Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2976: Miles

The mountain scenery is beautiful,

Build pavilions and long corridors for people to repair,

Ten miles away,

You can see a river.

The river is full of grass and trees!

Standing on the hill,

Looking at the view,

It is very good.

There are already many demons playing in this mountain.

This is what the monster monk brought,

There used to be places where great power appeared,

Of course, this is not known to mortals,

and so,

In the books of mortal customs,

Can't see this record.

Mortals do not record,

The demons even don't know.

These demons,

But treat it as a beautiful place.

Walking in front of the mountain,

Like a mortal,

At the end of the day,

The scenery is good,

But what is beyond the ordinary mountains,

It is invisible.

Baijiao Pass will not go,

Rain in front of the mountain sits cross-legged here.


In the early morning birds and flowers,

It's the same as an ordinary mountain.

The rain in front of the mountain started again in this mountain.

At the end of the day,

This mountain,

It doesn't surpass other mountains.


It’s just great to go to this mountain to play,

Like a human being,

But Dao Fa is more powerful.

I practiced on this mountain for half a month,

have to say,

It is indeed an ordinary mountain.

The Yuan Ying Flower God fused with the same rules,

Looking for a fancy treasure, secret realm.

It's really so difficult.

A reminder of the law.

The light is like lightning.

Speeding toward Feihong Pass.

But in a few moments,

Has arrived near the rock mountain,

For so many years in front of the mountain,

Walk in the area occupied by the wave plane demon.

Formation cultivation base,

But it has made great progress,

Arriving near the guarding formation of Yanshan,

God read his scroll toward this front,

It's probably a moment's time.

Before the mountain rain took out the magic weapon,

A reminder of the law,

The magic weapon shoots a brilliance,

Facing the mountain guarding the mountain.

Rain in front of the mountain easily entered the Rock Mountain School.

The magic show,

I already know the location of this rock mountain school secret realm,

Walked towards the secret realm entrance.

Entered this secret,

Watching the rain before the mountain,

A stone wall in the distance,

It's about fifty feet high.

Forbidden to wind around.

The rain in front of the mountain walked over,


Several demons came out,

One by one looks sturdy.

"If you want to get in here, get the immortal stone."

These demons circled this place,

Who wants to come here for enlightenment,

You have to give it to Xianshi.

Look at these demons one by one wearing luxurious clothes,

Obviously, in this rock mountain,

There are some forces.

The rain raised his hand before the mountain,

There was a crisp sound,

These demons,

Like a kite,

Was fanned,

Suddenly flew to the prohibition,

It’s like a big letter with a ban,


They have jade medals on them,

The jade card flashed,

This prohibition was not initiated.

The rain in front of the mountain entered the prohibition,

There are some insights about the stone wall,

Some walked around to see the scene.

Seeing the rain coming over the mountain,


Immediately he shouted:


The footsteps are only urged,

"Boom, boom, boom"

Several people fly at the same time,

Boom to the prohibition,

Big characters appeared and posted on the prohibition.

The absolute difference in cultivation base,

Let him in and out of this secret realm,

As if walking on a flat road.

A few people who comprehended the stone wall walked aside,

They are out of the fairy stone,

Where are you willing to go out like this,


Watching the rain before the mountain,

Same to the stone wall,

It seems to be someone who came to understand the profound,

These people began to comprehend the stone wall again,

This kind of thing,

There are more in the demons.

Before the mountain rain, I watched a tea time,

This stone wall,

It uses a rather rare natural stone wall,

With at least four diamonds at the top of the flower god,

This is just made.

For ordinary Jindan and foundation-building monks,

Really good,

look at this,

It is better than the general Taoist books.

However, it was enjoyed by the demons.

Rain in front of the mountain thought,

Out of the prohibition,

Far away,

Within a radius of tens of miles, within a hundred miles,

Many people have seen it,

It seems.

This kind of struggle caused by the profound understanding,

There are often here.

The rain in front of the mountain walked towards the next prohibition,

In a day,

this time,

The rain in front of the mountain entered the sentiment that was wrapped in the prohibition,

No one dares to stop,

He read the entire secret realm here,

Indeed, most of them were from the foundation building period and the Jindan monks.

However, Qianqianyu went from casual cultivation to Yuan Ying,

The cave house explored,

But it is quite a lot,

He came out of the rock mountain,

A reminder of the escape method,

Like lightning,

Flying towards the distance,

In an instant, there was no sign.

Near knife mountain,

A town,

But not the town where Yunxia Pavilion is located,

The bronze light flashed,

Has arrived in this town.

Walk into a hall shop in the town,

This shop,

It's a few feet wide,

The waiter greeted him,

Before the mountain rain took out a bag of fairy stones.

"I want to take a look at the paintings of famous artists in the past."

The waiter nodded,

"Upstairs please."

Rain upstairs before the mountain,

The waiter comes in,

Took a storage bag,

"This is a painting by a famous artist in the past."

Before the mountain rain opened the storage bag,

It was full of scrolls.

Of course, these are imitations.

Comprehension world,

There are all kinds of shops.

Rain in front of the mountain looked at these paintings,

After watching for a few days,

At this time, he opened a painting,

one look,

The painting of Bai Teng Zhenren,

Similar to the carving recorded in that secret realm,

of course,

In terms of details,

There are considerable differences.

"It's great, this is a great reward."

The rain in front of the mountain said,

of course,

Here are the paintings of Bai Tengzhen,

Still not much.

Rain in front of the mountain recorded a few paintings of Zhenren Bai Teng here,

Go downstairs,

Give the storage bag to the waiter,

Out of town,

Dao Fa urges,

But in an instant,

Has returned to Yanshan,

Bring out the magic weapon,

A reminder of the law,

Soon I entered the rock mountain secret realm,

Before the carving,

Reach out,

A prohibition,

Has surrounded this carving,

Looking at the rain in front of the mountain,

The painting I saw,

It is half of this sculpture.

Grab it in your hand,

An image appears,

A dozen towards this carving,

No response to carving.

Looking at the rain in front of the mountain,

The image I made,

There is a certain gap with this carving,

"It seems that the original work is needed."

The rain in front of the mountain said,

Out of the rock mountain secret,

Dao Fa urges,

Body like electricity,

In an instant it has gone to the horizon,

Miles away,

One day of rain before the mountain,

Walked a few back and forth!

This is the great power of Yuan Ying.

This time,

The rain in front of the mountain flew directly towards the town where Yunxia Pavilion is located.

The bronze brilliance flashed,

Have crossed hundreds of miles,

When I arrived at the edge of this town ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I found a restaurant to rest.

I flew tens of thousands of miles a day,

It's already night,

For Yuanying Flower God,

Sit in a cross,

It's already the morning sun,

Before the mountain rain, eat early,

Arrived at Yunxia Pavilion,

The waiter came up,

"Do you have any paintings of Makoto Xueteng?"

Rain in front of the mountain said,

"In this town, all the paintings by Xue Teng Zhenren have been sold.

In this town, no paintings by Xue Teng can be found. "

The middle-aged man said,

No matter what kind of masters come,

This middle-aged man,

As if always such a gentle smile.

"Who took it."

The rain in front of the mountain is really depressing.

I thought I found a possible secret,

Don't think,

In this town, all the paintings of Xue Teng Zhenren were taken away.

"Part of it was purchased by Wanshange,

Some of the paintings by Xue Teng Zhenren were purchased by Ran Xiu.

Casual repair, I don't know who it is. "

The middle-aged man said. (To be continued...)

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