Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2604: Divided water

"Okay, let's look for it nearby."

Ang Tianchui said.

Look for what the Four Diamond Flower God said,

Once God’s mind is released, it’s more than a hundred li,

Traveled a few miles in the water,

"There is a water ghost on the shore, ask him."

Wandering Knife said,

A reminder of the law,

This space walks towards the shore,

But saw,

The water near the shore,

A creature, as big as an ordinary person,

Covered in hair,

Wearing a simple armor,

Holding a sharp knife in his hand,

Looking at the pedestrians passing by on the embankment.


The pedestrians on the shore are far away from the river,

In the distance, there are more patrols,

A few miles away,

It's a small town.

This water ghost,

For a while,

Unable to team these pedestrians to start.

"In the world of cultivation, there are many mortal innate martial artists,

This water ghost is powerful, but it is about the same as the innate warrior in the early days.

There are several congenital warriors in the patrol team,

This water ghost didn't dare to move. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

The water ghost met several innate warriors,

A reminder of the innate warrior sword art,

It can be killed easily.

"This water ghost has armor and knives, and it must be under the great demon."

Ang Tianchui said,

. Reach out and grab it!

How far apart one mile.

The water ghost has been captured,

Rushed towards this side quickly,

Wherever it went.

The Bihe River separates,

The water ghost opened his mouth to shout.


The whole body is like being pressed by Mount Tai,

Can't say half a sentence,

In an instant,

Has come to the water space,


This water ghost is already lying in this space,

It seems to be an invisible space barrier.

But like a black iron,

In space,

There are three human monks standing,

Looking at this water ghost,

The water ghost knew immediately,

He met a strong man among human monks.

"Is there a powerful monster leader near here?"

Said a monk wearing a dark yellow robe.

"Yes. Over a hundred miles away, there is a King of Fenshui, and the younger one belongs to King of Fensic."

The water ghost replied,

"Take us."

Wandering Knife said,

"it is good----"

The demon nodded.

A reminder of the wandering knife spirit,

This space moves forward.

Monsters in the river. More.

However, in the eyes of these monsters,

A big wave moved fast in the water.

Who can advance to monsters,

Of course there is some wisdom.

Seeing the urging Dao Fa passing through my territory,

Not like some people think. Rushed up immediately,

Out of more than a hundred miles,

A patrol team appeared,

More than 30 monsters,

In battle armor,

Holding in hand,

It's a magical instrument with runes carved on it.

"Stop, put away Daofa!"

This patrol team took the lead,

It is a water snake spirit.

With a big knife in his hand,

Shout loudly towards this wave!

A pair of arms appeared on the upper body,

Wearing battle armor,

The lower body is a snake body,

This water wave has a meal,

Has transformed into a space,

In the space,

Three human monks stand,

A water ghost crawling beside three human monks,

This patrol took a look,

Everyone is furious!

"Quickly let go of the water ghost---"

The snake drank loudly.

The water ghost is the worst in this blue river,

But how to say,

Is the aquarium in this river,

"Dare to talk to me like this?"

Xuan Qianhe raised his eyebrows,

Hand shake,

"You are merciful--"

Ang Tian Hammer shouted immediately,


The big knife in the water snake's hand exploded,

In an instant,

Turn into hundreds of fragments to splash!

The patrol members or hand-dancing shields,

Or urge to issue a sword tactic, with a magic weapon engraved with runes,

Turned into thousands of phantoms.


The shields and magic weapons they wielded touched with these fragments,

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

These shatters pass easily through the shield, the waved shield,

A big hole appeared on the shield,

The magical instruments that were brandished with seals and runes have been turned into a few pieces.

A scream,

More than thirty patrol members,

Everyone has been injured.

"You begged for these little monsters."

Xuan Qianhe said to Ang Tianchui,

If it weren’t just for Ang Tianhammer to say this sentence,

Just now Xuan Qianhe waved,

With these thirty-odd patrols, everyone turned into a scum!

"This Bihe, but Gu Songzhou that passes through my control,

Qianhe, the prefect is not so good. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Oh, I forgot, I came here for the breach."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"The three adults calm down, and I will report immediately----"

The water snake said,

A face shuddered.

Turning around, swim quickly towards the distance.

After a while,

A big wave,

Came quickly from a distance,

Wherever this big wave was, a crystal channel appeared in the water.

Above this big wave,

Standing a humanoid monk,

However, the beast head has a horn,

With scales all over,

Holding a big knife.

When this big wave broke out,

The huge pressure spreads in the water,

In an instant,

Monster beasts in a radius of tens of miles,

Have all walked away.

It is indeed the cultivation base of the ordinary four-diamond flower god,

"I mean, it's the same as Master Salmon's pet general.

It is no wonder that the ancient alien water-separating beasts have four diamond flower gods. "

Wandering knife said.

"Water Beast.

Everywhere, the world is separated by water,

It is more precious than Salmon.

Suitable for expedition pets. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

"General Salmon, you are the **** of flowers."

Ang Tianchui said.

On the opposite side, the monster on the crystal channel was furious,

"Where did human beings treat me as a pet?"

He yelled.


One listen,

These few human monks spoke of the Yuan Ying Flower God,

This water trap is deflated again.

The more I reach the Four Diamond Flower God,

The more I know how powerful Yuanying Flower God is.

Sense of God,

The cultivation bases of these three human monks,

It doesn't seem to be worse than myself.

The sweat is coming down.

He occupied this Tianbi cave,

In the Bihe,

His site,

It’s just the part where Bihe River passes through Nanxuanzhou,

Three four diamond flower gods,

He has not seen many times.

For a time.

This water trap is standing on the crystal channel,

Looking at these three monks,

The tone eased down.

"Where did the master come from? Passing by my Bidong,

I am the king of water, gold and silver treasures. Some can be given away. "

The King of Waters said,

"The breach in Gu Songzhou. Isn't it your Dao Fa?"

Ang Tian hammer stepped forward,

Said coldly to this water beast.

Upon hearing this water divider,

The ancient Songzhou **** burst,

This kind of thing,

He did it hundreds of times,

I thought,

Daren domestic,

Terran cultivator,

There are not many flower gods in four diamonds,

Cultivation to the Four Diamond Flower God,

Don't want to worry about these nosy.

This time,

.Four diamond flower **** found, one came three,

He turned around,

A water channel appears in the water,

He stepped towards the crystal channel,

In an instant,

Has disappeared.

The crystal channel disappeared in the water immediately.

The three four-diamond flower gods on the mountain flower plane startled.

This water divider ran away without a single move.

This crystal channel,

Probably it is the talent of the water beast,

The escape speed in the water is very fast.

Ang Tian hammer was angry,

When I have cultivated Dao Fa for so many years as a display?

Reach out,

Has played a mysterious rune,

In an instant,

This space gallops through the water like an arrow,

In a few moments, he has walked out dozens of miles.

A hole more than ten feet wide appeared,

This hole,

The ban has been launched,

As if there were thousands of sword qi flickering.

"How can this restriction stop us?"

Ang Tianchui sneered,

Reached out and took out a lotus flower,

Pick up this lotus,

Towards a ban on a photo,

In an instant,

Complex structures have emerged on the lotus,


Ang Tianhammer took out the iron whip made from the warhammer,

Toward this prohibition one dozen!

The entire prohibition,

Has begun to shake.

A fiery red sword light,

A jade-colored sword light,

In an instant,

Has moved towards this prohibition,

Boom cut thousands of swords.

In a few moments,

This prohibition,


It has exploded suddenly.

Xuan Qianhe released a flame above his head,

A mountain peak was released from the top of Ang Tian's hammer,

A stream of clear water was released from the head of the wandering knife,

Has walked into the hole.

As soon as you walk into the cave,

It is a channel,

The passage is more than thirty feet long,

Past the channel,

It's a hall,

More than a hundred feet wide,

The decoration is very luxurious.

"Much more luxurious than my prefect yamen."

Ang Tian Chui said,

The water trap is sitting,

Seeing three human four-diamond flower gods coming in,

stand up,

He bowed his hand towards the three of them.

"Master, you broke the ban I set up in a few moments,

I am not your opponent, please sit down. "

The three are welcome,

Sit down,

"The one who entrusted me to do this was a monk in Nanxuanzhou Prefecture."

The water divider said a word,

The three were surprised.

"I originally grew up in Nantuo County, Gusongzhou, and I practiced Taoism.

I was originally a water beast, of course I was looking for a good place,

Down the blue river,

Look at this place where there are Tianbi caves, I have stayed here,

one year,

Severe drought,

I play along the clear water river,

Arriving near the Nanxuanzhou state house,

But saw local officials and people begging for rain,

The water level of Bihe River dropped by more than half,

Ordinary people can’t use a pumping device.

Of course it cannot be irrigated.

The sacrifice for rain is quite rich,

I collected these sacrifices and gave a rain to several villages ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. "

The water beast said.

From Bihe to Nanxuanzhou,

Dozens of feet deep,

The embankment of Bihe,

But ten feet tall,

The water level of Bihe fell by half,

People standing on the dam,

The distance from the water is more than thirty feet, forty feet,

General pumping device,

Where is the water pumped?

Give rain to several villages,

To put it bluntly, it means to move the water from the river into the air,

With the Taoist method of Ang Tian Hammer,

Now it is possible to give rain to a village,

A township in Daren is a hundred miles away.

The water divider continued,

"I don't think, after the rain,

A monk came up,

But the cultivation base of the Ninth Grade Golden Core,

Promised to provide me with cooked meat,

Let me do things for him,

This is what I did in Gusongzhou. "

Said the water beast.

The three four-diamond flower gods of the mountain flower plane,

You look at me, I look at you.

I thought it was done by the monster,

It turned out to be driven!

"Where is the monk, I will find him."

Ang Tian Chui said,

"I only know that he lives in Nanxuanzhou Prefecture."

The water divider reached out his hand,

A water spin appeared,

In an instant,

Has turned into a person's appearance.

Ang Tianhammer took the water polo,

stand up,

Shouted: "Go!"

Several people left Tianbidong,

Step by step,

Already out of Bihe,

Arrived on the embankment of Bihe. (To be continued.

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