Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2671: Runaway

"Look, as they move,

Their physical strength continues to increase

The body further became more powerful. "

Jian Xuantian said.

"This is a puppet cultivation method,

This cultivation method has been transmitted to their spiritual thoughts,

Usually, when you eat and sleep, you can also practice.

Once the battle begins,

The effect of practice is revealed. "

The Sword Sword beside said,

Scholars have exams every year, and every three years for juren.

Ji Yuan Jian, these four-diamond flower gods, three-diamond flower **** peak monks,

Together with Jian Xuantian and Aotianjian, they participated in the Juren Examination.

This battle is less than half a tea time,

The sword has already seen the mystery.

In terms of travel and insight,

These four-diamond flower gods, three-diamond flower **** peak monks,

Far surpassing Aotian Sword, Sword Xuantian, Sword Xianke, the peak of the flower god,

It is worthy of being the strongest among the hundreds of gold cores on the mountain flower plane.


A strange cry!

A strong man waved his hand,

Cut a patrolman into shape,

The sword light flashed,

This flame-like brilliance shined on the blade.

He has been cut off half of his shoulder,

The shot was dressed in the patrol hall of the base armor.

In this state capital,

There are many ways of this battle armor during the foundation period,

Unable to perform,

These people who rushed up suddenly,

But a dozen or so beheaded,

Casualties of patrol team members.

Already comparable to them. Blood donation and minced meat splashed, so lively.

"This kind of exercise. We have the same Shanhua plane,

However, the physical strength of these people increased faster. "

Yan Pang Dao said,

Inside the Huoluoshan monk,

Yanpang Knife Team is most interested in being an official.

How could he not come?

"With our Shanhua plane's techniques, we will cast the spells.

Within a few months, these people didn't have such combat power. "

The red pao guest said,

They dress like ordinary talents,

A tall and strong man rushed over,

Originally the same figure as an ordinary person,

In an instant.

All have become tall, big and strong!

Between gestures,

Fast and powerful like a beast!

Some simple moves originally practiced,

Speed ​​and strength increased several times.

Overall power,

At least ten times the average.

The red robe guest yelled,

Swept his arm,

Just passing by the red pao guest,

An invisible force. A little bit,

A talented person next to him.

A hole appeared on the body,


The one who shot,

Seeing the blood, he became more excited.

The monks wearing the battle armor of the foundation period reminded them of Taoism,

The sword shines brightly,

In an instant, more than thirty swords struck this man,

This man hit a few swords in a row,

Crashed down.

"These people were sent by people to practice the profound techniques,

However, after all, it is not as good as the refined armor and magic weapon. "

Yan Pangdao said.

"The monks in the battle armor of the base-building period have just entered the training period.

Cultivate a little divine mind,

However, it was this point of Divine Sense that was able to continuously urge the magic weapon to cut more than 30 swords.

If there is no battle armor of these monks in the foundation period,

Big things will happen here today. "

Jiuyuanjian sighed.

"There is no battle armor of the cultivators during the foundation period. Those who can fight against these people, the people who shoot here,

No more than six people! "

Tashanjian said.

The patrol agency in Luozhou is the same as the patrol agency in Gusongzhou.

The chief and deputy ministers are monks in the foundation period,

There are not many monks in the Qi training period.

This person fights,

The power keeps growing,

People in the Patrol Department,

Although wearing a base armor,


Against these people,

It’s not as easy as playing against ordinary monsters,

However, the attacker,

There are already hundreds!

These people are getting taller and taller,

The body shape is as strong as iron!

Another row of patrolmen formed a line to block the attack of a dozen people,

The sword and arm made a loud noise like iron!

There are several wounds on these rioters,

Blood spattered,


Waves the hand several times in a row, waving one after another with paw prints,

In the chaos, with clever moves,

In the muffled sound,

The patrol team screamed and flew out!

But for a few moments,

There is one patrol member left, and he rushes away.

These tall runaways,

But was hacked in half.

Their tolerance for swords,

It's far more than ordinary armor!

The scholars fled madly towards the alley next to them.

They have a promising future.

of course,

The monks of the mountain flower plane are no exception.

The sword light in the hand of a patrol hall member was spinning and blocking,

A rogue was cut off,

"Although the speed is the same, but the change of sword power,

Far inferior to the monks in the foundation period. "

Qianyuanjian said,

. "Well, make a thin armor,

Gives monks wearing battle armor the same mana as monks in the foundation period,


However, the subtle changes of the sword art in an instant,

It is not something that ordinary monks can control during the Qi training period. "

Yan Pang knife,


In this base-building battle armor,

Is a Qi training monk.

"If he has a certain level of spiritual cultivation,

cāo controls the battle armor of the monks in the foundation period,

It can be close to the level of ordinary monks in the foundation construction period. "

The red pao guest said,

A few figures crossed!

A rogue was chopped off with one arm,


Other arms,

Has been severely caught on the body of this patrol hall member.

The other figures,

The instant sword turned into dozens of claw shadows,

A few claws hit the body of the patrol member!

Continuous blows,

A mountain-shaped brilliance waved on the armor,


Although this rogue broke the defense of the armor,

However, the Dao Fa defense of the battle armor. Little loss,

Looking at these Dao Fa defenses, they are just fragmentation.

If you didn't rush to open it, you would know.


A hole appeared in the armor,

Blood spattered,

"This garden wave plane is retired from the battle armor. The level of refining is average."

The red pao guest said,

He practiced fire system Taoism mainly,

The level of refining this material,

He was really disdainful.

"These were made hundreds of years ago,

The level of Taoism is average, but the materials for refining are not so good.

of course. If not used for battle,

Singing for thousands of years is not a problem. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

Splashing blood donation,

Several of them were talking about the quality of this armor.

One by one, the spirit is released,

Detecting the movement of Zhen Qi in these people,

From the movement of infuriating spirit from these people.

You can see the mystery of their practice.

Several people watched for a while,

Jiuyuanjian was surprised.

"These people continue to fight. Qi and blood have reopened acupuncture points,

Although these points are relatively simple,

It takes a few years for ordinary people to practice martial arts!

This technique is profound. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

"The person who instills this technique in their souls must be quite strong!"

Yan Pang's face became serious.

The exercises collected on the mountain flower plane, the seized demons’ exercises,

There are thousands of them, absolutely.

Can the four diamond flower **** say this,

The exercises these people practice are definitely quite acceptable.

"In this chūn Luoguan, there are other Jindan monks coming here with divine consciousness."

The red pao guest said,


chūn Luo Guanzhong,

I don't know where,

There was a whistling sound!

A figure rushed from a distance!

A few miles have passed in an instant,

Mortal state capital,

It’s not full of restrictions like the towns of cultivators,

The monk cannot fly at will.

Just saw,

This figure reminded me,

Has turned into a thousand swords of light,

Strike in the circle of war.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff."

A burst of blood rushed!

More than 30 rioters who fought chūn Luozhou patrolmen,

All be beheaded!

"Eight-Rank Golden Core cultivator, dare to run out."

Yan Pangdao said.

Brother Jin Dan, and monks in the foundation period,

It's really different,

Among the thirty-something violent, no one can stop this golden core monk with a sword,

The remaining runaways,

There was a pause for an instant,

Turned around and ran away,

It moves faster than normal beasts,

In an instant,

Has rushed into the crowd,

Rushed towards chūn Luoguankou.

This Jindan monk frowned,

Turned around,

He bowed his hand at the chūn Luozhou Patrol Department.

"I'm the real Xuangu Mountain twisted sword. Seeing thugs, I'm here to help."

The chief and deputy colonel of the Patrol and Defense Department of Luozhou City looked at each other.

Just now, a few monks in the training period,

Everyone has been injured,

Ordinary patrolmen,

More than fifty killed!

chūn The chief officer of Luozhou Patrol Department,

He is a square-faced monk during the foundation period,

He bowed his hand towards this eighth-grade golden core,

"This hero, thank you for your help.

Can you help us catch the remaining runaways? "

After saying this,

This eighth rank golden core monk,

Unpleasantness appeared on his face.

I helped you cut more than 30 people as soon as I shot it.

I have to find the rest myself.

God knows what powerful monks are behind these people?

The cultivation base is not strong enough to make such a big movement?

"I'm not familiar with chūn Luozhou, you are from the patrol team,

The team chūn Luozhou should be more familiar, please. "

This 8-Rank Golden Core monk barely smiled.

This one

monks from Luozhou,

No one took a step.

If there is no such sword as the real man,

The casualties of these patrols have at least doubled,

It may not necessarily be able to drive these rioters away.


chūn Deputy Captain of Luozhou Patrol Department,

Pointed at a patrolman.

"Take some people to chase the rogues,

Real man twisted sword, I will take you to meet the prefect,

Others, here protect the talents who are rushing for the exam,

how? "

This question was directed at the chief officer of the Patrol Department.

"Just do what you said."

The Chief Colonel of the Patrol Department,

Said to the patrol officer who was ordered by the deputy colonel.

The members of the Patrol Department are quite small officials of the Yuzhifu Yamen.

I usually don’t have much relationship with the principal and deputy officers.

I am a Qi training monk,

I didn’t even become a team leader.

I am already injured.

At this time, I have to act as this messenger,


The monk wearing the battle armor of the foundation period did not dare to say much.

Hand over,

I ordered more than 30 patrol members,

I was thinking of calling more patrolmen,

"The rest have to protect these talents."

The deputy captain of the Patrol Department said unhappily,

Thirty of these talents died.


The monk in the Qi training period said,

Ran in the direction of those runaways,

These thirty guards,

Can beat a few runaways.

At this time,

The screaming ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has approached the chūn Luoguan Pass.

These thirty guards ran across a street,

During this Qi training period, the monks slowed down,

At this time,

A talent,

Step forward,

He bowed his hand to the chief officer of the patrol hall,

"Sir, why don't we return to the premises first."

The patrol officer nodded.

"it is good."

Immediately dispatched some patrol members to **** these talents,

Go to the premises to rest

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