Chapter 296: Your Name

Many gods on the battlefield have gradually noticed the coming big day.

“Damn it!”

Di Shitian cursed directly.

It’s probably not a good thing to come out at this time.

“I hope it’s a friend but not an enemy!” Shiva murmured.

Looks like a sun god.

Helios? Aton?

Neither one can reach this scale.

If he is hit head-on, even he will be ablated.

Who the hell is it?

Many gods and Buddhas were attracted by the extremely fast-falling sun.

There is no way, the temperature in this place is already terrifying under the influence of “Red Dragon Emperor”.

Not to mention that now, another round of scorching sun has fallen.

If you really hit it, who can stand it?

I am afraid that before he has time to fight the “Red Dragon Emperor”, his own existence will be dissolved.

For a while, the gods were panicked.

At this time, if the “Red Dragon Emperor” attacked, the pitch-black giant sword would be cut down, and I don’t know how many gods would fall.

But she didn’t.

Because no one pays more attention to the sun than she does.

What are the feelings that are gradually rising in your heart and getting stronger and stronger?

I don’t understand it at all.

There is only one thing, she is very clear.

That is……

Finally found.

The scorching sun dried up the sea, burned the earth, turned into a natural disaster, and went all the way.

The temperature here continues to rise, and fear spreads among the gods and Buddhas.

Creatures without a certain level of strength may die instantly if they enter this area.

Shiva firmly grasped the bow and arrow in his hand and silently calculated the distance.

If it is within the danger zone, the opponent still maintains this state.

Then stop it at all costs.

This time the action of besieging the “Scaroon Emperor” must not be missed.

The sun in the field of vision is getting bigger and bigger…

That line will be crossed soon.

The beautiful boy’s body trembled slightly.



Shiva let out a long sigh of relief.

The scorching sun seemed to fully understand his psychological defense line, converging all the light and heat on the edge.

Driving away the existence of Da Sun, the body was also exposed.

Not the sun god in the imagination.

But a human?

Many gods and Buddhas showed the expressions of the rest of their lives.

Even Zeus’s tight body relaxed.

Did not directly bump into the gods, at least showed an attitude.

It’s not that I want to be hostile to them and bury them all here.

The humans who walked out of the sun did not go to the gods, but stood opposite the “Scaroon Emperor”.

Qin Mo.

A lover of the Demon King Leviathan among the forces of the Bible.

Many gods recognized the identity of this human being, and Di Shitian was also one of them.

According to intelligence, the artificial artifact (SacredGear) it produced was comparable to the Longinus, and its strength was also extremely powerful. It claimed to have killed the god and seized its power.

Di Shitian had also raised the idea of ​​using this man as his own.

It seems unlikely now.

The strength of this human being seems to be catching up with the “God recorded in the Bible”, and it might even be worse than that.

Really outrageous human beings.

The human beings with the strongest Longinus “True Longinus” like Cao Cao seemed to Emperor Shitian to be ordinary.

The agency tried to take advantage of his Di Shitian until he was driven by him in the end.

Only humans like Qin Mo have the qualifications to be equal to him.

What does this human want to do?

He was not as optimistic as the other gods.

The incarnation of the Great Sun is also a demonstration of strength.

It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Just when many gods were expecting Qin Mo to start a battle with the “Scarlet Dragon Emperor”, there were two opposing parties in the void, but they had no intention of doing anything at all.

Qin Mo just looked at “Scarlet Dragon Emperor” quietly, as if he regarded many gods and Buddhas as air.

The body exudes a strong aura of depravity, I am afraid that it will soon become a destroyer of complete state.

If it is not cleaned up in time, the world will be completely finished.

There is no doubt that it is the target that needs to be killed in his mission.

As long as you kill her, the main mission is over, and the rewards of the main god’s random talent enhancement are also good.

The scary and terrifying scales have completely covered the left half of her face.

There should be a more delicate and lovely face in the memory, and when he smiles, it is quite contagious.

His right hand was equipped with a crimson hand armor, and he was also holding a pitch-black giant sword, full of vague and evil aura.

When I saw it last time, the blades on both sides were still shining golden yellow, graceful with bravery.

The left hand is covered with heavy scale armor, no, now it is more appropriate to use dragon claws to describe it?

The girl who was full of vitality in the past has now become a real monster.

“Finally found.”

The red-haired “Red Dragon Emperor” showed a relaxed smile.

“It turns out I was looking for someone alone, do you know me?”

Qin Mo nodded lightly, without speaking.

“Then who am I?” Her face kept smiling.

“”The Red Lotus Queen” Stella Familion, that’s your name. ”

“Stella Familion… Stella Familion… Haha! What a nice name, great.”

The red-haired “Red Dragon Emperor” smiled happily, as if he had known a great event.

After a while, she stopped.

“We must have a good relationship?”

He was cautious, as if he was tentative.

Qin Mo nodded, affirming her.

“It’s great, the strength is so strong. Do you know Orpheus? It is the “Infinite Dragon God”, that child is very cute, although the strength is too strong, but it is really a very good child, you can and her Are you friends?”

She spoke eagerly, and the content was not marginal.

There is not much time left for her now, and she is desperate to find a reliable person to take care of Orpheus.

I don’t know why, deep down in her heart, she trusts the person in front of her who doesn’t even know her name.


Qin Mo agreed to her request.

Hearing Qin Mo’s answer, she finally let go of the heart she had been hanging on.

Even she herself found it amazing, so she was relieved.

In her subconscious, this must be a very reliable person, right?

“Finally…” The red-haired “Red Dragon Emperor” was about to listen to his inner voice, “Can I give you a hug?”

Seeing that Qin Mo did not refuse, she gradually stepped forward.

The pitch-black giant sword and “Boosted Gear” (Boosted Gear) disappeared instantly, and the breath and burning wings on his body shrank.

But the scales on the left half of his face and the sharp claws formed by the left hand remained unchanged.

She hugged Qin Mo lightly, her body trembling slightly.

So happy……

Tears dripped unconsciously.

Great, finally found it.

After taking two breaths of Qin Mo’s body greedily, she let go of Qin Mo.

“Although this request may be excessive, I really want to die in your hands. Can you kill me?”

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