Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3624: Jashushan

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A total of 23 monks gathered outside the city.

"Take out the airship to follow, and let's talk about the teleportation array on the plane."

The three monks yelled.

Twenty-three cultivators, took out their respective airships,

Pharmacist Li and Commissioner Qian made an appointment with Su Er Gongzi’s airship,

More than a dozen spaceships lifted into the air, galloping toward the plane of teleportation array, and arrived at the plane of teleportation array.

Twenty monks recruited by the three monks arranged for the teleportation array,

The ultra-long-range plane teleportation array, only when there are a hundred people on this behemoth plane,

The twenty people were waiting there.

"You said, how big is this ancient relic discovered by the wizards?"

Said a monk with a beard.

His name is Tsing Yi Liushui, his name and beard are completely different things.

"It must be very big. I wonder if the monks of other planes know that the cultivation base of our twenty people,

Sword Jue urges, the general protects the mountain big formation, a few breaths can break through. "

Said the thin-faced monk. This person is called Xing Jiu Qianli.

With that said, in the private room next to the teleportation array, I ordered wine and food and ate.

The three monks came back and brought six more monks,

The three monks said to the twenty-six monks: "Attention everyone, the place we are going to is called the plane of Jishushan.

There are towering trees and plants everywhere, and the ancient remains are in a canyon with a radius of thousands of miles. "

The specific situation will be introduced when it comes to the plane of Jishushan and wants to participate in the attack on ancient ruins.

After that, like everyone else, sit down at the table, take the wine and food, and eat and drink.

After a long time, it was evening, and more than a hundred people arrived.

Stepping on the plane teleportation array together, the monk guarding the plane teleportation array said,

"Jishu Mountain, it's not that easy to go to."

"You thought it was Cha Cha Bar."

Speaking of Dao Fa, Dao Fa is activated, and the space is twisted and twisted.

After most of the day, I have reached a plane and looked outside,


"This is not the plane of Jishu Mountain."

The wizard said.

After more than 70 people, after a while, there are more than 20 people plane teleportation array,

The leader greeted the three wizards, who turned out to be the wizards of the boulder wasteland.

At this time, the space is distorted, the plane teleportation array is activated, and the space is distorted and blurred,

After more than half a day, the space stopped.

The three wizards in the Cha Cha Bar said: "Here, this is the logo, put it on the left breast."

With that said, he took out a semicircular logo, the twenty people from that plane just now,

The leading wizard also assigned a logo.

Just stepped out of the plane teleportation array, "Di------"

The communication array of several wizards sounded at the same time, and the figure appeared in front of them, who was dressed as a wizard.

He is a young man in his forties, with a face of determination, but his eyes are like vultures.

"How many did you recruit this time?"

He said lightly,

"I only recruited forty."

Said the wizard in the Cha Cha bar.

"Come three stones at once and throw into the battle. There are a lot of monster monks."

The monk said,

Several wizards immediately slammed their chests and nodded.

"This is our boss, it's a layer. When you reach the three stones, you will fight with us.

I am responsible for the boss's intentions. "

The wizard in the Cha Cha bar said,

The distribution of trophies has already been agreed on the road,

For the Taoist book, you can read all of it by yourself, and one copy of the remaining parts.

Magic weapon, generally everyone look at it, used by wizards,

It can be negotiated to exchange Taoism and other magic weapons.

The recruited monks recruited the airships, and these wizards also recruited their own airships and entered the airships,

Dao Fa urged, took the lead, and flew towards the distance,

Dozens of airships hurriedly,

Below, the surface of the plane is an invisible emerald green,

The hundred-mile-wide river was revealed on the surface of the plane,


The terrifying behemoth leaped out of the river, leaped 5,000 meters, spread its teeth and claws, and leaped towards the flying craft,

The paw stretched closer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned out to be as big as a small mountain,

The monster's appearance, tiger head, unicorn body, long horns and dragon tail.

In a radius of thirty miles, the entire space, in an instant, turned into a crystal, a huge crystal!

Grasp all these airships in the space crystal,

The monks of the Frost Refining System often shouted that when his Taoism came out, the ice was sealed for thousands of miles,

As soon as Dao Fa came out, there were a few more people who could freeze a floating airship.

The bows of all airships shined,

The palpitating light seems to come from the depths of the sun,

But there are golden, fiery red, green, deep black, all kinds of colors,

The thirty-mile wide crystal shattered in an instant,

More than a dozen Guanghua hit the huge claws,

More than a dozen Guanghua blasted towards the giant beast leaping over the water.


The huge claws were blasted out of half and left, and suddenly fell apart like piles of rubble.

The giant beast's hand has an extra sword,

The blade of light flashed, and it rushed straight towards Xiaohan, toward the artillery fire from these floating ships,

In an instant, even cut ten thousand knives.

"Rumble ------"

There was a burst of thunder in the sky, the giant beast, the big knife itself, the whole became five-color, transparent,


The floating spaceship immediately shot out Dao Fa and rolled towards the empty behemoth fragment,

A turquoise brilliance, lightning usually rolls a storage ring and a black table into your hand,

The storage ring must be, that black table,

Commissioner Qian’s spirit probed the past, and the texture was firm and tight.

Just rolled these two pieces, other pieces and objects of the giant beast body,

It has been cleaned up by dozens of monks and wizards using Taoism.

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