Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2634: Outer room

The woman looked at this jewelry,


It's so charming, so that the flowers have no color.

The woman put away the hosta.

The servant bowed his hand,

Leaving the house.

Didn't go far,

I saw a person walking towards me,

"Excuse me----"

The man said to himself.

In an instant,

The servant felt,

I felt like I was in the night sky,

The stars in the sky,

It seems to have infinite depth.

In an instant,

The servant reached out to this man,

The two hold both hands,

Talk a few words,

It seems to be very affectionate,

It's like a friend you haven't seen for many years.

Walked a few streets together,

Enter an alley.

"Who is the woman in that house?"

This person asked,

"It's an outside room for the bachelor butler."

Said the servant.

Outer room, not even a concubine.

The servant talked about the origin of the outer chamber,

A singer in the karaoke hall,

Singing in general,

A bit talented,

Very much loved by the bachelor butler.


Singing in general,

Even the steward of a bachelor’s degree,

It can only pack * this level,

After a while,

The servant found himself standing on the street.

Just walked one street.

The servant thought.

Walk towards the scholar's house.

Although the astral techniques collected on the plane of mountain flower,

In the world of cultivation,

Generally good,



The Four Diamond Flower God urges this kind of exercise,

Urge an ordinary person,

so easy.

This person is the Wandering Knife.

If it is an ordinary official,

The only way to go is the official minister,

Want to ask for the official position of deputy governor,

Li Shilang is just a recommendation,

The money earned may not be enough to send the calendar attendant.

Although there is such an accomplishment as a river,

Not to meet with the cabinet officials,

The recommendation made by the minister,

. Can not reach the emperor,

The cabinet may be rejected.

This prefect passed,

Like the previous prefect,

Was transferred to another state as prefect,

In other states, it’s hard to say whether there is a big river like Bihe.

Or there is a big river like Bihe,

Beside the plain,

The fields have already been created.

In that big river, there may not necessarily be water dividing beasts,

Occupy the river that flows through a state,

King Guan Dao saw him as an ancient alien,

There are four diamond flower **** cultivation bases,

In fear,

Dare to attack.

The water divider,

Incorporate into your own men.

If you occupy Tianbidong,

It is an ordinary four-diamond flower **** monster,

He Guandao Dawang Yuanying Flower God cultivation base,

Occupied Tianbi Cave Mansion early.

Diverting rivers to build fields, and got a productive career.

After a few years,

Who can remember it.

Until then,

Promote deputy governor,

It's more difficult.

How many people stay in place for a lifetime,

Too much.

some days ago,

Ang Tianhammer, Xuan Qianhe, the wandering knife said about this,

Ang Tian Chui said,

Did he go everywhere

Please move the monks of Huoluoshan,

Use mana to benefit?

Really the four diamond flower **** is the young and strong on the street.

Don't say anything else,

There are so many three-diamond flower gods and four-diamond flower gods in Huoluoshan,

How does his angtian hammer deal with each other,

It's better to apply this method to how to get promoted.

The wandering knife walked to the front of the house,

Knock on the door.

The door opened, and a maid poked her head out.

Looking at the wandering knife,

"Who are you looking for?"

You are very welcome.

The Wandering Knife arched his hand towards this maid,

"I have a beauty product here,

Can be tried for free,

If used well,

If you want to buy one, one pound of gold one tube. "

He took out a bottle,

But an inch and a half high.

However, assuming that the bottle is made of jade,

looks great.

When this girl listened,

The look eased a lot.

These are outside rooms,

Isn't it just relying on beauty?

Beauty product,

For them,

More important than anything.

not to mention,

This tube, free trial?

This maid reached out and took it.

The wandering knife arched his hand,

"I'll come back in ten days."

A beautiful ointment in a day,

The Wandering Knife is as good as Xuan Qianhe,


They are not willing to take it out.

However, this thing is too bad,

Here, maybe it will attract the attention of the Park Wave Plane Committee.

Ang Tianchui relies on the beast to be an official,


Want to go through the road of promotion,

Relying on the beauty ointment formulated.

For the Four Diamond Flower God,

This is as simple as a mortal walking.

This is the power of Taoism,

If this ointment is sold out,

A bottle of 100 gold can be sold.

For some mortals,

Wealthy is like a monk,

Rare, it’s not gold anymore,

"The ointment has been given to the outside room of the bachelor butler."

In the premises,

Xuan Qianhe of the wandering knife team said.

"Bachelor, in the officialdom, pays good attention to people's livelihood,

If Ang Tian Chui can meet the academician,

It is the best to speak. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

of course,

Although the team’s attention to people’s livelihood is good,

Gifts must be given.

Ang Tian Hammer, Xuan Qianhe, Wandering Knife,

Who should Ang Tian Hammer look for?

Talked for a long time.

Other cabinet members,

.Even through repeated referrals,

Be able to meet,

Not necessarily easy to talk,

Ang Tianchui became a prefect,

As a prefect,

Promoted the deputy governor,

In the officialdom of Daren,

Such things are rare.

Ang Tian Hammer and above,

It doesn't matter.

Only this bachelor,

If you can meet Ang Tian Hammer,

May be easier to talk.

Ten days later,

Juren in the premises has almost left.

Who took the palace exam,

For the one who seeks refuge,

Of course, you must carefully consider.

Determine which faction to join,

In order to prepare corresponding gifts,

Ten days later,

Wandering Knife went to the front of the house again,

This time,

The maid enthusiastically welcomed the wandering knife into the house.

In the hall,

Warmly serve tea.

Wandering knife and drinking tea,

That beautiful woman,

Has walked into the hall,

Ten days ago,

The wandering knife uses divine mind to detect,

The beauty of this woman can only be regarded as close to top grade.

Today, at a glance,

The beauty of this woman,

It can be said to be top grade.

Wandering towards the knife Yifu

"Sir, so magical-----

I don’t know how many ointments there are,

I want it all. "

The woman’s face was smiling like a flower,

Don't even ask the price.

Be able to be a bachelor’s outside room,

Beauty products I have seen,

Of course a lot.

The bottle of plaster given by the wandering knife,

It is definitely the best of all kinds of beauty products this woman has ever seen!

Wandering around the knife,

This woman looks,

There is already a yu woman's demeanor.

The four diamond flower gods have practiced the rules of Taoism,

The refined ointment,

It can be compared with the ointment refined by ordinary Yuan Ying Hua Shen.

"Damn, this ointment is better prepared,

The effect of this ointment should be reduced. "

Wandering knife said inwardly.

This ointment,

According to the formula researched on the Mountain Flower Plane,

Has been simplified,

Several expensive treasures were removed.

Don't think,

The effect on mortals,

Still so good.

The wandering knife arched his hand: "Miss is so touching,

I was entrusted by an official,

Want to ask to see Butler Ruan.

If the lady can recommend,

I have ten bottles of this ointment here,

Not subject to penalties, the effect is absolutely undiminished. "

Wandering knife said.

When I heard that the wandering knife was entrusted by an official,

The face of this woman,

Not a little surprised!

I want to ask to see the cabinet minister,

As many as fish in the river!

A few more people,

Can be received by the Cabinet Secretary.

Of course many people walked along her path.

Even if you ask to see the butler of the bachelor,

The price paid,

It is not something ordinary people can take out.


This beauty cream is definitely different.

"If this beauty cream is not provided to anyone in the scholar's residence,

Steward Ruan,

I can help you introduce it. "

The woman said.

Wandering knife smiled,

If Ang Tianchui can meet the bachelor through the steward Ruan,

Can I be appreciated by a bachelor,

It is to look at Ang Tianhammer’s political achievements,

Is the governance philosophy the same as the bachelor’s degree?

Of course, a heavy gift is absolutely indispensable,

This beauty cream,

Can’t get out of the other people who were given to the scholar’s ​​office,

And Ang Tian Hammer,

It doesn't matter at all,

This woman wanted to fight for favor with these ointments,

That's her and Ruan housekeeper.

The wandering knife nodded.

"This request can be agreed."

Wandering Knife took out ten bottles of beauty cream,

The woman opened it up,

It is indeed the same as what I used.

Nodding: "After three days, you come here,

However, bring the official's seal letter. "

The woman said.

No official rank,

Unless it is a well-known rich merchant,

This steward Ruan will meet him.

"Thanks a lot."

Once back to the premises,

Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe opened the communication array of Ang Tian Hammer,

Ang Tianchui was overjoyed when he heard it.

"The Dao Fa of our Shanhua plane is not comparable to ordinary officials.

I will immediately send you a piece of iron plate from the old Songzhou government and a copy of the road guide. "

After a while,

On the communication circle,

The transmission brilliance flashed,

An iron plate from the old Songzhou government and a road guide were sent over,

On this road guide,

But it is covered with the seal of the prefect.

that is,

This person was dispatched with the consent of the prefect.

After three days,

Wandering Knife said to the house again,

This time,

Next to the house,

But stopped a big car,

Next to the cart,

Several guards stood,

You know at a glance,

Congenital warrior cultivation base.

The wandering knife approached,

The girl came in,

Smiled at the wandering knife: "Please come in."

The guards saw the maid greet the visitor,

Just know,

This person,

The person the butler will meet tonight,

A look at the wandering knife,

There is no realm of innate warrior,

For them ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no realm of innate warriors,

Like ordinary people.

Several guards stepped away,

The wandering knife entered the hall.


The woman, sitting with a middle-aged man,

This middle-aged man, in a suit,

But extremely luxurious.

However, from a pair of eyes,

Like cold electricity.

You know at a glance,

This person is not a good character.

This person,

It should be Steward Ruan,

The Wandering Knife deeply arched his hand towards this person.

"I have seen Master Ruan."


Both hands offered the iron plate and road agency of the ancient Songzhou government.

The woman reached out and took the iron plate and road agency,

Master Ruan stretched out his hand,

one look,

But it is the iron plate of various state government officials supervised by the Ministry of Industry,

The big seal on this road guide,

It was the Great Seal of the Prefect of Ancient Songzhou,

This person was indeed sent by the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

Although the team,

But it is the prefect of Gu Songzhou,

Sent out to work,

Don't kneel to yourself,

A little dissatisfied.


He had already read the cosmetic cream that the Wandering Knife gave this woman,

Within ten days,

Take the beautiful face of this woman,

Raise another level.

This person can already be said to be an expert. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support.

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