Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3186: Glacial sea battle

These tens of thousands of fire and thunder blasted,

How long is this one foot long,

Outside the half-foot-wide stream,

The slightest wave has never been shaken!

This strange fish was shocked,

Seeing the water flow together.

In the water and between the strange fish,

There are tens of thousands, one hundred thousand thunder and fire exploding,

"Damn, you can crush thousands of miles of meteorites with this trick -"

This stream,

Than the mana of the strange fish,

At least dozens of times stronger.

Needless to say,

The man's mana,

Several grades higher than the strange fish!

The strange fish said,

In the universe,

This level,

You can already enter the ranks of the strong.

The flow of water merges,

The thunder fire of the strange fish turned into a flurry of sparks!

The opposite person waved,

A magic trick came over.

A monk wearing a white armor,

Take a few female sisters forward,

No manners at all,

Walk away,

A few people greeted him,

One of them,

It is the cyan robe monk,

The cyan robe looked at the monk wearing the white armor,

Smile on his face,

A monk wearing a white armor,

Snorted coldly.

A monk in a blue robe,

Then I put my smile away,

Showing a caring look,

"How could this happen? What kind of tough opponents have you met?"

He said to the monk wearing white armor,

"Bitten by a strange fish."

The monk in white armor said,

Tell the story of the matter,

Yuanying Flower God, arms can be reborn,


Obviously not so fast!

Unless it's plants or stone monsters.

A monk in a blue robe,

Then his face became serious.

A monk wearing a white armor,

Turning around and talking to the middle-aged man next to him,

"You have been in the glacier sea for a long time.

Is there such a demon king here?"

This middle-aged man thought.

"This strange red fish may be a treasure from the starry sky."

That said.

A few people nearby,

Nodding together.

His eyes immediately became lively.

"Let's go over and take a look."

Body shape,

Drive in the direction of the red monster.

The sisters took a look,

The beautiful nun said to the monk in the white armor.

"Then, let's go over and take a look."

"That can."

The monk in white armor said,

The voice is a bit dry.

Seeing these female sisters disappear into the water,

The vastness of the world of cultivation,

I don't know how many masters there are.

A defeat,

It's a ball.

The figure of the monk wearing white armor is reminded,

Already out of the glacial sea surface.


Boarded the airship,

Entered the airship,

Dao Fa urges,


The airship turned into a long rainbow.

Fly toward the plane of ice tide.

Commissioner Qian Da hit a mysterious technique at the strange fish,

This strange fish emits profound fluctuations all over,

Surrounded by this current,

These mysterious fluctuations,

Flew towards the Qian Da committee member,

"I came to this ice drill plane,

Come to understand the mystery of life."

Member Qian Da thought,


The Qian Da committee released Dao Fa,

The rules of this strange fish cultivation, mysterious,

It can't be detected in a while.

Commissioner Qian is practicing.


It seemed that a huge wave of hundreds of miles was rushing towards this side.

A monk wearing a blue armor,

And several other monks,

Have arrived here,

Seeing this strange fish,

Suspended in front of Commissioner Qian,

Surrounded by currents.

Commissioner Qian is refining it,

The body of this strange fish,

It will look like a crystal, a jade, and a gem.

"Yes, this is the creature!

It must have come from the stars."

The middle-aged said.

"The monk, you better put down this fish."

The middle-aged monk said,

Brother Tsing Yi,

But his face is serious,

"This is not the strong man who is exuding power in the profound sense of the plane,

Here comes it.

Sure enough, he is a master.[,! ],

This strange fish from the starry sky,

I was found by this master first."

This thought,

But stepped to the side,

It's already tens of feet out of the water!

A monk next to him took a look,

"Why did you go so far?"

"This man caught the monster,

How can he let him go like this?"

The monk in the blue robe,

Said with a mighty face,

"Yes, Not Bad,

A few of us here,

It’s really like a predator—"

The talking monk said,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

An ice arrow,

The middle-aged monk who was talking to this galloped over.

It looks like a water arrow issued by a cultivator during the foundation period.

But it is like the sunrise in the morning, the mountains and rivers in the spring, thousands of colors,

The weather is full!


This monk's sword art is reminded,

30,000 miles of glaciers and mountains,

Bounced towards this Frost Arrow.

Touch this ice arrow,

The glacial mountains exploded,

As if there is a hot flame,

It was as if the mountains were flying over suddenly.

There are also fluctuations that destroy everything!

Glacier mountains,

Before this ice arrow,

Suddenly set off!


As if for a few moments,

Thousands of miles of glaciers and mountains,

Boom to heaven!

This middle-aged person feels,

A huge force,

A mountain like a big wave,

He blasted over along the sword art he urged.

Not only the sword art that I urged,

Can't compete with this huge force,

This middle-aged man tried his best to urge the sword art,


It's already a blood spurt!


This Frostbolt.

In a few moments.

Traverse thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,

It's just the color on Frostbolt.

Slightly dim.

"Boom---" This middle-aged cultivator was completely froze arrow,

Seeing the glorious ice arrow,

Spinning in the water,

It has been returned to Committee Member Qian.


The body of this monk,

There was a loud noise like a huge thunder,

The mysterious brilliance flickered thousands of times,

This monk,

The whole explosion!

Urge to send a trick, and kill Yuan Ying,

This cyan robe monk.

Body shape turned,

Flee to the distance,

In an instant,

It has rushed into the distance of the glacier sea and disappeared.

"Qingpao is gone!"

Several monks nearby shouted.

Body shape,

Water surges,

In an instant,

Has rushed into the depths of the glacier sea and disappeared!

1,500 miles from here,

Under an iceberg,

Qingpao and several other masters met again,

"Qingpao, you run very fast."

There is this monk wearing a red armor,

"Monster Yuanying can't bear a trick,

How can I think of such a master here?"

Qingpao said,

A look of luck.

The joy of this face is sincere.

Commissioner Qian, for the glacier pearl,

Killed Yuan Ying,

it's here,

Killed Yuan Ying again!

To the planes of other main gods,

The Yuan Ying killed by Commissioner Qian,

Not much!

Commissioner Qian waved,

I have put away this monk’s Yuan Ying, Shenfu, and storage ring,


A group of monsters surged nearby,

Open your mouth,

Biting hard at these pieces of flesh and blood,

As soon as the flesh is eaten,

These monsters immediately surged with mana.

After a while,

Commissioner Qian waved,

The stream released the red strange fish,

In a flash,

It's gone.

The mystery, rules and rules of strange fish cultivation,

Commissioner Qian has already understood almost,

The body of this red strange fish,

It is a mysterious substance deep in the starry sky,

This monster shook his body,

In an instant, he has already swam in the sea water with a radius of hundreds of miles,

There was a chewing sound,

The monster beast that just ate the flesh and blood of Yuanying Flower God,

Most of it has been eaten by this strange fish.

The flesh and blood of Yuanying Flower God,

"It's even more powerful."

The strange fish said,

This is full.[,! ] Nodded intentionally.

At first glance, Commissioner Qian looks like electricity.

Out of the glacier sea,

Waved his hand,

There is already an additional floating spaceship,

Entered the airship,

The airship is like burning lightning,

Speeding toward the ice tide plane.

If it is said that the enlightenment plane mysterious,

This ice drill plane,

How can it be compared to the ice tide plane.

The monster beast of the ice diamond plane,

For Commissioner Qian,

It is no longer as useful as the monks in the foundation building and alchemy period.

The red strange fish swayed,

Have already swam thousands of miles!

This place,

But there are many monsters,

Few monks,

The red strange fish was swimming slowly.

Commissioner Qian went back to Hanquan again,


The mystery of red monster cultivation, rules,

Let the Qian committee have a lot of gains,

The rules in the depths of the starry sky,

Nature has a mystery!

It has a profound meaning, it is already a profound rule,


The body protection method of Yuanying Flower God,

The red strange fish swayed,

Has burst in.

Commissioner Qian's practice,

Only a few days off in a few years,

Beside the cold pool,

Four diamond flower **** cultivators have increased!

In a flash,

It has been thirty years!

this day,


A burst of thunder rang throughout the valley,

Although with an incomparable might,

But with a clear voice!

It's like a fairy in the sky!

The monk in this valley took a look,

Commissioner Qian, who works as a cultivator,

The whole person has become a jade sculpture!

There is indescribable entanglement on it!

And it has more vivid colors than Baihua!

should say,

A hundred times better than the best jade in the world,

Monks in the valley,

See here,

There is enthusiasm in everyone's eyes,

Cultivation to this point,

Is truly free from mortals!

Although there is no pressure,

The monk in this valley,

No one moves,

I have read a lot of classics,

Those who can cultivate to this state,

In this valley,

No one can withstand the sword of the Qian Da Committee!

The law is collected,

The main committee body has already been released.


Has taken the other courtyard,

Walk towards this cold lake,

Commissioner Qian came to this ice tide plane,

One hundred and thirty years have passed!

Out of the jungle,

Body shape shook,

It's gone!

People in the valley,

This was a sigh of relief,

Although the Qian Yuan committee did not have any coercion!

"Here is such a master----"

A four-diamond flower **** smiled dryly.

"This is the classic legend,

A character who can only appear."

The monk beside said,

The same is the four diamond flower god,

"It's just too tugging."

Another monk wearing bright armor said,

All dressed up,

Show a romantic celebrity.

Commissioner Qian went to the manor,

Banxian greeted him,

"Seven series of rules fusion,

There has been a lot of progress,

In this way, I must return to the plane of Ruixian,

The shield phantom on the plane of Ruixian,

There is a new insight."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, this time I have a new understanding of the shield phantom.

Seven series of rules fusion,

It should be successful."

Banxian said.

"Probably ok."

Commissioner Qian said.

"A nearby plane,

The shadow of Golden Fruit has already been called to build the manor."

Ban Xian and Commissioner Qian said.

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