongest Martial Skill.

Even if ordinary people have learned the Void Slash, they absolutely can’t use the Void Slash, and the Void Slash without him has extremely high requirements for strength.

Martial King!

As long as you reach the Martial King, you are eligible to use the Void Slash. The Void Slash is also Martial King’s iconic Martial Skill.

Only the Martial King whose strength can break the space can truly display such a Martial Skill, and Dong Mengqi obviously does not have the strength of the Martial King.

Then there is only one explanation, Dong Mengqi has a talent for space.

Space Martial Skill, whether it is offensive or defensive, its power is recognized as the strongest.

There is no doubt that when Dong Mengqi is stronger and has a stronger ability to control talent, then he will be the strongest Practitioner of the same rank.

none of them!

An offense that ignores the defense, ignores the cracks in the offensive space, and blocks in front of oneself, any offense is futile.

Unless someone’s body can hardly tear the space, Dong Mengqi can’t tear the space where that person is at all.

Void Slash was also the only Martial Skill that Xing Yi didn’t dare to learn after he had learned about it.

The same is also the Martial Skill that Xing Yi couldn’t use after learning.

Space talent is also the only talent that has never appeared in the history of Blue Star. It was learned from another world.

There have also been rumors that it is impossible to have such a talent, and the reason used is very convincing. The reason is that it is impossible to control the space when the strength is weak.

But the talent Dong Mengqi used just now is indeed Void Slash, which shows that Dong Mengqi does have the ability to master space.

If Dong Mengqi came up with this trick, it might be over as soon as the game started.

There were two possibilities, or it was the possibility that Xing Yi wouldn’t give Dong Mengqi another move, so Dong Mengqi was immediately beaten.

It’s not that Dong Mengqi came up and took Xing Yi seconds.

Facing this kind of Martial Skill that could not be defended at all, Xing Yi suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Even if he won the game, I looked at Dong Mengqi’s injury. The injury was not too serious for the Practitioner, so Xing Yi went back to the room.

Xing Yi also experienced the suppression from talent for the first time.

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