“Cut, let the two escape.” Vega removed the thought line that was blocking the front before slowly walking in front of the corpse.

“I didn’t expect it to be you guy who died! Vega saw the long gray-haired, thin face in front of him, with a dismissive expression on his face.

Among the three, only the strength of the face is good, but in the future, this guy will collude with Siso and come to fake his death, so cutting this guy has no effect on the Phantom Brigade.

Killing this guy is better than cutting March and Wokin

Forget it, it’s still a little gainful, after all, killing this guy has also gained nearly a thousand experience points, which can be regarded as a supplement.

Pulling out the red-backed shrike that was inserted into the shadow, Vega lifted the evil spirit.

He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, his strength was still not strong enough, otherwise he would not have left only one person today, but could leave the three people of the Phantom Brigade together.

And the sudden intervention of the Phantom Brigade was also something that Vega did not expect.

Because from the look in March’s eyes, Vega didn’t know whether these people came because they were haunted by evil spirits, but accepted the task of others.

After all, Meteor Street is inextricably linked to the underground world, the Ten Old Men have a relationship with the Presbyterian Church, and the Phantom Brigade has a good relationship with the Presbyterian Church, which makes people have to doubt the motives of the Phantom Brigade.

Thinking of this, Vega had some worries about the Pengellet family of Nacro.

And now he has a blood feud with the Phantom Brigade, after all, he killed one of their members.

In the Youkexin chapter, the Phantom Brigade is looking for the chain hand Kurapika all over the city in order to avenge Wo Jin.

And now, maybe because he killed the face, in order to mourn the face, these phantom brigades are likely to gather all the members and come to his trouble together.

It is even possible that the Phantom Brigade will go to Nacro City and directly deal with the Pengellet family.

You must know that in the Pengelle family, only Koluoke has obtained the special ability of the Fire Glove, and if Kulolo leads the brigade, the Pengellet family cannot resist at all.

“It seems that I need to go back to Nacro City to add a little strength to the Pengellet family.” Vega thought for a moment and felt that it was better to go back to avoid the tragedy of the theft of the house by the thief group.

Thinking of this, Vega couldn’t stay any longer, and immediately took all the rings that had been robbed from the Itro family, and prepared to return to Nacro City first.


At this moment, Wokin and March quickly escaped from the rotten building.

Only when they could no longer see the place did the two stop.

“Okay, wojin, I didn’t feel that someone was following us, I can stop.”

“Damn.” With an angry expression on his face, Wo Jin slammed a punch on the stone wall next to him, blasting out a huge crater.

“The face died, and we could only watch him die, and then flee desperately without looking back.” Wo Jin roared angrily, although his relationship with Face Shadow was very general, but anyway, Face Shadow was also a member of the brigade, and now he died here.

“Okay, wojin, we will take revenge in the future, let’s report this matter to the regiment commander first!” March didn’t comfort him, after all, for the people they came out of Meteor Street, comfort, sympathy, these emotions were not needed.

If you die, then as a companion you will naturally go to take revenge, if you can’t take revenge, then wait until you have the strength later.

The meaning of their existence is to let the spider of the Phantom Brigade group live.

March pulled out her cell phone and started dialing Kulolo’s number.


A sound came from inside the phone.

“March, have you already dealt with the target?” Kulolo asked with some doubt, after all, with what he knew about March, she would usually only call after completing the task.

“No, regiment commander, we are fighting with the target, the enemy is very strong, we are not an opponent, the face is dead.”

When Kulolo heard this, although the expression on his face did not change, his tone became slightly more serious unconsciously.

“March, tell me everything.”

March responded, and then saw the situation of the fight just now, explained in detail, and at the same time emphasized the armor called the evil haunt on Vega’s body.

After hearing everything, Kulolo immediately asked March to leave the Sky Arena and now come to join them.

As for whether to avenge the face, it will be said after the rendezvous.

Kulolo then told March the meeting place and hung up.

At this moment, Kulolo was caught in a choice, not knowing whether he needed to abandon this mission.

Because Vega’s strength far exceeded Kulolo’s expectations, he actually had the strength of one against three.

You know, Wo Jin and Face Shadow are the combatants of the Phantom Brigade, as for March, although it is an auxiliary, its strength is also very good, and it belongs to the intermediate level in the brigade, and such a combat configuration is actually crushed by Vega.

Even if you don’t run away, then it’s possible for the three to die at Vega’s hands together.

Although according to the clues given by March, Wojin’s burst of all-out super destruction punches broke the helmet position, which means that Vega’s defense is likely to have a hole, which is a point that can be targeted.

But to continue the task, then you need to gather all the staff and let everyone discuss before making a decision.

After all, once the Phantom Brigade continues to decide to do the mission, then it will definitely face Vega.

If you can successfully kill the other party, it’s okay, if you let Vega escape, I’m afraid that the Phantom Brigade will be very dangerous in the future.

After all, Phantom’s brigade generally moves in teams of two, and Vega has the strength to easily kill three people.

Then no matter whether any group of members of the Phantom Brigade encountered Vega, I am afraid that they would not be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Kulolo did not make a decision in a hurry, but sent a message to all the members of the Phantom Brigade.

The message is simple, just four words.

All assembled

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