Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3498: Strong Cultivation Office

There is a big hall,

The monk is drinking tea,

The pill furnace was burning in the hall,

Very mysterious,

This monk,

Looking into the distance,

"That person's cave mansion appeared.

After opening this cave house, it will return to the void. "

At this time,

In front of Ban Lei,

There is a mountain,

There is a monk standing on the hill,

Watching these monks come,

Dao Fa urges,

In this mountain,

Thousands of miles of thunder and fire flew by,

far away,

There is the highest mountain,

There is a hall on the mountain,


All kinds of medicinal herbs on the mountain,

Ten feet high, thirty feet high,


From this formation to the middle of the mountains,

Has a hall,

It seems, and the middle hall,

It looks simple.

"Wannian medicinal materials."

The monks said,

These 10,000-year-old medicinal materials, the older medicinal materials,

For these ordinary Nascent Soul monks, the real treasure,


There are monks, urging formations,

Speeding past the mountains.

In the mountains,

Thunder fire hit the formation,

The mountains blasted,

Directed like a volcano.

"Incitation formation."

Ban Lei said to the burning thunder knife,

The Fire Thunder Knife came out of the formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Ban Lei arrived in the formation,

Dao Fa urges,

The formation flew toward the mountains,

Thunder blasted over,

The slab thunder method urges the issuance,

The formation blasted out thunder and fire,

Fire Thunder Knife looked,

This transformation of the gods urges the Dao Fa.

Very mysterious,

Bai Lei blasted over,

The formation blasted out hundreds of thunder and fire.

Thunder fire and thunder fire blew,

Hundreds of thunder and fire.

Boom into smashing, turning into a huge fireball,

Fire Thunder Knife took a look,

The power of this fireball,

And in the Hall of Hundred Wars last time,

The fire from the giant is similar,

Ten Thousand Miles Mountain Plane,

Have such a master?

Fire Thunder Knife said.

The five rules merge the monks to urge Dao Fa,

Are far inferior to that giant,

At this time,

With formations, the mountains are rushing like volcanoes,

Rushed toward this formation,

Fire Thunder Knife inspires formation,

Blasted towards the thunder fire,

But thunder and fire three times,

Thunder fire hit the formation.

In the thunderous noise,

The mountains rushed at him,

In this mountain.

Speeding three hundred miles,

The mountains thunder and fire swirled,

Turned into an epee,

Three hundred feet long,

Bounced towards this formation,

There is a formation in the distance,

Boomed by this heavy sword,

Blast halfway

The mountains that the formation urges,

Thousands of thunder and fire broke out.

In an instant,

The formations urged the mountains.

There was a detonation.

Monks in the formation,

Take out the magic weapon to urge the issuance.

Urge to send out thousands of mountains,

In a bang,

This blocked the epee!

The board mine urges the formation,

Three hundred swords urged,

Slash towards this heavy sword,


In the epicenter,

The heavy sword exploded.

The plate mine blocked thirty swords,

Looking into the distance,

The speeding formation in this formation,

No more than ten seats.

"These are the strong men in Temple Town."

Fire Thunder Knife said,

The formation flew three hundred miles.

this time,

The boulder blasted over,

The huge boulder hit the ten thousand heavy mountains,

Thousands of mountains thunderous explosions,

The boulder burst out loudly.

Turned into a huge fireball,

Speeding three hundred miles in this boulder,


In the far away formation,

There are monks urging to issue this sword tactic and shield.

"It's really not inferior to the ordinary formation in the ancient temple.

Than in ancient temples,

Ordinary formations are stronger. "

The shield urges Dao Fa, Sword Art,

But less than ten boulders were cut,


Come to this monk in the temple town,

There are magic weapons.

Bring out the magic weapon,

Shouting, urging the magic weapon.

At this time, in this formation,

Speeding thousands of miles,

The distance to the big mountain in the middle,

It's almost as if Hecai arrived in the formation,

Ban Lei said to the burning thunder knife,

"Go toward that valley."

At this time,

Only then did Ban Lei perform this circle,

How to get to the mountain in the middle.

"This formation is more than **** battle against the wasteland formation,

Much tougher. "

Ban Lei said,

Commissioner Qian is fighting the wasteland,

The formation encountered,

Come on, ‘

The shadows of each golden fruit have deductions,

The formation flew towards the valley.

At this time,

In the mountains in the distance,

Monks appeared,

Sword Jue urges,

A sword,

Bounced towards this formation,

In this sword art,

It’s like having 30,000 flames,

The flame turned into ten thousand mountains,

This sword,

A hundred miles from here,

The formation suddenly stopped!

Divine Taoism!

It has the power of cultivating profound energy,

Last adventure with the ancient temple,

The cultivating monk Huo Xuan is about the same level,


This divine Taoism,

It seems,

Is the flames,


It is a relatively high level of rules fusing Taoism to refine Xuan.

A reminder of the board mine Dao Fa,

Out of the formation,

A flying sword appeared in his hand,

Sword Jue urges,

Mana urges, mysterious and mysterious.

This monk took a look,

His eyes flashed by like thunder,

"Master Lian Xuan!"

Towards the board mine, a sword,

Boom over,

This sword,

It is as if there are fifty thousand li thunder volcanoes.

There is mighty power in the profound.

A reminder of Ban Lei Sword Art,

The fire of thunder passed across the entire plane.

Mysterious and mysterious.

Sword Art Boom Slash,

Like ten thousand mountains,

Against tens of thousands of flames.

Ten thousand fires,

Turned into ten thousand mountains.

One spin.

Turned into thousands of thunder and fire,

Ten thousand fires,

Heavier than Wanzhong Mountain,

Wanzhongshan, the temperature is higher than Wanzhonghuo,

More powerful.

This is the power of profound magic,

The integration of rules has been refined to a very high level.

In the scope of this sword art,

Ban Lei and this monk.

All feel the pressure as heavy as a mountain!

Three thousand swords fought in an instant,

Thousands of thunder and fire burst,

The thunder fire hit the mountains,

The fireball rushed thousands of feet,

On the hills, but there are some shallow holes.

The cultivator of the **** blasted over,

Ban Lei thought,

This mountain,

Taoism manifests,

It is more powerful than the refining magic weapon of the Qian Yuan and Jin Guo Ying.

This monk cultivates profound magic power.

Very powerful,

But the slab mine is ethereal,

Jian Jue banged.

The pressure exploded like a huge mountain,

Fighting ten thousand swords,

All the way,

Ban Lei and the monk stood thirty miles apart.

"You can go there."

Watching Ban Lei in the formation,

Formation urges,

Speeding toward the middle mountain.

The monk said,

"Lian Xuan for thousands of years, but at this level."

This monk,

Lian Xuan. After tens of thousands of years,

Generally speaking.

Lian Xuan is a cultivator who has reached the peak of transforming gods,

Only then refine the mysterious method.

At this time.

But five hundred miles away,

The monk who has rules fusion shouted,

"Go to the main hall in Mid-Levels."

Rule fusion monk, ordinary Nascent Soul monk,

In this formation,

The cultivation base can only be said to be ordinary.

Mid-Levels Hall,

Looks relatively rudimentary,

They merge these rules with monks,

Ordinary Yuanying monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the main hall in the middle of the mountain,

These people are on the Temple Hill,

Deduce the temple mountain formation method,

Deduced for three hundred years or more,

Deduced towards the main hall in the middle of the mountain,

Deduction for most of the day,

There are monks,

Formation urges,

Speeding towards the middle hall.

The formation is flying three hundred miles,

Thunder blasted over,

The power is not as great as walking toward the middle hall.

The thunder formation urged,

The Fire Thunder Knife shouted,

"There are carvings on the rock wall."


Urge formation,

Speeding toward the carving on the rock wall,

Thunder blasted over,

The board mine urges the formation,

The sword art swept away,

The thunder fire turned into a full sky.

To the carved edge of the rock wall,

"This tens of thousands of miles of mountain plane, 300,000 years ago writing."

Leihuodao said,

Open a shop in this temple town,

In order to get to the ancient temple,

Various words in Wanlishan are deduced.

"Now, in the ancient temple,

They all use the words of Wanlishan today. "

Ban Lei said,

Carved on this rock wall,

Three thousand words,

Lei Huo Knife looked at this text,

Three thousand words,

I can see it a little bit,

But a thousand words,

Lei Huo Knife said to Ban Lei,

"Ban Lei, what do the words on this rock wall say?"

Ban Lei nodded,

"Leihuo Knife, I'm talking here, the three rules merge to the top four

Some practice rules,

But very mysterious. "

Ban Lei said,

Thunder Knife nodded,

Ban Lei looked at the text,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo’s shadow repair base,

The level of rule fusion deduction,

At the level of profound cultivation,

Looking at this text,

Still have sentiment,

A reminder of the board mine Dao Fa,

The rules are merged with the fruit,

Urged with every effort,

After a long time,

The formation flew for five hundred miles,

The rules of the plate mine merge the Tao fruit,

There was a loud noise like thunder,

Rules are fused with Tao and fruit,

Become more mysterious,

The monk carving this text,

There are sentences,

Is the level of the method of returning to the void,

It is a relatively high level of the method of returning to the void!


The formation reached the middle mountain,


The flame is rushing,


Fire Thunder Knife inspires formation,

Only three miles away,

In the loud noise,

The whole formation burst open,

A reminder of the board mine Dao Fa,

The mountains and rivers surrounded the fire and thunder knives, shook.

When it comes out of the formation,

This fire,

So mysterious,

The fire knife mine stood and watched,

Can get those three thousand words of tactics,

The three rules of Ban Lei’s fusion method,

Fire Thunder Knife,

Practiced for five hundred years,

It may not be possible to complete the practice on the rock wall.

The slab thunder method urges the issuance,

The mysterious and mysterious power of refining profound magic,

Are all rumbling like a huge thunder by this fire,

A little bit of magic power,

Like a mountain of three thousand feet!

Seeing walking thirty miles,


Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers transformed into the power of profound cultivation,


This is the strongest flame Ban Lei has ever seen!

Out of this flame,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Exploded thousands of miles,

Ban Lei walked into the hall,

There is a book in the hall,

Those who can reach this hall,

The least cultivation base is a cultivator who has cultivated profound knowledge to a fairly high level.

Ban Lei turned towards the book,

But it is turning over the Taoist book,

The middle part,

One over,

The magic power of the monk,

Turn over a bit,

Saw thirty words,

Rules and Dao Fa are all urged,

In the thunderous sound,

After a long time,

Turn this page.

The content of this book,

Seal carved onto jade slips,

Ban Lei urged the exercise for a long time,

This is turning over,


This page,

Urge mana,

Feel heavier,

Turn over to the most part,

Ban Lei urged the principle of Tao fruit,


Like a huge thunder blast,

This page just opened,

Seal the contents of the Taoist book into the jade slips,

Ban Lei will turn to the Taoist book,

this time,

The law of Ban Lei Dao fruit urges to send out,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Like turning over ten thousand mountains,

Turned this page,

The Dao Fa of Ban Lei urged for a long time,


This time, Dao Guo urged the contrary,

But I turned half a page,

Law Tao fruit,

This book ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ cannot be read.

Maybe Committee Member Qian came in person and could read it down.

Ban Lei reached out to urge it,

Five magic weapons of the gods are released,

In the magic weapon,

Release the mysterious mana,

Converge towards the board mine!

This is the method commonly used by monks,


Ban Lei urged,

But five magic weapons,

In the rumbling epicenter,

Ban Lei turned this page! (To be continued) ()

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