Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2649: Deputy governor

The Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe stepped together, the blue river water,

A passage opened, and the wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe stepped forward,

Already on the bank of Bihe.

Promotion thing,

It’s not good to talk to the clone,

Talk to the body.

Stepped onto the road and shouted a big car,

Back to the ancient Songzhou state capital.

Entered a teahouse,

Asked for a box.

And Ang Tian hammer transmission.

In the ancient Songzhou prefecture, no communication array is needed.

"Ang Tianhammer, we asked the steward Ruan,

You have little hope of being promoted to deputy governor. "

Wandering Knife said the words of Steward Ruan.

"In this way, the main reason is to offend Prince Good?"

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Yes, Steward Ruan just wanted to say that.

No matter what you have done or not, it will be difficult to promote after all. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Damn, I didn't take the initiative to offend Prince Good,

This person took the initiative to send monks to do things,

He is good at offering to the Prince’s Mansion,

I didn't move any of them. "

Ang Tian hammer roared!

He was given a thirteenth rank skill, which already made him unhappy.

Upon hearing it, I promoted the deputy governor with little hope,

Ang Tian hammer's unhappy,

Turned into anger!

"I said, in officialdom, that's it,

That baby of water, fire and earth fusion,

When you come to be an official this time, it is worth the fare. "

Wandering knife said.

"This treasure doesn't have any Shanhua planes."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Look at your talents,

Become a bigger official. maybe. Can you find such a treasure again.

Natural destiny cannot be predicted by manpower. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Xuan Qianhe nodded:

"Ang Tianhammer is right, natural fortune,

Not human can predict,

. How many babies,

From the divine mind, from the Taoist perspective,

The same as ordinary rocks.

Able to be a bigger official. For collecting these treasures,

Of course there are benefits. "

Ang Tianchui and Xuan Qianhe said,

Wandering knife nodded,

I think they make sense.

"In a month I will visit the academician, Li Shi Lang.

You got a Jinshi,

If you want to visit the official, visit it yourself.

Don't have anything to do with me. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"Of course, they won three

The fire type training seat that can be used by the Jindan monks—"

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Qianhe, this was captured by them in battle,

If you want to cultivate there.

You said to Jiuyuanjian,

I can't be the master at all. "

Ang Tian hammer.

"You are a landlord, and they have seized a copy of it from you,

Of course you won't say it. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"That Qiuhuashan is really good, take three training seats,

The fire element aura is very full. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

How did Xuan Qianhe and Jiuyuanjian say,

Ang Tian Hammer can't control it.

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

Back to the large manor bought near the ancient Songzhou state capital,

To be active,

But it takes a lot of money.

Of course you have to buy a large estate first.

End the call,

The small official walked in enthusiastically,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

Please show Ang Tian Hammer to approve the official document.

The official clerks arrived,

I gave Ang Tian a thirteen rank kung fu,


The location of Ang Tian Chui, the prefect of ancient Songzhou,

It was settled.

Officials of Gu Songzhou,

To Ang Tian Hammer,

Enthusiasm was restored again.

"Show me Mr. Xuan,"

Ang Tianchui said.

Just do what Mr. Xuan should do.

If you say, before,

Ang Tianchui felt that these official documents made Mr. Xuan's decision a bit hard to say.


He took it for granted.


Ang Tianchui said to the Ya Ya: "Please Mr. Xuan come over for dinner."

The hall next to the prefect hall,

The food is arranged,

Mr. Xuan is here.

"Mr. Xuan, those who ask you to do things, if there are rare treasures,

Of ancient books that cannot be read,

You can show it to me,

Others, you follow the rules. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"it is good----"

Mr. Xuan nodded.

This day, my lord, a good treasure, he doesn’t like it,

I have been an official for several years,

Mr. Xuan gave it to Ang Tian Hammer treasure,

Ang Tian Hammer only took a few ordinary ones.

Perhaps the monk's vision is different from that of others.

"In a few days, I will go to visit the senior servant, the bachelor,

You are ready to prepare. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"Well, if you can get the nomination of Li Shilang and be promoted to Deputy Governor,

Even if he didn't become the deputy governor this time,

At least, in the cabinet,

The case has been prepared,

Things in the officialdom are hard to say. "

Mr. Xuan said.

"However, those gifts----."

Ang Tian hammer nodded: ‘Don’t worry, there will be no less. "

Frankly speaking,

With Ang Tian Hammer’s repair,

To mine gold on all planes,

A small golden mountain,

Can gather,

What he got in this great benevolent country,

The place where spiritual energy gathers, Taoist books, treasures,

Where can a golden mountain be exchanged?

Mr. Xuan nodded.

Do you want to seek the ranks of the Lord?

Mr. Xuan hesitated.

after a few days,

A big truck set off from the prefect of Gu Songzhou,

Is going up for activities,

A big car is enough.

After ten days,

To the capital,

I found a building to live in,

The wandering knife has arrived for a day,

He wants to contact Steward Ruan.

Arrange a date to meet the bachelor.

at night.

Wandering Knife sent a communication to Ang Tian Hammer.

"One night. You can see you."

After one night,

Ang Tian Hammer’s cart set off,

These camel beasts of Ang Tian Hammer,

Can pull a million pounds.

The boxes in the car weighing several thousand catties,

It was easy to go to the university scholar's residence.

one look,

The carts lined up on the scholar's house,

However, it was more than half of the slanting cart that came to visit Li Shilang's Mansion.

"The scholar's mansion is not as lively as the clerk's mansion."

Ang Tian hammer.

"Bachelor, said he entered the cabinet,

However, it is not as good as the staff department can directly appoint and remove officials.

Mainly to advise the emperor,

The bachelor's degree is mainly used as a political display.

Of course not many people came to visit.


Who can enter the university

Of course it is important. "

After a long time.

It's almost midnight,

Ang Tianchui and Mr. Xuan stepped forward.

Give the greeting card.

The porter leader looked.

Nodding: "Gu Songzhou prefect, I'll let you know."

Walk into the university scholar's house,

After a while,

come out,


Ang Tianchui walked into the mansion,

But another servant came forward.

At first glance, the dress is more luxurious.

This time, Ang Tian Hammer took out a gift list.

This servant saw five thousand catties of gold and one thousand gems!

Looked up and down at Ang Tian Hammer.

Bend down: "Please----"

Ang Tianchui followed him through several houses.

A hall appeared,

Walked into the hall,

It's warm like spring inside,

A middle-aged man sat on the head,

Looks middle-aged,

Already sixty years old.

Looks kind,

Looking towards Ang Tian Chui,

It's like cold electricity.

It is Master Daoshiro

Ang Tianchui arched his hand towards Master Lu.

"Under the official sky hammer, see Master Lu."

Lord Lu nodded.

"What a sky hammer,

A few years after taking office, many things happened.

However, it is a good thing.

unfortunately----. "

Lord Lu said.

Before Ang Tian Chui came to visit,

The Wandering Knife has conveyed the purpose of Ang Tian Hammer's visit,

Want to be promoted to deputy governor.

It's a pity for Lord Lu to say,

Ang Tian Chui knew,

He was promoted to deputy governor,

Not much hope.

However, Ang Tian hammered his face unchanged.

Facing Master Lu, he said, "I should do things for the people.

There is nothing to ask for. "

of course,

This is official rhetoric,

"I think you are in Yuanshan County and it is good to plant those fruit trees."

Master Lu said to Ang Tianchui.

It seems that

As a bachelor, although the team Aung Tianhammer's achievements are more appreciated,


I'm not very optimistic about diverting river water to create land,

Mainly worry about the instability of the river.

"Master Lu is right,

However, it will take several years for fruit trees to bear fruit. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Chatted with Master Lu a few words,

Master Lu teacup in one fell swoop, see off guests.

Ang Tian hammered his hands,

Exited the lobby.

Butler Ruan came over,

Give a gift list to Mr. Lu,

Master Lu took a look,

"Those gems, I have seen them,

At least three thousand catties of gold. "

Steward Ruan said,

Then this gift list is worth eight thousand catties of gold.


This gift is the heaviest.

"This day the prefect is pretty good---

If Li Shilang can nominate him as deputy governor, I agree. "

Lord Lu said.

After a day,

Wandering knife saw Mr. Ruan,

Got a reply.

Ang Tian Hammer, only then are you ready to go to the Li Shi Lang Mansion,

of course,

This time,

The gift is the same as that of a bachelor.

"Nomination, I can consider, but you will serve as an official for only a few years."

Li Shi Lang said.

"Everything, Lord Li, please trouble me."

Ang Tian hammered his hands.

Out of the Li Shi Lang Mansion,

Back to the premises.

of course,

.This result,

The wandering knife let go,

have already known.

"Fortunately you are a monk,

Sending 16,000 catties of golden face does not change color,

Ordinary people, served as prefects,

This six thousand catties of gold,

I wonder if I can earn it. "

Wandering knife laughed.

"These thousand six thousand pieces of gold,

It may take a few gold veins to collect enough,

Gold is not as much as Xuan Tie. "

Ang Tian Hammer,

"It takes only a few days for you to collect a few gold veins,"

The wandering knife still smiled.

For the general notice government who has been re-elected for several terms,

Sixteen thousand gold gold,

May be all accumulated,

For Ang Tian Hammer and Wandering Knife,

He laughed like a joke.

"You go back first, Xuan Qianhe will come in a few days.

Xuan Qianhe and I are about to move. "

Wandering Knife said,

Ang Tian hammer returned to Gu Songzhou,

After ten days,

The news came,

In the official year-end assessment,

Li Shilang nominated the prefect of Gu Songzhou Tianzhu,

Promoted to Deputy Governor~www.wuxiaspot.com~This assessment and proposal,

Sent directly to the cabinet,

Cabinet deliberations,

Master Da Shilu agrees,

Other people in the cabinet,

There is opposition, this is a faction of the Prince of Goodness,

Most of the others do not express opinions.

They are not the same kind of princes.

If you object,

Ang Tianchui's political achievements are placed there.

Like agree,

Offended Prince Shan again.


Ang Tianchui was proposed for the first time as deputy governor,

Did not pass.

Next to Bihe, the cultivator who had comprehended that treasure heard about it,

We had a meal in a restaurant in Gu Songzhou.

"Creating fields from rivers, tedious preparations, intense work,

16 thousand catties of gold,

But in exchange for a proposal to serve as deputy governor,

Unable to pass. "

Tashanjian said,

"If I can become a prefect,

The county official can, and it’s enough to find the place where the spiritual energy converges to practice the shadow of the golden fruit.

When a senior official, don't think about it. "

Qianye Jian said.

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