Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2619: War in the River

This whirlpool turned into thousands of sword energy,

But he could not slash the Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe's sword,

Everyone is equipped with ten thousand heavy armor and ten thousand shields,

The flying sword in the hand has different Taoism runes,


Everyone is close,

The power of flying swords,

Roughly similar.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"You have the time to think about it, but what you said is true.

These people must have adventures in Darren State. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

next to,

The other gold cores of the mountain flower plane,

Has been with other Jindan monks in the Great Sword Hall,

It was thunderous!


In a thunderous detonation,

A golden pill with a wolf head,

A few sword lights flew across his body,


Has exploded suddenly!

The wandering knife looked at them.

With a loud shout: "Cut----"

Five people take their minds,

Sword Jue urges,

Within a few miles,

Filled with thousands of swords of light,

Strike against this sword master!

The space within a few miles,

There have been thousands of space debris,

King Guan Dao felt,

There seem to be a thousand mountains,

Coming over to yourself!

Guan Dao Wang Dao Fa reminded!

The whirlpool that surrounds the whole body,



Turned into thousands of splashes,

Every splash,

With a hundred petals,

Every petal.

It is a sword gas!

This is the power of the Yuan Ying Flower God who has practiced the rules of Taoism!

The five four-diamond flower gods turn their sword light,

Towards these thousands of splashes.

Cut fiercely!

Sweeping Sword, Yanpang Sword, Red Robe,

Slashed by the sword king,

Despite being blocked by ten thousand armors,

Still feel,

It's like being bombarded by a sledgehammer.

This sword master,

Achievements in rules and laws.

Far more than any mountain flower plane monk here.

Thousands of sword qi crossed and blew,

Sword qi and sword qi blast, sword qi and body protection Dao law blast,

This sword master,

I have spotted a gap,

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of sword energy.

As if it grew longer in an instant,

In a thousandth of an instant,

This sword master is about to rush out of the encirclement,

This is the power of the Yuan Ying Flower God who has cultivated to a very high level in the single noble rule!

Usually a few sword formations urged by the flower **** with four diamonds,

Can't stop it at all!

Three diamond flower god?

There are no more than a dozen three-diamond flower gods.

Don't think about it!


These four diamond flower gods,

In the Tiangong Temple,

The magic weapon can't be obtained,

but. These powerful magic circles,

Get some more.

Yan Pang knife took out a cylinder.

Flick towards King Guan Dao!

A brilliance,

In a thousandth of an instant,

.Has fallen on Guan Dao Wang!

In an instant,

The speed of King Guan Dao has slowed down,

Slow body shape,

Immediately, thousands of swords in a roll,

The king of swordsman has been wrapped!

Guan Dao Wang Jian Jue reminded him,

Waves galloping!

As if thousands of thunders exploded,

This sword master,

Has rushed out of the encirclement,


There is already blood donation!

The baby caught by the Yan Pang knife flashed,

The speed of King Guan Dao's urging sword art has dropped a lot!

A tiger head fish jīng hand-held shield one block,

The slashed sword light struck out continuously!

He felt,

As if I was hit by the mountain several times,

The shield swung,

This blue sword light spins,

Had already cut towards him,

The battle is less than half a tea time,

His Taoism, magic weapons have been used up,

The shield was swung open,

Seeing to be cut by this sword,


A light green sword light slashed over in an instant,


With a thunderous sound,

The waves rushed hundreds of feet,

Has rushed out of the river.

one look,

Is the king of Guandao,

"Back to the Great Sword Palace---"

King Guan Dao said,

Yaozu can advance to the golden core,

It’s more difficult than the human race,

The fish rushed into the river water after rushing to escape.

In an instant,

It's gone!

The demons of the Golden Core period,

To perform a special Taoism,

Stronger than Human Race!

The three-diamond flower **** peak monk who slashed this fish was furious,

He just issued a full-strength sword,

If you are cut,

The opponent must be hit hard,


Yuanying Flower God is really strong,

With a light sword,

I have already swept away my full strength,

He took out ten thousand shields,

But saw the flame and sword light flash,

In an instant,

Have fought thousands of swords with this light blue sword light!

He urged his escape, and as soon as the shield appeared on the mountain, water and stars,

Charge towards Yuanying Flower God!

Punch the shield!

The light blue sword light shone in an instant,

A sword slashed on this phantom,


In a huge epicenter like a thunderstorm,

These three diamond flower **** peak monks,

Has turned somersault, was beaten three hundred feet!



A flash of green sword light swept away,

Like a starry sky passing thousands of years,

This sword master,

Hit another sword,

Brother Jindan, he can't manage,

With a loud roar: "Withdraw----"

Body shape shook,

Has been washed into the water,

In an instant,

A few sword lights,

Twisted where he rushed into the water,

River water and space,

Has been twisted into nothingness,


The master of swordsman is gone,

The Yuan Ying Flower God with high rules and Taoism developed the escape method,

In an instant,

Have escaped hundreds of miles,

These four diamond flower gods,

Where can I stop.

A few people took a look,

The golden core monk of the Great Sword Hall,

Has begun to evacuate,

A few have gone,

A few people urged the sword light,

The sword light swept across the water,

Cross spin!


A golden core monk in the Great Sword Hall,

It has exploded suddenly!

Brother Huoluoshan who is fighting this Jindan Brother,

Sword Jue urges,

Turned into thousands of swords,

Slash towards the warring circle next to it!

A golden core monk,

Has escaped into the waves,

But by this sword,

Boom out!

A few sword lights crossed!

The Golden Core monk in this Great Sword Hall,

Has been cut into a few pieces!

At a glance, other war circles,

The golden core monk of the Great Sword Hall,

All have escaped!

far away,

The monsters in the base building period,

Flee desperately towards the surroundings.

These monsters,

The monks on the mountain flower plane are at least three diamond flower gods.

Not interested in beheading,

A few people get together,

Dao Fa urges,

A space has appeared in the water.

"King Guan Dao, this time has already arrived at the Great Dao Palace."

Wandering Knife said,

"To break the prohibition of the Great Sword Palace,

It takes at least a few days, just like ordinary mountain protection. "

Qianyuanjian said,

"In water combat, the discipline of single-line rules is relatively high.

It's not easy to fight! "

Yan Pangdao said.

"If you attack the Hall of Great Swords, if the other party informs the Enami Plane Committee,

That would be difficult. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

"In this battle, Bihuo Luoshan is even more difficult to fight."

Said the red pao guest.

This is the embarrassment of Shanhua Plane and Tianpeng Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ on the Garden Wave Plane,


"Even if the Guandao King wants to send water, he is an organization under the Yuanbo Plane Committee.

We can't fight at all. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

"Talk to Ang Tianhammer."

Yan Pangdao said.

Xuan Qianhe opened the communication circle,

The image of Ang Tian Hammer appeared,

"Ang Tian hammer, beheaded and killed the other five Golden Core cultivators,

The strength of the Great Sword Hall was greatly damaged,

However, they have retreated into the Hall of Swords and stood firmly. "

Xuan Qianhe said. (An.) an. reading. )

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