Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2936: Jade carving


Tan Da said,

The Iron Armor took the flying sword and reminded him of his spirit,

Just feel that

The magic circle in this flying sword,

Mixed as natural!

Gives a sense of completion!

How to use this flying sword,

I knew in an instant,

Sword Jue urges,

Showing a thousand feet

Of course, this phase is suspended.

There are thousands of mountains in the Dharma,

Beside thousands of mountains,

Surrounded by thousands of sword energy,

Every sword aura is extremely sharp,

The iron armor is reminded,

Thousands of swords together!

Turned into a flying sword three hundred feet long,

Towering like a mountain, solemn like a god,

There seems to be a kind of sharpness to the sky!

"it is good"

The armor yelled,

"This flying sword can't match the general formation.

Thirty times more than my previous flying sword!

Holding this flying sword,

Let me feel like a human monk back then. "

Ironclad said,

The sword light closed,

Has turned into a sword light lingering,

Rushed into the hands of the armor,

Originally this flying sword,

Is made for iron armor,

Just for a while,

The armor has been completely refined and controlled the array.

Iron Armor produces six regular runes by itself,

Where did I think of it, the flying sword made by Commissioner Qian.

It's so powerful.

It is thirty times the power of the previous flying sword!

I knew that.

Just give a few more regular runes to the old money,

Ironclad thought,


Comprehension world,

One thing is one thing.

Look at the mana of old money,

There are fairy flowers in general,

The cultivation base has made a lot of progress,

Help the old money yourself. Get the favor of Kuangleishan,

That's it.

"Old Qian, in the past few years, I and a few monster monks,

Explore the hidden secrets of the wave plane of Yuanyuanyuan,

Some demon strongmen are also exploring,

With this sword,

In recent years, the results found are larger.

When the time comes, I call you to go with you. "

Ironclad said.

Tan Dayi listened.

It turns out that some powerful demons are exploring this secret realm.

No wonder after a few years,

Only then opened my mouth to invite myself,


Are there secrets not to go?

"OK---you are sure it is a secret realm,

Not Dongfu? "

Tan Da nodded.

"Old money, awesome,

I invite you to the secret realm, without even considering it.

It is indeed a secret realm, not a cave mansion,

Can I know the difference between Mysterious Realm and Dongfu? "

Ironclad sighed.

The iron armor walked out of the mad thunder mountain,

"Tanta, you traveled through the occupied areas of the demons,

How is the harvest? "

Tanshan said,

"Don't talk about secrets, decent, cave houses with many collections,

Neither found one.

Find a few places where the aura converges,

Let the shadow of the golden fruit at the top of the three diamond flower **** come over. "

Tan Da said.

"Just say this Kuanglei Mountain, it was said in the book of local customs,

When the solar terms thunder,

However, Duo Lei’s mountain is mentioned in the book about the customs in the area occupied by the demons.

Thousands of places,

Mortals saw ten thunders falling,

Just say Duo Lei,

How can I practice the past everywhere. "

Tan Da said.

"Those who travel to hunt for treasure are really unreliable.

It's all luck. "

Tanshan said,

The shadows of Golden Fruit said for a while,

If the iron armor can really find the location of this secret realm,

It's really worth going.

Iron armor has robbed monsters for four hundred years,

And the monster monk on the wave plane of this garden,

There are quite a few contacts.


Camel beasts galloping in the wilderness,

Over a mountain bag,

The wind of early summer was blowing suddenly.


On the camel, the Demon cried loudly,

Bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

Don't even look at it,


One arrow,

One hundred and thirty feet away,

A beast,

Has crashed down!

"My lord's Jindan cultivation base is really hitting every success."

The samurai next to him in simple armor said,

But I was disdainful in my heart,

This person's Jindan cultivation base,

Cut off the beast hundreds of feet away,

But stretched out his hand.


This person likes this tune,

It urges the camel beast to fly to hunt.

Immediately a samurai urged the camel beast to rush over,

Take it at the prey,

The prey has been put into the storage bag.

"Hey, there is a house on the opposite mountain,

It looks good,

Benz has been for more than a thousand miles,

Go in and have a look. "

I brought drinks in my storage bag,


These hunted prey must be concocted,

Cook, eat and drink,

Of course it is more convenient in the house,

The camel team galloped towards the house on the half-hill slope,

Walked to the side of the house,

The camel beast ran for more than a mile,


It is inaccessible to the house on the hillside.

"Formation, there are cultivators here?"

The golden core demon cried loudly,

Looking at the building,

The style of human architecture,

"Those who are bold enough to cultivate, don't come out to see you."

Talking, reaching out and pointing,

A sword gas shocked the sky,

The whole sky is reflected like a flame,

Boom towards this house,

This boom,

There will be a big pit!


This flame reflecting the sky,

Just shot ten feet long,

As if the distance from this house,

The distance has not changed at all,

Brother Tsing Yi walked over from the door.

The face is jade, handsome and flying,


a pair of eyes,

Like an abyss of flames,

Looked over,

"Not good, withdraw---"

Don't say anything else,

Looking at the eyes of this monk in Tsing Yi,

This Mozu Jindan monk was shocked,

I met a strongman on this hillside,

Once the strongman came out,

Retreat first,

"Birds, it just happened to have advanced the Four Element Profound Fusion."

The monk said,

Reach out,

These demons,

Everyone was hit by a sword gas,

Based on the cultivation of the Jindan monks,

Can't see how this sword light came from.


Thirty sounds sounded at the same time,


Brother Jindan turned into a **** mist,

Thirty followers next to him,

Directly annihilated!

Regardless of the Jindan cultivation level or the foundation-building monks,

Regardless of whether there is urging Dao Fa,

Can't stop this sword qi boom!

"Well, there is a place where spiritual energy converges,

Earth system Xuan'ao water system Xuan'ao,

The condensed mysterious runes are much more perfect.

A lot more powerful,

In this way, there is a big difference from the Dao Fa book. "

This man said,

The monk stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

All the storage instruments were in his hands,

Turned and walked into the house,

This is the common habit of all the Golden Fruit Shadows of Commissioner Qian,

The shadow of this golden fruit,

Although he is cultivated as a four-diamond flower god,


The time manifested,

It has been more than 600 years,

I used to be in charge of alchemy in Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the cultivation base is not very high,


Come, this place where aura gathers,


Fusion of four elements of mystery,

Advanced Four Diamond Flower God.

An advanced four-diamond flower god,

But a few years,

The cultivation base is close to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,

He looked at these storage bags,

The monks in the foundation construction period are average,

I want to take it from the storage bag of the monk during the foundation building,

It’s not easy to find a real baby,

In this gold core monk's storage ring,

There are a few pieces of jade slips from the ancient monk,

Not bad,

He continued to watch,

Looking at a piece of jade beast carving.

"Well, this carving is primitive, but very new."

He watched.

There was a brilliance in his hand,

Around this carving,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God cannot see it,

However, he was taken aback,

This is jade refined with powerful Taoism,

Not natural jade!

It is a very primitive jade carving! (To be continued.

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