Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3046: Stalactite Strong

Their knowledge of earth-based mana,

It's already very high.

"There is this giant on the plane of Ruixian?"

Banao said,

Those rock monsters,

Half proud remembered it, once saw it in the market,

Mana fluctuations are the same as these stone monsters.

"These giants shrank,

Just like ordinary people.

Some precious medicinal materials underground,

They sent a lot to Fangshi. "

Said the elegant sword.


Banao nodded,

There are many races in Xiuzhenfang City,


Banao didn't pay much attention before,

The cultivation base is too far apart,

Some things become lighter.

of course,

Laishan, Jian Jiutian didn't attack these giants,

Like Banao, he won't shoot.

Team up for adventure,

With the diamond flower god, he has practiced for hundreds of years,

Generally not able to.


Those precious medicinal materials underground,

People who live here all year round are easy to find,

Several people continued along the passage.

At this time, the surrounding temperature is relatively constant,

For the ground,

It's a completely different world in general.

far away,

The figure came out of the rock wall,

But those stone monsters,

"They passed the giant's level,

Sure enough-----"

These stone monsters said,

"Go, this is not the site of our activities."

Watching Banao and they walked into the passage,

These stone monsters turned around,

Has walked into the rock wall.

But it is going up.

Here. The stone monster will not come for a while.

Turn around and leave.

"These giants are the real golden core,"

Banao thought,

The stronger you go down!

far away,

In a passage,

"Where did these humans come from?

It was much harder to deal with than the Mozu expedition that had been killed for a few days. "

A giant in a green robe said,

"I don't know. On Warhammer Mountain, most of the famous masters of the human race have been here.

never seen it.

The one holding the ten-eye staff is the sword nine days,

Witchcraft is more powerful. "

Said the iron-colored armor giant next to it.

"No wonder you insisted on shooting,

Cut the ten-eye skeleton staff. "

The green-robed giant said,


A knife came across,

It seems to be carrying thousands of ice chips.

This knife light,

It passed through a rock 30 feet thick,

Cut from the passage over the rock,

The giant in the iron armor was shocked.

The sword in hand,

Cut out thousands of times in an instant.

With a shake of his hand, the shield appeared,


This knife light with thousands of ice chips,

Thousands of ice chips swirled like a big wave,

The sword in the hand of the iron-colored battle armor,

These thousands of slashes have not been finished yet,

Touch this icy debris,

Thousands of knives,


Even the opponent’s icicles cannot break through,

Not to mention that it seems crystal clear as jade,

But the deep knife light,



This giant in iron armor,

Has been cut into several pieces.


Screaming with his head and upper body.

"Master Yuan Ying?"

Several giants were shocked.

In the underground passage,

There are such rock walls everywhere,

The monk who can reach the depths of this underground hundred miles,

That doesn't escape the law is strong.

These giants have already urged defense Dao Fa,

But can't stand the opponent's cut!

Several giants urged their escape,

The rocks separate like waves,

The figure dashed towards the rock wall,

To retreat from the rock wall,


This knife light with icy debris,

But turned into a cloud,

Thousands of miles of clouds, like lightning,

of course,

The speed is certainly not as fast as lightning,


In the eyes of these people,


The rock wall seems close at hand,

But it’s far from the horizon,

There are already ice chips all around,


A few of them were already frozen.

That action,

Slow as a snail.


Thousands of ice shavings spinning!

"Boom, boom, boom---"

These people,

Has exploded into blood mist at the same time,

Among the ice chips,

It's like a red painting,

There are a few figures flying towards the icy debris,

This is their soul,

This ice shavings method is powerful,

The soul appeared in this icy debris.

The speed of the monk’s soul is thousands of miles in an instant,


Among the ice chips,

A monk appeared,

His face is cyan, his hair is red,

With white lines on his face,

It can be seen that he is a demons.

Holding a baby in his hand,

There is a ferocious demon on it,

To gather in this icy debris,

These souls,

Has been taken away by this baby,

This humanitarian law reminds me,

A black flame is burning in the baby,

These souls screamed and began to refine.

After a while,

This man was furious,

"These giants don't know how to enter the ancient ruins!"


The approximate location of the ancient ruins,

This person already knows.

A reminder of the law,

The souls of these giants,

Has been refined into liquid.

These giants,

Can't stand his sword,

How powerful is this person's Taoism?

Reach out,

A channel appears,

He stepped into the passage,

The figure flickered.

In an instant.

Passed thousands of miles away.

He walked out of the tunnel,

The rocks here,

White, red,

Where are the ancient ruins?

His mind unfolded,

Through many passages, rocks,

It seems that there are hundreds of thousands of channels. Rock crevices.

With such a master,

After about a long time,

This will detect the information,


There are no ancient ruins.

One thought,

A thousand miles from the ground,

For masters,

Not deep,

There are really ancient ruins placed like this,

The master discovered it early.

He turned and pointed.

The channel of talent appeared again,

Turn around and step into this passage.

Back to the place just now,

But his figure shook,

Walking along the path of the memories of these giants just now.

I walked fast for most of the day,

He stopped,

Looking at a rock wall,

"This is basalt! Demon Realm has,

A kind of rock rarely seen on the human plane,

Very good material for array formation. "

He said,

This will continue to walk along the passage.

He will not move this basalt channel,

Take care of it.

At this time,

A few of them,

In front of me is a stalactite as wide as a thousand miles away!


Hundreds of feet tall!

"It's five hundred miles into the ground!"

Said the elegant sword.

"The quality of the stalactites here is close to that of jade.

There should be jade liquid, it is better for us to find some,

The ancient ruins, I don't know if I can enter. "

Feixiajian said,

Jian Jiutian looked at Banao:

"Master, how."

This 10,000-year-old lotion continues to evolve,

It is Yuye. "

Don't talk about jade liquid,

Wannianzhong lotion,

For Banao,

The same is a baby.

Wannianzhong lotion is the basic material for many alchemy.

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo’s shadow advanced rules are integrated,

The requirements for pill,

Bi is generally much taller.

"Okay, the stalactites here,

How come they are all close to the quality of jade?

This kind of stalactite, the probability of finding jade liquid,

Relatively high. "

Banao said,

Several people searched,

After a while,

Jian Jiutian is overjoyed,

Sense of God,

"There should be jade liquid in this stalactite."

A reminder of the law,


Parted slowly.

"This stalactite is too tough—"

Jian Jiutian said,

A giant palm is like a knife,

Emerged from this stalactite.

He slashed towards Jian Jiutian,

"These stalactites are alive."

Jian Jiutian was shocked,

Sword Jue urges,

A sword light cut,

Although it is tens of feet away,

This stalactite is one hundred and fifty feet high.

Although a giant hand appears,

However, there is still a distance of tens of feet.

The cyan flame seems to pass three thousand miles madly!


Already cut this giant palm.

A wave emerged from the giant palm,

But shiny like jade,

Jian Jiutian was shocked!

Very high soil attainments,

Has surpassed the Qian Da committee body,


The rules are integrated, but the water system, soil system, and fire system are rules.

Banao thought.

But the combat power has far surpassed himself.

"Human explorers,

Want to live from here,

Have to go over, or else,

So much here,

All monks like me,

Or higher.

You can choose to fight in the past! "

A face appeared on the stalactite and said,

"Does this ancient ruins have such a strong guardian?"

Jian Jiutian was furious,

Said at Misty Sword.

To that site,

Just walked the normal distance.

There is such a strong guard,

Banao, Laishan, Feixia sword,

All faces are unhappy.

"Jian Jiutian, what are your formation skills,

I choose to walk over. "

Needless to say,

walk over,

It must be a kind of formation,

Feixiajian and Laishan looked over,

The ten-eyed skeleton staff of the sword nine days,

See the nether,


However, for the general formation,

Can see through a lot!

Jian Jiutian relies on this staff,

The cultivation base of the battle method,

Improved a lot.

How many times the magic circle adventure,

They leaned on the staff of the sword nine days,

Walked over.

"These people are very knowledgeable in rules,

let me try. "

Jian Jiutian said,

The skeleton staff that Jian Jiutian took,

Sure enough.

The Four Diamond Flower God has realized the rules,

Knowing that these stalactite guarding rules are very accomplished,

"If I choose to fight,

There are so many masters like you? "

Banao said,

"You rushed halfway through the distance between us, we personally, don't take anymore."

The huge face said,

"Yes-know that you are a master."

On a stalactite column beside,

Another face appeared.

"Boss, after this level, the baby is yours."

Jian Jiutian, Feixia Jian, and Laishan come over together.

"After this level, the zombie next to him,

Very interested in you.

That site, how could it be so easy to enter. "

The huge face said.

"After that level, is it the ruins?"

Banao said,

The stalactites next to him nodded,

"That's it-----"

"Okay, let's go over."

Jian Jiutian took a look,

One step, has gone out,

This one goes out,

Jian Jiutian's figure,

Disappeared immediately,

"Huh, huh, huh---"

Feixia sword, Laishan, Piaoyi sword followed Jian Jiutian into it.

Fight against this huge stalactite guard,

It's better to be with Jian Jiutian.

These talents walked in,

Banao immediately felt,

The surrounding gravity has reached 30,000 times!

The body shape of the board is vertical,


One palm,

It slammed down at him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a thousand miles of mountains,

Suddenly crashed down!

It was this stalactite giant who talked to him,

His speed,

Not affected by the 30,000 times gravity image,


Slashed towards the giant palm that was tumbling,


The flame sword and the giant palm slashed,

As if thunder is shaking thousands of miles!

The rolling waves showed a crack,

You can vaguely see the jade-like quality of this giant palm. (To be continued...)

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