Chapter 330

Is it really only this year that Chinese University started recruiting Qi Practitioners? There are three fourth-order Practitioners in front of me, plus the famous Xing Yi.

In other words, before the end of the last semester, the Chinese University has four fourth-order Practitioners. Didn’t it mean that those rich children didn’t come to the Chinese University?

Did Chinese Master gain so much talent by relying on single strokes and the college entrance examination? Practitioner!

But fortunately, what can comfort Ge Xuhui is that the three Practitioners in front of him are obviously just breakthrough, and the strength is not too strong.

As for whether there is talent, that is not visible to the naked eye.

And there is also a gap between the fourth-order Practitioner.

For example, Dong Mengqi’s fourth-order Practitioner, who has just made breakthrough, is terribly powerful.

Dong Mengqi’s eyes stayed on Bai Yiling for a while, not because of how beautiful Bai Yiling is, but because of her background.

It is also one of the best in China. As the descendants of the new generation Martial Emperor, the children of the family with a long inheritance dare not look down upon it.

Especially the existence of the White Emperor City, in another world, the Blue Star people have to think about the love of the White Emperor.

“Ding Ming, you can take them to school for a round, the game will only be played in the afternoon.” Luo Guangbin said.

Regardless of Luo Guangbin’s strength or talent, his background, resources, and the heart of a big boss, and no one is vying with him, he is now the president of the student union.

“No, just take advantage of this time to go to your famous monument.” Ge Xuhui said directly.

As soon as he said this, he knew what he wanted to do, and kept his name in Chinese.

“Ge Xuhui!” Dong Mengqi said coldly: “Why are you here?” Even if Dong Mengqi’s hard power is far worse than Ge Xuhui, Dong Mengqi still dared to scold Ge Xuhui angrily.

It depends on the future and background.

“You haven’t started the game yet, I’ll find something to do first.” Ge Xuhui didn’t care.

Chinese University is so close, I haven’t come yet, what’s wrong with leaving a name, Chinese University has fewer names left!

“Okay, I’m afraid you don’t have that strength.” Luo Guangbin’s tone also became bad.

“If you have the strength, you will know if you try it.” Ge Xuhui smiled.

After talking about a few people, they went to leave the monument together, and Dong Mengqi reluctantly followed.

As a family child, he certainly knows more than ordinary people, and naturally he is not afraid of ridicule at this time, he just doesn’t want to offend Bai Yiling.

Most Chinese have left more than 900 names, and even if the capture is successful, there is no money left. What’s the use of leaving at most one name?

You are not so free, at least don’t leave a bad impression!

But now it’s okay, and he also stopped, indicating that it was Ge Xuhui’s own thoughts and had nothing to do with him.

Xing Yi has strengthened the place of the monument to a certain level, and Ge Xuhui’s strength is only a Tier 4 Practitioner.

Even if he has been in the fourth rank for a long time, he is cultivating the mysterious rank Cultivation Technique, and he is only close to the strength of 200,000 calories.

Unless he directly uses his full strength from the beginning, if he consumes more than half of it, no one needs to stop him, even Xing Yi’s absolute defense will not be able to pass him.

“Huh! Isn’t that Ding Ming, why didn’t he go to the competition field, but came to the defensive place?”

“No one will come to capture the defense, right!”

Luo Jianming, who was walking around, also saw it, and immediately called Xing Yi to inform him.

Xing Yi was in the critical stage of comprehending Martial Skill, but he immediately sent a message to Bai Yiling: “I can’t walk away, let him go and fight. The formation is worthless. You can do it when you break the formation.”

The strength of the people of China Wuhan University should not be strong enough to destroy their absolute defenses, they still have substantial combat power.

At this time, Xing Yi could only adapt to his own Martial Skill as soon as possible. Zhang Fu gave his own Martial Skill at the beginning, and he has never learned it.

Zhuan Ling Gong, a one-time Martial Skill.

There are five levels in this Martial Skill. Xing Yi has already completed one level, and Xing Yi didn’t want to have so many breakthroughs. Two levels are enough.

But Xing Yi did not expect that this Martial Skill would be so difficult.

I’m stuck here for a while, if I haven’t finished it in the afternoon, I can only give up.

Seeing the news sent by Xing Yi, Bai Yiling saw the increasingly solid formation, Bai Yiling also believed in Xing Yi, Xing Yi went to strengthen the formation these two days, and it took only a few minutes to go back and forth.

The news was also sent to Luo Guangbin and Ding Ming.

The two of course believed Xing Yi’s words, their own strength was also derived from Xing Yi, and they also tried to break through Xing Yi’s formation.

But the intensity is also really terrifying, even if they break through the fourth step, they can’t move the formation at all, just to extinguish the arrogant arrogance of this guy.

On the road, the two people found this person’s personal information, the thousandth on the Billboard, and a sixth-level Zhongwu University student.

The person on the fringe of the wind and cloud list, but the strength is also terribly strong, the strength of the fourth-order peak, nearly 200,000 cards, even if Xing Yi is added, the hard power is not as much as him.

No wonder Xing Yi said he wouldn’t let him go hard, this can’t be beaten!

In fact, Xing Yi didn’t even know who was coming. He just didn’t want Bai Yiling to be injured, so he was absolutely defensive.

It’s not troublesome to set it up again later.

The building of the monument is still very high, far away Dong Mengqi noticed the shield covering the monument.


According to the regulations of the clerical department, formation can only be set up by students, but when it comes to the study of formation, does Chinese have this subject?

But the closer I got, Dong Mengqi felt that you pulled me from above. It was very special, and it seemed that it didn’t belong to Spirit Power or Qi and blood.

The most important thing is that the energy faintly emitted from the shield is very full and does not seem to be weak.

“Go!” This time it was Luo Guangbin’s turn to disdain.

The dismissive expression made Ge Xuhui choke.

When the capture is successful, let’s see how I mock you.

There are not many people on the defensive, and all the students standing are first- and second-tier students. Ge Xuhui is even more disdainful of such strength.

As for which formation in the distance, Ge Xuhui had seen it a long time ago, and it was so flamboyant that he really thought the formation could stop him.

Sure enough, with Ge Xuhui’s end, Bai Yiling, Luo Guangbin and Ding Ming also immediately entered the defense.

Seeing here, Ge Xuhui nodded, and put a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs to stop him, but three more were of no use.

Today I will let you know what top strength is.

You can’t even touch me.

Ge Xuhui is very confident. After three years of accumulation, although he has not learned the Martial Skill, he has a top-notch Movement Technique Martial Skill.

With so long experience, dealing with three breakthrough fourth-order Practitioners is not a piece of cake, let alone those first- and second-order Practitioners.

In an instant, Ge Xuhui moved and shouted: “If you can touch me today, I will lose!”

Ge Xuhui’s speed is indeed fast, even stronger than Bai Yiling’s Movement Technique Martial Skill. The crowd can’t even see Ge Xuhui’s figure.

Even Bai Yiling and the others could see it, but they didn’t move either.

Seeing that several people didn’t even react, Ge Xuhui couldn’t help but shook his head in disdain.

In a moment, he overcame the crowd to before the monument.

As for the formation in front of you, it’s so bells and whistles!

Break to daddy!

In the next second, Ge Xuhui was directly shocked back.

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