Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3360: Green gorge

Plane teleportation array,

Commissioner Qian thought,

If you want to put yourself in the palace,

The 13-thousand-square-foot mountain,

The strongest Tao fruit,

Turned into the fruit of the law,


How much energy did you use?

Out of the plane teleportation array,

It's already a **** wasteland,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Speeding towards Red Wolf Town,

When I arrived at the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

The waiter came up,

He bowed his hand to Committee Member Qian,

"Master Wan is refining the device. Apex novel   the fastest chapter update"

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

Wan Jian Sa Shan came out.

"Sky Thunder and us people,

Where are all refining tools,

Old money, you are more free. "

Ten thousand swords sashan speaker,

People like Wanjian Sashan and Tsing Yi,

For those 30 million miles of whirlpools,

Material harvest,

Quite satisfied,

Refined materials of the level of the gods,

The magic weapon to transform the gods,

That's far worse,

However, there are the shadows of the golden fruit who are going to cultivate

Presided over the manufacture of this magic weapon.

"There are no ordinary mines,

I go to quarry rough stones. "

Commissioner Qian said.

The average mine?

Ten thousand swords spread the mountain,

Speaking of general mines.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of his stature,

Has left Red Wolf Town,

Speeding in the direction of the mine,

After a year,

Commissioner Qian has already left the mine,

Flew towards Red Wolf Town.

One year.

Take the Qianjin committee's cultivation of god.

Three rough stones were collected.

Commissioner Qian returned to his own hospital,

Take out the rough stone and untie it,

Began to practice,

This started to practice,

Commissioner Qian has been practicing for three years!

The rules of Commissioner Qian Dao fruit,

Increased a lot.

Law Tao fruit,

There is almost no change.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

Walk towards the Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town.

To understand the stone hall,

Let the waiter serve wine and dishes,

Commissioner Qian was eating.

One here,

Sit for ten days,

A higher level of plane exploration,

But it didn't show up,

Sky Thunder came over,

Commissioner Qian nodded at this person.


The skyrocketed thunder with a smile on his face,

it's here.

Master of God,

Just so indifferent.

"Soaring Thunder, how is the refining practice?"

"The magic weapon of the fusion of the three rules,

It is difficult to refine. "

Sky Thunder said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Cultivated for five thousand years,

My five rules are integrated,

The magic weapon of the fusion of the three rules,

Can't be refined.

Commissioner Qian said to Sky Thunder,

"If you talk about plane exploration,

It's better to go to the depths of the whirlpool,

Deep in the vortex, more materials can be collected. "

Sky Thunder Speaker,

Deep in the whirlpool,

There are more materials,


Deep in the whirlpool,

There is no Taoism and exercises,


I heard that there is an ancient temple,

Very difficult to go,

I wonder if the master is interested? "

Sky Thunder said,

Practice for five thousand years,

Various mysterious adventure places,

Know some,

Some mysterious adventures,

The five-system rule fusion master used to,

Not necessarily rewarding,

Chongtianlei sees that Commissioner Qian is a master of transformation,



Commissioner Qian said.

To Banao,

Ask the fairy hall,

Banao said,

This face,

The ancient hall guarded by stalactite giants,

It’s the one left of the fairy temple in this face,

"After I refine the magic weapon, I can go and see it."

Sky Thunder said.

Commissioner Qian nodded,

In this Jieshi Pavilion,

I know some general mines,

The refining device has the shadow of golden fruit,

Commissioner Qian can go to quarry rough stones,

Commissioner Qian came out of Red Wolf Town,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the depths of the **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian went to three ordinary mines in a row,

In five years,

Have seen five miles on the mine wall,

In this **** wasteland,

Is already the strongest,

Ten rough stones were collected.

Ordinary monks go to these mines,

Gain less,

At this time,

The sound transmission of Wanjian Sashan came.

"The Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town,

The stone meeting is about to be held,

Chongtian Lei said he had an adventure in the ancient temple,

However, can you find that ancient temple,

Not necessarily. "

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"I'll come over and talk."

Soaring thunder to this ancient temple,

But it is to shout for thousands of swords to spread the mountain, Tsing Yi and them.

Commissioner Qian thought.

Commissioner Qian’s deduction of the fairy book, the principle of Taoism,

Has been relatively slow,

There are already many Dao books collected on the Plane of Mountain Flower and Shadow of the Golden Fruit.

If there were no such books collected by the plane of mountain flower and the shadow of golden fruit,

In the ordinary spiritual stage,

Cultivation rules, Tao fruit, deduction of fairy books,

No one is so fast.

Commissioner Qian looked at the wall of the mine,

Lines that have become ordinary,

Body shape,

Has been out of the mine,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town,

Arrived in Red Wolf Town, Wanjian Sashan's grocery store.

Sky Thunder, Tsing Yi, Volcano Thunder,

They are all in the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan.

What these people said,

but it is

Explore the things of that ancient temple,

Jieshi conferences are often held,

To the Jieshi Conference,

Would you like to make a move,

Look at your own knowledge of rough stones.

I said these for a long time,

Then I returned to my own garden,

In a few days,

The stone meeting in Red Wolf Town was held,

Commissioner Qian, Sky Thunder, Tsing Yi, Volcano Thunder

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Watching the monks step forward to bid,


The stone-casting will go on for the most part,

Commissioner Qian shot,

50 million top grade immortal stones,

Purchased a rough stone.

This rough stone,

From the point of view of this stone conference,

The rough pine flower, dragon pattern,

The performance is average.

In this way, it needs 50 million high-grade immortal stones,

"To the Jieshi Conference,

There is no previous enthusiasm for a long time.

Old Qian, you are very enthusiastic. "

Sky Thunder said,

Commissioner Qian began to practice this rough stone,

Feel good,

In ordinary mines,

several years,

It is not always possible to mine such rough stones.

After the Jieshi Conference,

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi, 10,000 swords spreading across the mountains, soaring to the sky,

Volcano mine,

Out of Red Wolf Town,

Dao Fa urges,

Teleport the town to the plane of the **** wasteland and fly over.

After ten days,

These people walked out of the plane teleportation array,

one look,

It’s green here,

The big river meanders,

Not bad,

These people's body shape is reminded,

Already half a day,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

To a mountain range,

Thirty big mountains,

Surrounded by formations,

Looking at the past with the magic power of these people,

Green and ethereal,

It is indeed a good mountain for cultivation.

Surrounded by formations,

There are already cultivating sects here.

"Green Gorge, in this faction."

Sky Lei said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has a baby,

But it is going to pass from this green gorge,

These people's body shape is reminded,

Has reached the side of the formation,

of course,

Tsing Yi’s formation skills are relatively high,

Come forward,

A reminder of the formation,

Toward this comprehension faction's battle!

A whirlpool appeared on the opponent's formation,

The vortex turns into a channel,

These people's body shape is reminded,

Has walked towards the passage,

The cultivation base of the fusion of the five rules,

To this ordinary plane,

It can be said that vertical and horizontal come and go,

Body shape,

Three moments,

These people have seen a valley,

In the valley,

But there are many monks planting medicinal materials,

This is Cangcui Gorge, which has been designated as a medicine field by this faction. "

Sky Thunder said this,

With a wave of his hand,

A huge force,

Hundreds of monks in this canyon,

Feeling rolling,

Thirty miles out of this canyon. (To be continued...)

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