Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2656: Ask for appointment

It is said that,

   The emperor of Daren,

   But there are super strong assistants. ..

   became the deputy minister,

   Let’s enjoy the wealth of these ten years.

   Captain Chong walked back to the room,

   Go to sleep and feel comfortable.

   the next morning,

   He freshened up. With a few servants,

   arrived at the inn where Chaibo Dao stayed.

   chasing the wave knife,

   The captain changed into a dress.


   said to Mr. Chong:

   "The offer is in the car, please give it a look."

   Adults get in the car and have a look.

   nodded: "It’s all here, I’m just asking for hire this time,

   asked the other person’s intentions,

   There are too many gifts. "

   When I heard that,

   Chasing wave knife frowned.

   bowed his hand towards Master Chong.

   "Sir, isn't it, this time, Gu Jia won't agree?"

   Master Chong looked at the chaser knife: "Chaser was originally a monk, but also the master of a county.

   of course deserves Miss Gu,

   However, Gu’s family has a lot of friends,

   Gujia's thoughts, that's hard to say. "

   "This, please try it first."

   said after the wave knife.

   Master Chong looked at the servants,    The servants immediately walked towards the cart,

   is preparing,

   Some formalities of etiquette that were not considered by Chasing Wave Sword,

   is ready immediately.

   after a long time,

   The adults and servants have drove this car to Gujia’s villa,

   This villa of Gujia,

   seems to cover a mountain,

   large fields.

   Adult charge gets out of the cart,

   The servant of the housekeeper,

   immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

   the captain of the agricultural team,

  I often deal with these squires.

   "Please inform Master Gu, I have something to see."

  Master Chong said,

  A few servants took a look,

   The cart that filled the adult's cart was carrying a lot of things.

   The servant went in to report,

   Right away, there was one person,

   walked out quickly,

   At a glance, he was dressed in a robe of a wealthy man.

   is the uncle of Gu's family in Yuanshan County.

   "Charge adults, please come in."

   Uncle Gu greeted Master Chong with a smile on his face.

   charge adults and? Uncle Gu entered the living room together,

  The servant serves tea,

   Adult Chong took a sip of tea,

   "Master Gu, today, I am here to propose a marriage to Miss Gu."

.Master Cheng said,   ,

   Uncle Gu's face was calm.

   Seeing as an adult, Ms. Gu, talent, affection and looks are all right.

   There are many people mentioning relatives,

  "It is the wave chasing knife that has been transferred to Jinwu County, Cangwu Prefecture.

   chase adults,

   What do you think, the master of a county is ready to match Miss Gu. "

  Master said.

   said, took out a gift list,

  "This is a gift for asking for hire,

Please take it. "

   Uncle Gu nodded,

   accepted the gift list,

  Miss Gu, such a rich family,

   It’s not easy to formally ask for employment.

   Have a drink together and say forget it by the way,

   formally ask for employment,

   I definitely need a gift list.

   Chaibodao sent such a heavy gift to ask for employment,

   It’s a pity for adults,


   I looked at the chasing wave knife and didn’t care at all.

  "This, Master, please talk to Chaibodao,

   I have a good impression of Chasing Swordsman.

   The son of Nazai, has already greeted him through the butler of the deputy assistant magistrate,

The butler of   Saei Deputy Attendant said hello,

   That’s not the same as saying hello to Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

  Saei's butler said,

   Li Shi Lang once retired,

   took over as the deputy chief minister,    is probably the deputy chief minister Sai. "

   Uncle Gu said,

   "Look at Lord Zhai with an arrogant look,...!

  Who will take over as the chief minister,

   Only the emperor knows,

   He is a distant cousin of Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

   How can I know. "

   Adults don’t believe me,

   How do you say that he is the captain of a county’s agricultural team,

  Official official body.

  "You don’t know, Deputy Chief Sai is here

  An investigation of ancient Songzhou,

   There was a good report, and the Prince of Kindness fell out.

   The emperor wants to promote him to be the official servant. "


   Master Chong nodded,


   in the premises of the county gate,

  The chasing wave knife almost grew his mouth,

   This is also OK?

   When I was hunting,

   That arrogant son is a distant relative of Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

   No wonder,

   in this small county,

   is a distant relative of the deputy assistant magistrate,

  Who dares to offend him?

   No wonder he looks arrogant.

  "Uncle Gu, we have known each other for many years,

   That Lord Zhai is not an imperial examination material.

   is the most, just be a county owner, or,

   A deputy minister in a state hall.

   The chasing adult is already a master,

   After a few years, becoming a magistrate is not necessarily true. "

   said the captain.   "This, you are right."

   Uncle Gu said, taking a sip of tea.

   "However, the butler of Deputy Chief Officer Sai said hello,

   I am more embarrassed. "

   Captain Chong knows, it's useless to say more.

   bowed his hand to Uncle Gu and said goodbye,

   went back to Yuanshan County Office,

   found the wave chaser,

   arched his hand towards the chasing knife,

   told the story again.

   "It doesn't matter, Master Ching has done his best,

I'm very grateful. "

   After the wave knife,

   As the magistrate, he did speak to him,

of course,

   is no better than a greeting from the butler of the Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

   Uncle Gu can have such a reply,

   Uncle Gu, his impression of chasing wave knives is pretty good.

   "Miss, the chasing knife, I'm here to ask you."

   a maid,

   quickly walked into the inner hall,

   reported to Miss Gu.


   Miss Gu's face turned red.

   "The son Zhai often comes, I'm a little annoyed."

   Miss Gu said.

  "That is, dabbling is better than chasing an adult,

   Use the instrument. "

   said the maid.

  Looking at Miss Gu and his party, those sons of Team Zhai used Taoism

Poker face,

   But, I know.   "However, the master refused to be an adult."

   said the maid.

   It looks like,

Miss    is most likely to marry Master Zhai.

   Miss Gu's face was gloomy.

   "I don't want to marry Master Zhai."

  Listening to Miss Gu said this,

   maid does not interface,

   The butler involved in Tosai's deputy chief greeted him,

   is definitely not a maid, who can interrupt.

   Miss Gu sat for a while,

   looked in the mirror,

   Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Miss Gu's face became cold.

   "I ran out of cosmetics, tomorrow,

   Go to the county to buy some cosmetics. "


   maid nodded.

she knows,

  Miss can Wen and Wu.


   Ms. Gu had breakfast,

   "Go talk to your father."

   Miss Gu team maid said.

   This maid walked out of the hall,

   in front of the hall,

   a pool,

   there are fishes swimming in each,

   Next to the pool, there are delicate plants swollen.

  The scenery is lovely,

  Master Gu is watching.

   The maid bowed deeply to Master Gu,

   said what Miss Gu said.

   "If you want to buy cosmetics, you can go.

----Yes, you and Miss take some servants. "

   Uncle Gu waved his hand. His daughter has been admitted as a talent.

   I thought of walking around the county,

   As it should be.

this world,

   Taoism spread widely,

  Women can get Taoism,

   All women passed the imperial examination to become officials.

he knows,

  Miss Gu, I don’t want to marry the son of Nazhai.

   No matter how you say it, its own talent is not high,

   is a distant cousin of Deputy Chief Officer Sai.

   After a while,

   Miss Gu dressed up in a hunting outfit,

   sitting in a cart,

   A few servants sat on the camel beast followed, and walked towards Yuanshan County Officer.

   Chaibo knife is sitting in the hall. (.

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