Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2987: Get something

Wanshange Pavilion's main sword art reminder,

Thunder and fire,

With frenzied rage, but strict and strange

With a blast towards this sword,

The knife exploded!


Pavilion Master Wanshan had a meal,

A huge rock came over,

Thunder and Fire,

The boulder has exploded.

"Bao Zun, you have become the master of Baijiaoguan,

Am I afraid of you? "

The owner of Wanshan Pavilion said,

It is different from the grandeur and solemnity that urges thunder.

The Lord Wanshan Pavilion speaks,

It was as cold as coming from an ice cave.

"Where, we haven't seen each other for a long time,

See how your Taoism is. "

Dao Zun smiled cheerfully.

Who came to this mountain today,

They are all talents on the plane of the garden,

Miss a hit,

A smile appeared on his face immediately,

I usually meet each other,

"Use thunder and fire escape method—"

The owner of Wanshan Pavilion said,

Rehearse with Shanhe Real Humanitarian Law,

Turned into thunder in an instant,

"So you can cross these boulders,

too easy. "

Rain before the mountain dismissed it.


This thunder and fire can escape only thirty feet,

Has been hit by a boulder,

Thunder fire escape method,

Already like a cloud,

It stands to reason,

This boulder should fly out of the thunder and fire,


Was bombarded by this boulder,

A scream,

The owner of Wanshan Pavilion showed his figure,

"Once it is turned into an escape method, this boulder has a greater effect."

Dao Zun smiled.

Step out.

A magma appeared in the air.


The speed is getting slower and slower.

Seeing close to the top of the mountain,

In that radiance, the mysterious runes revolved,

There seems to be an unspeakable mystery,

However, two days have passed.

There was a flash of silhouette in the middle of the mountain,

Xuan Gu, Le Jian. The fire knife flash those people appeared,

"That man is so powerful, punched,

Beat us up. "

The lingering fear on Le Jian's face.

"Looking at that figure, my tactics have been urged,

The man was smashed in one palm. "

Xuan Gu said,

"I Xuangu walked south and north, such a master, this is really convinced."


These people are comprehending that landscape.

have to say,

Ordinary Yuan Ying. Even if you practice the rules and Taoism,

A master who integrates with the three rules,

The gap in perception,

Not so big.

Have been here for a few days,

Still fully comprehending,

Tan Tian has already realized,

Immediately, the gate appeared,

Into this picture.

Of course, in an instant,

Xuangu and the others have already urged them.

Tan Tian blasted a punch,

These few people think,

This punch,

Covers the entire sky in general.

In an instant,

Everyone has been punched,

This punch,

As if traversing thousands of miles,

A few Yuanying Flower God urged,

It's like a thousand miles of country and mountains,

Battered by a punch!

However, even though the Dharma was broken,


There was no injury.

Immediately, the space flickered,

Has appeared in this mid-mountain,

Seeing the boulder blasting over,

Sword Jue urges,

Blasted a few boulders,

Everyone on the whole mountain has seen clearly,

"The treasures on this mountain are not something we can get."

Le Jian said,

"It looks like"

The fire knife flashed, his eyes flashed,

Obviously, I was tempted by the treasures on this mountain.

"The fire knife flashes, how far is it from you?

Don't be too greedy. "

Xuan Gu sneered.

The fire knife flashed his mind back from the top of the mountain.

Sword Jue urges,

Slash towards this boulder.

At this time, the first few people have almost reached the same line,

Rain in front of the mountain, Suotian, Dao Zun, Master of Wanshan Pavilion, Deputy Pavilion Master,

In an instant,

Dao Fa urges,

At the same time, a sword light blasted towards the opponent,

At this time,

It’s close to the top of the mountain,

Dao Zun blasted towards the rain in front of the mountain,

Suo Tian blasted towards the owner of Wanshan Pavilion,

The cultivation base of these people fighting,

It's almost the same.

There was a thunderstorm,

The sword and shadow,

Thunder blasted the sky,

One hundred thousand times of gravity and Yuanying Flower God battle,

The space at the top of the mountain is distorted.

A reminder of Shanhe Real Sword Art,

It has turned into three thousand swords in an instant,

Furiously slashing towards Suo Tian,

Under one hundred thousand times of gravity,

Yuan Ying Flower God's urging mana is more concise.

The swords of both sides blew,

100,000 times of gravity,

The same exploded brilliant sword flowers all over the sky,

The real person Shanhe and Wanshange moved forward a few steps.

Over there, the bronze sword gas flashed,

As if flying across the sky,

"Boom—" Then there was a sound,

The mountains of 100,000 times the gravity exploded.

"Venerable Dao, you dare not fight against Pavilion Master Wanshan, against me?"

The rain in front of the mountain was furious,

This person did not dare to fight against Wanshan Pavilion,

Beat him in the rain before the mountain,

I really don't treat him as a dish.

"Rain in front of the mountain, it takes about the same time as you to reach the plane of the garden wave,"

Just learn from each other. "

Dao Zun,

Rain in front of the mountain stretched out his hand,

A phantom came out from the top door,

Turned into a giant,

Rush towards the swordsman,

The sword light flashed,

This giant has been chopped off half of his shoulder!

someone said,

The Taoism manifested by the deity of Yuan Yinghua,

Stronger than the body,

How can this be?

Yuan Ying’s Huashen body exercises are all tempered with the strongest mana he has cultivated.


Before the mountain rain has been with the owner of Wanshan Pavilion. Deputy cabinet master.

On the same line.

The sword light flashed again,

Very mysterious,

The head of the giant flew up,

Dao Zun quickly ran towards that Guanghua,

In an instant,

Wanshan Pavilion Pavilion Master, Deputy Pavilion Master, Rain in Front of the Mountain.

Almost always grabbed the rune in that Guanghua,

Zun Dao immediately grabbed it towards the rune,

Suotian finally grabbed this rune,


This rune was caught in pieces,

Splashing everywhere,

These people,

One person took some rune fragments,

With emotion,

The power of the Yuan Ying Flower God cannot capture this rune.

While grabbing any rune fragments quickly,

This rune is very mysterious.


Yuanying Flower God can’t immediately understand,

In an instant,

All rune fragments were divided by these people.

The space flickered,

Several people have appeared on that mountain,

Outside that huge rock,

"This expedition is over?"

Xuan Gu, Le Jian, and Fire Knife flashed to see the green figure standing not far away,

Several people had a meal,

The combat effectiveness is too far apart.

one look,

Tan Tian does not move,

It seems that if this person is not good, he will not shoot.

Pavilion Master Wanshan stretched out his hand and patted the boulder.

The paintings of real people on the outing have appeared in the palm of their hands,

Urge towards this strange rock,

The strange rock does not move at all,


The deputy head of Wanshan Pavilion, Tantian and Xuangu all appeared in their palms


Came towards this strange rock,


The strange rock did not respond,

"The entrance to the cave is not here anymore."

Le Jian said,

This mountain, but the scenery is good,

There is no place where the spirits gather,

There is no entrance to the cave, just an ordinary mountain,

These people's minds on this mountain,

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it.

A few human races took a look,

Demon soldiers stood in the mountains and plains,

The entrance of the cave appears,

Regardless of the demons,

They are all very important.

So many demons are standing here,

Between formations,

Faintly surrounded by magma,

It can be said that the general pattern has been urged,

So powerful,


For Yuanying Flower God,

With such mysterious runes,

These demons are really a ball.

"Catch these human races and kill—"

not far away,

Has a tall figure,

Sword Jue urges,

The flame went straight into the sky,

Dao Zun took a look,

It was his hundred Jiaoguan,

The rain in front of the mountain was furious,

Sword Jue urges,

It was a meal,

Green light flashed,

It's about a hundred feet wide,

In an instant, these four diamond flower gods have been wrapped,

These four diamond flower gods,

I can’t even shout,

Has turned into nothingness in an instant,

The cyan light rushed through quickly,

Wherever you go,

Ordinary demon soldiers,

Can't move,

Was turned into nothingness by this blue light in an instant,

Qingguang rushed all the way,

The whole mountains, valleys,

First turned into smash,


All turned into nothingness,

This sword,

A fifty-mile long appeared,

A huge canyon a hundred feet wide,

This blue light flashed,

Has returned to Tan Tian's hands.

Tan Tian did not leave,

Looking at the demon soldiers all over the mountains and plains,

No one dared to look at Tan Tian,

With this sword, at least 1,500 people died!

Tantian walked toward this gorge,

Take a few miles in one step,

Out of this gorge,

Looking at the Demon Soldiers all over the mountains and plains:

"The pearl of rice also shines?"

Body shape,

In an instant, it was already far away,

Xuan Gu, Le Sword, Fire Sword Flash,

Quickly urge to escape,

Flee towards the distance!

There are several demon primordial flower gods here,

Really stand up,

The three of them are not so easy to escape,

The owner of Wanshan Pavilion and Shanhe Zhenren,

Then I walked towards the distance,

It's easy to escape.

Dao Zun, Suotian's eyes fired,


Ten Thousand Thunder Lord God,

It's not that a few of them can easily fight.

Flew thousands of miles,

This mountain,

I can't see it anymore,

Thunder fire.

A smile appeared on Shanhe’s face,

"Good harvest this time"

The Lord Wanshan Pavilion's face is satisfied,

"Well, this time, different rules merge,

It will take a big step forward. "

Several people are satisfied with Yuanying Flower God.

The face of the demon monk who surrounded the cave


Suo Tian, ​​Dao Zun, Mad Hammer,

I have tried Dao Fa,


The prohibition on this strange stone,

Has disappeared.

These people,

He is already the strongest of the demons with a radius of tens of thousands of miles,

Thousands of people were left to guard this mountain,

Generals of the Demon Brigade,

Withdraw towards Guqin Pass and Baijiao Pass,

When I heard that there were treasures,

The golden core experts at Baijiao Pass came with soldiers likewise.

Of course I want to get a share from here.

Don't think,

Was a sword by Tan Tian,

Even the whole team led the figure,


Yuan Ying Flower God benefits from this cave house,

Can you give these golden pills and a base period?

Back to Guqin Pass,

Suo Tian said to Crazy Hammer:

"Crazy Hammer, I practice in retreat,

You will preside over the affairs of Guqin Pass. "

Mad Hammer nodded:

"it is good."

Suo Tian entered the training room.

Crazy Hammer sat toward his office hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Crazy Hammer realized the feeling of smashing those huge rocks.

For a strong Nascent Soul like Crazy Hammer,

These are the insights from the battle in the sword tactics,

But one month,

The deduction ability of Yuanying Flower God,

I have realized the battle of smashing the boulder,

The deduction is almost the same.


But still in retreat.

Also enter this cave,

Suotian may harvest the rule rune,

I harvested,

But it is the Sword Jue insight,

Sword Jue insight,

Where is the opponent of rule perception?

Can't compare at all?

Madhammer thought,

Out of the hall,

To the Fang City of Guqin Pass,

Wandering around.

Immediately, a monk stepped forward,

Said to Madhammer,

"Wanshan Pavilion Master and Deputy Pavilion Master Shanhe Zhenren,

In recent years, I often go to Dagger Mountain. "

As the deputy master of Guqinguan,

This kind of news,

Can still be heard.

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