Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3183: Mysterious

In the hot wind,

A chill came.

There is a pool in the middle,

Five miles wide,

This is cold pool,

The pool water gushes from a hundred miles deep in the plane,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

"Comprehend the fusion of the fire and ice elements here,

Really nice place,

Here, it is really natural mystery. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Of course, there are prohibitions here.

Commissioner Qian went into the jungle,

A mysterious formation flashed in the air,

The leaves flickered,

Turned into thunder,

Its color is cyan,

But it burst like a volcano,

It slammed towards Committee Member Qian.

Such a mighty thunder,

Boomed half a foot beside Commissioner Qian,

But as if a stone blasted towards the mountain,

No sign!

Even the ripples can't be shaken.

Commissioner Qian walked,

As if thousands of thunderbolts came,

Some thunder is as hot as a volcano,

Some thunders are as cold as glaciers!

These thunders,

Cross vertical and horizontal,

Profound and strict.

Just walked tens of feet,

A jungle,

As if transformed into a jungle,

Looks like a lush jungle,

The power is no worse than the land of profound enlightenment that came out of the Qian’s Committee,

This is a mixture of plant mana gathered in the jungle and the mystery of ice and fire.

It’s not a fusion of mysteries,


Thousands of thunderbolts.

Brother Jindan.

That is more difficult to resist.

Commissioner Qian took a few steps.

Thousands of miles of jungle,

It has become a radius of ten feet,

normal person,

Ten steps,

Can walk over.

The mystery of this formation,

For Commissioner Qian,

It takes a few steps to get out.

Thousands of Thunder,

Turned into thunder.

Revolving around Committee Member Qian.

Immediately refined by the committee member Qian,

Turned into mysterious runes,

Like flowers and mountains and picturesque,

As if there is no thunder power,


This flowery, picturesque, mountain-like rune,

Compared with the thunder that blasted over,

Already ten times more powerful.

Commissioner Qian is faster than ordinary people.

From morning to evening,

Cyan thunder flashed.

Hantan and surrounding lawns appeared,

There are already more than a dozen monks practicing here,

Yuanying Flower God has,

There are also four diamond flower gods.

In fact,

Walking through this jungle,

Four diamond flower god,

The magic weapon is good enough,

Try to urge the sword tactics,

You can also come over,

This cold pool here,

The Four Diamond Flower God can already enter.

Seeing Commissioner Qian stepping out of the formation,

Some monks,

But he looked at Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Many monks,

Will be the other courtyard,

Installed on the valley.

Commissioner Qian took out a separate courtyard,



This other courtyard quickly grew bigger,

Embedded in the valley.

Commissioner Qian moved towards this cold lake,

Began to feel it.

In just a few days,

Commissioner Qian knew,


Around this deep spring water,

It's some ice stones.

This is only produced on the ice tide plane and several nearby planes,

And the flint next to the magma,

Similar structure,


The pyrite is the mana that absorbs magma,

This ice stone,

Is the mana that draws ice,

The flint next to the magma,

It's all piece by piece.

This cold spar is three hundred miles deep,

A few miles wide!

The quality is very good,

This is how the cold spring came.

Commissioner Qian has practiced for several years,

In Commissioner Qian’s palace,

Mana seems to be surging from thousands of miles away,

Through the rocks, cold crystals,

Turned into a cold spring,

Flowing out of a mountain in the palace of the Commissioner Qian.

Under this mountain,

Form a cold spring.

Hanquan stone can be made with force, too,


The cold spring formed by Commissioner Qian in the palace,

Compared with the cold spring in front of me,

The level difference is a bit higher,


The formation of stalactites,

Commissioner Qian has sentiment again.

In fact,

Has gone through a lot of insights related to the mysterious plane.

Commissioner Qian has further improved his ability to manufacture products in various planes.

The mystery of ice here,


Not just fire,

Is the "hot" of the plane


The mystery of fusion is more,

The general four-diamond flower god,

I want to understand the mystery here,

Both are more laborious.

Yuanying Flower God,

To comprehend,



It takes more time,

this day,

Commissioner Qian received credit,

Take out a few animal legs,

Walked to the woods,

Into the jungle,

Wan Lei came again,

Commissioner Qian found a few plants,

Pluck some leaves,


Holding these leaves,

Arrived by the cold pool,

Reach out,

This animal leg,

Has turned into meat strips,

Put the seasoning,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

A stream of water rose from the cold pool,

This water,

Turned into a pot.

From next to the cold pool,

But there was a rush of heat,

This is the hottest place on the ice tide plane,

Mana is relatively hot.

Commissioner Qian will cut the meat strips,

Put it in this pot.

The heat is lingering.

Like a flame.


While frying,

Put all kinds of spices on the side,

After a while,

A strong aroma of vegetables wafted out.

This animal leg,

It's really delicious,

Just like mortal cooking,

At this time.

Several monks nearby looked over,

There is Yuan Ying, there are four diamond flower gods,

Look at the Four Diamond Flower God,

This kind of direct cooking with hot mana,

Is more delicious,


The Four Diamond Flower God wants to practice,

Usually there is no time to cook,

Yuan Ying Flower God. Looked over with interest.

Yuan Ying Flower God watched for a while,

Each clap.

"Well, cooking like this fits the mystery here."

Seeing Commissioner Qian eat,

These Yuan Ying Flower Gods,

The same urge Tao Fa,

Start cooking,


Once done,

Although it is delicious,

Compared with Committee Member Qian,

Freshness and taste,

They are all quite different.

A look at these Yuanying Flower Gods,

"Our cultivation base,

It's far from others. "

They are all Yuanying flower gods,

Naturally know,

Dao Fa urges,

But it is a mystery!

In fact,

Commissioner Qian finished this dish,

This cold spring water,

The role in alchemy,

Commissioner Qian already has a lot of understanding,

This cold spring water,

Commissioner Qian met,

One of several cold springs of good quality.

You can ask Banxian to come here to get some water for alchemy.

It seems that the dishes are delicious,

This is the accomplishment of alchemy,

There are many gaps.

Commissioner Qian finished his meal,

This practice,

It has been practicing for several years.

this day,

The thunder is rolling in the jungle,

Several people came over.

One man in white armor,

One person is wearing Tsing Yi.

It was Commissioner Qian who comprehended the profound souls on the last plane to comprehend the profound souls.

"since this year,

In this jungle,

Not many medicinal materials grow. "

The Brother Tsing Yi said,

This mountain of hundreds of miles,

Set up a magic circle,

There is a reason,

There are cold springs in warm weather,

There are some precious medicinal materials that do not grow in other places.

Of course, looking for medicinal materials,

On the edge of the jungle, Brother Jindan,

You can also look for medicinal materials.

These Yuanying Flower Gods came here to find medicinal materials,

one look,

Not many medicinal materials are found,

"I said that,

Take a look at other planes. "

The monk in the cyan robe said.

"That's right, we have been holding the ice tide plane long enough."

Said the monk in white armor,

Take a step!

"That person---"

The monk in white armor said.

A few Yuan Ying nearby took a look,

Commissioner Qian was cultivating next to Hantan.

While watching Commissioner Qian look over quietly,

What kind of cultivation is the Commissioner Qian,

Once they stepped out of the formation,

Commissioner Qian already knew.

The faces of several people changed,

"Meet this master again----"

Turned around,

Walked to the side,

Five miles around the cold lake,

Enough for many monks to practice.

"This is the glacier pearl,

The robbery brought—"

Commissioner Qian thought,

Commissioner Qian has traveled a lot of planes,

I have practiced in many planes and mysterious places,

My understanding of you is getting deeper,

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base,

Has reached a realm of profound and profound!

In the dark,

There is that kind of ethereal, mysterious and mysterious feeling.

But how can it be?

Except for the monks above the transformation stage,

An ordinary Yuanying,

Regarding Commissioner Qian, I really can’t do anything!

Seeing these cultivators walk to the opposite side of Hantan,

Commissioner Qian began to practice again,

In these monks,

The benefits are enough,

These monks walked aside,

Commissioner Qian will not chase after him.

I practiced in this cold pool for several years,

If you want to be the spring water of the gods,

The same quality as the cold pool water!

It seems,



This cold pool water is the creation of mountains, rocks, and cold spar with a radius of thousands of miles,

It happens to be in the warmest place on this ice tide plane,

This has the effect,

This monk wearing white armor and cyan robe came here to practice for five years,

Commissioner Qian can't do this!

this day,

Commissioner Qian received credit,

Arrived by the cold pool,

Is making a fire to cook,

The monks by the cold pool,

One after another opened the communication circle,

Commissioner Qian’s communication array sounded,

one look,

It's Banxian,

"It is said that,

The ice drill plane is 40 million miles away from the ice tide plane,

Baby out. "

Banxian said,

On this ice tide plane,

Around the sun,

A larger plane,

The ice tide plane,

It is farther away from the ice tide plane,

Forty million miles,

There is an ice drill plane,

The ice tide plane is one-third larger.

Similar to Tianpeng Mountain, the plane of the mountain flower,

Forty million miles,

Brother Jindan’s airship can pass,

Compared with the ice tide plane,

There are even fewer warm areas on the Ice Drill plane!

There are fewer places where auras gather,

Those who are not old enough to practice,

Banxian had long urged the flying craft to go to the ice drill plane.

Ice drill plane,

Where monks can practice,

There have long been casual repairs and martial arts,

Ice drill plane,

It’s not as thick as one-thirtieth of the ice tide plane,


Deep in the ice drill plane,

Little interest in exploring,

"How can there be treasures on the ice drill plane?

There, Brother Yuanying had almost explored. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"A monk has seen it."

Banxian said,

At this time,

Cyan robe monk,

Brother in white armor,

There are many monks who are out of the land of the mysterious and enlightened plane,

Has already walked out of the magic circle.

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the circle,

At a glance, in the distance,

A series of mysterious brilliance,

Around the airship,

Fly away from the plane of ice tide!

Commissioner Qian thought about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said to Banxian,

"I gonna go see."

Banxian nodded,

"I'm in the manor."

Commissioner Qian waved,

Release the airship,

The whole body is clear and blue,

Flames lingered outside the airship,

It's ten feet long,


one look,

These flames are like mountains,

It's like water again! (To be continued...)

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