Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2957: Battle treasure

Seeing the real man's escape method,

Have been out of these mountains,


Body shape flashed,

Has appeared hundreds of miles away,

I chose a mountain,

Reach out,

A cave mansion appeared.

The real man walked in.

"Look at the real person Tan Song, how is the deduction."

Shanda and Huoda,

Came out of this secret,

The lines on the stone wall,

It may be the rune that opens the secret realm,

They must have this deduction,


Cultivation base, not enough knowledge,

Starting from the advanced Jindan monks,

When it comes to the advanced stage, the diamond flower god,

Can't deduct it.

After a long time,

Body shape shook,

Tan Song's figure appeared,

Tan Song shook his hand,

A mysterious rune appeared,

Compared with the Taoism of Shanda, Huoda, and Wangzhang,

The rune in Tan Song's hand,

It seems mysterious and profound!

Reach out,

This rune hits the rock wall,

A door suddenly appeared in the rock wall,

There are complicated patterns on it,

she gave out a light,

Put Tan Song over!

Tan Song knew immediately,

Only with the corresponding rune,

To enter this cave.

The communication circle urged,

We have to put this rune,

The location of this cave,

Where is Tan Tian and Tan Da,

The wave of communication and the light covering Tan Song,


It's like electric fire. Flashed a few feet!

This is sent out.

This time.

A real person. Shanda real person, Huoda real person hides like electricity,

Have reached this door,

one look,

Everyone is a little embarrassed.

However, treasure hunters,

What is this embarrassment?

Seeing the noise of the demons in the building,

This little distance.

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the body,

The figure has rushed to the entrance of the cave,

The real man stretched out his hand and pointed,

For ten years, the sword light shot,

These demon swordsmanship urged to issue with all their strength,

The sword light is as brilliant as fire,


With the touch of these ten swords,

Can't stop it for an instant!

The gap with this sword light is too big,

There is not even a loud noise.

Little "Puff, puff. Puff---"

The sound seemed to sound at the same time.

There is already a fog of blood outside!

The rune that the real man would realize himself,

Strike towards this mysterious gate,

A brilliance came out, covering the real person,

this is okay too.

Huo Da Zhen Ren and Shan Da Zhen Ren's tactics are fought,

Shed out the runes that I felt,


This gate, she has come out again,

Cover the real people of Shanda and Huoda!

In an instant,

Several people were rushed into the gate by Guanghua,

The demons rushed in,

Saw the mottled mountain wall.

Still as before.

A man in a green robe is sitting,

The cloak covered his face,

It's just a hall,


It seems to be hundreds of miles away.

"If you want to get the benefits, you must accept the task,

The benefits you need,

it's here. "

The man in Qingpao said,


This man in Qingpao,

And when I entered the main **** space,

The black-robed man I saw was similar,

It's just that the robes are different.

Of course, it seemed like overwhelming coercion,


One is three feet close to Commissioner Qian,

This coercion separates itself.

"This Secret Realm, doesn't you come in with treasures?"

Tan Song said,

"There are treasures, but on the plane of Yuanbo, on the territory of the demons,

If you accept, you can show up at the predetermined place,

In ten moments,

You must get this treasure,

Of course, your cultivation base is high, and the treasures obtained are of high quality,

After ten moments,

The treasure will be gone. "


The benefits are getting worse,

Tan Song hasn't finished saying this.


From the dark hall beside it,

Has reached a hillside,

The road not far from the hillside,

The road,

The crowd is walking fast,

At a glance, you know that they are all demons.

Sledgehammer Pass, thirty miles ago.

Tan Song Dao Fa urged,

The actions of these demons,

As if slowed down ten thousand times.

Body shape flashed,

Has rushed to the middle of Xiongyuguan,


There was a series of explosions,

This is the prohibition being urged and blasted again,

Forbidden to issue fragments of Taoism,

Splashing everywhere like gems.


Half of Xiongyuguan shouted,

this is,

From the direction of Guanzhu Hall,

There was a thunderous voice,

A thunder fire,

Rush three thousand feet!

"The enemy rushed into the hall---"

The guards of the main hall of Guanzhu shouted,

One after another,

You can see the panic in the shout,

Came such a master,

Pay attention to the side of the main hall,

Was blasted out of a big hole,

Next to the big hole,

The blood mist was spinning around,

Full of screams!

In a hundredth of an instant,

Not only was the well-protected large array blasted out of the gap,

The guards within a hundred feet of gap,

Seeing blue light around,

One body with soul,

All were bombarded!

For a while,

They can't even see the shadow of the master,

A reminder of the law,

Fly with all his strength beside the protective formation of this hall.


The magma of the protective formation, the mountains,

The volatility issued has increased a thousand times!

Under the powerful Taoism,

The guards urged the speed of Dao Fa,

Reduced to less than one-tenth of the original.

"it's here---"

The thunderous roar,

From the tall and majestic body,

The master of Daxiongguan came out,

It’s not far from the mountains where the main hall of the plane is located,

This is the Garden Wave Plane,

The most prosperous demons gathering area,

What did you think of,

The formation is fully launched,

He immediately felt the fluctuations at a hundred meters below the main hall of Guanzhu,

Ten thousand times of gravity,

The whole hall and everything within a radius,

Become as hard as black iron a hundred times,


There is a figure,

Like a fish,

Here, Bi Xuan Tie is swimming in the Dao Fa that is a hundred times harder,

The way to protect the formation,

Touch the fish-like figure~www.wuxiaspot.com~The surface of this figure,

The flames of blue se flow,

It seems,

The power is the same as the protection of ordinary monks.

One after another turned into pieces!

This man’s Taoist attainments,

I have surpassed myself.

The master of Xiongyuguan yelled,

The formation of the whole person and the formation is one,

Sword Jue urges,

A sword light like a rock,

But it seems to stretch for thousands of miles!

In an instant it crossed a hundred feet of profound iron,

Booming to the side of the burning blue flames,

At this time,

This figure burning with blue flames,

Has grabbed a rock,

Turned and rushed towards the ground.

If you escape underground,

For hundreds of miles,

All are controlled by the formation of Xiongyuguan.

In an instant,

The green flame turned into a sword light,

Boom at this huge rock that stretches for thousands of miles!


The entire huge rock sword light that stretches for thousands of miles,

It broke suddenly.

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