Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3332: Mine battle

Body shape in an instant,

Thousands of flybys,

Thunder flashed,

Among thousands of figures,

Fly out one person,

It is the body of this monk.

He urges to issue the shield,

One block against this thunder,

In a bang,

Like the tremendous pressure from thousands of mountains,

Shield shattered,

The man flew out suddenly,

On the rock wall of the **** wasteland,

Blasted out the pit,

"Boom, boom, boom----"

There was a loud noise,

one look,

The five monks who came to this mine,

The Taoism they used,

The magic weapon of urging,

It can be said to be mysterious,


I touched the sword art urged by Commissioner Qian,

In an instant,

As if thousands of thunder and fire burst,

Everyone was beaten to fly!

In this mine,

Five pits are inlaid.

"how is it?"

Commissioner Qian said.

These people got up,

Body shape,

Flew towards the mine in the distance.

"How can a good mine be so easy to find?"

Commissioner Qian said,

Wan Jian Shashan shook his head,

"Old money, these people, can urge the formation,

After the battle,

It's not an ordinary monk.

Your Taoism,

It is really mysterious and mysterious in the legend,

Has reached what some jade slips say,

The legendary level. "

Wan Jian said,

Member Qian smiled.

"The cultivator of God Transformation, there are all on larger planes."

But there is emotion.

How many years of cultivation,

The Taoism of Commissioner Qian,

Has stepped into the legend!

Commissioner Qian has mined more than 300 miles of mines,

one look,

The texture has become almost the same as that in an ordinary mine.

To spread the sound to the ten thousand swords,

"It's an ordinary mineral pattern."

Ten thousand swords spread over the mountains,

"Here. It should be the edge of this vein.

Mining rough stones in this ordinary mineral pattern,

That value is not great. "

"Look at the mine where the few people just walked over."

Commissioner Qian said,

Wanjian nodded,

"Old money, your knowledge of mineral patterns is high,

Can be like here,

Continue to mine rough stones. "

"Then you have to go over and take a look.

Taoism is high.

In this **** wasteland mine,

Only rough stones are needed. "

Commissioner Qian said.

With that said, Dao Fa reminded,

To the few monks who came to the mine and walked over,

In this mine,

Watch the formation.

Not fast along the way,

Walked more than three hundred miles,

Commissioner Qian stopped in front of an ordinary pattern,

"It stretches over a mile,

Has a good line! "

"That's good. Mine along here."

Wan Jian Sashan said immediately.

Dao Fa extends for more than a mile in this **** wasteland.

The master of Nascent Soul in the entire **** wasteland,

How many people can do it?

Seventy miles have been mined along this pit.


Thousands of swords spread the palm of the mountain

A mine appeared in front,

It has already been mined.

Thunder flashed,

Blasted from a distance,

A reminder of Wan Jian’s Taoism,

The mountains blew past,

Touch thunder and fire,


Wan Jian Sa Shan felt majestic and powerful,

Flew towards the mine.

The urging Dao Fa touches this thunder and fire,

Immediately burst,

The whole person is like fireworks.

one look,

Commissioner Qian waved,

Already paired with this thunder and fire,


Like a tremor of thousands of thunder!

In a mine fifty miles away,

There was a muffled hum!

"Seven series of rules fusion peak---"

Commissioner Qian said,

The **** wasteland is still a master willing to come,


General calcite assembly,

General rough,

These masters,

No longer interested.

"The mine I'm mining,

Can't give up,

Other mines,

You can mine. "

The voice of the master,

Passed from a mine fifty miles away.

A move that can damage the monks who integrate the rules of the seven elements,

That is the power of transforming gods,

Masters like them,

Opponents with similar cultivation bases,

Great wars,

It does not necessarily tell victory or defeat.


Commissioner Qian said,

He wants to win such a master,

It takes a certain amount of effort,

Such a master,

Has its own magic.

one look,

The mysterious Taoism of the cultivator of the gods unfolds,

The monk in the distance took a look,

Great power!

Commissioner Qian watched for a long time,

Walked towards the mine thirty miles away.

Boom towards the side of the mine,

In the rumbling noise,

Open a Bailaizhang mine,

In front of the mine,

The mysterious lines appear!

Wan Jian Sashan came over,

A smile on his face,

"Old money, give me a mine,

Not a master like you,

How can I beat that master before? "

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed at the lines ten miles away.

"Where are you mining towards."

Talked to Wan Jian Sashan.

Ten thousand swords spread across the mountain to that vein road,

Using the method mentioned by Chairman Qian,


Mined for fifty miles,

From the perspective of Wan Jian Sa Shan,

The pattern becomes good in this way,

My own Taoism and the Taoism of Qian Dao,

It really can't be compared.

Ten thousand swords spread along this line,

Blasted a hundred miles of mines,

Only then did a piece of rough stone be mined.

one look,

The stone skin of this rough stone performs well.

Then this mine is right,

Such rough stones,

At the calcite conference in the calcite museum,

Can be ranked to the front.

"The rough stone you picked is good.

It's cheaper for you. "

The voice of the master,

Passed from a distance.

The rough stone that was mined by Chairman Qian,

That is great power,

The rough stone mined by ten thousand swords,

This person knows,

After a year and a half,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sa Shan joined together,

"This place, within a thousand miles,

The rough stone that can be mined,

Not much anymore. "

Through this battle,

The monks who mine here,

There are hundreds of people,

After a year and a half,

Commissioner Qian couldn't find much rough stone to mine.

"Look at the normal mine nearby."

Commissioner Qian said,

In fact,

Such a mine,

I have been a member of Qian's committee for 30 years,

Never met once.

and so,

Beside this,

It seems that there are more ordinary rocks.

Commissioner Qian still wants to try mining.

"Old money, your Taoism is strong,

These ordinary rocks can be mined. "

Wan Jian said,

He is very concerned about this ordinary rock,

It is not very interested.

This kind of ordinary rock is the ordinary rock on the Wasteland of Blood War.

He is a monk who combines several rules,

Detect the rocks on this **** wasteland,

Still need to use considerable mana!

The battle with the monks,

It can be over in half a day,

Mining in this **** wasteland,

For several years,


For three years,

He quarried three rough stones,

It may take ten years to refine mana!

The general rules merge the monks,

Yes, in this ordinary rough stone,

A piece of rough stone was mined in a year,


A piece of rough stone may be mined in three years,

Interest is really not great!


Member Qian said,

Wan Jian Shashan nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing the master Qian, such as the master of God, probed,

Can you get some benefits,

The rumbling thunder,

Reverberating in this mine.

this day,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Communicate to Member Qian,

"Old money,

For three years,

I just quarried a rough stone!

Back to Red Wolf Town. "

Wan Jian said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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