Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2599: Transfer

It seems that after a night of listening to songs,

Mr. Xuan and himself,

Already a bit of a common language,

Mr. Rui thought.

Mr. He Xuan went downstairs,

The owner of this Baiying Cabaret,

Ran over long ago,

Mr. Rui and Mr. Xuan got on the camel cart and went back to rest in their house.

But one person,

Walking back and forth in his room.

It is the war participation record.


Mr. Xuan took the initiative to visit Mr. Rui,

They listened to the song together at Baiying Cabaret,

This is not a trivial matter in officialdom.


War Participants think so.

His participation,

Although he has the right to be in charge of many things,


If Gu Songzhou can make some political achievements,

It must be counted as Ang Tian Hammer, and the deputy prefect.

The ministers who do things must count some,

It really fell on him to participate in the record,

Not too much.

He wanted to advance to the rank of prefect,

The apportionment of political achievements is very much needed.

Have enough political achievements,

The deputy prime minister is so good to speak to the war participation record.

This Mr. Xuan and Mr. Rui, go to Baiying Hall to sing together,

Represents approach in the officialdom,


Is it a kind of friendship?

the next day,

In the Yamen lobby of the prefect of ancient Songzhou,

Mr. Xuan and Ang Tianchui said,

"This He Gong is indeed related to Prince Xian's Mansion.

He can give a big He Gong to Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan,

It's already pretty good. "

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "Of course."

"Mr. Rui said.

Jun Deputy Prefect, these years,

He Gong, was confessed by Prince Xian Mansion,

He doesn't care about it,

Other things in Gu Songzhou,

He doesn't want to worry about it. "

Mr. Xuan said,

"What do you think?"

Ang Tianchui said.

"Otherwise, in the past ten years,

Able to sit on the throne of the prefect.

Can serve as an official for a few more years,

If you can’t sit on the throne of the prefect,

The officials of the Jun and Deputy Prefects will be able to serve for these ten years. "

Mr. Xuan said,

Ang Tian hammer nodded.

I am in Yuanshan County, but I am planting fruit trees,

Some monks came over to make trouble,

If it weren’t for the four-diamond flower god, but also the shadow of the golden fruit cultivated by the golden core,

The average monk.

How can I handle it.

From this time on Mr. Rui’s house,

Mr. Xuan frequently accepted banquets from state officials and squires.

Ang Tian hammer thought,

That's good,

It was originally officialdom practice.

Just right,

Let Mr. Xuan learn about the specific situation of state officials.

Mr. Nan introduced,

However, Mr. Nan did not say that the Yueting official was a bully.

of course,

Mr. Xuan received some gifts,

For the four-diamond flower **** Ang Tian Chui,

Generally look down upon.

It's already night,

Ang Tianchui has already eaten,

"Master Tian----"

Mr. Xuan came back from the banquet,

Where did the sound come from the lobby,

Mr. Xuan came back from the banquet,

Of course we have to deal with these officials,

Talk to Ang Tianchui.

Ang Tianchui took a look,

The rain is getting heavier and heavier.

The flood season has entered.

"Mr. Xuan, please come in."

Ang Tian Chui said,

Mr. Xuan entered the room of Ang Tian Hammer,

According to Mr. Xuan,

Ang Tianchui is diligent in government affairs.

Mr. Xuan sat down and began to talk about what he saw at the banquet today.

After speaking for a long time, after speaking,

Ang Tian Chui gave a copy of the official document,

"Mr. Xuan, take a look."

Mr. Xuan took a look,

An official document sent by the War Participants requesting approval of personnel transfer,

State Department of Agriculture,

There is a sponsor for retirement,

War participation record,

I want to call one of his men over,

His men,

When hosted by the Agriculture Department,

Can be upgraded by half a level,

He sat on an official rank with real power.

Mr. Xuan finished reading,

He arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer: "Master Tian, ​​you can transfer sword cyclists to this official rank.

Just don't know,

Sword Xianke, can he be qualified for this position?

The new magistrate of Yuanshan County has arrived,

Even if Lord Tian greeted the new magistrate of Yuanshan County,

This sword cyclist can maintain the position of deputy captain of the patrol team,

It's already pretty good. "

Mr. Xuan spent a few months in the state capital,

It's already generous.

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

Mr. Xuan is right,

The new magistrate of Yuanshan County has taken office,

The sword cyclist is in Yuanshan County,

Quite a patrol captain,

That is unlikely.

It is better to be transferred to the state capital to be the host.

Is it competent?

Sword Xianke is the pinnacle of a flower **** who has practiced for hundreds of years.

If you talk about the understanding of the Department of Agriculture,

Definitely better than everyone in the Old Songzhou Agricultural Department.

Who will hold the post of this Department of Agriculture,

Of course who has the most power,

Who held this position,

"What kind of procedures are required to let the sword cyclist hold this position?"

Mr. Xuan smiled: "That's easy to do, let the Yueteng official visit Yuanshan County,

Inquiry is the only way to focus on thinness, and to lead them,

Talent is strong, the leader of the sword cyclist has a good evaluation,

There will be a good foundation. "

Mr. Xuan said.

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

"Well, put the official document from the war participation record first.

I informed Jian Xianke and told him to come back quickly. "

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand,

Walk out of the ancient Songzhou prefect lobby.

Ang Tianchui took a sip of tea,

I became the prefect,

Not enough manpower available,

It seems that the Shanhua plane will send more people.

Ang Tian hammer stretched out his hand and reminded him.

Urged the communication circle of chasing wave knife,

The image of the chasing knife appeared.

"Chasing the wave knife, how did you go to the Lord Bo Ren."

Ang Tian Chui said,

Chasing the wave knife smiled: "Yes, it's the relationship with the county official.

Processing. However, a hundred gems were given,

The relationship with the magistrate has been handled. "

"Here I am, the Department of Agriculture has a shortage of sponsorship officials.

I want to transfer the sword cyclist to the state capital,

The rank of deputy captain of the patrol team in Yuanshan County,

To be able to let us from the plane of Shanhua sit on it,


In the mountain flower plane,

Do you have a familiar flower **** with diamonds,

Call him to serve as deputy captain of the patrol team in Yuanshan County.

With the diamond flower god, the fifth grade golden core, both are fine. "

Ang Tianchui said.

The diamond flower **** of the mountain flower plane, the fifth-grade golden core,

Generally speaking, it is later than the time of chasing wave swords into the mountain flower plane.

These one-diamond flower gods of the Ang Tianhammer team, the fifth-grade golden core,

Really unfamiliar.

Now, the Golden Core monk on the plane of Shanhua,

There are hardly any adventures like Commissioner Qian, Yuan Tie, Red Wolf, Wandering Knife, etc.

The cultivation speed is faster than the ordinary golden core outside.

"Brother Tian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay, Aotian Sword and Sword Xuantian, have left Tieding Pass, and have returned to the Flower Plane.

I told them that they will definitely come.

Look for it on the plane of the garden wave,

Maybe you can find your own training seat. "

Chasing the wave knife said.

Huogong Pass, there is no training seat for Aotian Sword and Jian Xuantian,

They only have the Huishan Flower Plane,

Or over ten years,

Only then can they be allocated a new training seat,

In the view of the chaser,

They are not as good as going to Daren.

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

His shadow of the golden fruit clone,

In Daqingshan County,

I have found a seat where the golden core monks can practice,

of course,

The seat of a spiritual gathering place,

Not as good as Tiedingguan and Huoluoshan,

This kind of spiritual gathering place,

Generally it is occupied by small cultivators and casual cultivators,

Able to produce a four-diamond flower **** monk,

It's already pretty good.

The conversation between Ang Tian Hammer and Chasing Knife ended,

Ang Tian Hammer urged Jian Xian Ke's communication array.

................................................. .To be continued............................................. ....

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