Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3048: Stalactite

Three thousand and forty eight chapters ten thousand years stalactite

Ban Ao took the jade slip, and his mind moved,

One hundred and fifty miles away,

There is a place where spiritual energy gathers,

There is a mountain spring flowing by,

The spring water of this mountain spring,

And ordinary mountain spring water,



Far from reaching the level that Banao himself can make alchemy,

Banao reached the place where the spiritual energy gathered,

But sat down a mile away,

Yu Jian said,

In this way, draw some aura from the place where the aura gathers,


Banao stretched out his hand,

A pit appeared on the ground,

The color of this pit changes rapidly,

After a while,

Reached the level of ordinary rocks,

"This person's soil system is not as good as his own."

The zombies in the distance watched,


Can serve as the guardian of this ancient ruins,

Of course there are considerable adventures and practices,

Banao mana reminds you,

Profound strokes appeared in the air,

In an instant,

Hundreds of structures have been developed,


Inside the jade talisman the zombie gave him,

Is a three-dimensional space,

In this three-dimensional space,

With mysterious runes,

There are five million strokes!

Banao's strokes,

The more you paint, the slower,


There was a shock from the distant space of Ban Obey,

This stroke is completed,

In an instant,

It seems to be blue,

Gathering toward this rune from space,

This rune,

Became very alive,

It's like a forest in early summer.


And again this stroke,

Hit this pit.

After half a day,

This pit has become like jade of relatively poor quality.

Banao stretched out his hand,

Mountain spring water from a distance,

Converge towards this pit,

Immediately, the mana of the earth,

Hundreds of miles from a distance,

Converge towards this pit,

Make soil spirits,


It is also the same earth mana.


The water in this pit. Becomes a bit milky white,

The quality is a bit like wine,

After another half day,

The quality of this Wannian Yuye. No more changes,

The zombie came over,

"It can only be made to this level,

Can't improve. "

Banao took the milky water and drank it,

Luck for a long time,

"It has one-third the effect of ten thousand year stalactites."

Banao said,

"Only this level."

The zombie said,

Banao waved his hand,

A lot of medicinal materials flew out.

"One hundred and thirty kinds of medicinal materials, 1,000 of each."

Banao said,

In Banao's own divine mansion,

Planted herbs,

But only nine hundred thousand.

And stalactite giants. This zombie exchange,

Use a fraction of it.

Planting medicinal materials on the continent formed in its own divine mansion,

Need to use your own mana!


Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Looking everywhere for spiritual gatherings,

Golden Fruit Shadow Practice,

A few miles around the place where these spiritual energy gather,

For ten years, a good place to grow medicinal materials.

The zombie reached out his hand,

The prohibition in the distance opens,

It is another medicine garden with a radius of hundreds of miles,

In the medicine garden,

Someone came out,

Smiled at Member Qian,

A hand,

These medicinal materials flew into the medicine garden,

Start planting.

This person is the same as the zombie in front of him,

Zombies with very high cultivation base!

Banao is sweating,

I relied on the big clock made by four series of rules and fusion runes,

In this big clock, Commissioner Qian’s body has refined into quite a lot of rune arrays,

This was just a tie with the zombie in front of him.

"This person's companion has arrived, over there, you sent it together."

The zombie in this medicine garden said,

Jian Jiutian and they came out,

Ban Ao thought, it's been nearly ten days!

Make this ten thousand years stalactite liquid with only one-third effect,

It took several days!

The zombie in this medicine garden shouted,

Of course I know the intention,

Give Banao a face,

"You know they are coming with me."

The zombie nodded:

"It stands to reason that we can't watch you before entering the channel,

However, tens of thousands of years have passed,

Look at the explorers and have some fun. "

The zombie said.

Body shape shook,

The breath of the whole body,

Has converged to the initial level of the four-diamond flower god,

"Your companions, in the stalactite formation,

Should have gained some benefits,

But, I converged to the level of the four diamond flower god, ‘

They just can’t make it through.”

He said,

The same cultivation base,

If you say combat power,

This zombie is much stronger than this giant stalactite!

Urges the speed and body style of the sword art,

It's not a grade.

"Okay, just let them get out of here."

Thousands of miles away from here,

Jian Jiutian, Feixia sword, Laishan, Piaoyi sword walked over,

Jian Jiutian,

Piercing eyes,

A few others,

Already pale,

At first glance, the damage was not light,


There is joy on everyone's face,

It seems,

Some gains,


There was a shadow in front of them,

One person appeared,

"Four Diamond Flower God cultivation base."

Jian Jiutian rejoiced in his heart,


The skeleton staff in the hand,

Ten eyes,

The flame is soaring!

Jian Jiutian froze!

This person looked over,

But looking at the skeleton staff in Jian Jiutian's hand,

"I said, your cultivation base can pass those stalactite formations,

It turned out to rely on this and it worked well. "


Across three miles,

Punch them at them.


These few people,

Fly like a kite,

A channel appeared in the air,


Several people were sucked in by the passage,

Just think, flash!

Already standing in a canyon,

"It's a few miles from the ground."

Laishan said,

Looking around,

"Let's go up first."

Feixiajian said,

Watching Jian Jiutian several people were sent away.

A passage appeared before Ban Ao's eyes.

Banao stepped into the passage.

The voice of the zombie came,

"You can only stay here for half a month,

If you can't rush in, you can return to this channel,

This channel is fixed.

After half a month.

The entire formation is activated,

It's not the power of transforming the gods, it immediately turns into nothingness! "

Banao nodded,

Entered the channel,

This is an ordinary cave,

Out of the cave,

This is mid-levels,

In front of him,

Quaint. The grand hall,

As if stretched to the horizon!

This is the ancient ruins?

He suddenly remembered,

That zombie robe,

Last month, the popular styles of the national capital of Fen Dao.


Banao saw immediately,

Thousands of sword energy,

Blasted towards myself,

Every sword aura,

They are all Xun Liru!


Every sword aura,

Are all rules fusion?

Banao a sword,

Picked on a sword aura,

Banao's arm shook slightly!

This sword,

Quite a huge mountain,

A few stalactite giants hit,

Only such great power!

Ten moments,


Inside the board,

There is another galaxy rolling,

The mana in the hidden hole is used.

Ten moments,

Ban proudly flew three thousand sword auras,


The mana in the hidden hole is used.

In the sacred mansion of Banao,

Stars appear in the sky,

Turning quickly,

Turned into a galaxy,

Deducing this sword formation!

After a few more moments,

In the galaxy,

Suddenly a crooked road appeared,

Banao's figure jumped,

In an instant of thirty thousandths,

Connect and fly a few swords,

Charge into this sky full of sword aura,

Proceed along the deduction of the Zhoutian Action Array.


Ban Ao rushed out from the sky full of sword aura,


His face has turned pale,

one look,

I just rushed out of a slate that was aside!

Put this in place,

Such a battle,

It's already shocking,


I just advanced a foot?

This is the sword formation,

Formation, you can break it,


These sky full of sword aura,

Every sword,

It's all rules fusion,

Every sword is as heavy as a mountain,

Jian Jiutian and a few of them came in,

There is really no scum left!

Banao thought,

I just realized it after experiencing it,

The whole body is surrounded by flames,

Ran for thousands of weeks,


The flame flashed,

But it has become more brilliant,

Plants, fires, earths, metal rules and methods,

Go further!

This is the harvest in the sword formation just now.

Anyone who enters this sword formation has such a gain,

As long as they can rush out of that sword formation,


But Ban Ao is trying his best to urge Zhou Tian Xingdou to deduction.

Only then rushed out of the big formation,

Ordinary four-line rule fusion monk,

Without Zhou Tian's star battle array,

Formation skills,

Can have one third of the board proud,

Already pretty good,


In the sword formation just now,

The sword energy of the battle,

At least four times that of Banao!

Banao flew about seven thousand or several hundred sword auras,

These four series of rules monks,

The sword energy of the battle,

At least thirty thousand!

Commissioner Qian is already a fusion of four rules,

The shadows of these golden fruits,

Of course, the four-line rule monk's mana limit probably knows,

Such a powerful sword aura,

Blocking thirty thousand roads,

A monk who merges the four rules,

Mana has been used almost!

This ancient ruins,

Restricted by Taoism,

There is no sky vitality and mana~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The general four-line rule fusion monk,

Out of this sword formation,

I have to take out the fairy stone to replenish mana,


Four-line rule fusion monk,

Turn the fairy stone into mana,

It is necessary to refine this fairy stone with a rune blended with four rules,


Ten days are not much!

Time to pass the next stone slab,

Only a few days!


Banao has hidden holes!

Commissioner Qian uses clear qi to practice the benefits of hiding acupuncture points,

This time it appeared,

The hidden hole of the shadow of the golden fruit,

There are many members without money,


The mana of the shadow of golden fruit,

It is still several times that of the general four-line rule fusion monk!

Banao mana reminds you,

Walked into the next slate.

A figure appeared on the opposite side,

A warrior,

Sword Art is reminded,

A sword,

But it seems like nothingness and ethereal!

Banao was shocked,

This is Commissioner Qian's perception of the shadow of the shield through the shield grass.

Mana of the same nature,

Commissioner Qian called this kind of mana information escape!

Banao's figure,

The same becomes illusory,

As if hazy on the horizon,

A sword,

Slash with the opponent with this sword,

But "Peng---"


The figure in battle armor retreated.

The sword of Banao,

But facing the same three-line rule fusion, or four-line rule fusion monk

Will be used,

In the face of ordinary Yuan Ying,

Banao's sword,

Will not use it at all.

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