Chapter 249 Five hundred thousand points

“Since it is collected for me, then transfer it to me.” After Xing Yi finished transferring the points, he saw a group of people jammed on the 21st floor of the stairs as soon as he got down.

After asking about it, I found out that Luo Guangbin was also blocking the stairs and planted himself.

At first, Xing Yi was a little skeptical, but he just happened to see Luo Guangbin under the banner of own.

It’s okay to block the stairs, collect money with violence, more ruthless than yourself, and forcibly charge those who no longer want to go to the General Department.

The key is not to rely on own hard power, relying on the advantage of a large number of people to force fees.

Luo Guangbin’s overdoing is not too much of his own business.

But since the goods are said to be collected for yourself, don’t blame yourself for being impolite, and send it out for a wave of friendly value.

Maybe I can save enough for a new talent.

“What! Didn’t you collect it for me?” Xing Yi looked at Luo Guangbin playfully.

“Excuse me, the Xing Yi I was talking about is not your Xing Yi, but you just got down, and the toll fee is 10,000 points!” When Luo Guangbin saw Xing Yi come down, he became excited instead of panic.

Dammit, I just collected own points, but it’s not always true now.

He alone is not Xing Yi’s opponent, but with the addition of some people he called over, fifteen people are still a piece of cake against one Xing Yi.

“Ten thousand points!” Xing Yi shook his head and smiled: “You are afraid that you are crazy about money.”

“But you just gave me all the points you earned from the robbery, so you won’t get beaten up.”

“Being beaten, I’m afraid you can’t see the current situation clearly!” Luo Guangbin said with disdain, and fifteen people lined up neatly in three rows after one stop.

Xing Yi explored the past, and he also knew what his strength was. Most of the strengths were people with more than one thousand cards.

The strongest is less than two thousand calories, but there are too many people, too weak.

Xing Yi: “I can see it clearly, but I advise you not to do it.”

“Come on, brothers, fight to death.” Luo Guangbin waved a group of people and rushed directly.

“Let’s help!” Bai Yiling was about to jump off.

“No, Brother Yi just said that we don’t need our help.” Shuang Qianyi reached out and stopped Bai Yiling: “They are not too strong, Brother Yi can deal with it.”

“It’s true, there are more than a dozen people, and there is Luo Guangbin who is not bad in strength. Will Xing Yi be an opponent?” Ding Ming didn’t believe it.

No matter how strong Xing Yi is, he is still alone.

“Just now, when the two of us confronted Brother Yi, Brother Yi stopped, and didn’t use all his strength.” Shuang Qianyi slowly said.

Bai Yiling calmed down, but he was still paying attention to Xing Yi’s situation.

Luo Guangbin directly surrounded Xing Yi with a group of people and attacked Xing Yi in all directions.

Even if Xing Yi was rich in experience and was beaten for a while, even if Xing Yi wanted to fight back, someone would attack him suddenly and cut off Xing Yi’s thoughts.

However, the strength of the attack was not enough even the normal pressure in the pressure room. Even if Xing Yi beat them standing up, it would be difficult for them to hurt Xing Yi.

Unless they use Martial Skill, some of these people will still use Martial Skill, and a small amount of Spirit Power is enough to play to the extent that it can hurt Xing Yi.

There is also the most difficult one, Luo Guangbin. Luo Guangbin used almost all his strength in every attack. With Martial Skill, he would be injured every time he attacked Xing Yi.

It can be regarded as the only person who can seriously hurt Xing Yi.

A group of people were ruthless enough to start, and they didn’t release the water at all. They used all their strength, the dazzling Martial Skill and the breath of Spirit Power.

However, they also have a shortcoming, that is, the attack is not ruthless, and there is no deadly attack.

After playing for a long time, Xing Yi could still stand.

If it were Xing Yi, Xing Yi would definitely incapacitate a person.

If it were a figure in Divine Tool Zero, he might lose his name as soon as he shot it.

However, this is also in the case of strength crushing. Generally speaking, it is difficult to make the opponent incapacitated by a single blow when the opponent is evenly matched or lost.

Not to mention a fatal blow, Xing Yi who can do this only knows that the figure in the artifact is OK.

Xing Yi was not simply being beaten. Xing Yi was absorbing their breath. Whenever the system reminded a person that his breath had been identified, Xing Yi could always find an opportunity and punch that person to lie down honestly.

As time went by, several people were beaten out by Xing Yi.

They panicked for a while. This Xing Yi was like an iron strike, and his metallic talent could understand, after all, he couldn’t break the defense.

However, using Martial Skill with dark energy seems to be of no use to Xing Yi. Xing Yi doesn’t seem to be injured. So far, Xing Yi doesn’t have much trouble, but his own Spirit Power is almost consumed.

From the outside, Xing Yi has been beaten all the time, and occasionally fought back. Even if the number of people is less now, Xing Yi is still at a disadvantage.

But Luo Guangbin knew that this Xing Yi was so terrifying, the strengths were so different that he couldn’t break the defense at all.

The physical body of the Practitioner is too strong. Bone Fragment Fist, the most famous Martial Skill, not only did nothing when hitting Xing Yi, but his hands hurt.

Is this the strength of the Practitioner’s bone quenching? It’s too exaggerated!

Undoubtedly, after Xing Yi was beaten for a long time, people outside had a full understanding of the physical strength of the Practitioner after seeing the comics in his mind.

I also know the power of the physical Practitioner. The human physical Practitioner is the blood that comes out of punches and kicks.

The Qi Practitioner relies entirely on cyclone absorption, and close combat is not understood by opponents of the physical Practitioner, but this situation still subverts their original understanding of the physical Practitioner.

It wasn’t until Xing Yi collected all his breath that Xing Yi broke out. It was not Qi and blood but Spirit Power.

It was almost one punch. When facing Luo Guangbin in the end, Ran Jue Wuyin opened two layers directly. One second was enough.

“Points turn around.” After putting everyone down, Xing Yi stood directly beside Luo Guangbin and said.

“Impossible!” Even if Luo Guangbin admits he is dead, but he wants to throw out the points he has eaten, it is impossible.

“Okay!” Xing Yi didn’t entangle too much, but went straight to the person who had been injured by Luo Guangbin just now.

The Spirit Power of the water attribute floated directly from Xing Yi, and slowly fell on the person, his injuries were also visible to the naked eye.

“Xiao Bai, do me a favor.” Xing Yi shouted at Bai Yiling again.


After speaking, Bai Yiling also walked to another person to help him recover.

Xing Yi: “Xiao Yi, help me watch a few of them, don’t let them run away.”

Xing Yi: “Yeah”

Xing Yi turned his head and said: “What did Luo Guangbin do to you just now, just call it back, help me get the points, and I will send them all back to you.”

“Really!” several people lying on the ground said excitedly.

I thought that even if the points were taken away by Xing Yi, they wouldn’t be able to come back. Now Xing Yi actually said that he would return them if he wanted to.

That’s more than half a million points. Why isn’t Xing Yi tempted by a large sum of points?

“Li Junyang, right, it’s up to you, don’t be afraid that he will retaliate against you, he will ask you to trouble you and come to me at 108.” Xing Yi simply helped Li Junyang heal some injuries.

Li Junyang also stood up directly: “Don’t worry, Brother Yi! I must come over for you.”

After speaking, he smiled and walked towards Luo Guangbin, who was motionless on the ground…

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