Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2590: Survey

To Yuanshan County,

I have been walking on the road for a few days,

Have a meal,

at this point,

No one is hypocritical.

A group of people left the county government,

Walked towards the restaurant,

In the restaurant,

Everyone sits down.

First of all,

There was an Ang Tian hammer toasting to Shangguan.

Years passed,

Ang Tian Hammer has adapted to the status of county official.

Although to toast to the superior,


The identity of county magistrate,

Brought a lot of convenience to Ang Tian Hammer,

Medicinal materials suitable for Jindan monks in several nearby states,

Ang Tian Hammer just paid some gold,

A lot has been gained.

So, Ang Tianchui smiled on his face,

This glass of wine is neither humble nor overbearing.

Drink several large glasses of wine in a row,

Ang Tianchui's face did not change color,

"it is good----"

The calendar host shouted with appreciation.

Ang Tianchui took a look,

Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture,

The smile on his face is reluctant, and he is silent,

Ang Tian hammer toasted the wine,

It was the reason why Mr. Bo Hexuan made a toast.

Mr. Bo Hexuan nodded and bowed.

Hosted by this calendar and the Ministry of Agriculture,

But after a glass of wine,

This is limited by identity.

This host, to the talented person, Mr. Bo Hexuan,

Didn't watch much,

It's just the husband and the boss in the county,

To be a magistrate,

It's already great luck.

Harmony is strong and weak,

Mr. Xuan,

Hosted by the official ministry and the Ministry of Agriculture,

Not much to talk about,

Captain Chong, Captain He, Captain He came up to toast,

After listening, I insisted on being thin,

Introduction to the three captains,

Hosted by the calendar and the Ministry of Agriculture, but nodded,

A toast to these three captains,

But took a sip.

The three captains went back and sat down,

Glanced at each other,

This kind of character,

But I couldn't catch it.

Ang Tian Hammer and Chaser Knife looked,

at this point,

There is no difference between the monastic world and the mortal world.

The three people toasted,

Mr. Xuan stood up,

Hand over to the host.

"The Shangguan came to care about our Yuanshan County,

We in Yuanshan County are very grateful,

A little gift, please accept it. "

After seeing the master book, the three captains toasted,

Shangguan looked arrogant,

What Uncle Xuan said,

so so.


The servant brought the box up,

Once opened,

Sponsored by the calendar and the Ministry of Agriculture,

Five hundred catties of gold per person.

This ceremony is general for the officials and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Of course, Bion’s Sky Hammer gave it to Mr. Cang,

Want more.

After eating wine, go back to the county office to rest,

at night,

Ang Tian Hammer and Chai Bo Dao found Li Zhu Bo,

"excuse me,"

Chasing the wave knife said,

Take out a box and give it.

Once opened,

The box was full of glittering gems.

"Five hundred gems, a little gift."

Chasing the wave knife said.

Just these gems,

I've got more than a thousand catties of gold,


"This is the leader of the Yuanshan County Patrol Team.

Want to find a bad messenger. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Since Ang Tianchui has come forward,

That said,

The chasing knife has a good relationship,

"I'll help you see."

The organizer said,

The master in a county,

It was already enough for him to host the staff.

Chasing wave knife bowed his hand.

"Thank you for hosting it."

The calendar organizer waved,

"If there were no fruit trees planted throughout the county,

Improve the performance of mountain people’s income,

I can't think of a way. "

Even if you want to be promoted,

Need to be based on performance.

Ang Tianhammer gave his hand: "Excuse me, sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture,

It seems that his face is unhappy----"

The organizer looked at Ang Tian Hammer,

"Are you unhappy with the people in Prince Hexian Mansion, Paradise Mansion?

People from Prince Xian's Mansion and Paradise Mansion came to say hello. "

The organizer said,

Cut off all the offerings sent by Prince Xian Mansion and Paradise Mansion,

This is not pleasant,

It's big.

"No, I am a magistrate, and the palace, how can there be unpleasantness?"

Ang Tian Chui said,

The organizer took a look at Ang Tianchui,

"No matter what, these princes have no right to decide

Appointment and removal of officials. "

After hearing this sentence,

Li sponsor and Ang Tianchui looked at each other,

Succumbed to the calendar,

Exited the room hosted by the calendar,

"Hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture,

Do you need it? "

Chasing the wave knife said,

"Since he obeyed Prince Xian, Paradise Palace's greetings,

In this way, send a hundred gems to the past. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Ang Tian hammer and chasing wave knife entered the room hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture,

The host's last name is chasing,

In the beginning,

This chaser is thin and his face is indifferent.

The chaser took out a small box.

Chasing the lord and taking a look,

The gems are shining.

"One hundred jewels, please chase the host."

These hundred gems,

It is equivalent to a few hundred catties of gold.

The face of the host is pretty good.

"For this inspection, I will definitely report back on the facts."

Chasing the Lord Bo said,

Ang Tian Hammer and Chaser nodded.

Just report according to the facts,

This mountain full of fruit trees,

The income of the mountain people in Yuanshan County,

Certainly increase back several times.

Ang Tian hammer returned to his room,

Chasing wave knife out of the county government.

Early the next morning,

Mr. Xuan and Cai Lizhu came over.

"Have you notified the Chief Tian Xiang?"

Mr. Ang Tian Hammer said,

The first township Shangguan inspected,

It will definitely leave a good impression.

Of course, I have to go to the village under my own jurisdiction.

Ang Tianchui went to Yuanshanguan for more than three years,

There are not many township chiefs who really have a good relationship.

The relationship between Ang Tianchui and these township chiefs,

How about the relationship with these squires in Yuanshan County?

Listening talented to say,

These township heads,

There are many,

I met officials in the state capital.

Only then did I force the thinner seat,

Everyone is watching.

After breakfast,

A group of officials,

Go to Xieshan Township.

As soon as the convoy entered Xieshan Township,

The head of Tian Xiang has already brought hundreds of young men,

Arranged the incense table, the fruit,

Greeted on the side of the road.

Hosted by the calendar and hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, get off,

Ang Tian hammered his hands,

Looking at a road: "From this road, you can enter the fruit tree,

Chief Tian, ​​lead the way. "

Chief Tian Xiang bowed a ninety degree.

"Shangguan, please----"

Take the people from Yuanshan County and walk towards the fruit forest.

Along the way,

Introduced by Ang Tianchui and Mr. Xuan,

Talent is weak,

Say a few words occasionally.

Tian Xiang,

After a few miles,


No more than three sentences.

However, I can explain a few words in front of officials from the Ministry of Public Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture,

Chief Tian Xiang is already very satisfied.

Walk around,

But after walking through a few mountains,

It's noon,

Chief Tian Xiang stepped forward,

Arched his hand at the adults,

"We Xieshan Township has fully prepared,

Please show your face. "

Master Li nodded: "Okay, come out to investigate,

How can there be so much attention-"

The director of the Ministry of Agriculture nodded.

After yesterday’s reception banquet,

The face sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture looks much better.

Everyone went to Xieshan Township together,

The best hall in Xieshan Township has been vacated,

All kinds of mountain and game,

Running water is usually sent up.

Hosted by the calendar and the Ministry of Agriculture, nodded.

After eating dinner,

A few snacks delivered,

It is made with fruits produced in Yuanshan County.

Hosted by the calendar and hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture,

Nodding again and again.

"Master Tian, ​​I see, the fruits of your county,

It's promising. "

The Ministry of Agriculture said after the sponsor.

The Ministry of Agriculture said,

everybody knows,

During this inspection,

It's a successful conclusion.

After eating,

Everyone rested for a while,

Go to the neighboring township to see,

Of course, this time,

But took a look,

Together, we went back to the county office for dinner.

The next day, I went to other townships for inspection,

This time,

The same is to take a general look.

The whole expedition,

For three days,

Calendar hosting and follow-up hosting,

Back to the state capital with the team.

After ten days,

Mr. Xuan quickly walked into the lobby of Yuanshan County,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tianhammer.

"Congratulations, Lord Tian, ​​we planted fruit trees in Yuanshan County,

Reported on the exhibition. "

Mr. Xuan took a presentation,

Show Ang Tianhammer,

Ang Tianchui took a look and found that there were fruit trees planted in Yuanshan County.

Reports on increasing income of mountain people,

But more than a hundred words.


Ang Tianchui really didn't read the exhibition report.

The monk of the mountain flower plane,

All have a communication array.

"This exhibition said, but it represents a certain official position.

The hope of Tiandas becoming a prefect has greatly increased----"

Mr. Xuan said,

The mountain people began to pick fruit,

But no Jindan monks from all aspects came,

Pick fruit, sell,

The official and squire of Yuanshan County.

The head of the official department and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture came to inspect,

The entire Yuanshan County knows,

Lord Tian, ​​hope to be promoted to the prefect of ancient Songzhou,

This time,

Uncle Hyun and Uncle Quan,

To Ang Tian Hammer, but every few days,

Just treat once,

Xuanxiu Pattern and Quan Danhong,

All came up to toast,

Ang Tianchui took the wine with Xuanxiu pattern,

Feeling the little hands of Xuanxiu pattern,

The weather is late autumn,

Ang Tian Chui felt warm.

Out of Uncle Xuan's house,

Only a day passed,

Ang Tian Hammer entered the house of Uncle Quan again,

of course,

Quan Danhong came over to toast,

Ang Tianchui took the toast from Quan Danhong,

Quan Danhong’s little hands,

Like jade,

Compared with the little hands with Xuanxiu patterns,

Don't have a taste.

Ang Tian Chui walked out of Grandpa's house,

People are drunk,

It feels like Le Tao Tao ah Le Tao Tao.

I want to ask the chasing knife,

However, when I think about it,

Chasing wave knife yourself,

Miss Chase,

Even enter Miss Gu’s manor for dinner,

No one has ever invited him there.

Ask Mr. Xuan about this matter.

Chai Bodao found Mr. Xuan.

"Mr. Xuan, Uncle Xuan's house, all Uncle Xuan's house, treat me well,

You say, which girl do I marry? "

When Mr. Xuan listened, UU read www.uukanshu.com

I've said which girl I married,

Think about it for a while: "Uncle Xuan and all the ladies in Uncle's house are pretty good.

In my opinion, Tian Da people can marry together. "

Ang Tian hammer listened, ah-----

Mr. Xuan smiled: "I see, Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan,

Please ask each other,

Lord Tian did this,

It's totally okay. "

Ang Tian hammer thought, it made sense.

"This, I will be promoted to the presidency, I will say it later."

Ang Tianchui said.

Mr. Xuan nodded: "Exactly."

Since then, Ang Tian Hammer has passed a month,

Just give it to Mr. Xuan and

A blink of an eye,

It's the spring of the new year again,

this day,

A big car with several guards,

Fast-forward to Yuanshan County,

One near Yuanshan County,

The guard leading the team, Mr. Quan, sent a bunch of gem flowers.


Even the servants of Yuanshan County who gave the flowers knew about it.

Lord Tian, ​​to the young lady at Uncle Xuan’s house,

All the ladies in the uncle's family love it.

Immediately shouted to the guards of Yuanshan County Pass.

"Clerks of the official department, please let the Tian County official of Yuanshan County come out to meet you.


The guard went in to report,

The cart slowly entered Yuanshan County Pass.

Ang Tianzhu took the officials from Yuanshan County,

Standing in front of the county government office, greeted. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to visit the mobile network (q

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