Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2587: Ministry of officials and Ministry of Agriculture

Quickly enter Yuanshan County Pass,

The cart slowed down,

Inside the cart,

Master You looked at the side of the road,

Red like flames and green like jade,

Reflected each other.

And rolling hills,

Intertwined to make a beautiful picture,

It extends to the horizon.

The average painter,

Paint on this scroll,

Can't paint the realm of harvest joy,

Master You looked,

I feel complicated,

This harvest picture scroll,

Should have had its own share,

I plan to,

A few days later,

Take a look down and care about the fruit tree planting in Yuanshan County,

This credit,

Can't give yourself a share?


Where did you think,

The official department and the Ministry of Agriculture issued a document suddenly,

Ministry of officials and Ministry of Agriculture,

It is necessary to jointly come to Yuanshan County to inspect and teach the planting of fruit trees.

When this document comes,

Don’t talk about him, Master You, an eight-rank official,

There is no bargain from this matter,

Lord Prefect, from the fruit trees planted in Yuanshan County,

Accounted for the credit,

Not much anymore.

Master You came here today,

It is to convey the documents jointly issued by the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Just run errands.

Master You was thinking,

Yuanshan County patrol team at the door saw this one with a prefect’s government office

Logo cart,

Immediately, a group of people ran over,

Some rituals asked,

One question, it was Mr. You from the prefectural office to convey the official document.

Someone ran to the Yuanshan county government office to report,

Someone shouted pedestrians and carts in front of the county pass. Give way.

A cup of tea time,

Master You's cart has arrived at Yuanshan County.

Ang Tianchui had already led the officials of Yuanshan County, standing at the gate of the county to greet him.

Master You got out of the car,

Only then did Ang Tianchui and Master You hand over, and said a few polite words to each other.

Enter the county office together,

Sit down in the lobby. Serve tea.

Master You took a sip of tea,

He smiled at Ang Tianchui: "Master Tian, ​​good luck,

Officials from the Ministry of Public Service and the Ministry of Agriculture,

It's time to jointly investigate. "


Took out a paper and gave it to the past.

Ang Tian hammer listened.

Mr. He Xuan took a look,

Ang Tianchui took out the paper and read it.

After reading this document,

Then gave this document to Mr. Xuan,

Ang Tianchui arched his hand towards Master You:

"Lord Lao You come here."



A waiter entered the lobby with a plate.

The cloth on the plate is wide open,

A few gold bars,

A gold bar weighs only a few catties.

"Thank you Lord God, then."

Master You said,

With that said, there was a waiter next to him,

Bring the plate over,

Came to run errands.

There is only this treatment.

The Ministry of officials and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly sent personnel to inspect,

On this day, my lord, what kind of power did the officials have taken?

If you follow normal official duties,


The prefect will come to see it.

Will report the documents to the staff,

Master You, after all, is an official of the state government,

Walk around to the staff.

What is needed,

Of course I have heard of it.

On this day, my lord, can let the staff and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly send people over,

Lord Heyou,

There is nothing to say.

After communicating the official document,

Master You thinks of getting up and leaving,

Seeing this credit,

I can't touch it at all,

A few gold bars,

Compared with this credit,

What is it?


Master You thought,

The officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture came,

Lord this day,


It's promising. .

This thought,

Master You sat down again with a smile on his face.

Everyone talked for a while,

Seeing it was almost noon,

Went into the restaurant and had a meal.

Master You’s cart,

Only then turned towards the state capital,

Ang Tian Chui Revolving County Office,

In a great mood,

Was thinking,

Officials from the Ministry of Public Service and the Ministry of Agriculture came,

Be sure to set up the scene more lively,

Uncle Hyun, Uncle Quan,

To myself,

Needless to say,

Must be more enthusiastic,

Xuanxiu pattern, Quan Danhong,

They are all big beauties.

Ang Tian hammer took out a pile of gems,

Reach out,

A deep yellow brilliance,

Go around this gem,

But for a moment,

In the county hall,

There has been an extra cluster of gems,

one look,

Every flower,

They all seem to be carved with fist-sized gems,

But every flower,

Are like the blooming plant flowers in nature,

Can't find a bit of a knife cut.

This is the power of the Four Diamond Flower Shendao Method,

This bunch of gem flowers,

If you put it in the mortal chamber of commerce,

Every gem flower,

All Qibao!

Last time,

Chasing the wave knife and Ang Tian hammer to drink together,

Chai Bodao said, gave Miss Gu Jia a bouquet of gems,

Ang Tian hammer praised.

Fist big gem,

It’s not rare for ordinary wealthy people,


A gem flower like a plant flower,

For ordinary wealthy people,

Still a baby.

Ang Tian hammer packed these gems in a gift box,

Shouted: "Come on---"

The servant comes in,

"Send this box to Uncle Xuan.

Send this box to Grandpa,

In other words, it was a gift from the county magistrate. "

Ang Tian Hammer,

In Uncle Xuan, the whole uncle's mansion walked many times,

There should be a return.

The waiter nodded,

Picking up the box, walked out of the county office.

After a long time,

The waiter came back,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

Say Uncle Xuan, Uncle Quan,

Accepted the return gift,

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

That's happy in my heart.

It's almost evening,

The waiter brought dinner,

Ang Tianchui took out a bottle of good wine from the storage bag,


I am used to practicing as a monk,

Ang Tianchui ate this food until almost midnight.

Welcoming officials from the Ministry of Public Service and the Ministry of Agriculture to inspect,

Of course, there is Mr. Xuan, who is urged to make arrangements.

You don’t need to hammer your heart,


Next to Ang Tian Hammer,

A starlight appeared,

This star is not big,

However, throughout Yuanshan County,

Clearly in this starlight,

Next to Yuanshan County,

The four light spots are approaching at high speed towards Yuanshan County.

One golden core, three base-building periods!

To see where they are approaching,

Not a small town or a country,

It's just a few mountains where these fruit trees are grown.


On the face of Ang Tianhammer, the **** was cold!

Body shape shakes!

It's gone in the county hall!

Beside a hillside,

Several figures stood,

One of the figures,

Seems to take the lead,

Back with both hands,

The face is very disdainful.

"It's just a fruit tree from a township, I want monk Jindan to come,

You guys, practice the Taoism,

I am a golden core monk's Taoism,

How can it be displayed on this. "

He said,

The monks next to him stepped forward,

A hand over: "Yes."

Although the same is worship,


In the world of comprehension,

Jindan and Zhuji,

Completely different grades,

When this golden core speaks, how dare they not comply?

Several tactics of monks in the foundation building period are reminded,

Hundreds of flames,

Immediately crossed,

Rush into the night sky,

Several nearby mountains ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all mirrored,


These flames are in the air!

These foundation-building monks were surprised,

This Golden Core monk, his eyes flashed!

Hundreds of flames swirled in the air,

Suddenly rushed towards these monks,

However, the speed has increased tenfold!

"Efforts to urge the magic weapon flying sword!"


The Jindan monk shouted,

I met a master today!

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