Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2640: Mountain Sword

.Zhou Yuan Sword walked out of the cave,

Reach out,

A passage appeared in the river,

Straight through the Kunwenjiang River.

The Sword of Reaching Steps out one step,

Has reached the Kunwenjiang River.

A reminder of the law,

A sword light,

Rushed into the sky,

In an instant,

There is no trace.

But a cup of tea time,

Jiuyuanjian is already standing outside the ancient Songzhou prefecture,

People come and go,

six people,

Walked towards the looting sword,

"Brother Plunder."

One person first, greeted Jiuyuanjian,

It is the mountain climbing sword!

They dress up in business,

It seems,

It's like an ordinary trader.

To them,

The clothes look good,

It’s just a change in the armor,

Several people greeted Jiuyuan Sword,

Looking at the prefect of Gu Songzhou, he looked at it with interest.

The state capital of the mortal world,

They watched a lot,


Have a fellow prefect,

That feeling,

It's completely different.

"After finishing this matter, like Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Dao to get the Jinshi examination,

Let the magistrate,

How to see, how to play,

It's up to you to decide. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

"Go to Bihe first and set up a detection array."

Hearing what Jiuyuanjian said,

"Arrange the detection circle, it looks like,

There is no room for error in this matter. "

The other three-diamond flower **** peak monks,

Toward the mountain sword transmission sound.

"It's not easy to be an official!

We won the imperial examination in the future. Became an official,

Maybe the same thing will happen. "

Jiuyuanjian looked at them.

"Brother Jiu is right, eat first,

It was the evening after dinner.

Arrange the detection array. "

A field was built next to Bihe,

It's almost winter,

Again there is grass growing.

People come and go during the day.

"it is good----"

The Sword Sword nodded,

I'm satisfied with Tashanjian.

A few people are outside the state capital,

I found a better restaurant,

Go upstairs and sit down.

"Man. Bring your best food here."

Hello buddy this kind of thing,

Swordsman will definitely not do it.

These people gathered together,

Definitely headed by the Sword of Retriever.

Tashanjian said,

Take out a piece of gold.

Give it to the guy.

The guy immediately ran off happily,

After a while,

A few guys, take good food and bring good wine.

Several people immediately began to eat and drink.

"Brother Jiu, your Shui Mansion, when will you not use it.

Use it for me. "

A three-diamond flower **** peak monk,

Said to Jiuyuanjian.

They are greedy for the Shui Mansion in the big river.

"I have merged the profound mysteries of the gold element, so I will give you this water mansion for your cultivation."

The fusion of Dao, Dharma and Mystery of the Sword,

But it is the same as the wandering knife,

The mysterious fusion of water system, plant system and soil system,


Fusion of the mystery of gold.

It is much easier than fusing the mystery of the fire element.

"Brother Jiu, the four elements of mystery are combined,

Cultivating to the top of the Four Diamond Flower God, there is no problem. "

Tashanjian said.

Shanhua plane today. Not more than before,

There are many more Taoist books.

As long as the monk can practice the four-line mystery fusion,

Have enough contribution points,

Cultivate to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,

not a problem.

"Of course, but with this water palace,

The mystery related to the water system,

It can be deduced to be very high---"

Ji Yuanjian said.

Deduced the Taoist mystery to higher levels,

The greater the power,

The higher the possibility of passing the Yuanying's catastrophe.

Even the monks who have also survived the Nascent Soul Tribulation,

The perception from the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation is different.

Ji Yuan Jian means,

My own water house is valuable.

You three diamond flower gods,

Who wants to practice in Water Mansion,

Of course it depends on your own performance.

Everyone stopped talking,

Good water house,

It is this kind of water house in the big river.

The river is wide enough and the current is rushing,

Next to the big river, there are mountains and hills,

The water system and the earth system,

There is enough.

The water house in the sea,

Not many mountains,

For the profound feelings of the earth system,

But it's not much.

After eating,

Don't talk about Huoluoshan,


There are six three-diamond flower **** peak monks,

Even if the Sweeping Sword merges with the four elements of mystery,

Able to give up this water mansion temporarily.

These people have been competing.

After eating,

it's getting dark,

A few people left the restaurant,

Walked a few miles,

Body shape,

Has walked into the hill next to it,

Escape together, already flying in the air,

In an instant,

Bihe near the ancient Songzhou state capital.

Has appeared in front of everyone.

"Arrange detection magic weapon,

One person is responsible for patrolling a certain distance,

If there are monks to attack,

Go up and stand up first,

We will come to reinforce soon. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

With a wave of his hand,

A magic weapon,

Has hit the side of Bihe,

In an instant,

Has turned into a stone.

Several people flew along the Bihe,

One by one detection magic weapon,

It is arranged next to Bihe.

A cup of tea time,

The newly-built fields beside the Bihe River in the entire ancient Songzhou area,

Already under the detection magic weapon.

As for the previous battle,

One battle can fight thousands of miles, thousands of miles.

This kind of detection task,

It can be said to be easy.

A few people are beside Bihe,

Or find a big rock,

Body shape shook,

Has stepped into the big rock,

Or find a big tree,

Body shape shook,

Already sitting on the big tree.

It seems to practice cross-legged,


Their minds,

But it is always in contact with the detection magic weapon.

The cultivation world has improved,

Impossible for patrol missions,

Fully release divine mind.

To detect magic weapons,

It can be used by monks during the foundation period,

Brother Jindan wanted to use it.

Sun rise,

Many people came to herd sheep.

The sun goes down,

These people led the sheep and left.

In a few days,

An idyllic scene,

Let these monks feel something.

For the three-diamond flower **** peak monk who has practiced for decades.

In a few days,

But in the blink of an eye,

Three escapes,

From a mountain, suddenly rushed out.

"This is Bihe, these fields should be those newly created fields."

A flower **** with a diamond said.

"We each spot some fields and put a wide range of fire-based Taoism and earth-based Taoism.

So~www.wuxiaspot.com~ people from the Daren Ministry of Industry,

Found that this field could not be planted. "


Said the second diamond flower god.

A diamond flower **** nodded next to him,

"Well,---Huh, there."

He reached out and pointed.

On a boulder ten miles away,

Suddenly a person stood up,

Watch them.

His eyes were deep, as if boundless.

This one diamond flower **** flicked!

The three of them rushed out of the mountain,

Spirituality is already fully opened,

A hundred miles have been swept in an instant!

However, some ordinary animals and nocturnal people were found.

On this rock,

No one was seen at all.

Suddenly, one person stood up,

The two diamond flower **** and the diamond flower god,

Looking at this person,

My face changed,


There is only one answer,

This person’s cultivation is far beyond the three of them.

The highest cultivation level two diamond flower god,

That person, the second diamond flower god,

Three diamond flower god?

"The three of you are in great interest."

Said the man on the big rock ten miles away.

Drew out a sword,


A few inches of sword light shone on the sword!

"It's okay if you want to let go, but you have to pass me.

Come to the sky to fight. "

This man said,

One step,

Has been standing in the sky for dozens of miles.

"Three Diamond Flower God."

Said the second diamond flower god. (To be continued...)

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