Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2596: River engineering is complicated

"Thank you, County Officer Qiu, it seems that your flood prevention work in Nantuo County,

Good job----. "

Ang Tian Chui smiled,

Said to the official dressed up as the county official.

This is the magistrate of Nantuo County,

A member of the deputy prefect, a faction of the virtuous prince.

Ang Tianhammer came here to inspect,


He gave Antian hammer,

More enthusiastic.

In that case,

Ang Tian Chui doesn't find fault with the flood prevention work in Nantuo County.

Everyone gets in the car,

The convoy arrived at the most luxurious restaurant in Nantuo County,

This meal,

On the surface,


County Officer Qiu was originally worried,

This day the prefect belonged to the faction of Prince Shan,

Will find fault for myself in flood prevention work,

Don't think,

Smoothly passed.

Of course, toast to Tianzhifu frequently.

After one meal,

Let's go back to Nantuo County to rest.

The servant brought tea,

Ang Tianchui took a sip of tea,

Said casually towards the county official Qiu,

"Master Qiu, I have a friend who wants to build several manors in Nantuo County----"

The following words don’t need to be finished with Ang Tian hammer,

County official Qiu said immediately: "Please say----"

Ang Tian Chui said the name of his Golden Core and Golden Fruit Shadow.

The county magistrate Qiu thought,

There is such a report requesting approval,


Several monks in the foundation-building period of Prince Xian's Mansion greeted him.

Of course, those cultivators in the foundation-building period were nothing.

The monks in the foundation period. The status is not high.

County Officer Qiu thought.

Nodded: "Yes. I approve the report immediately,

However, there is one place where the monks in the foundation construction period of Prince Xian’s Mansion greeted him.

This place, I think, can only be given to the monks in the foundation period of Prince Xian's Mansion. "

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "That's good."

County Officer Qiu can handle this,

It's already pretty good.

Things in Nantuo County.

Just solved it like this,

A cup of wine, tea, and laughter.

Ang Tianchui feels comfortable,

Rested for a while,

Got up and left the Nantuo County Office,

Follow the Bihe River and walk downstream,

at dusk,

Has entered Yuanshan County,

The new magistrate of Yuanshan County has not arrived yet.

Talented and weak, has led officials of Yuanshan County.

Greeted on the road,

Ang Tianchui got off the car.

Harmony with the power of talent for a while,

The smile is lovely.

Only to force the thin emotions,

People are promoted,

Of course a smile is ok,

I guarded the guards of the Royal Prince's Mansion for some activities,

But it failed.

I feel complicated,

Ang Tianchui took a look,

The wave chaser is not there,

"Where is the wave chaser?"

The captain rushed forward,

Facing Ang Tianhammer, he bowed his hand: "Chasing the captain, he asked for a few months of leave.

Go to work. "


Ang Tian hammer nodded.

Needless to say,

Chasing the wave knife must be looking for a baby.

In the officialdom of Daren,

An official who can manage things,

The master book is a start.

Yes, the wave chaser should have been like this long ago,


He is a peak monk with a diamond flower god,

Want me to do it every day?


From the chasing sword and sword celestial body,

Ang Tianchui realized the feelings of Committee Member Qian,

So many golden cores,

Are already quite capable,

Commissioner Qian will do it all?

Obviously impossible,

Be able to teach some tactics and answer some questions about cultivation,

It's already pretty good.

Flood prevention in Yuanshan County,

But have a quick look,

Ang Tian Chui has been in Yuanshan County for several years,

For the flood control of Yuanshan County,

It is relatively tight.

This thing is not complicated,

It's a piece of fat,

Everyone wants to eat,

But not everyone can eat it.

After dinner,

Ang Tian Chui rested in Yuanshan County Office,

The servant of the Xuan family came over,

Upon entering the county office,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

Tell Ang Tianchui that it is Miss Xuanxiuwen,

Sent him,

Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan went to the prefecture together.

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "Is things going well?"

The servant gave another hand,

"In the past few days, no news has come..."

Ang Tian hammer sign.

This river construction,

The deputy prefect controls most of it.

He walked this way,

Dinner with a few county officials,

These county officials,

Said to Ang Tianchui.

If you knew about river construction,

Most of them are controlled by the deputy prefect,

Ang Tian Hammer wouldn't let Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan enter the prefecture so quickly to accept construction.

In Ang Tianchui's heart,

There was a wave of irritation towards the Yueting official,

Mr. Nan, please take care of you yourself,

But what about the Yueting Officer,

Without telling the truth,

The magistrate under the jurisdiction of Gu Songzhou,

Is a county supervisor,


Not so much scruples.

This He Gong business,

Even Mr. Lian Ruo,

Not much to share.

A few days later, Ang Tian Hammer ended the inspection.

Back to the state capital.

Enter the prefect’s office at noon,

in the afternoon,

The invitations of Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan have been sent over.

In the evening,

Ang Tianchui took Mr. Xuan,

Go to a banquet.

Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan met Ang Tian hammer,

Of course smiling,


Ang Tian Hammer did not formally hire,

Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan met Ang Tian hammer,

Of course it's not easy to call it: "Xian Son-in-law."

Everyone said a kind word,

A good drink toasted each other.

"How many river workers have you got this time?"

Ang Tian hammer asked.

"Not much. Take the profit.

But a few hundred catties of gold. "

Mr. Xuan said.

A few hundred catties of gold.

For people like Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan,

Not much.


The deputy prefect finally gave some face,

Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan talked about the Hegong he got,

When Ang Tian hammer listened,

They are all small projects.

"The yamen of the deputy prefect is really hard to get in."

Uncle Xuan said.

Ang Tian hammer considered for a while,

"The deputy prefect. I think of a way,

These few small river workers, please do it first. "

Uncle Quan nodded: "If you do it, there is a way."

At the prefect level,

All factions,

Not that easy to talk,

at this point,

Uncle Hyun and Uncle Quan,

Is clear.

Several people drank for a while.

"I heard that Baiying Hall is good.

Tonight, go to Baiyingge Hall to listen to songs. how? "

Uncle Quan said,

"Mr. Xuan likes to listen to songs, he will accompany you."

Ang Tianchui said.

This Baiying Cabaret,

Even if Ang Tian hammer wants to go,

Can't go with Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan.

Ang Tian hammered up and left,

Out of the restaurant.

"He Gong's matter, this method is hard to think about."

Ang Tian Chui thought.

One thought,

Inspected all the way by myself,

Throughout Gusongzhou,

There are several river banks,

Not that way.

However, I inspected myself,

But to establish an image of diligence,

These things,

He was too lazy to say.

Let's talk about it after today's flood season.

The next day, he called Mr. Xuan over,

I plan to let Mr. Xuan go to the house of Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan.

one look,

Uncle Xuan was a little unhappy,

"Mr. Xuan, what is unpleasant?"

Ang Tian Chui asked Mr. Xuan,

"This-----a little thing."

Mr. Xuan said,

He can say,

Uncle Quan, in Baiying Ge Hall, I fell in love with Miss Nina.


Mr. Ta Xuan,

I think Miss Nina is pretty good.

Mr. Xuan lived as a foreigner for many years,

Finally became the prefect,

I had wanted,

Pursuing Miss Nina,

This time, there is a show,

In the state capital,

People who came to Baiying Ge Hall,

How much to give Mr. Xuan the face of the prefect,

This time, to Baiyingge Hall,

It is indeed the highest VIP treatment,

The owner of Baiying Cabaret,

All came to visit.

Take Miss Nina,

Come to toast,

This toast,

Mr. Xuan is happy,

Tian Daren is a double harvest of business beauty,

I became the prefect,

Good harvest on the beauties,

Mr. Xuan's joyful thoughts haven't finished.

Mr. Quan fell in love with Miss Nina,

While taking over the wine glass,

Holding Miss Nina's hand and holding it down.

The scene was tangled,

Miss Nina,

Only then got out of the box and went upstairs to sing.

This makes Mr. Xuan,

How not to tangle?

Upon hearing the Ang Tian hammer,

Let him go to Mr. Xuan, Mr. Quan’s house to hire him,

Mr. Xuan, a smile appeared on his face.

Nodded repeatedly,

Step out of the prefect yamen.

Got on the camel cart,


As soon as Mr. Xuan went out,

Must take a car.

When I arrived at the premises where Mr. Xuan and Mr. Quan were staying,

Mr. Xuan talked about Ang Tian Chui's appointment.

Mr. Xuan and Mr. Quan were overjoyed and nodded again and again.

Ang Tianchui was promoted to prefect,

They are all worried,

This marriage, will Ang Tian Chui change his mind?


Upon hearing that, Ang Tian Hammer wanted to hire,

The marriage is settled,

The identities of Mr. Xuan and Mr. Quan, the prefects, have been confirmed.

"We will rush back to Yuanshan County."

Mr. Xuan said.

Mr. Xuan's face changed: "Mr. Xuan, Mr. Quan,

Now, you are the husbands of the prefect,

In this state capital, we have to converge a bit,

Take into account the official voice of the prefect---"

This said,

Mr. Xuan and Mr. Quan,

Nodding again and again.

As soon as Mr. Xuan walked out of the premises,

Mr. Quan looked a pity.

"Nina, that's great,

With my ability, marry her as a concubine,

absolutely okay. "

Mr. Quan said.

"The marriage is over, you can go to Baiyingge Hall often,

Don't listen to that Mr. Xuan,

I think that Mr. Xuan has taken a fancy to Miss Nina. "

Mr. Xuan said,

"Really-no wonder, he admires Miss Nina singing, so focused -----"

Mr. Quan said.

"Let's finish this marriage first-----"

Mr. Xuan said.

Within a few days,

The caravan with big red flowers,

Under the auspices of Mr. Xuan,

Going out of Gusongzhou Pass,

As soon as this convoy left the state capital,

People from all over the prefecture ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are alarmed.

"It's rare to see a prefect marry a beautiful woman as soon as he takes office."

Mr. Ruo said.

"He went to inspect Bihe, Bihe Hegong,

In the past few years, you have not eaten much,

Is he a new prefect? "

next to,

Said a man in a luxurious robe,

Take a sip of tea,

Took a bite of snack,

This is the fifth grade golden core,

However, he has been promoted to the flower **** with diamonds.

"The things about Bihe are complicated.

In the past ten years, I have only come into contact with some corners. "

Uncle Ruo said.

"Want He Gong? When the adults came this day,

Don't even think about building roads. "

Said this five-grade Jindan.

"However, this day, my lord, did not come to us,

I think it's not bad. "

Uncle Ruo said.

"The few waves of royal palace worship, he cut them all together,

Know this state capital, there are many monks,

Of course, more consideration. "

The fifth grade Jindan said,

With diamond flower **** fighting,

One shot is shocking!

The office of the deputy prefect,

A gentleman, sitting with the deputy prefect,

"Unexpectedly, Gentry Xuanxiang and the whole squire,

Became the father-in-law of Tianzhifu. "

The deputy prefect said,

"In this way, we will provide more river workers for the Xuanxiang and the whole squire,


In this way, a lot of gifts have been given to Master Tian. "

Mr. said,

"Okay, you go to arrange it, and that's it."

Said the deputy prefect. (To be continued...)

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