Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2608: Daqingshan strong

After a while,

The Wandering Knife shook his head: "Only a rough mana fluctuation can be detected from that direction.

The monk who casts the spell cannot be found,

The baby of the mountain flower plane,

The detection of rules, Dao, and Fa, that's normal. "

"The magic weapon of sect is to add regular runes."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Regular runes, Brother Jindan is not enough."

Wandering Knife said,

Standing in one direction,

Xuan Qianhe followed.

Walked for dozens of miles in the direction of the magic weapon,

Came to a valley,

This valley,

Looks ordinary,

"Mana fluctuations are gone here."

Wandering Knife said,

Take a picture of the bronze mirror toward the valley!

There are rolling rocks in the bronze mirror,

But, with a bang,

A wave rushed towards the Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe.

It was like a tsunami.

A flame burst out of Xuan Qianhe's head,

A stream of clear water came out of the wandering knife head,

One stop toward this fluctuation!

This fluctuation is like a thousand mountains, like ten thousand tides,

Flame, clear water,

Touch this fluctuation!

All began to roll violently,

This is a comparison between the two sides' Taoism and skill,

To the Four Diamond Flower God,

I also practiced the rules of Taoism,

Does not necessarily urge the issuance of sword tactics,

With this kind of written test of Taoism fluctuation,

It can already be seen.

Flame, clear water, in an instant,

There are so many changes,

This shows,

This fluctuation has the same change,

Or higher!

long time,

The tumbling of flames and clear water subsided.

Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe have retreated by more than one foot,

The expressions of Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe changed.

This is equivalent to the fluctuating monk and the wandering knife, and the Ang Tian hammer is generally fighting!

Wandering Knife, Ang Tian Hammer is already a bit short.

"Four diamonds at the top of the flower god, the mana is no worse than the average Yuanying flower god."

The monk who sent this wave,

But it is quite powerful.

"Are you fighting for a few mortals?"

The voice came from the depths of the valley.

As soon as this voice came out,

The mountains in the middle of the night are very quiet,

There was no sound of insects.

"If we fight this man, we will at least destroy Baili,

The monk of the Garden Wave Plane Management Committee,

Will be alarmed, go---"

Xuan Qianhe said to the wandering knife,

The wandering knife nodded: "Yes."


Xuan Qianhe and the wandering knife escape method urged,

A flame, a blue water wave,

In an instant,

Into the air,

Has left Daqingshan County.

In the water waves,

Wandering Knife said,

"This person is like the edge knife of Tianpeng Mountain,

Although it is the pinnacle of the four-diamond flower god, he has been practicing for thousands of years.

Knowledge of rules and laws,

The perception of a single system is already quite high. "

"Based on this person's cultivation,

It’s not difficult to survive the Nascent Soul Tribulation,

No matter which side he is on,

Daqingshan County is not our manor. "

In the flames of fast flight,

Xuan Qianhe said.

Flames and water waves fell not far from Gu Songzhou,

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe walked into the ancient Songzhou prefecture,

Back to the room where I was staying,

Immediately transmit to Ang Tian Hammer,

I told the story again,

"A monk like a side knife?

The side knife has been practiced for three thousand years,

For individual Taoism, attainments are already quite high. "

Inside the prefect yamen,

Ang Tian Hammer has suddenly stood up.

"It seems that Daqingshan County cannot go to repair roads."

Ang Tianchui said.

If you want to find political achievements, you have to find other ways.

And those who have practiced rules and Taoism,

The cultivation base fought with a monk comparable to the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

Throughout Daqingshan County,

It may blow up in half!

In that way, even if the monk is driven away,

Ang Tianchui could not get his political achievements.

Once I became the prefect,

Ang Tian Chui found,

The existence of monks in the mortal world,

Let Ang Tian hammer a lot of scruples.

That kind of monk is an official,

The idea of ​​being able to cross the officialdom,

Now it seems,

It's just a legend.

"You first go back to Renhefang City to prepare for the nomination test."

Ang Tianchui said.

"it is good."

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe said.

"Let's go to Nanyuan to ask about the structure of writing articles."

Wandering Knife said,

The structure of this imperial examination article,

There are certain requirements.

Wandering around the sword and Xuan Qianhe, walking towards the ancient Songzhou prefect.

It is away from Gu Songzhou Mansion.

More than forty miles,

A small town,

In the middle of the town,

Paved with stone roads,

The building has looked old.

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe,

Halfway along this stone road,

Walked into an alley,

A simple house appeared in front of him,

But a few houses,

A house a few feet old.

"South Park----"

Wandering knife shouting,

Nanyuan came out of the room,

When I saw Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe, I was taken aback.

"Go, eat."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"it is good-----"

Nanyuan hesitated for a moment,

But immediately nodded.

A few people went to the restaurant in Gu Songzhou Mansion together,

After eating for a long time, I ate well.

"Nanyuan, what do you think of these questions?"

Xuan Qianhe said,

He asked some questions about writing articles,

Nanyuan hesitated,

Answered vaguely.

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe,

Invite Nanyuan to dinner every day,

I have been invited for more than ten days,

"We are going back, before the Juren exam,

We will pick you up. "

Wandering Knife said,

Nanyuan looked at their backs away,

Study hard by myself,

Isn't it just for today?

Ang Tianchui sat in the lobby,

If wandering around the sword and Xuan Qianhe,

Willing to take up positions in the county of Gusongzhou,

Ang Tian Hammer can tell the county magistrate under Gu Songzhou,

Arrange a position for Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe,

Vacancies in the state,

Transfer the Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe to the prefecture,

The level can be raised by one level.


Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe chose Kao Juren,

Of course, Ang Tian Hammer can't force it,

No need to obtain official positions for the Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe,

Ordinary things in Gu Songzhou,

Ang Tian hammer but take a look,

Do whatever you want.

The official position of the host is not so easy to be vacant.

If there is another vacancy in the official position of the sponsor,

He has already taken a gap,

Other vacancies,

Someone above will definitely say hello.

The Aotian Sword and Jian Xuantian have the same relationship with Angtian Hammer.

Ang Tian Hammer does not need to think about the promotion of Aotian Sword and Jian Xuantian all day long,

"Go, Mr. Xuan, please come over."

Said the servant serving in the lobby of the Ang Tian Hammer team.

Mr. Xuan looked at the official document,

Write your own handling suggestions on a piece of paper,

Put it in the official document.

Generally, it is not necessary for prefects, deputy prefects, and participation in negotiations.

Ang Tian Chui probably followed Mr. Xuan's suggestions.

To Mr. Xuan, the gift-giver,

Suddenly more.

Mr. Xuan these few months,

Really got the sweetness.

Next to the lobby, the servants who served the prefect came over.

He handed over to Mr. Xuan: "Mr. Xuan, the prefect, please."

Mr. Xuan put down the official documents,

Follow the Yamen into the lobby,

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "Mr. Xuan, sit down."

Mr. Xuan sat down,

The government officer exited the lobby.

"Mr. Xuan, the road in Daqingshan County,

During my tenure, it is difficult to build. "

Ang Tianchui and Mr. Xuan said,

"In a mountainous county in Ancient Songzhou,

Promote planting that kind of fruit trees,

How is it going? "

Mr. Xuan heard,

He has read the information,

This Daqingshan County built roads and several prefects,

None can be resolved!

It seems that

Tianzhifu is following the old rules,

That's good,

Mr. Xuan thought,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

"Master Tian, ​​I have already told several county officials,

Several county officials are welcome,

However, there are not so many fruit trees of sufficient age. "

Mr. Xuan said.

"Well, the last time I cultivated fruit trees,

I have more than 10,000 fruit trees here,

In a few days, you send someone to Xieshan Township, Yuanshan County to carry it,

Choose a county suitable for planting,

Plant these trees first and be an example.

In other places, you can cultivate fruit seedlings and plant fruit seedlings. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Last time,

Cultivate fruit trees in the plant hall,

The fruit trees in the plant hall,

There are indeed many.

how to say,

In other counties, some fruit trees should be planted to start.

In this way, other places are planted by cultivating fruit seedlings,

However, in this way,

During the term of the prefect of Ang Tian Hammer,

Don’t even want to see the fruit of these seedlings.

"it is good----

I have found a place to cultivate fruit seedlings. "

Mr. Xuan talked about the details of the preparations for cultivating fruit seedlings.

I said this for a long time,

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

Mr. Xuan walked out of the lobby,


Mr. Xuan thinks,

Ang Tian Chui gave him the method of cultivating fruit seedlings,

It’s much more complicated than what Mr. Xuan saw in the staff.


Mr. Xuan thinks,

The method given by Ang Tianchui is much higher,

These methods of cultivating fruit seedlings given by Ang Tian Chui,

Ordinary people can operate it.

Mr. Xuan sighed,

These monks do have talents.

These 10,000 fruit trees,

Where to plant first?

Nantuo County,

Is a prince of virtuous people,

Although the reception is polite,

But as a different faction,

Must not be planted first,

Daqingshan County,

Even the county magistrate Tian, ​​the monk magistrate, doesn’t want to build roads anymore.

Mr. He Xuan has just entered the Qi training period,

Daqingshan County, he didn't even want to go.

It seems that

Dadun County next to Nantuo County is more suitable.

Mr. Xuan thought,

The magistrate of Mullah County,

I ran through the state capital for this,

Mr. Xuan, please have eaten several times,

It seems that

The magistrate of Mullah County,

I am really sincere in promoting the planting of fruit trees.

of course,

Several times for dinner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mr. Xuan felt the sincerity of the magistrate of Mullard County.

In a few days,

Ang Tian Chui told Mr. Xuan,

More than 10,000 fruit trees,

Has been placed in Xieshan Township, Yuanshan County,

Early the next morning,

Mr. Xuan took a few government officials,

Set off in a cart,

That afternoon,

When I arrived in Xieshan Township,

The head of Tian Xiang has long been leading people,

Greet on the road.

Ang Tian Chui became the prefect,

The head of township Tian continued to be the head of the township,

But Ang Tian hammered a word.

"Lord Tian, ​​where are the fruit trees sent by the Tianzhifu?"

Mr. Xuan asked.

"In the valley over there, I have sent someone to take care of it."

Chief Tian said quickly,

"Okay, let's go and see the valley."

Mr. Xuan said,

The head of Tian Xiang led someone to accompany Mr. Xuan and walked along the road,

After a long time,

Have seen a valley,

In the valley,

There have been more than 10,000 fruit trees,

"it is good."

Mr. Xuan nodded,

Take out a letter to the servant next to him.

"Go and send this letter to the magistrate of Mullah County."

This ya servant gave his hand,

Took the letter,

The reins of the camel beast swung,

The camel turned around,

Ran to the distance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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