Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2667: 1 stroke to fight back

The waves of water surrounding the shadow of the golden fruit are square,

It looks like

It's like a sea of ​​thousands of miles!

Thousands of miles of waters are full of big waves.

The shadow of the golden fruit in the yellow robe retreated ten feet!

Just this one fluctuation,

An attack from the Yuan Ying Flower God that has been able to integrate with different rules

It's comparable.

"It doesn't work to look at the prohibition."

The Shadow of Golden Fruit said,

"Franken, less wordy."

Said the voice inside.

That benefit here is very difficult,

The shadow of Jin Guo thought,

Body shape,

The waves are surging all over,

Touch the rock,

The rocks are separated like water.

Speeding towards Dun County.

This is the cave house guarded by the strong.

Shadow of Golden Fruit, I don’t know,

Can this be considered a Dongfu?

Walked into Dun County and walked towards the patrol team,

Holding a letter from the Ang Tian hammer,

Zhifu Yun arranged a position for the patrol team.

General patrol members, but hard work, have to patrol the whole county.

Without the cultivation base of innate warriors,

It's hard to look at.

He went out this time in the name of patrolling the village,

Generally speaking,

Such a patrol,

It takes a few days.

"Brother Tian, ​​it’s a pity that the spiritual energy gathering place in Shuntian County

Cut with one sword.

Lord God of Fire,

Who cares about this bird matter? "

Sword Xianke said to Ang Tian Chui,

It seems,

The Tiange team doesn't care about these nosy matters.

Sword Xianke certainly didn't want to be in Ang Tian's hammer.

Leave the impression of being nosy.

Just right.

The Aotian Sword is in Dun County,

I have found a place where spiritual energy converges,

Sword Xianke took this out to say something.


Ang Tian Chui thought,

Sword Xianke Dao became the organizer of the prefect,

Didn’t find a place where spiritual energy converges,

I didn’t find a place where the spiritual energy gathered,

Who is willing to build a manor?

"In this way, Shuntian County, Nachunluozhou.

The landlord of the Lord God of Fire made a big hole in the mountain village he built,


This place where auras converge, from hundreds of miles around, or a place where auras gather for hundreds of miles

Come together.

If you are interested,

You can buy it near the big pit,

Reset the magic circle to gather aura,

Although not comparable to the place where the natural spiritual energy converges,

For the practice of the shadow of golden fruit,

it should be OK. "

Ang Tian hammer said.

The sword cyclist is overjoyed.

"My God, of course I am interested!"

Able to provide the shadow of golden fruit for cultivation.

It's completely OK,

"However, after this matter,

The deputy prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

It is the direct line of Li adults, the current emperor faction.

Although not affected much,

You’d better buy in your own capacity,

In this way, it is more convenient. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"This. I will write a letter for the shadow of Golden Fruit to take it."

The sword cyclist said,

The monks of the main **** of Huola are in the territory of Chunna

An altar was set up to urge large-scale Taoism,

Although the deputy prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

It is the direct line of Li adults, the current emperor faction.

Eating and hanging is absolutely indispensable.

The sword cyclist has achieved the fame of a scholar,

After a year,

It's about to take the Juren exam.

The place where the spirits converged,

Has been punched a big hole.

Sword Xianke didn't want to take this effort, but,

One thought,

There may be other spiritual gathering places in Chunra State.

Jian Xianke wrote a letter,

After a day,

Yamen came in from outside the prefect’s Yamen,

tell him,

Outside the prefect’s yamen, some people said they were friends of sword cyclists,

Find the sword cyclist.

"Oh, maybe it's a friend of mine who hasn't seen each other for a long time,

I went to meet him. "

Said the sword cyclist.

The sword fairy walked out of the yamen,

The visitor bowed his hand at the sword cyclist,

A smile appeared on the face of Jian Xianke,

"long time no see."

This person is the shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist.

Jian Xianke and the shadow of Jin Guo greeted for a while,

The shadow of the golden fruit called a cart,

Toward Chunluozhou.

The end of the year is approaching,

The appraisal of the staff has come down,

Mr. Xuan came in,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tianhammer.

"Master Tian, ​​today the staff appraisal of political achievements,

We, Gu Songzhou, got a peace,

In the nearby states, the best is slightly available.

Congratulations, Lord Tian.

In several nearby states,

Gu Songzhou has the best performance appraisal. "

The slightly appraised top is flat.

Ang Tianchui nodded: "It depends on Mr. Xuan's efforts."

Mr. Xuan’s face is full of smiles,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer.

"Where. Lord Tian has great talents."

Great talent?

In order to get the evaluation of this performance appraisal,

I have worked so hard,

The performance of the year-end appraisal came out,

In the nearby states,

it's the best.


This performance,

It was shared by officials from the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

Ang Tian Chui thought.

In a building in Shuncheon County, Chunna Prefecture,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist is eating,

Next to him, there is a box,

There are three hundred catties of gold in the box!

He was already ten miles away from the big pit,

Chose a flat land as the address of his manor,

These three hundred catties of gold,

But it was given to the husband of the county magistrate in Suncheon.

Such a big battle took place in Shuntian County.

Next to the big pit,

Hundreds of people died,

General monks,

I don't want to live there anymore,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist relies on the letter of recommendation written by the sword cyclist,

Spent more than a month of activities,

This matter is considered as promised and accurate.

This box of gold,

It was given to the husband of the county magistrate in Suncheon.

Such a place where broken spirits gather,

Three hundred gold has far exceeded the cost of building a manor.

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist slowly drank wine and ate a good meal.

The sky is dark,


Said the shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist.

The guy came in with a smile on his face,

This month,

Everyone in the shop knows,

This is a wealthy merchant.

"You call other guys to come,

Move this box to the cart. "

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist said,

A few guys come over,

One take,

Glanced at each other,

Moved the box to the cart,

A few buddies arrived in the premises,

Seeing the cart driving out of the premises,

"It's gold, I don't know that lord, there is such a blessing."

A buddy said,


Several guys have different expressions on their faces.


Such a big battle happened in Suncheon County,

Over a hundred killed!

No matter what they think~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no one dares to talk nonsense,

After a while,

The cart is back,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist,

Go into the room and sleep,

After a day,

This broad man in a yellow robe went out,

Call me buddy when I come back,

"Do you know anyone who does construction?

I want to build a manor near here. "

This guy listened,

The money comes again.

"Yes, of course, I don't know where the guest officer builds the manor."

Guy said,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist,

Tell me about the location,

"Are you far from the big pit?"

This is the place where more than a hundred people died!

Ordinary people, dare not come closer!

I saw this merchant wearing a yellow robe,

I have already taken out a piece of gold,

It is as big as a walnut.

Dude overjoyed,

Nodding: "I will find you the best one right away."

Turned around,

Quickly walked out of the premises, (to be continued...)

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