Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3493: 0 years of Lian Xuan

Escape like electricity,

Speeding towards the mountains,

This is Commissioner Qian’s teleportation array to Shizhangyuan,

Commissioner Qian was down towards this mountain.

The teleportation array appeared,

Commissioner Qian flew towards the teleportation formation,

After a long time,

The main hall appeared in front of him,

The Huashen monk came over.

Commissioner Qian took out the jade box,

The monk looked,

"Yes, thirty thousand years of fire profound grass."

With the money,

Walk forward,

In the mountains,

This is the mountains of the ancient temple,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The precious herbs here,

There are thousands of years of medicinal materials everywhere,

Out of thousands of miles,

In the hall,

There is a monk speaking method,

I heard that Taoist monks in the hall,

But thirty people,

This monk walked to the main hall,

Take Huo Xuancao over.

The monk looked,



Thirty monks retired,

These monks,

With ordinary gods,

Has the peak of Yuan Ying.

The monk said to Commissioner Qian,

"What's the problem with Xuan cultivation."

Commissioner Qian gave his hand to the monk,

Speaking of Taoism in Xuan cultivation,

This monk listened,

I said five thousand words of Taoism to Commissioner Qian,

Member Qian heard,

This is a master compared to the stalactite giant,

Arched his hand towards the monk,

The cultivator of God on the side nodded,

Commissioner Qian was walking with the monk,

Out of the portal.

Lush mountains,

This is the ancient temple in Wanlishan.

At this time. Commissioner Qian went to the original position of ten zhang,

Five years have passed.

Commissioner Qian went to Ban Lei’s shop,

Sitting in this shop for hundreds of days.

This has improved a lot by practicing profound Taoism.

I talked to Ban Lei about ten days of Taoism,

"The method I said this time is enough to cultivate mystery."

Ban Lei said,

The ancient temple on the Wanlishan Mountain from the Commissioner Qian,

The law of Ban Lei, the practice is relatively ordinary,

in this way,

Refining magic power.

The refining is slower,

Commissioner Qian was only able to urge the law,

The teleportation array flew toward the plane of Wanli Mountain,

After thirty days,

Ruixian plane, Xiadian,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo, who had a relatively high cultivation base, sat,

"Speaking like this, ten zhang original plane,

It is a plane of void generation.

Relatively large, but Xuan'ao is ordinary. "

Tan Shan said.

Ban Ao nodded: "It is true."

Commissioner Qian was talking about practicing profound Taoism,

"With this profound practice,

The deduction of the Taoism of Hua Shendao, Taoism of Returning the Void, and Immortal Books,

Can improve a lot. "


Deducing the profound cultivation technique that the monks in the main hall said,

This time,

Thirty years have passed.

After the deduction,

"Demonstration of Xuan Taoism. Improved a lot."

Commissioner Qian said,

The shadows of the golden fruits nodded.

"Tao Fa deduces the level of mystery,

Lian Xuan reached a very high level.

But it’s law practice,

Reach a relatively high level. "

Ban Dun said,

The rule fusion repair base of the board shield is relatively high,

Law Taoist monk,

Among these golden fruit shadows,

It's ordinary.

The shadow of the golden fruit on the side said,

"I want to reach the Dao Fa level of this deduction,

After three hundred years of cultivation, it may not be possible to cultivate. "

The cultivation base of this golden fruit shadow,

It's worse than Bandun,

Commissioner Qian’s own golden fruit,

Deduction of Taoism,

The shadow of the golden fruit,

May practice for 300 years,

Or longer,

It was not up to the Dao Fa level mentioned in this Dao Fa deduction.

The Shadow of Golden Fruit returned to his own plane and began to practice,

Commissioner Qian flew towards Xuanshan,

Arrived at Xuanshan to practice.

Thirty years,

The deduction of the fairy book,

The improvement is relatively small.

The Taoist Book of Conghua God Peak, the Taoist Book of Returning to the Void,

Deduction fairy book,

The distance is very large.

On this day, the mysterious and mysterious mana,

Surrounded by committee member Qian,

Three thousand miles of plane mana on the edge of the Rotating Mountain plane,

Gathered towards the Qian committee,

Mysterious and mysterious mana,

Refining this mysterious face.

The mystery of the opposite plane,


To own mana,

Lian Xuan,

Commissioner Qian is practicing on the mysterious plane,

Improve a lot,

From the profound understanding of the plane of tenzhang original plane,

Higher level,

this day,

Mysterious and mystical mana was collected.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The teleportation array is spinning,

Commissioner Qian arrived at Xiadian,

From Commissioner Qian to Wanlishan to Commissioner Qian’s stepping out of Xuanshan,

A hundred years have passed!

Commissioner Qian still hasn't reached the level of Taoism in the Shizhangyuan Temple.

Refining magic power,

It’s just three steps to improve the level,

And deduction,

It's been a hundred years!

Banao came over,

Board proud method,

The standard has improved a lot.

Commissioner Qian and Ban Ao said,

Out of the summer palace,

Dao Fa urges,

The teleportation array gallops towards the Ruixian plane,

To the **** wasteland,

Walk to the Red Wolf Town Jieshi Museum,

After ten days,

Sky Thunder came towards here.

When I arrived, I was sitting next to Commissioner Qian,

"Old money, how did the temple gain."

Talking to Commissioner Qian,

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, ten thousand swords spreading across the mountain, mysterious fire thunder,

After three years,

In the ancient temple,

This time,

For skyrocketing thunder, volcanic thunder, ten thousand swords spreading over the mountain, and mysterious fire thunder,

But it's not bad,

This time the ancient temple on Wanlishan,

Each monk has a harvest,

After talking for a long time,

Commissioner Qian and Sky Thunder,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the depths of the **** wasteland,

Go to the pit and mine the rough stone.

this day,

Seeing it was evening.

Ban Lei closed the shop,

Fly toward five thousand miles away,

Fly five thousand miles from the temple town,

Only then did I find a place where aura converges,

A manor was built in this place where aura converges,

Fifty miles in radius.

This place where spiritual energy gathers,

It’s just for ordinary Jindan training,

The manor is fifty miles in radius,

It’s more generous for planting precious medicinal materials,

Ban Lei walked into this manor,

The herbs in the manor,

But five hundred years,

Dao Fa urges,

Less than half a day,

After the medicinal planting method has been adjusted,

Ban Lei took out the magic weapon and looked at it.

This is the magic weapon to receive,

Commissioner Qian came out of this ancient temple for a hundred years,

Banao refines the profound technique cultivation base,

This is a good improvement,

Adjusting the medicine garden here,

After three days,

Ban Lei returned to Temple Town,

Less than half a day after opening the shop,

A monk came over,

Pan Lei looked,

This person and Banao are separated by three hundred feet,

Open a shop,

In the Pan Lei shop,


Ban Lei said,

This person is sitting,

"Board mine,

I heard that you received a magic weapon. "|

The monk said,

This monk,

Rule fusion repair base,

To the ordinary plane, be regarded as a master.

Compared with Ban Lei’s method of transforming gods,

Can't compare.

Ban Lei took out the magic weapon,

Looked, "How?"

The monk took a look,

Brother Board Lei, very tall,

"This magic weapon, I have,

If you can get to the temple,

But to the powerful temple in this temple. "

The monk said,

The monks in this temple town,

The ancient temple on the temple hill,

There are many deductions,

Ban Lei talked to this monk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magic weapon in Ban Lei’s hand,

And this monk's magic weapon,

If you can search for a magic weapon,

Can go to the main hall of the temple,

This hall,

It may be similar to Shizhangyuan where Commissioner Qian went.

"Fire and Thunder Knife, this ancient temple,

Your cultivation,

A little bit worse. "

Ban Lei said,

"Ban Lei, your cultivation base is high."

The Fire Thunder Knife said. (To be continued) ()

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