Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1190: Sterburg Assault

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"Yes, I am also one of the adventurers who came here with a dream of wealth."

Tucker smiled mockingly.

That smile, there is anger hidden in the guest, and there is more unwillingness.

"Who did it, you are now a dark mage, go and support him!"

Xi Biyi's old money just gave a gloomy smile.

"Fight him up?"

Tucker smiled helplessly.

"He's been upended long ago, but I can't go back.

However, I'm pretty good, and I can finally become a skeleton mage.

The meat is gone. The bones are still there.

The soul is even stronger.

I don’t know how many people there are. No skin, flesh, bones, and soul are left, becoming a complete nourishment. "

Behind the helpless smile, there are endless thoughts.

"Ann, buddy. One day, if you are a medium-dark god, then all the flesh and skin will grow again.

At that time, you can go back in good faith. "

Medium dark **** level. No matter what form the body is, he can grow his flesh and blood again, as long as he wants to.

"Thank you for your comfort, buddy, although this dream is too far away."

This comfort made Tucker even more helpless.

God in the dark, this dream is too far away.

"What do your relatives look like, please tell me."

Tucker's sad expression was swept away, and he smiled slyly at the old money in green clothes.


Old Qian took out two more spirit beast bags.

Then he reached out and handed over a piece of jade slip.

The information of turtles and others has been completely recorded in this jade slip.

Seeing that the reward was so generous, Tucker's eyes lit up and he glanced suspiciously at Old Qian.

Then, he reached out and took the jade slip.

Shennian peeked into it, and the images of the four turtles and the two golden fruits of Lao Qian were instantly clear.

In the bone's eye sockets, the yellow soul fire was beating, seemingly recalling and searching quickly.

"I don't have any impression of these six people, but three years ago, a battle was commissioned in Sterburg.

A group of intruders attempted to hijack the fortress of Steburg.

The number of them is also six. I heard that there is a golden armored corpse among them, but the most powerful of them is the one using red and blue flames.

In that battle, four thousand soldiers in Sterburg died. "

Tucker stopped talking.

The Battle of Sterburg was somewhat of a sensational news that year.

This kind of news. It is definitely not worth the number of spirit beasts in two spirit beast bags.

Unexpectedly, the old money passed the two spirit beast bags together.

"Where did these six people go?

As long as there is news from these six people, the price will still be collected. "

Tucker was a spirit again, but he didn't hesitate to subordinate the two spirit beast bags.

However, Tucker seemed to have arrived, the **** smell on these two spirit beast bags.

"They didn't expect it, including most of us.

Although the cultivation level of Lord Cooper of Steburg is not very good.

However, Cooper turned out to be Van Stein's blood.

Fan Stern, the dark swordsman who has reached the dark upper god!

Since then, the six people have disappeared.

Cooper. But he was still there as the fortress of his Sterburg. "

Finish this speech.

Tucker clearly saw that the eyes of the cultivator opposite had suddenly become turbulent.

It was as if an endless storm suddenly set off on the calm sea.

Destroy everything. A storm that swallows everything.

In an instant, Tucker only felt that his brain was completely blank, and he felt that the whole person had been shot into countless pieces by the storm, and then he flew away.

The boundless storm, suddenly closed!

Tucker only felt that he, who had been turned into countless pieces, had returned to his self.


Tucker gasped desperately.

The two dark yellow soul fires in his eyes have shown a tendency to scatter.

However, the seemingly endless storm just now didn't leak the slightest.

Only Tucker felt it.

Cooper is over this time.

Tucker felt an excitement from his bones, bloodthirsty excitement.

Of these eight hundred people, at least sixty of them were god-level masters, and they all came for those six.

Tucker has fully understood the intention of this caravan.

They are not here for business at all.

At the same time, the same question and answer was conducted around the other four guides in the camp.

Although in the abandoned land, it is full of robbery and killing anytime and anywhere.

However, a battle in which a castle is almost captured by several visitors is still rare.

Especially, this battle with outsiders involved Van Stern.

The Dark Swordsman is a well-known dark power.

Of course, the answers obtained from the five guides are almost identical.

The next day, the entire caravan turned around.

Sterburg, after experiencing the big change three years ago, the area has expanded three times.

The city walls were also made more magnificent and hideous.

Above the entire city wall. They are covered with a gray-black brilliance.

Because there were more dark monks who came to defect.

Building a building: Reading the first-class work in the 62nd array, naturally there are more able to serve

Of course, of course, Steburg became a well-known caravan trading center.

A steady stream of caravans is a steady stream of profits. This is a source of money that every city owner understands.

Therefore, when this "Tao family caravan" entered Sterburg, it did not suffer any difficulties like other caravans that came in.

The lively transaction went on for a whole day.

The residents of Sterburg and the other caravans listed have all obtained satisfactory profits from the deal with this caravan.

Night fell. It's a regular campfire dinner for the caravan guys.

After dinner. Of course, it is a routine to go out and visit the night scene.

Not long after, only a hundred people were left in the camp of this huge caravan, which made the guards responsible for monitoring this caravan finally relieved.

"Captain, brothers have been inquiring around.

The ending of the battle three years ago, since Fansi vacated his hand, the place was enveloped by countless arrows-like black brilliance. Ordinary monks and the people didn’t know the final outcome at all. They only knew that the six people that night, no more Never been. "

A peach tree spirit returned from shopping quietly reported to Tao Jinzhang.

"There is only the second set of plans."

Tao Jinzhang's eyes. Just a tight.

If the lone army goes deep into the young, it must be decisive.

I have already issued a military order in front of the lord, and now it is time to implement it!

The city lord’s mansion in Sturt City has become like a war fortress.

There are sentries everywhere on the high and thick walls.

Despite being backed by dark swordsmen, the tragedy three years ago is too hard to forget.

"Hey, why are these plane businessmen approaching us?"

A guard in heavy armor said suspiciously.

There is no skin at all, the face with exposed muscles, the fierce tendons, has turned into a purple-black color.

No one was allowed to set foot within 100 meters of the city lord's mansion.

Although for a monk, the distance of 100 meters is simply insignificant.

However, it plays an early warning role.

"It's weird. This seems to be the new Tao family caravan.

Heart point

The guard next to him with black iron-colored scales also felt a little strange.

Between the mouth open and close. Showing four long fangs.

Zombies, a kind of creature very common in abandoned land.

However, at the same time that the last word of the iron armor corpse had not been uttered, a blue light lit up in a distant place. Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely cold white light.

After the two rays of light lit up, the two dark guards had only one feeling, which was "beauty! It's so beautiful."

The extremely beautiful light of these two ships reminded them of how they felt when they were humans.

This feeling, hidden in the deepest part of the soul, has been so far away that it is almost forgotten.

Then, they stayed in this feeling forever.

Because their bodies have exploded into scum and ice in the sky in an instant.

Those with the same fate as them are all the guards on the walls of this City Lord's Mansion!

The first shot was the forty Jindan monks from the Tao family business group.

The other thirty Jindan monks are responsible for the outer guard.

Forty Golden Core cultivators shot together.

Although they were all 8th and even 9th-rank gold cores, they still destroyed all the defenses around this city lord’s mansion in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, all the way, like a broken bamboo, hurried towards the city lord mansion.

After the Battle of Pingyang Mountain, although more than two thousand people were killed.

However, the remaining peach tree spirits, their fighting ability has been enhanced a lot!

Several Jindan monks formed a small formation, UU reading www.uukanshu. com almost broke through all the way and got in.

The goal is directed at the center of the city lord mansion.

The two rays of light, one white and one green, are like two giant dragons, one white and one green, trying to intercept these two light dragons advancing side by side, only to see the two light dragons intertwined, just a cut!

Dark weapons such as the Sword of Darkness and the Bone Spear, together with the resisters themselves, immediately burst and turned into white icicles.

Although the dark creatures have quite good resistance to ice damage.

However, in front of these two light dragons. It has no effect at all!

However, these two light dragons are invincible.

But still consciously or unconsciously maintained the fit with other attackers.

City Lord Cooper was not the target of the two clones of Old Qian.

The real goal is the dark swordsman Fan Stern behind Cooper!

The whereabouts of the four turtles and the two clones of Lao Qian should have fallen on this dark swordsman Fan Si Teng.

Although this Van Stern was already a **** in the dark.

However, the four turtles and the fire-type clones used the Kanhuo and the Great Sun Sword Art, which are exactly the nemesis of such dark creatures.

The six men are fighting with all their strength, and life preservation shouldn't be a problem.

Somehow, he broke into this Cooper's City Lord's Mansion, the water system clone and the ice system clone, and at the same time felt that the fire system clone and the clone using the Great Sun Sword Art were still alive.

However, as if being blocked by some kind of powerful magic circle, it couldn't sense the specific position.

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