Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2681: The threshold of water and fire fusion

In the water mirror far or near,

All kinds of monks, humans, monsters, or demons,

Stop talking.

They practice Taoism,

The Tsing Yi monk holding a long banner, under the strong pressure of the same system of rules,

There is no such effort to break their Taoism.

Rain in front of the mountain, plus is welcome to watch,

Let these monks from all sides,

Look at the rain in front of him, combining the power of the same rules,

But Jianguang made a wave,

The Four Diamond Flower God was beaten by fluctuations!

The rain showed up in front of the mountain,

Escape for a while,

In an instant,

Bronze escapes the light and has gone to the horizon.

that's it-----

All the monks watching,

Passing this thought in my mind.

Rumble urged to escape and ran over,

The Xuansong cottage still stands upright,

But thirty or so qi training monks died,

Watched here,

They are all flower gods with diamonds,

Take a few better medicinal materials, some general auxiliary medicinal materials,

It took a few days to refine a pot of elixir,

After thirty or so qi training period monks were created again.

Some are emotional, some are embarrassed, and some are excited.

Everyone has their own ideas.

Qiu Shanguo,

A group of low hills surround a cottage,


A figure soars into the sky from the cottage,

Fly in the direction of the great nation,

In an instant,

Has gone to the horizon.

"Looking at the speed, it really is the Four Diamond Flower God."

On a mountain in the distance,

In the sparse grass and trees,

Stand up alone,

"It's no wonder that people who chase souls like to build cottages,

They need the air of Xuanyin, which ordinary people can't bear.

It's the kind of deserted place.

This kind of place is not very useful for ordinary people.

Of course, it is not a problem for me as a flower god. "

This man said,

He reminded him of the method,

Has rushed into the mountains.

Rush into the mountains and travel hundreds of miles.

He has poked his head out,

one look,

A demon patrol team passed by in the distance.

There are many demons who practice flame and magma methods,

Cultivating Frost Ice Dao Law. Not much,

Those who practice Xuanyin Qi,

Not much the same.

"Qiu Shan Country is a strange place.

There is a place where pure fire auras gather like Qiuhuashan,

It stands to reason that there will be no place where the energy of Xuanyin converges.

This is a distance from Qiuhua Mountain. Three thousand miles, there is a place where the energy of Xuanyin gathers. "

This belt diamond flower **** said.

That afternoon,

Zong Bianhan has received the report from him.

"Qiushan Country is close to the border of the demon-occupied area,

There is a cottage, people who enter and leave the cottage,

It's really as good as Xuansong Village in Chunluo Prefecture,

They are all practicing the Xuan Yin technique.

The owner there. Is the four diamond flower god,

However, the speed of the Four Diamond Flower God can only be seen,

.Is practicing the Xuan Yin technique.

I don't know which Xuanyin technique to practice. "

Zongbian Han looked at the report,

Qiu Shanguo,

Leaning on the Kunwenjiang. There are many plains, good land, high crop yields,

In order to compete for Qiushan Country.

The Garden Wave Plane Committee and the demons,

Several wars fought on the border near Qiu Shan State.

During the foundation period, thousands of monks were killed in battle, and about 30 Jindan monks were killed in battle!

Zongbianhan stretched out his hand!

The communication circle opens.

The impact of Ang Tian Hammer appeared,

"My God, what you said is done."

Zong Bianhan put the report aside,

"At the border with the demons? Not bad."

Ang Tian Chui said,

It seems that

Zong Bian Han had already understood his intention.

Able to cultivate to the diamond flower god,

No one is a fool.

That night,

Starlight glowed with remnant snow,

Outside the ancient Songzhou government,

Ang Tian Hammer appeared,

With a reminder of the escape method, he flew towards Qiushan Country,

A cup of tea time,

Have already flown six thousand miles!

Has entered Qiushan Country,

Then came the escape light,

The escape method has been rushed into the mountain,

The mountains are separated like water waves.

Toward Qiu Shanguo, he took out the border and galloped past.

Walked more than a thousand miles in the mountains,

Ang Tian Chui felt,

Far away, a gloomy cold,

Ang Tian hammer rushed out of the ground,

At a glance, in the mountains dozens of miles away,

A cottage is looming.

This is what Zongbianhan calls the cottage,

Ang Tian Hammer reached out his hand,

A series of mysterious runes,

Fell on the rocks dozens of miles away,

In an instant,

It blends with the stone.

The Taoism is well arranged,

Ang Tian hammer urged his body shape,

This time, I didn’t return to Daren,

But it was in the Kunwen River,

Step on!

A space appeared in the Kunwenjiang,

With an Ang Tian hammer,

Like a wind,

Go upstream,

Beside, water monsters pass by from time to time,

The Gunwen River in Qiushan Country,

It is the land of the king of water eels.

But these aquariums,

Just saw,

A ripple in the water!

Ang Tian Hammer is fusing the water system mystery with several other systems.

The water system has made great progress.

Where can these aquariums be seen.

This water wave,

It passed the Kunwen River in Qiushan Country,

Arrived in Daren,

Stopped in a water mansion,

The water wave shook,

The figure of Ang Tian Hammer has appeared,

"Red pao guest."

Ang Tian Chui said,

Immediately, the ban on the water mansion shook,

A door appeared.

Ang Tianchui walked into Shuifu,

Just saw,

Beside the red pao guest, the mountains are surrounded,

Among the mountains,

Burning on fire.

From among the mountains, streams of fountains spouted out.


As soon as the fountain came out,

But rushed up.

Immediately evaporated by the flame.

"Hey, your water system, plant system, earth system,

The fusion of the mystery of the fire system has made considerable progress.

You didn’t use this rolling patterned river and water mansion to fuse the mystery of the gold system,

How to change it to fusion water system mystery. "

If the Hongpao visiting team merged with the water system mystery, there is no progress.

In the mountains burning this flame,

Can't even produce water,

Not to mention the fountain that spouts one foot high,

Can spray a fountain that is one foot high,

It can be said,

The red robe guest is fused with the profound waters.

There has been some progress.

"I originally merged the mystery of the gold system,

Because, the mysterious fusion of the water system and the fire system,

I can't even deduct it,

Now, after comprehending that treasure,

I can finally see the edge of the fusion of water and fire.

Although the treasure exploded,

However, the cultivation of the plant system, the earth system is mysterious,

There are many shadows of golden fruit,

After more than a hundred years,

It must be a fusion of the water mystery and the fire mystery,

Introduce it.

otherwise. I merged with the mystery of gold,

Although it doesn't take much time, it's easy, and the attack power has been strengthened. I'll charge you. "

Hongpao Ke said with a smile,

Although in the dhamma surrounding the body,

The fountain was blown up by the flames and evaporated.


The Hongpao guest was smiling,

good mood.

The big deal, I will send out more shadows of golden fruit for deduction.

Fusion of several lines of mystery of the plant system.

really good,

Strong combat effectiveness,

It also took into account the needs of the monks in several aspects.

The red pao guest said sincerely.

"Damn, you really understand that baby,

Me and the wandering knife, Xuan Qianhe used the shadow of the golden fruit to comprehend that treasure,

The treasure exploded, what we enlightened,

Absolutely few of you who use your real body to comprehend. "

Ang Tian Chui said: "It would be nice if the baby can be kept forever."

The red pao guest smiled,

"We are not comprehending the water element and the fire element.

Did you give you a copy with the Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe?

Natural treasures can make monks realize the mystery of the fusion of water mystery and fire mystery,

Even if I feel a little bit sideways,

It is already a great gift.

Ang Tian Chui, your soil cultivation base is higher than mine, you can't even see this. "

The red pao guest said,

Ang Tian hammer nodded.

Several four-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods’ peak spirits enlightened the treasure,

Three months ago,

The treasure exploded,

A few people in Hongpao, Yan Pang Dao, Ji Yuan Jian know,

at this point,

It is thanks to the blessing of Ang Tian hammer,

If Ang Tian Hammer does not come to Gu Songzhou to be the prefect, and he will not use the blue river water to build fields and make political achievements

This treasure,

It won't get into their hands.

"I fuse the water mystery first, then the fire mystery."

Ang Tian Chui said,

Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe both use the cultivation power of this Kunwenjiang Dongfu,

Exchanged the cultivation right of the fire cave house in Qiushan Country’s Autumn Flower Mountain,

The shadow of the golden fruit of Jindan level,

Put it to the place where the fire element aura gathered in Qiuhua Mountain.

Needless to say, it is a fusion of the water element mystery and the fire element mystery.

Turning the conversation,

"That day, were you not interested in the technique under the master of the soul chaser?"

This said,

In the eyes of the red pao guest,

Flash like a flame!

"of course----"

The red pao guest said, his voice sounded like a knife blast.

"I found another place where the ghost chaser built a cottage,

At the border between Qiushan Country and Mozu. "

Ang Tianchui explained the situation again.

"I am going to find you, the sword of looting, the sword of Yanpang, the sword of mountain climbing

I shot it myself. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Don't move your own state capital, go to Qiushan Country."

The Hongpao guest smiled.

"Okay, I'll call Jiu Yuan Jian, Yan Pang Dao and the others."

"However, this time we obtained the technique of the soul chaser master god, we will make a copy,

All others are turned over to martial arts. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

He said,

The red pao guest hammered Ang Tian and looked again.

I heard that officials are getting better and better.

Is this Ang Tian hammer turned?

"Well, we haven't handed over items that we haven't taken in the past few years to the martial arts.

This method of the soul chaser is handed over to the sect,

We should be able to change a lot of contribution points. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

The red pao guest nodded: "That's good."

Reached out, shouted Yan Pang Dao, Ji Yuan Jian, Mountain Sword,

If you have a profound technique, that's fine.

After a while,

Yan Pang Dao, Jiu Yuan Jian, Mountain Sword came,

Ang Tian Chui said the matter,

Everyone suddenly agreed.

"The medicinal materials for increasing spirituality~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have long been insufficient.

It's one way to be able to urge the body with good spiritual thoughts. "

Yan Pang Dao said,

Ang Tian Chui said,

Make a copy of the exercises you get,

Originally handed in martial arts,

In front of everyone,

One person raised an objection.

"Okay, when the host of the cottage comes back, we will set off immediately."

In a few days,

In the lobby of the prefect of ancient Songzhou,

Ang Tianhammer moved his mind,

The information has been passed from the magic circle thousands of miles away.

Ang Tian Chui looked at the sky,

It's already afternoon,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

Write your own handling suggestions on the official document in your hand,

"Get off work."

Ang Tian Chui said,


The yaman standing outside the lobby arched his hands.

Cold weather,

This is universal.

Ang Tian hammer returned to his residence,

After dinner,

Dao Fa urges,

Has left Gu Songzhou,

After an hour,

Take out next to the cottage,

Ang Tian Hammer, Jiu Yuan Sword, Yan Pang Sword, Hong Pao Ke, and Mountain Sword have been divided into several directions.


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