Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3194: Tiansha Point

Commissioner Qian’s flying sword showed an indescribable explosive force.

A body as strong as a mountain,

With this huge force,

Turn into smash immediately!


The Demon Clan Yuanying Flower God exploded into a blood mist,

Originally powerful and powerful,

It shrank suddenly again.

This blood mist was immediately sucked in by the flying sword of Commissioner Qian.

Nothing left!


The three diamond flower **** next to him screamed

Even in this abyss,

This is also considered a great demon.

Body shape,

Like lightning,

Has rushed into the passage next to him.

Yuan Ying Flower God was beheaded,

These three thousand people immediately rushed towards the passage.

\"Old money, enough.\"

The fire dragon master said,

Commissioner Qian stopped,

These golden cores, with golden core combat power, cultivators in the foundation period,

It is only such a great use to the Chief Qian.

Seeing this space,

The demons have finished walking,

Master Fire Dragon watched for a long time,

Stopped on a rock wall,

\"It should be here.\"


Reach out and play the trick!

\"Boom Rumble\"

On this rock wall,

A red door has appeared!

\"This senior human monk who has entered the abyss is really nice,

Really expected.\"

Commissioner Qian was happy,

Ran so far,

came here.

There are gains.

Of course happy.

A smile appeared on his face.

\"Tiansha Point\"

The edge of this space,

Deep in the channel,

There was a scream,

\"Wh, swah, swah\"

Ten figures,

Like a flying arrow,

He rushed towards the red door.

Master Fire Dragon is furious,

It seems,

This place is called Tiansha Point,

Even the demon monk of the abyss,

May not be able to get the method of entry,

I got the law,

How can I let you people,

Easy to get in?

A sword,

The flames illuminate this rock cave like summer,

Several demons rushed over and exploded along with the rock wall.


Several other demons.

Rushing from different directions of this passage,

Has rushed into the passage in an instant,

\"Let's go in.\"

The fire dragon master said,

Commissioner Qian and the figure of the fire dragon are reminded,

Entered this red door.

Once in,

I found myself stepping on the rock.

This rock,

It seems to extend to the horizon!


From the horizon,

A burst of flame came,

In an instant,

This flame,

Has stretched thousands of miles away,

It has been in front of Committee Member Qian and Master Huolong,


As soon as this flame touched Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong,

\"Boom Rumble\"

I was sucked in by the guardian Dao of Master Fire Dragon and Committee Member Qian,

\"This is the fire of the stars.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

\"This should be the plane.\"

The fire dragon master said,

The flame has not blown away.


A loud noise like thunder,

A sword,

Beheaded to Commissioner Qian!

Commissioner Qian Yijian!

The sword light flashed,

This flying sword, the figure that urged the sword art to explode suddenly,


There was a huge suction force from the flying sword of Commissioner Qian,


The blasted flying sword, the figure, his soul,

I was immediately sucked into the flying sword of the Qiang Committee member,

It began to refine.

After a while,

Commissioner Qian said,

\"Want to go out from this evil point,

Go up to the highest mountain in this Tiansha Cave.\"


From the soul of this man, Commissioner Qian,

understand more.

This is the edge of the abyss of this demon world,

From the border of the abyss and the universe,

Constantly blasting all kinds of mana over,

Bad here,

Worse than the abyss.


from here,

But you can feel the mystery of the universe,

\"We went to the place where the flames rushed to practice.\"

The fire dragon master said,

There are already three rules. [,! ]combined,

Look at this horizon,

Flames erupt,

Both can understand a certain mystery.

Of course Master Fire Dragon wants to go there.

Master Fire Dragon and Commissioner Qian urged their bodies,

Fly towards the side of the day,


Only flew hundreds of miles,

This horizon, there was a crash,

Thousands of silver icicles are shot!

For a while,

The sky is gorgeous.

In an instant,

Have leaped thousands of miles,

Booming in front of Committee Member Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

\"Leng Yintianhuo, how can there be such a fire here!\"

A reminder of the sword art of the fire dragon master,

Turned into thousands of sword lights,

Go around yourself,

The incoming silver flame burst into flying stars in the sky!

This kind of rule,

It is incompatible with the rules and mysteries of Master Fire Dragon's cultivation,

The mystery of Master Fire Dragon's cultivation,

Is thermal,

Not cold,

Rule fusion,

I want the rules of heat and cold to merge,

This is so difficult.

Shooting with silver sparks,

But to the side,

Waterfalls generally gather in the past.

Master Fire Dragon took a look,

The silver cold fire that blasted over,

Commissioner Qian’s body-protection method was madly sucked!

As if turning into a whirlpool,

At the level of the integration of the three rules of the Fire Dragon Master,

I can't know where.

The mana that Commissioner Qian can **** in.

It must be the Qian Da Committee who can refine it.

Master Fire Dragon's heart shuddered,

Commissioner Qian,

I am far from being an opponent of Qian's committee.

This time,

The cold silver sky fire lasts longer,

After a cup of tea time,



From a mountain range ten miles away.

Rushed out a demon monk,

There is a silver flame burning on his body,

Walked a few steps on the ground,

The whole person fades,

Turn into nothingness.

\"The Three Diamond Flower God is here,

It’s more laborious.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

\"Where is the effort,

Can't hold this cold silver sky burning.\"

Master Fire Dragon said,

\"This monk,

Is hiding in the crypt,

This rock should be a good refining material.\"

This said,

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

\"This rock has been tempered for a long time with a variety of mana,

I came to refine this rock, it's not easy to refine.\"

Master Fire Dragon urged this mountain and rock sword art,

\"Boom Rumble\"

Half a mountain,

Was cut off by the fire dragon master.

\"I went back to practice,

If you can't refine it, it doesn't necessarily mean that I can't refine it! \"

Commissioner Qian smiled.

Body shape,

Speeding toward the thunder and fire,

The abyss, originally the half plane of the universe,


It is the edge of the abyss again,

There is such a raging thunder and fire,

To the plane of Ruixian,

In the garden wave plane, there would be no more thunder and fire!

Along the way,

I saw a lot of holes dug in the rock next to it!

This is the place where the monks who come to the Tiansha Acupoint to enlighten, live

The monks who came here,

Not every monk can resist the surging thunder fire.

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Arrived three hundred miles from this thunderous place,

The fire dragon master said,

\"Practice here.\"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

With the fire dragon master, dropped towards the rock,

Reach out all the time,

\"Boom Rumble\"

Rises up a rocky hill,

Only then did one move towards the hill.

I only practiced for a few days,

In the thunder and fire,

Light blue thunder fire came again,

Every thunder and fire,

But half a foot thick to a foot thick!

Blasted on the flames of the fire dragon master's body,

Master Fire Dragon’s body protection method,

The outside part,

It turns into a cyan crystal!

\"Damn, this mysterious,

I can't merge! \"

The fire dragon master said,

\"You can catch some of this flame,

Will go slowly to comprehend,

It's pretty good.\"

Commissioner Qian said,

Master Fire Dragon took a look,

Commissioner Qian,

This blue flame,

Forming another vortex,

.[,! ] Furiously rushing towards the bodyguard of Commissioner Qian!

\"This kind of mana, you can also fuse,

This kind of mana is the mana in the depths of the starry sky.\"

The fire dragon master said,

\"You can't fuse yourself,

Can't talk about others\"

Commissioner Qian said,

This kind of mystery,

Zhou Tian's star battle array,

Once observed,


But not able to collect,

Zhou Tian's star battle array,

From the center of the galaxy,

Are relatively far away,

Not to mention the distance from the depths of the universe,

Or the edge of the universe,

Commissioner Qian said to this kind of power,

With understanding,

At this time,

It happened to have a detailed understanding.

Cyan flame,

In an instant Jane swept thousands of miles,

There was another scream!

This time,

The cyan flame lasted for a tea time,

Master Fire Dragon looked,

Commissioner Qian,

A cyan flame a few feet high has been burning,


It's cheap and old this time,

The mystery of this great committee member,

It is far more profound than I have enlightened.

Master Fire Dragon thought.

after a few days,

What rushed out was ordinary thunder fire,

These thunder and fire,

For Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Touch the Taoist method of the body,

Turn into smash immediately!

A few days later,

This time it was a dark iron flame,

And Qian Qian,

Master Fire Dragon's body protection method touched,

Boom like thunder!

Master Fire Dragon’s body protection method,

Boomed by this iron flame,

As if not moving anymore!

Master Fire Dragon’s tactics reminded several times,

There was a bang,

The operation of the Taoism of the body,

Back to normal.

\"Old money,

I went to find a place far away,

Comprehend these mysteries and rules,

Continue like this,

There are many mysterious rules that have emerged,

My monk with the fusion of three rules,

There really is no such ability.\"

Master Huolong said to Commissioner Qian,

With a dry smile,

The original dragon arrogance,

I don't know where to fly anymore.

\"it is good\"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Master Fire Dragon took a look,

\"Old money, you got all these benefits here,

Please treat me.\"

Commissioner Qian curled his lips.

\"Fire Dragon, can come here,

Each depends on its own ability! \"


Master Fire Dragon has a meal,

Body shape,

Thinking of flying far away from this thunder and fire,

Flew fifteen hundred miles,

Reach out,

On a hillside, a cave appeared,

Master Fire Dragon entered the cave,

Only then took out a bottle of wine and drank it,

This is wine made from cold medicinal materials.

after a few days,

All the mana,

Then it returned to normal,

I practiced here for three years,

The fire dragon master himself makes fire,


He is a plane creature, growing on the plane,

Supernatural powers are not high,

Master Fire Dragon has never entered the depths of the universe.

Master Fire Dragon’s deduction ability,

Not as good as Qian Qian,

The wedge force he felt,

Master Fire Dragon deduced for three years,

There is a general feeling!

For three years,

Far and near,

There were many screams,

More monks,

Run towards the highest peak of the evil cave in this day.

This is a reminder of Dao Fa,

Thinking of the place where Commissioner Qian was practicing, flew over,

one look,

The place where Commissioner Qian practiced,

There is a brilliant colored flame,

Can't compare with one percent of this colorful flame!

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