Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2934: Hao Kuo Tan Da

However, this person is a relative of the deputy chief of Baijiaoguan,

Had to stay.

Ironclad returned to the door,

Give the paper to Tanda,

Tan Da took a look,

Nodding: "Okay, I'm going to set up the formation."

"Well, I'll be a guest in some time."

Ironclad said,

Walked towards the surrounding vendors.

of course. Grand General Tan drove away all the cultivating monks in Kuanglei Mountain.

Iron armor will naturally come as a guest.

Kuang Lei Shan.

There are still hundreds of monks practicing,

These are the monks during the Qi training period and the foundation building period.

Tan Da sighed.

"Listen, I bought this Kuanglei Mountain from Baijiaoguan.


With that, it turned into a mysterious Huang Guanghua,

With diamond flower **** repair base. One turn,

This is a hundred monks who are cultivating,

Just feel that

I'm already flying in the air, tumbling,

Flew out of the range of Kuanglei Mountain.

"Kuanglei Mountain has a master, I don't know the golden core cultivators will come over,

How does he cope. "

A monk during the foundation building period said angrily.

Seeing a circle of flames in the mountains,

Winding towards Kuanglei Mountain,

Kuanglei Mountain has been surrounded by formations.

This array of pictures.

The core of the formation is the starlight formation,


Manifested on the outside,

Are mountains and flames,


It is similar to the Taoism of the general demons.

Mountains and flames,

The same is the manifestation of the Starlight Array.

Sure enough, there was a tea time in this mountain Taoist law,

Far away,

A flash of thunder.

The thunder rumbling, as if resounding through the sky.

As if for a few moments,

The flames have fallen towards this mountain,

one look,

There are a hundred monks watching the fun.

"How is the formation set up here?"

Surrounded by thunder and fire,

But the radius of three feet,

However, the sky seemed to burst into flames.

You know at a glance,

The more powerful Jindan monks.

"The master of this formation said, this crazy mountain,

He bought it. "

The monk during the foundation building stage quickly stood up and said,


This golden core monk is furious!

"I want to use this mad thunder mountain for cultivation,

He dared to occupy it alone. "

Baijiaoguan sells Kuanglei Mountain,


These golden core monks have comprehended Thunder,

When the thunder came,

This crazy thunder mountain is useful,

When the thunder fire stopped,

This crazy thunder mountain is useless,

Only a few dozen days a year, this crazy mountain is useful,

Spend tens of millions of middle-grade immortal stones,

None of these golden pills could bear it.

When I heard someone bought Kuangleishan,

The golden core monk's face became even more brutal,


In a hundredth of an instant,

This thunderball crossed a few miles.

The thunderball suddenly hit the mountain flames,

The thunder fire exploded, as hot as copper-red crystal,

Shot three hundred zhang,

The monks watching the Qi training period not far away,

During the foundation building period, the monks retreated suddenly,

A crystal shard,

Flashed towards the place where he originally stood in battle,

A large hole half a foot wide appeared in the mountains.

Although there is not even a ripple in this battle,


Tan was furious,

Just now did not adjust the power of the circle,

Change the magic circle to absorb.

Body shape shook,

Has appeared outside the battlefield,

"Where's the force, rush to the wild here!"


Body shape shook,

He didn't use a knife,

This Jin Dan Na can withstand his cut.

It seems to bring out thousands of phantoms,

In an instant,

As if covering a distance of several miles,

This Jindan brother was shocked,

There is already an extra sword light in his hand,

Reach out for the sword art,

Turned into a thousand swords,

Boom towards these thousands of phantoms,

"Puff, puff, puff---"

Thousands of phantoms,

Suddenly exploded,

Turned into cloud-like fragments and splashes,


A big foot,

In front of this golden core monk, suddenly became bigger,

This Jindan brother was shocked,

Before the sword in his hand hit this person,

This big foot will kick over,

In an instant, his body shook six hundred times,


No matter how he shakes,

This big foot,

Already kicked on him.


He flew up, the flying sword in his hand,

Still halfway,

He felt that at this moment,

As long as a year,


This kick,

The monks in the foundation period, the monks in the training period, it seems,

As if fast,

But very clear,

Tan Da urged thousands of apparitions,

One kick kicked the golden core monk away,

The thunder and fire lingering around Monk Jindan splashed all over the sky,

Thousand Dao Jian Qi urged,

This will cut the thousand phantoms to pieces!

This Golden Core monk flew three miles,


Smashed the hillside into a hole,

The flying sword flew out,

After a long time, I stood up,

Moved towards Feijian several times in a row!


Feijian returned to his hands,

Turned around,

Flying towards the distance,

Tanda, he didn't dare to look at it.


Hundreds of people are monks in the Qi training period, monks in the foundation period,

Ran quickly towards the distance.

The master of this Kuanglei Mountain wants to kill all of them, with a wave of hundreds of people,

Probably because of the activities held in Baijiaoguan,

This is no killer.

The protective range of General Tan’s formation has been extended for more than ten miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been far away from the thunderous thunder of solar terms.

This is only satisfactory.

in the afternoon,

It has spread among the hundred Jiao,

The new owner of Kuanglei Mountain is a martial arts expert.

With one move, the fifth-grade golden core for cultivating Thunder Mystery was blown away.


A monk who usually cultivates in Thunder Mountain,

No need to think about the team mad at Leishan below the fifth grade golden core.


Grade 5 golden core or above,

I think Kuangleishan is good at cultivating Thunder Mystery,

It's just a day, in the morning,

The plant demon servant brought the food,

Tan Da just finished eating,

There are still ten days before the next solar term.

"Master Kuangleishan Tanshan, please come out and enlighten me!"

Roar like a beast,

Sounded outside Kuanglei Mountain.

The demons don’t call out members,

Call the mountain lord!


It is the prevailing rule!

Tanda took a step,

The flame of the mountains

Tanda came out from inside.

one look,

There are already a few monks standing outside,

A tall man yelled,

In the distance, a few people watch the excitement,

All are the cultivation bases above the Diamond Flower God. (To be continued)

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