Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3012: 5 million catties of red fruits

The red jade flame burned,

Turned into a mountain,

The mountains revolved, and the defenses turned into red clouds,

This luck is half a month,

Only then did Ban Ao stand up,

The communication circle was urged:

"This kind of red fruit essence is really good, refining, feels cumbersome and long,

However, once taken, it is really aquatic,

Real water harmonizes the flame, moisturizes the soil, plants,

At least, for my current cultivation base,

Very useful. "

Banao said,

"However, 500,000 catties of red fruit extract 13 catties of essence,

Really less. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Want to plant a lot,

If the mountain flower plane does it,

The days needed, the irrigation system, the circle,

It's really too cumbersome.

However, 13 catties of red fruit essence,

It is enough for one person to use.

"Wan Li Dao Dao plans to refine the red fruit essence?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"He has four diamonds of the flower **** mana, refining fifty catties of red fruit essence,

It took five and a half years to restore the four-diamond flower **** mana,

It will take a few years, the time to buy these dried red fruits,

In a blink of an eye, ten years passed.

I think this person does not intend to refine.

He served as deputy manager for five years,

You can exchange for a bottle of pill,

For Jindan, it also has this moisturizing effect. "

Banao said,

Wanlidao takes this red fruit essence,

Can produce real water,


The real water produced by Wanli Sword Movement,

Far inferior to Ban Ao Yun Gong producing true water mystery,

of course,

The effect on self-cultivation,

It's better to take contribution points,

Exchange a bottle of pill at the plane of Shanhua,

Great effect on self-cultivation.

"I plan to buy the price of Hongguo.

Increase by ten percent. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"This red fruit has to be acquired for a long time, at least a hundred years."

Which prefect did Banao go to?

Entered the shop,

The waiter came up,

"Call you to take care of it. I bought Hongguo last time."

Banao said.

The waiter went in and spread the word,


The steward walks out quickly,

It's still the last time.

this time. But his face is full of enthusiasm.

Welcome the board proudly into the office.

This one, but the real patron,

"How many catties of red fruits can you buy in total?"

Banao said.

"The red fruits produced this year have all been sun-dried.

Within half a month, 1.5 million catties of dried red fruits can be purchased. "

In fact, these red fruits are edible,

Production is more common in several nearby countries.

The manager said,

Looked at Banao.

"Okay, I want it all,

Eleven catties of gold and three thousand catties of dried red fruits. "

Banao said.

The purchase price given by Wanlidao,

One catty of gold and three hundred catties of dried red fruits,

He improved by ten percent.

Eleven catties of gold and three thousand catties of dried red fruits,

Immediately, this manager was overjoyed,

This sale is done,

He can be promoted to deputy shopkeeper,

Banao waved his hand,

A pile of red gold appeared,

"This is three thousand catties of gold."

Banao walked out of this state capital,

Went to other state capitals,

In a few days,

The great merchants in Fen Dao Country have traveled everywhere,

Banao went to Qingxuan Country again,

Hongguo Jing Team Wanli Knife,

The effect is as good as the pill made from the plane of mountain flower,

This medicine is on the plane of Shanhua,

It is relatively good.


For the monks who are fused with the three-line rules,

The real water produced by my own practice,

The effect is no longer a substitute for ordinary pill,

of course,

A better medicine,

The team member Qian Jin and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Still useful,


The effect is not as obvious as for ordinary monks.

Banao went to several firms in Qingxuan Country again.

One and a half months of purchase,

Inside Banao's storage ring,

Five million catties of dried red fruits have been added,

Back to the royal garden,

Urge the pill furnace,

The dried red fruits are like a waterfall,

Toward the inside of the pill furnace, rushed towards it.

Five million catties of dried red fruits,

All went into this pill furnace,

From the outside,

In this pill furnace,

But there are dozens of kilograms of dried red fruits.

Melt these five million catties of dried red fruits,

It took one and a half months,

This is mortal,

Can not be refined by fierce fire.


Beside Banao,

The image of Zhou Tian’s star battle array appeared,

With a crash"

There was a scream in the escape light,

As can be seen,

A figure,

The flame is burning,

Spinning around,

Fall down,

In an instant, this person has a radius of two thousand miles

Of Taoism, tactics,

Has been shattered!

The sword light flashed,

Like Changhong,

Over the distance of three hundred miles in an instant,

But saw a sword,

This person has been chopped off by Ban Ao,

Reach out and grab,

Jin Dan is already in his hand.

How did this flame Taoism release,

Feixiajian, the two diamond flower god,

Don't know at all.

This demon monk,

But the monk of the Three Diamond Flower God,

This board is proud to kill the three-diamond flower god, like a dog!

Feixiajian arched her hand towards Banao:

"More Master Banao, this man,

Into the treasury of the Ministry of Households. "

Banao nodded.

Take down the storage ring of the demon monk,

Looked at it,

After watching for a long time,


A bunch of things came over,

"These should be in the household treasury."


Body shape shook,

Has returned to Xiadian,

Feixiajian looked in her hand,

These items,

Nothing is too precious,

These three-diamond flower god's golden core,

This Feixia sword,

Naturally it won't be given to oneself.

For the second diamond flower god,

Three diamond flower god's golden core,

It is equivalent to a Taoist book of the level of the three-diamond flower god.

Feixiajian blinked,

Fly towards the capital of Fendao Country,

Body shape shook,

Has been settled in the household treasure,

Put the pile of things in your hands,

Walk towards an official~www.wuxiaspot.com~sir, look at these things---"

The adult immediately said to Feixiajian:

"Master Feixiajian is mighty"

"This is the assistance of Master Banao—"

Feixiajian said,

In this way, this credit,

Not yet write it on his head.

A look at Feixia Sword’s spirit,

Just now,

Within five hundred miles around,

The powerful divine thoughts that came towards here,

I came over and watched the Mozu Three Diamond Flower God, how to fight,

At this time,

One by one silently!

A flame,

These three diamond flower gods have fallen!

In the Summer Palace,

Banao reached out and pointed,

This demon tri-diamond flower god's battle armor, flying sword,

The shield has risen in the air,

The flames around,

Several pieces of ten thousand years of cold profound iron were put into this flame,

Towards this armor, the shield flew around and the sword,

The armor, shield, and flying sword have been repaired.

These are still the original magic circle of the Mozu Three Diamond Flower God,

But you can get things to exchange in the market,

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