Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3664: Sun practice

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Arriving on the plane of Iron Leaf, the plane teleportation array, Cambran returned to the plane of Jinsha River.

"Cambran, the ancient Tibetan clue on the plane facing the Iron Leaf Position, you spend a lot of money,

There are clues to ancient Tibet on the abyssal plane, let's go together. "

Out of the Jinsha River teleportation array,

Commissioner Qian widened his eyes and said to Cambran.

"This time in the docking plane of the Iron Leaf Continent, the two Taoist books I got are good, at least for your old money."

Cambran said.

"Hi, I'll talk about it later."

Commissioner Qian said, this abyss plane and his party, but his main force,

Cambran got the more profound Taoist books in succession, divided half a pool of jade liquid, which was already pretty good.

Still talking to Cambran for a while, understanding of Taoism,

Cambran bowed his hands to Commissioner Qian: "Thank old Qian for spreading the law."

I talked about the Taoist book for a while, and it was already considered as a teaching.

"Four elements are merged, and the adventure to the abyss plane is still weaker."

Commissioner Qian said, Cambran looked at the back of Commissioner Qian away.

He rolled his eyes sharply.

When I reached the fire level, I called the shadow of the golden fruit, distributed the Taoist book, and started practicing.

Commissioner Qian spent ten years on this practice.

On this day, the hovercraft urged to launch, toward the huge fireball in the sky, the sun traveled past,

To a near solar orbit that is very close to the sun,

The protective method used by the airship to send out waves of waves under the baking of the sun.

It's here, Committee Member Qian said,

Stepping out of the airship, sitting on the airship, Daofa released, three miles of clouds and mist, there are stars,

Absorbing the scorching solar radiation, began to practice.

After a while, in the mist released by Committee Member Qian,

There are countless mysterious lines, and part of the lines are the profound iron scriptures on the stone wall.

After absorbing enough solar radiation, these lines, like molten iron casting, suddenly distorted and exploded.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of this, these distortions and explosions turned into new characters.

As soon as the new talisman characters gathered towards Commissioner Qian’s palace, they were already imprinted on Commissioner Qian’s palace.

This is the new driver core,

Commissioner Qian's palace had undergone more profound changes, and then the palace began to spin.

Suddenly, thousands of golden flowers bloomed from the clouds and mist, with roots and branches, just like a snow lotus tall.

Toward the sun, stick out the root system,

A rumbling sound like muffled thunder,

After three days, the root system of these golden flowers has extended to the sun,

A closer look is still three thousand miles away from the sun,

As if rooted in the sun, and as if three thousand miles away from the sun,

This is the Dao Fa level of Commissioner Qian,

After so many years of cultivation, he has cultivated advanced rules and laws, and he can practice the method three thousand miles away from the sun.

The root system has opened up some lines and symbols of the void and mysterious,

This is the law of the sun!

This is the law. Commissioner Qian and Sun are three thousand miles away.

However, Commissioner Qian's Taoist profound level has been greatly enhanced.

Still three thousand miles apart, the law of the sun was opened.

The real fire of the sun tempered the body and soul of the senior committee member like this,

In only ten years, the golden flower stamens are golden yellow, like the rising sun.

Commissioner Qian’s entire sacred mansion was turned into a swamp, a swamp of water, soil and rock.

The sun is really hot, after being tempered by golden flowers, it merges with the swamp,

With this marsh where water and soil are fused, yin and yang are harmonized, water and fire are harmonized,

Fire produces soil, earth produces gold, and gold produces water. In this swamp, fire and water are in harmony.

Only this can refine the real fire of the sun.

Only then can the sun really fire, after being tempered by the golden flower, it will turn into Yang Qi,

Wenyang Shenfu.

Throughout the cultivation, after fifteen years, the Dao Fa books obtained by Chairman Qian, the newly refined Dao Fa books,

Cultivating to a certain peak again, the gods are filled with red clouds. Suddenly it turned green.

The airship, in orbit, travels three hundred miles toward the sun. The solar flame that can be absorbed is more intense, and this is over.

As soon as Commissioner Qian collected the clouds and mist, he returned to the airship, and a beam of sunlight shone toward the airship.

A space door opens with the sun’s rays,

A monk came out, dressed in a battle robe, his eyes were like magical lightning.

"Old money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is here again to practice."

This person said to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian hurriedly took out a few large gourd wines, one gourd was one person tall, and sent them over.

"Star official, taste the latest Thousand Days Drunk."

This is a member of the Sun Duty Star Officer. When former Commissioner Qian was close to the sun to practice,


The official star took the gourd wine and laughed loudly: "It's not bad, it's enough to be drunk for a thousand days."

"Official Star, the Iron Leaf Continent and the Abyss are facing each other, can that abyss reach other abyss planes?"

Member Qian asked.

"You can reach other abyss planes, but the abyss plane is not so easy to explore."

The star official said, and said a few words to the member Qian,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa, and flew toward the plane.

When we reached the fire level, Ang Tian hammer came over.

Commissioner Qian was filled with clouds, green and red, like azaleas on a green hillside in spring.

"This red is the red haze condensed from the law of the sun."

"There is news from Cambran, the abyss plane facing the Iron Leaf Continent, the next plane,

There are clues to ancient Tibetans. "

When Chairman Qian heard this, he was overjoyed. After speaking the Fa, I will go over.

After a day, more than 20 golden fruit shadows came,

They are all practicing various mysteries on their respective planes,

Commissioner Qian sat, slowly speaking, and talked about the great path he had learned from this solar practice.

After Commissioner Qian finished speaking, the shadows of golden fruit came to the stage to explain their practice of Taoism.

The shadow of golden fruit is coming,

This statement lasted for a year,

The Taoism of Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying has improved.

This book comes from

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