Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3509: Tianyuan Mountain Magic Weapons

The shield urges thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Blocked towards Qianzhang,

Ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers, profound and strong,

Confronted with the thunder and fire,

"Boom Rumble"

Thousand Zhang Lei opened ten times,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and shields burst open,

This monk’s swordsmanship urges to issue, the "novel" novel chapter is updated fastest

Facing the thunder and fire,

Three hundred swords,

The sword is three hundred feet long,

Boom towards Qian Zhang Jian Jue,

Three hundred zhang Jian Jue,

Burst open,

Blasted from a very distance,

Flying sword burst open in his hand,

This monk,

Quit thirty miles,

This is just standing.

Commissioner Qian came to this ten-zhang original plane,

I spent time with the Huashen monk,

The place where Commissioner Qian went,

Are precious materials, where they are produced,

These places have masters,

It’s not uncommon to see monks transforming into gods,

This time,

The cultivation base of this monk is ordinary,

The five rules merge monks,

Commissioner Qian came out,

This monk took out the magic weapon,

In the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian looked at,


Commissioner Qian arrived at the upper hall,

Just sit,

In the upper hall,

There are monks,

Bring out the treasure,

Said to Commissioner Qian,

"I compete with you."

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This, Xuanao Bùcuò,

Nodding: "Yes."

The waiter came,

Commissioner Qian and this monk,

Get out of the hall.

It's on the ring.

This monk Taoism urges.


The law of the gods,

This monk is a monk,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

A flying sword appeared in his hand,

Flying sword,

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, unleashing mysterious magic power,

This flying sword,

The mystery is incomparable,

This monk looked at him,

Sword Jue urges,

The mysterious mana rushed out,

Turned into thousands of swords,

Slashed towards Commissioner Qian,

Thousands of swords only appeared.

Mysterious mana,

Like so.

Around the committee member Qian,

This power,

The rules merge the monks to bombard,

Immediately burst out,


These ten thousand mountains of mana,

And Qian Qiang urged thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to blast,

The mysterious sword tactics burst out loud,

Hundreds of thunder and fire burst,

Commissioner Qian Wanlishanhe,

But blast off three.

Thousands of thunder fire shot over,

Commissioner Qian urged thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

But thirty seats were blown away!

In the mountains and rivers,

Blasted out thousands of swordsmanship,

Towards convergence,

Slashed towards this cultivator,

And this monk,


The thunder and fire burst out,

"Boom, boom, boom"

Three loud noises,

Three thunder fires,

Burst into the air,

The monks in the whole hall,

I watched it all,

So powerful,

To join the monk here,

There are three thousand.

There is such a cultivation base,


Out of three thousand people,

No more than ten.

The monk stepped back ten steps,

This monk,

Magic power,

It is quite Bùcuò, the magic power is really like ten thousand mountains,


It's very mysterious with Commissioner Qian

Flying swords blast,

This monk,

Urge mana,


This monk looks serious,

This time I participated in the Hundred Treasures Club,

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base can be said to be the top category.

Handed over to Committee Member Qian,



Dao Fa urges,

Arrived in the upper hall.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

In the upper hall,

Watching this monk take out the magic weapon,

This magic weapon,

Not worse than green onions,

For Commissioner Qian, the cultivator of God,

Has a role,

Request materials,

With this material,

Shanhuojian looked at the side,

"I have some materials, fire materials,

Exchange these materials with you. "

Commissioner Qian listened to the monk handing out some materials,

Fire law materials,

Commissioner Qian is so adventurous,

Never got it,

Talking to Shanhuojian,

From this magic weapon,

Bring out some materials,

The material of the fire system law,

This material was changed,

A monk said,

"This fire material, can you give me some,

I trade precious materials. "

Shanhuojian listened,

Said some materials required by Xuanyu Temple,

This monk listened,

These materials,

Be able to take out some,

Talking to Shanhuojian for a long time,

"This fire law material,

This is only available in the ancient adventure department. "

Shanhuojian said,

Commissioner Qian went to many ancient adventure places,

Only get some law materials,

Talked to this monk for a long time,

Use fire law materials,

I changed some materials for the Xuanyu Temple,

"This Hundred Treasures Meeting, Bùcuò."

Commissioner Qian said,

Can go to the ancient adventure place baby,

Commissioner Qian,

Come to Bùcuò,

Shanhuojian really brought out the materials, very mysterious.

Dao Fa does not mean that you can practice,

The mountain fire sword took out this fire law material,

It can be used for refining tools, and can practice the Taoism of the Profound Fire System to refine the Profound Fire.

"Able to collect the materials for the Profound Jade Palace in this Hundred Treasures Meeting,

That harvest Bùcuò. "

Shanhuojian said,

"Ancient Adventure,

I once did three. "

Shan Huo Jian and Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

At this time,

The middle temple tournament,

Halfway through,

The mountain fire sword has fancy a treasure.

This treasure is a monk who merges three rules.

Able to use treasures,

Simple and remote,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

After a dozen treasures,

The materials needed for the Xuanyu Temple appeared,

"This material is of ordinary quality,

I found a dozen shops,

I haven't seen it for millions of miles,

Ordinary materials,

In this Hundred Treasure Meeting,

Speaking of the nave. "

A radius of a million,

The ratio is a thousand times bigger,


He Ruixian plane,

Kěnéng will not be a thousand times,


Come to join this Hundred Treasure Club monks,

Three thousand monks,

Hundreds of rule-fusion monks,

At this time,

just saw,

There are three rules of fusion monk,

Take out the Xuanyu Temple need materials,

this time,

Commissioner Qian urged the formation,

I took out committee member Qian, Shanhuo Sword, Huo Lian real person, making magic weapons,

Take out this magic weapon,

The monks all looked over,

After watching for a long time,

Rule fusion monk,

Use this magic weapon,

Both have the Bùcuò effect.

The monks of Xuanyu Temple need materials and get them.

"This baby Bùcuò, but for us

For the monk,

This magic weapon is not enough. "

The monk on the side said,

This monk has transformed into a god,

Shanhuojian talked to Commissioner Qian,

Dao Fa urges,

Take out the magic weapon made,

At this time,

The monks in the upper hall and nave looked over,

Dao Fa urges,

On this magic mountain,

I can feel the mysteries,

"Three such magic weapons,

For cultivation,

Than Xuan Ao Dan Fang Xuan. "

After a long time,

This is what the monk said,

Repair for.

On the edge,

Comparing with Commissioner Qian, Monk Huashen nodded,

At this level of cultivation, the rules are integrated,

Very mysterious.

These magic weapons,

Among the three magic weapons, various medicinal materials,

The cultivator looked at it,

Has many effects.

"These magic weapons, change these materials."

Shanhuojian said,

Take out the necessary materials from the Xuanyu Temple~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the monk said,

"These materials can be regarded as precious in the Tenzhang Garden.

However, it is not that it is difficult to reach a level in a thousand years. "

The monk said,

Commissioner Qian, Shanhuojian made these magic weapons,

Three or ten,

To the rule-fusion monks,

A lot,

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian and Shanhuo Jian took out these magic weapons,

Changed more than half.

"Xuanyu Temple needs more than half of the materials." (To be continued...)

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