Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2606: Canglang Lord God

"There are only a few servants in the house, so I will release my mind to take a look at this Nanxuanzhou state mansion."

Xuan Qianhe said,

Ang Tian hammer waved his hand.

"Don't let out divine thoughts in this state mansion,

Nowadays, the state capitals of Daren are all equipped with airships,

The state capital of mortals is no longer what it used to be. "

"Xuan Qianhe, if you want to be an official, you have to learn something."

Wandering Knife said,

A few of them,

Just wandering around the knife,

I have dispensable thoughts about this being an official.

"For thousands of years of cultivation in the mountains, the world has changed drastically."

Xuan Qianhe said,

They walked across the street in this house,

Found a teahouse,

Asked for a box,

The man brought me tea,

They are drinking tea.

"Tianbidong Mansion is so rewarding,

You can also refine a few furnaces of pill. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Yes, Tianhammer, if it weren't for your husband to repair this embankment,

How can we find Tianbi Cave Mansion,

These three water mystic plants can already be called treasures. "

Wandering Knife said,

The fruit of the water mystic herb can also reconcile the yin and yang mana, and has a certain increase in divine consciousness.

It was pretty good grass,

Has more than four thousand years,

It's definitely a treasure.

"On the mountain flower plane, there is no place where water system auras gather like Tianbi Cave."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Well, if I want to integrate the mystery of the water system,

Go to Tianbi Cave to practice. Can indeed be considered. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Everyone talked, satisfied with the harvest.

It's almost midnight.

A big car drove into the house,

One person got off the cart,

Hugging a beauty,

Ang Tianhammer took a look: "Yes, it's him, he is already an eighth-grade gold core, and he has advanced."

This person is the one who drove the water divider.

"In a place like the state capital. Can you cultivate Golden Core Advanced?"

Wandering knife was surprised,

"You haven't seen much,

There is a fifth-grade golden pill in the ancient Songzhou Mansion. Recently, it has advanced to the flower **** with diamonds. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"Fifth-Rank Jindan advanced with Diamond Flower God, but a hurdle for monks,

There is no Daoshu of the Martial Arts School, general casual cultivation. It's definitely difficult to advance. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

Ang Tianchui recounted the general situation of Gu Songzhou Ruo.

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe,

All eyes widened.

"It seems that our Shanhua plane, to be an official in this mortal world, came late."

Ang Tianhammer nodded: "That's right. I have been an official for a few years, and this is how I feel.

You hurried to Gu Songzhou to test for scholars,

I am just a prefect,

In the state capital, many officials are restricted.

Limited people can be promoted. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe nodded,

Ang Tian hammer is no more than a prefect. The number of people promoted is limited,

If you talk to Perry,

The Elder Perry sent someone over,

Let Ang Tian Hammer help to find a future,

Like that

Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe can let Ang Tian Hammer help,

Probably not a lot.

After all,

Ang Tian Hammer can become this prefect,

Is the chance of Ang Tian Hammer,

It is better to use Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tian hammer first,

Let's get settled.

After another half day,

The laughter in the house stopped.

"Okay, let's go over."

In the house,

The eighth-rank golden core monk was happy,

"Beauty, what about me, brother-----?"

The delicate voice sounded,

A ripple has appeared in the entire room,

A few figures,

Has come out of that ripple,

The monk was shocked,

I am the eighth-grade golden core,

A reminder of the law,

"Huh, huh, huh----"

The armor is already upper body,

I saw one of them, took out an iron whip,

Point to the monk,

A deep yellow light,

Has covered this monk!

The battle armor on this monk,

There was a creak!

Everything beside this monk,

Connect with that woman,

In an instant,

Has been broken!

This monk felt like he was being held down by a giant mountain.

The cultivation base gap is too big,

"Say, who asked you to do the Gu Songzhou River Embankment?"

This 8-Rank Golden Core monk said nothing.

Ang Tianchui laughed.

A reminder of the law,

The deep yellow brilliance has turned into several peaks,

A twist!


This golden core monk has been turned into pieces,

Only Jin Dan, the palace is intact,

These mountains are in a roll,

Jindan, Shenfu has been involved in the mountain,

Runes gushing out of the iron whip,

Towards this golden core, runes surged,

The runes have turned into flames,

Began to burn the golden core and the gods,


A scream was heard from within Jindan and Shenfu.

The memory of this golden core monk,

Began to pour into the hands of Ang Tian Hammer,

Ang Tianchui looked at Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe.

His face became strange,

"This monk is a person of the Lord God of Canglang,

He has the secret technique to recover water monsters, no wonder,

Back then, it was able to recover and repair a water-sharing beast that was much higher than him. "


Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe opened their mouths.

"It's even more amazing, the one who entrusted this monk to drive the water divider to cast spells,

It is the record of the Gu Songzhou War! "

Ang Tianchui said,

The expression on his face has become wonderful.

"In this way, Zhan Sanlu is the person of the Canglang Lord God?"

Wandering Knife said,

"It is possible that this Golden Core cultivator, upon receiving an order, can help the war to participate in the recording.

Participate in this battle. Is it a person of the Canglang Lord God,

This Golden Core monk didn't know. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"Someone is here."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"We first withdraw outside, and then make plans."

Wandering Knife said,

Several people shook their bodies,

Has gone,

An ordinary person came over,

He started knocking on the door of this Jindan monk's house.

Knocked for a long time,

In the house, there was no response.

In the shadows in the distance,

Several people from Ang Tianchui passed the voice.

"Ang Tian Hammer, this matter has something to do with the monk of Canglang Lord God,

Do you want to continue the investigation,

up to you,

We listen to you. "

"I rely on. I can't think of it, Lord Canglang,

But you can send out a few masters who can easily integrate rules. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"That's not necessarily, the Giant Rock Shrine exists,

Master of other main gods.

But it is not possible to shoot casually on the plane under the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Shrine.

I think he drove the water divider to shoot through hundreds of miles,

Just don't want to alarm the Park Wave Plane Management Committee. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

.This said,

Ang Tian hammer nodded.

"Follow this person and see."

Ang Tianchui said.

This person took a look.

Everyone in the house agreed,

The figure is vertical.

Has crossed the fence,

.Walk towards the room of the Jindan master,

It seems,

Have been here several times,

As soon as I walked into the room, I saw,


Turned around and walked out of the room,

Towards the street,

Go quickly.

While walking, looking around,


Four diamond flower god,

It is not something that monks can see during this Qi training period.

This man walked a few streets,

Walked a few miles,

Walked into a shop,

The guy in this shop,

Watching this person come in, arching his hand towards this person,

It seems,

This person is the owner of this shop,

This man walked upstairs,

Take out a communication circle,

Started to urge it,

"Yes, what he urged was the communication circle of this Golden Core monk."

Ang Tian Chui said,

After a long time, Brother Jindan, there was no answer.

The monk walked out of the shop again,

Walked several streets in a row,

Came to a house,

At the door of the house, there was a concierge,

When I saw this person,

A smile appeared on his face.

"Come to find the organizer----"

The porter said,

"Come to do something and let me know."

This man said,

. Reach out and give the past a piece of silver.

The porter went in to report,

After a while,

Has come out,

Reached out to this person: "Please."

This man followed the porter,

Walked into the house.

Walking past a fresh garden,

Enter the lobby,

In the hall, there are already people sitting in casual clothes.

"This person is the host of the South Xuanzhou Commercial Department."

In the distance, Ang Tian Chui said,

Ang Tian Chui became the prefect,

Look at this man’s casual clothes,

Just know his official position.

As soon as the owner of this shop sat down,

Immediately facing the host,

This is like hosting a listen,

His face changed,

"After a few days, he doesn't come back, you go to deal with it."

This is as the host said.

The owner of this shop gave his hand,

Walked out of the residence of the host.

"Owner of this shop, listen to it as if it was hosted."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Go, let's go back to Gu Songzhou."

Ang Tian Chui said,

"We can't manage the affairs of Canglang Lord God."

Several people walked into the shadow on the side of the road and said,

The shadow fluctuates,

A few people came out,

But it was already outside Nanxuanzhou Mansion.

A few people urged them to escape and rushed into the blue river.

The wandering knife stretched out his hand,

Space appeared, and quickly flee in the Bihe.

"It is absolutely approved by the prefect to be promoted to the host.

This matter, we are here. "

In the space, Ang Tianchui said.

"Well, we serve as officials to obtain more medicinal materials.

Treasures, suitable places for planting these medicinal materials,

These things, the Giant Rock Shrine will take care of them. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

the next day,

The Yamen lobby of the prefect of ancient Songzhou.

Mr. Xuan comes in,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

"The thing that Bihe broke,

The vice prefect has already agreed,

To Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan, a certain amount of compensation. "

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "Well, Mr. Xuan, thank you Lord Jun for me."


"Mr. Xuan, I have a friend who came to Gusongzhou to take the Xiucai exam.

They come to you at night, and you can help them handle it. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Mr. Xuan arched his hands: "Yes -----"

This kind of thing is common, and it is the same for anyone who is a prefect

The prefect, the first thing today,

Just leave it to you,

Friends of the prefect,

With Lord Tianzhifu,

The relationship must be good.

at night,

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Dao came to Mr. Xuan’s house,

Give the greeting card to the porter.

The porter took a look,

This greeting card,

It belongs to Master Tian,

Immediately walked into the house,

Report to Mr. Zhu Xuan,

Mr. Xuan took a look,

It's a greeting from the prefect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come out to meet you.

Greet Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Sword into the house,

of course,

Polite chatter,

This conversation,

Mr. Xuan found that

The talents of Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Sword,

Not worse than myself.

"There is a future, I am ashamed of it."

Mr. Xuan said,

This sentence is a bit polite and sincere,

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

It seems,

Look like a young man,

Dress well,

"Then Mr. Xuan, please handle it."

Xuan Qianhe said,

Took out a small bag,

To Mr. Xuan.

Mr. Xuan didn't want to pick up,

But at first glance, this bag is not big,

Take it over and take a look,


A bag of gems.

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife have the same cultivation base as Ang Tian Hammer,

Net worth, of course, will not be worse than Ang Tian Hammer.

"How about that?"

Mr. Xuan said,

one look,

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

Hand over,

Has walked out of Mr. Xuan's house.

.............(To be continued)............

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