Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2653: concern

"Well, if you get involved with other gods,

The fire wolf has to do with you. "

Bai Hu nodded.

"We already have alchemy, and we must practice alchemy to be proficient.

There is no need to rely on human monks. "

Blue Bull said,

"But our planting skills are not high. This ancient Songzhou, a nearby state,

The old medicinal materials have long been eaten by us or others. "

Said the red wolf.

There are a few Jindan monsters in a state,

In this state,

I want to have decent medicinal materials from last year,

Don't think about it.

Unless these medicinal materials are useless to these monsters or

These monsters do not know.

"Otherwise, our few pages of Taoist books come out,

Exchange the planting technique with the owner of the manor just now,

I think the owner of the manor’s planting technique is pretty good.

The cultivated Qingshan flowers have been able to grow in the mountains for 30 years,

The Qingshan Flower is much better.

This manor was built in less than three years. "

Bai Hu said.

Like the plane of the circle wave,

Relatively normal,

Not as barren as the mountain flower plane.

General medicinal materials,

Planting with planting techniques,

Can reach a considerable level soon.

"Well, I think it will work."

The Blue Bull and Red Wolf said,

"Go, go back to the cave mansion, look at the pages of Taoist books."

Blue Bull said,

They swayed,

Toward the mountains.

Ran more than three hundred miles,

Has reached the valley of a big mountain,

This blue bull faces the rock wall,

Play a trick,

The rock wall fluctuates like water.

A cave mansion appeared.

Several monsters entered the cave mansion.

In the cave,

It's half a valley.

I don’t know what kind of Taoism to use,

Bring in sunlight,

The entire cave, although in the mountains.

But the sun is shining,

It's like spring.

Although it is a Dongfu,

It's exactly the same as the outside world.

"Fortunately, we discovered this cave house back then,

Can advance to Jindan today. "

Blue Bull said.

As soon as I entered this cave, I was full of aura,

There are a lot of places where auras gather in the manor that surpasses Aotianjian.

They flickered.

Turn the corridor,

Has come to a room,

One after another,

Hit towards the rock wall.

On the rock wall,

A bookshelf appeared,

Above. There are three books of Taoism,

The monsters talked to each other for a while,

Lan Niu reached out and pointed!

There was a wave of fluctuations in this book,

This fluctuation,

A jade slip has emerged.

Lan Niu took the jade slip,

"There are already ten pages, it should be pretty good."

Blue Bull said.

A few monsters reminded me of Taoism,

Has left the cave,

But it is already far away from that mountain.

The monster leaped on the snow,

Step on,

A few inches from the snow,

The larger body ran across the mountains,

Half tea time,

Has arrived next to the manor,

At a glance, the manor.

It's the sight of an ordinary manor,

Know in my heart,

The prohibition on this manor has been restored.

"Master, we have something to tell you."

Said Baihu.

After a while,

The golden fruit shadow of the Aotian Sword came out.

Three golden core monsters.

He had to come out,

"What's the matter?"

Said the Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword.

The Red Wolf spoke to the shadow of the golden fruit.

"We want to use a few pages of Taoist books to exchange planting techniques with you."

Aotian Sword and this Golden Fruit Shadow are in the same county,

of course,

What the shadow of the golden fruit knows,

The Aotianjian working in the office of the county's industrial and commercial team,

You can know immediately.

"Let them talk in the manor."

Ao Tian Jian immediately teamed Jin Guo Ying said.

"Come in and talk."

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword stretched out his hand,

The prohibition has been released.

Blue bull, white tiger, red wolf,

Entered the ban,

This restriction can be broken by a few beasts at the top of the base period.

Of course, I can't do anything to these monsters of the Golden Core period.

Blue Bull, White Tiger, and Red Wolf entered the hall of this manor.

"I put the content of these pages

Read it to you.

However, at least, you have to change your cultivation method of planting Qingshan flowers. "

Blue Bull said,

I read some cultivation techniques,


Those three books,

A lot of content,

The Blue Bull, White Tiger, and Red Wolf didn't understand.

Although the content of these three books,

Sent out in the form of fluctuations,

Even if it is a monster,

You can also "see."


Can see the content of this book,

Not necessarily able to understand,

Of course you can't cultivate if you don't understand it.

The shadow of the golden fruit of the proud sky sword,

Think of what Lan Niu said.


In the county office of Dun County,

Aotianjian was shocked,

Just read these things,

Really mysterious.

It’s just three thousand words,

I have already talked about a lot of mysterious realms,

"Swap with them and give them the planting technique of the middle grade."

Aotianjian said.

In the manor,

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword nodded,

"Okay, swap with you."


This golden fruit shadow, take out a piece of jade slip,

A reminder of the law,

The content of implantation,

Has rushed into the jade slip.

The shadow of Jin Guo gave the jade slip to the past,

Lan Niu brought the jade slips with the Taoist script inscribed.

Blue Bull, White Tiger, and Jade Jane walked out of the manor,

Benz toward the cave.

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword looked at this jade slip,

of course. The content of this jade slip middle book,

Immediately appeared in Aotianjian’s divine mansion,

Suddenly I heard,

At the gate of the county government in Dun County,

A voice said.

: "The monk of the patrol team of the Park Wave Plane Committee.

Come to see the county magistrate of Dun County. "

The patrol members of the Soonami plane committee came here,

How dare the government officials at the gate of the county government ask for money?

Immediately ran to the county government hall to report,

"Huh? Why did the patrol members of the Soonami plane come here?"

Aotianjian thought.

The content of Taoism in the God’s Mansion will not be deduced.

As soon as I heard, the county official of Dun County said: "Please----"


The main **** and the monks under the main **** do not care about the mortal government.

I don't know how many years ago,

This is the rule.

This patrol came in,

Nodding towards the county magistrate Yun.

"I want to find out the owner of the manor in a valley three hundred miles from here."

This patrolman,

Tell the manor to the owner,

Aotianjian heard,

It is the manor made by the shadow of his golden fruit.

"Come here. Please come here."

Yun County official said.

As the county magistrate, Yun County

Of course it is impossible to know the owner of each manor.

I saw the patrols on the wave plane of this park,

Met myself,


Don't even arch your hands,

In the heart of this county magistrate,

Even more unhappy!

Isn't it a patrolman?

Patrol members of Hedun County.

What is the difference?

When I saw myself, I didn’t even arch my hands.

After a while,

Lord Bo is here,

Arched his hand at the patrol,

"The owner of the manor only moved here two years ago.

That manor, bought from the county government,

All procedures are normal. "

Said the Lord Bo.


"That's good. Let's just ask."

Said the patrol on the wave plane of this park.

The manor is a proper country squire.

Even the patrol of Commissioner Soonpa,

Nor can it be provoked easily.

He nodded and walked out of the county office,

on the street. Dao Fa urges,

Already flying towards the sky,

This person,

It was with the patrol members who came to the manor of the shadow of the golden fruit

one of the.

In the eyes of Aotianjian,

Flashed anger,

Take Jindanxiu as,

Look at the surrounding mountains,

You can see that

This valley is likely to have a gathering place for spiritual energy,


Can the medicinal materials in the manor grow so well?

So soon, someone will be sent to the county government to inquire.

However, this mundane identity is really easy to use.

The patrol on the plane of the garden wave,

The same cannot be easily provoked.

Aotianjian was thinking,

A small official came in,

Arched his hand towards Aotian Sword:

"Deputy Captain Ao, the banquet for the patrol team is ready.

Please take a seat. "

Aotianjian nodded: "Okay."

Following the clerk walked out of the office building.

In the palace,

However, he tried his best to deduct those pages.


Promotion to deputy governor,

The cabinet meeting failed to pass,

Aotianjian already knows,

It seems,

To prepare to stay in this ancient Songzhou for a few years,

The contacts in this officialdom,

Of course you have to deal with it.

have dinner,

It's already night,

Aotianjian returned to his residence from the restaurant,

The snow on the county road,

Has been cleared.

Aotianjian’s communication array sounded,

one look,

It was sent by Ang Tian Hammer,

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe,

Has passed the activity,

Appointed county magistrate.


To pass the imperial examination, become an official faster.

Early summer next year,

Aotian Sword,

It's time to take the Juren exam.

But today, something like this happened again,

Aotianjian wants to talk to Angtianhammer,


Reach out,

Urge the communication circle,

Has stopped.

After all,

The shadow of my own golden fruit,

There is no advanced golden core,

Once advanced to Jindan,

Even if the Jindan monk from the patrol of the Yuanbo Plane Committee came,

Are you afraid of a ball again?

Just tell Brother Tian on this matter,

Brother Tian is equally unhappy.

Big deal,

This Jindan monk arrived,

I shot it myself and cut it with a sword.

Aotianjian sent a message to his Golden Fruit Shadow,

The shadow of his own golden fruit, fully comprehending Taoism and Taoism,

From the mountain flower plane, the Taoist book exchanged with martial art points,

The Taoist book that communicated privately with the golden core of the mountain flower plane,

That's a lot.


Think of this kind of business team,

Generally not busy.

Seeing that the snow has stopped,


In this manor,

A rush of weather rose,

A figure suddenly flew out,

Towards the distant mountains,

This escape,

Just a few hundred miles away!

Falling on a mountain peak.

Immediately, dark clouds appeared in the distant horizon,

With rolling thunder,

Benz over here.

This figure, sitting cross-legged on a mountain,


Aotian Sword has come up with a formation map,

There are a few magic weapons,

Turn on the transmission function of the communication circle,

Take this array of pictures and magic weapons,

Move towards this teleportation circle!

These pictures and a few magic weapons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shine with a burst of brilliance,

Has appeared beside this golden fruit shadow,

The feelings of half a winter,

The shadow of the golden fruit,

I have realized the realm of Jindan!

It's time to cross the golden core.

This monk,

Once you reach the realm of the diamond flower god,

Their clones,

Feel the realm of Jindan,

Even if you practice other Taoism,

It's much easier than ordinary monks in the foundation building period,

The clone is the same as the body,

Have all the insights into the cultivation realm of the Diamond Flower God!

After a while,

Within sixty miles,

Already covered with dark clouds,

In the dark clouds,

It seemed that there were thousands of thunders moving.

"Heavenly calamity is sixty miles away. It looks like this golden core of the shadow of golden fruit,

The grade will not be too high. "

Within the county,

Aotianjian said,

After finding a reason, I asked for leave and left the county office.

Body shape flashed,

Hurry in the direction of the shadow of the golden fruit.

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