Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2992: Channel monster

Fang Zheng found a place,

Reach out,

The magic trick originally obtained hits it,

Ripples appear on the stone wall,

The entrance appears,


Commissioner Qian was surprised.

Although these stones are three hundred times harder than Xuantao,

Commissioner Qian’s mind scanned the past,

You can still explore three hundred miles!

There are many canyons in the passages.


If you don’t follow the route on the drawing,

Want to find a cave,

That is unlikely.


Scan here,

Still rock,

Can't see the entrance,

This trick,

It’s already better than the Taoism of the Chief Qian,

Much higher.

Walk into the entrance,

One foot high, several people wide,

A few people thought about it,

Body shape shook,

Hundreds of miles have passed in an instant,

The front is already a stone wall,

Passing here,

"It is the passage opened by nature or the original demons,

This monk,

Do not directly mark the location of the cave. "

Fang Zheng said straight,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

A passage appeared in the rock,

"Fifty miles long, appeared in an instant,

Old money, awesome--"

Fang Zhen said bluntly,

Three hundred times harder than Xuan Tie,

Fifty miles away,

He straightforwardly urged to send the sword art,

It can also cut out a channel.

However, hundreds of swords are needed. or more,

Needless to say, the thunder and fire skyrocketed.

He spoke to Cambran:

"Cambrunen. Can I see what kind of ethics Committee Qian uses?"

Cambran shook his head:


"You are the Yuanying Flower God."

Fang Zheng said frankly,

"Fang Zhengzhi, Yuanying Flower God,

There are also many levels. "

Cambran said,

My face seems mysterious,

In my heart, a variety of flavors emerge,

I don't know what to say.

Committee member Qian stepped on the channel opened by Committee member Qian.

one look.

The incoming passages merge together,

Have been restored to stone walls,

It looks like a mess,

God's thoughts swept over,

Completely like a rock,

"A rock three hundred times harder than black iron,

With our Taoism. Can't do this. "

Cambrian sighed.

Body shape shook,

Has passed the fifty-mile space passage.

Inside is the sky with a radius of ten miles.

The figure of a few people,

It appeared in the sky.

More than a dozen figures,

Pounced suddenly.

As if roaring silently,

Commissioner Qian and Cambran were shrouded in brilliance.

A beast with a radius of several feet.

With wings,

There are scales on the surface of the body,

The body strength is 500 times the profound iron,

Already had a considerable ability to resist mana.

The pounce brought a powerful mana,

The team mana runs on a fixed role.

For Commissioner Qian,

The mana of this starry sky is similar to gravity.

See a lot,

Of course, these beasts,

For Brother Jindan,

There is a considerable threat.

This swooping monster,

As if it has become thousands of images,

Commissioner Qian Yijian,

The head of the monster flew up.

A backhand sword,


Cut three monsters in a row,

The hysteretic force field released by this monster,

As soon as I came into contact with the members of Chairman Qian,

It’s as if water enters a river,

Even the ripples can't be stirred up.

Cambrian is different,

Sword Jue urges,

The sword light shines,

A sword,

The monster rushing over was cut away.

Send out "Peng---"


This monster is five hundred times the strength of the mysterious iron body,

Has surpassed Cambran,

Cambrian’s physical strength,

It is a hundred times that of ordinary profound iron!

It is similar to the ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

Although beheaded the monster,

Still making a loud noise.

Fang Zheng Zhi Dao reminded him,

The flame is like a wave, hitting three thousand miles!

The waves surge,

It seems to have the power of burning the sky,


A few monsters,

Rushed into the flames,

The flame of three thousand miles like burning the sky,

But the scales on these monsters are a bit black!


The monster swung its claws abruptly,

The claws touched the flames,

Brings a loud noise like a war to a bang,

Fang Zheng was shocked,

Reach out,

Ten thousand flames are like flowers,

The first beast that rushed had five swords in a row,

This monster exploded suddenly,

The gravity of this cold rock plane,

It’s just three times the normal plane,

The speed of the opponent's straight out of the sword,

Not much impact,

Several swords in a row,

It’s just dozens of thousandths of an instant,

The swordsmanship turned,

Turned into a blazing rainbow,

A leaping monster next to it,

A few more hits!

In a crash,

Be chopped into pieces!

The flame Changhong suddenly exploded,

Turned into thousands of flames,

Thousands of swords were cut in an instant,

A few monsters leaping over,

Has been cut into a few pieces suddenly!

Fang Zheng Zhi Dao reminded him,

Flame protection,

There was a roar from deep in the sky,

There are at least hundreds of such monsters,


Once they hide,

The whole person seems to be in the shadows.

one look,

Commissioner Qian and Cambran around,

Are surrounded by a dozen monsters,

All beheaded with one sword.


Commissioner Qian stood there.

As if the ethereal and empty show,

Did not even urge the body protection Taoism,

Cambran stood there,

A radiance lingers on the body,

But it's only an inch wide,

It turned out that these two had already killed the monsters that rushed over.

Stand here to watch the excitement.

His own Dao Fa has the greatest momentum.

But it is the most laborious,

Used real kung fu,

Fang Zheng stood here,

What do you want to say,

For a long time, I just said,

With you. Really even "admire."

Can't tell.

Fang Zheng looked straight at the drawings,

Pointing to the passage half a mile away,

"Over there, it should be the passage."


Several people walked towards the passage,

One walked over.

The monster yelled at Commissioner Qian and Cambran.

The other party is upright,

But I didn't even look at it.

A few people walked to the passage,


The monsters swooped at the corpse of their companions,

Gaw a bit!

"This is close to the surface of the Cold Rock Plane,

Except for the atmospheric sky. Similar to those meteorites in the universe!

The beast that can survive here,

How can it be easy? "

Cambran said.

"Cambran, you know that Fang Zhengzhi’s cultivation is bad, so don’t be so straightforward.

Put it mildly. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Fang Zhengzhi's face has turned purple and black!

Walk into this passage,

Walked thirty miles,

The passage became snow white,

The entire passage seemed to be built by a fast white stone.

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

But there was a flash of flame in his hand,

Only then did I grab a half-foot-large white stone,

"This material is good,

It can be used for refining. "

Fang Zheng said frankly,


Commissioner Qian and Cambran can't stand it anymore.

We come here,

Is here to explore the strong man's cave,

Looking for strong rules, rules fusion,

"Integrity, these materials are really inferior to Fangshizhong

Those semi-finished black iron and red copper semi-finished products,

Those refined black iron, red copper,

The transmission of mana is already at a considerable level,

These materials,

The transmission and expansion of the team’s mana is not as good as those

Refined black iron and red copper. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Integrity, that's it.

These materials,

The demons refine some simple magic weapons,

Moderate mana, hard, suitable for close combat. "

Cambran said,

Cambran practiced the rules of Taoism,

The top grade among those common refining techniques in the cultivation world,

I can definitely get it,

Use the rules of Taoism to urge the issuance of the high-grade refining method,

The refined materials,

It must be different from ordinary materials,

These materials,

Cambran also looked down upon,

Cambran was depressed,

I am with these two people,

Mana, sword tactics are far inferior,

On the mixer,

I think it's a good baby,

People simply look down on it.

"These materials don't need fairy stones?"

Fang Zheng said straight,

Dao Fa urges,

While walking,

Big chunks of white stone,

Flew towards the storage bag.

Commissioner Qian and Cambran took a look,

How can the refiner be so easy to practice.

Let him go,

Walk like this,

The speed is certainly not fast.


From these stone gaps,

Thousands of white spots came out,

But only the jujube kernel is big,

A mouthful,

A red light shoots out,

In an instant,

It was tens of thousands of red lights, hitting a few people,

one look,

Although the date nucleus is large,

Still monster-like.

Fang Zheng Zhi Dao reminded him,

Three thousand miles of flames are so big,

Seeing that there will be three thousand miles of flame waves,


Touch this red light,

The flame exploded,

Don't talk about three thousand miles of waves,

Turn into thousands of sparks in an instant!

These red lights are so strong,

Exceeds its own Taoist structure!

Although there is more red light coming,

Fang Zhengzhi was bombarded thousands of times alone.


The power of this red light is indeed powerful,

No wonder those monsters just stopped following.

This is the territory of these monsters,

Fang Zheng thought straight,

Sword Jue urges,

Turned into flames,

Every flame blooms with thousands of petals,

Touch these red lights,

Fang Zhengzheng around,

As if thousands of fireworks were in full bloom.

There was a loud bang,

"Puff, puff, puff---"

On Fang Zhengzhi’s battle armor,

There have been several gaps!

Thunder has spattered,

These red lights look soft,

The power is indeed so great.

Fang Zheng was furious,

Sword Jue urges,

Three thousand flame sword lights swept towards these monsters!

It's like a fiery thunder,

Passing thousands of miles in the sky,


Thousands of red lights twisted towards these three thousand flames and sword lights!

In a sudden sentence,

Three thousand flames and sword lights,

Blast round and round!

Over thirty monsters fell into the tunnel,

Immediately a monster rushed up,

For a while, click, click,

Eat these thirty monsters clean!

Thousands of monsters looked at a few people,


Fang Zhengzhi was cold all over,

Shook his hand,

An extra shield has been added,

A reminder of the law,

The mountains emerge, lush,

Protect yourself,

This shield,

Originally reserved for use close to the strongman's cave mansion,

Don't think,

Just rushed out more than a hundred miles,

About to use,

If you come alone,

Rush here,

It has been unable to rush through.

"Put these monsters,

Just drive away, we came here to hunt for treasure. "

Member Qian said.

Reach out,

A golden flower,

Like a big fight,

Several people have been protected,

A clear light came from the golden flower,

Like a waterfall,

Ascending around a few people,

These monsters opened their mouths,

Thousands of red lights shoot out,

On this clear light,

There were waves of ripples,

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the three are like strolling in the garden,

Walk towards these monsters,

Enter these monster groups!

There are already tens of thousands of red lights,

To the clear light released by this golden flower,

But it doesn't work at all.

These monsters yelled,

Small size,

The voice is quite loud,

Rushed over,

Take a bite at these Qingguang!


With a sound, it has been shaken by Qingguang into nothingness!

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