Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2969: Acquire the profound

Yunxia whirled,

Thousands of thunder and fire,

All absorbed by Yunxia,

A sword of thunder that can blast away half of the mystery,

Can't afford the slightest disturbance.レ;思♥路♣客レ

What is awesome,

This is awesome!

The muscles on the face of Pavilion Master Wan Shan twitched.

This picture of the man Xueteng,

Seen by such a master.

Turned around,

Has left the secret realm,

Needless to say,

This master,

It must be related to the prefect of Tianhammer,


He did not go to the sky hammer.

In this secret realm,

What I want is a baby,


There was a roar.

Dozens of sword lights suddenly blasted over,

The demons from Yanshan rushed over,

The owner of Wanshan Pavilion stretched out his hand,

Lei Huo Yao shè the entire sky!

In an instant,

Dozens of sword lights,

Together with the demons who urged the sword light.

The whole is transformed into a brilliant statue in the air,

Everyone’s expression or surprise,

Or angry, or turn around and want to escape,


In a thousandth of an instant,

The whole is turned into gray!

This sword,

Shining the whole rock mountain,

The whole rock mountain,

As if silence,

No one dared to rush forward.

Such a master,

Otherwise, the master of each level can fight,


Plane General Hall,

Send masters to fight.

The main body of Wanshan Pavilion is vertical,

In an instant.

Has gone to the horizon.

A figure entered the rock mountain secret realm.

Commissioner Qian has arrived.

Entered the secret,

Step on,

Has reached the side of Tan Tian and Ban Kuang,

"Tan Tian, ​​Ban Mad, how do you feel?"

"If you come back in a few months, you will feel better,


Here is occupied by the demons.

Read these three insights first.

This rock mountain comprehension school,

For us, it doesn't make much sense. "

Tan Tian said,

The place where the aura of the rock mountain gathers,

You can make golden pills cultivate,

Let those who practice during the foundation period,

For Chairman Qian and Jin Guozhi,

Not very useful,

Commissioner Qian and the shadows of these golden fruits,

Of course not for Yanshan.

Go to war with the demons,

Wolf Hammer Mountain. Tan Tian showed the powerful Dao Fa,

The Yuan Ying master of Baijiao Pass did not come.

Tan Tian and Ban Kuang also urged the pictures in their hands,

The picture scroll appears again,

This time,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of the flower **** Jin Guo in the Yuan Ying,

Fully comprehend.

"The adults from Feihong Pass came to check,

Stand aside quickly. "

Several demonic monks walked by and said,

Tan Tian Yunxia a sword,

Block all the thunder sword issued by the Wanshan Pavilion Pavilion Master!

Facing the secret realm,

Not much damage.

At this time,

But a monk from Feihong Pass came to check,

Baijiaoguan passed,

It is Feihong Pass.

Yanshan is already under the jurisdiction of Feihong Pass.

Commissioner Qian, Tan Tian, ​​Ban Kuang stood aside,

These Mozu monks came and passed,

Talk while walking.

"The opposing master came,

Hundreds of people were killed in battle. "

"The human monk rushed out of the secret a few days ago,

The Jindan master of Yanshan was attacked by the distant master,

Several died in battle. "

They said,

Continuous masters enter this secret realm,

This secret realm was originally for the monks in the foundation period,

It was used by the golden core monks for the trial,

This time,

The master of Feihong Pass came.

Commissioner Qian and Tan Tian took a look at the board crazy,

A ban is played,

Tan Tian and Ban Kuang,

Reach out,

The paintings of the man Xue Teng,

Appeared in their hands again,

A dozen towards these carvings.

This carving shines,

The picture scroll of a mile and a half showed,

After reading this picture scroll,

The carving is restored to the previous stone,

Commissioner Qian, Tan Tian, ​​swept away the thoughts of Ban Kuang,

It's exactly the same as an ordinary stone,

Several people nodded,

Walk towards the entrance of the secret realm,

Did not leave the secret realm yet:

"My lord to-----"

Entrance to the Secret Realm,

Loud shouts rang,

A line of guards came in,

The big man from Feihong Pass has arrived.

A spirit and coercion,

As if the sky is overwhelming,

Shrouded this mystery.

Yuan Ying Flower God.

Tall and mighty monk,

The armor on his body,

As if shining on all sides,

Not in a hurry,

Step into the cheats,

The monk in the secret realm stood,

"You go out."

The Yuan Ying Flower God said,

He is about to use his powerful Taoism.

These low-level monks,

How can you examine the mystery of the secret realm with him?

The demon monks in the secret realm all walked out of the secret realm.

Commissioner Qian, Dantian, the board went down to Yanshan,

Walk towards the rock wall on the side of the road,

In an instant,

A reminder of the escape method,

Half tea time,

Has reached Kuanglei Mountain,

The shadows of Jin Guo jumped out from the top door of the Qian Committee.

Began to feel.

"This wolfhammer mountain, found in the rock mountain secret,

I feel together with the collected Taoist books that integrate the rules,

Saved us one hundred and fifty years,"

Tanshan said,

Nineteen Yuanying level golden fruit shadows,

Exchanging their own thoughts together,

In the previous books about rule fusion,

Some obscure and mysterious parts,

Gradually realize it.

You can probably understand the secret harvest of Wolfhammer Mountain and Rock Mountain.

It saves 150 years of cultivation time for the Qian Yuan and Yuanying Flower God Golden Fruit Shadow.

"Tan Tian, ​​this real Xueteng, an extraordinary character.

If Xueteng is a cultivator,

Three thousand years ago,

His cultivation is already higher than mine.

At least, it is the power of the fusion of the six series of rules.

You can collect all the paintings of the man Xue Teng. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Okay, I'll take a trip to Knife Mountain,

Seriously, the higher the cultivation base,

The higher the chance of getting these secret realms and magic weapons. "

This said,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi laughed together.

Tan Tian's figure reminded him,

Has walked out of Kuanglei Mountain,

A reminder of the escape method,

In an instant it has gone to the horizon.

But half tea time,

Has flew close to the mountain of swords,

This time,

Tantian did not use Canyon Villa,

Knife Mountain,

This was originally thought to be a gathering place for casual practitioners below the Yuan Ying stage,

In Tantian's eyes,

Become mysterious.

Tantian arrived in that town again,

Found Yunxia Pavilion.

The Yunxia Pavilion is full of calligraphy and painting,

You know at a glance,

Specializing in calligraphy and painting.

The middle-aged waiter greeted him,

Tan Tian took out a one-foot-long material,

It seems,

Like the good white jade,


This is not white jade,

This is Xuan Tie,

Just this piece of mysterious iron,

Those who have poor cultivation can refine the four-diamond flower **** magic treasure Dao Fa rune,

Those with a strong cultivation base can refine the Dao Fa runes of the Yuan Ying magic weapon.

"I want to collect the paintings of the real man Xueteng.

Here is a copy of Xueteng's life deeds. "

Knowing that Xueteng was three thousand years ago,

He is already a strong man with a cultivation base that surpasses the Qian Da committee’s body,

Tan Tian made a move,

The materials presented are all different.

This middle-aged man took a look:

"Thirty thousand years of cold water mysterious iron, not bad."

Tan Tian took a look,

The standard of this middle-aged man is pretty good.

Thirty thousand years of cold water mysterious iron,

Produced in the cold spring under the Wannian Glacier~www.wuxiaspot.com~yuan wave plane,

Only the big snow fields produce.

Big snow field,

The top of the foundation period and the place where the Jindan monks went.

This middle-aged man took a book,

Only a few pages.

To Tan Tian,

"I will show you the paintings of Madam Xueteng in other shops."

He said,

Out of the shop,

This kind of 30,000-year-old mysterious iron,

For Commissioner Qian,

There are really as many mountains as there are. . )

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