Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2373: Mine stall

Once the prohibition was over, the stones were separated like ripples wherever they went. .

It has been used for a long time, and everyone has been around the entire mine.

After another while, several three-diamond flower gods were already on a mountain hundreds of miles away.

"There are a lot of black iron ore"

Wandering knife said.

"If it's just black iron ore, we can all win.

Here is accompanied by fine gold, and there are many forces, all of which are mixed in. "

Xuan Tianhe said.

"We will collect some profound iron ore before telling Master."

Wandering Dao said that he and Meng Dali walked the streets and lanes and collected a lot of information on Xuangu Mountain.

"Don't tell Elder Poolside and Elder Quinn?"

Ang Tianchui said.

"Elder Poolside, I don't care much about things here, Elder Quinn, call him, this thing may not be possible."

Wandering knife said.

"You're thinking"

Xuan Qianhe said,

"Talk to Master, just a few of us, take down this mysterious iron ore, and there are not so many materials that can refine the rules and magic weapons.

I think, don’t you want to? "

Wandering knife said.

"Then, in this way, these few days, you and Meng Dali, walk around this mine site more and collect some profound iron.

Xuan Tianhe and I originally opened a refinery shop, so it was only natural to come to this mine to collect materials. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Regardless of this Ang Tianhammer's tall and strong figure, he was very organized in his speech.

"Ang Tianchui makes sense, that's it."

Meng Dali said.

Wandering knife and Xuan Tianhe stopped talking.

A few days later, in the evening. Mining mortals walked out of the mine.

On the square a few miles away from the mine. There are three more Qi training monks who sell medicinal materials.

Next to the square, there are restaurants, various facilities for mining mortals.

There are a few more vendors selling medicinal materials, but they are ordinary.

Immediately, a few mortals who were mining minerals passed by.

For cultivation camps, mortals' martial arts cheats, those who perform better, will be distributed for free.

Practiced martial arts. I naturally want to buy various medicinal materials.

"These medicinal materials are good. They are all taken for decades. Look at the wild ginseng that nourishes blood and enhances your skills."

Aotianjian said. .

Come out with Meng Dali and Wandering Knife,

This greeting is naturally done by Aotian Sword.

Several mortals watched, and several mortals came over.

Aotianjian picked up a medicinal material and squeezed a few pieces: "Come on, give it a try. It's definitely been several decades."

Several mortals took it and put them in their mouths to taste.

The medicine rushed away.

"Great tonic, it is indeed a medicinal power for decades."

A mortal warrior said.

The mountain flower plane was established for a thousand years,

These medicinal materials for increasing power are used by monks during the Qi training period.

The monks in the foundation-building period have already practiced the starlight mystery, and these medicinal materials for increasing gong power are generally not used.

The medicinal materials that have been used for decades to increase gong power are similar to ordinary grasses on the plane of mountain flowers.

They came out to perform exploration missions, and brought enough of these medicinal materials to increase their skills.

The plane of the mountain flower once again blasted the stars from the sky,

Other comprehension schools, not necessarily.

"These herbs are not cheap."

Aotianjian said the price,

These mortals hesitated when they heard it.

"I heard that you produce profound iron here, and you can exchange it for profound iron."

Aotianjian said,

"Well, I have a few more pieces of profound iron here."

A mortal brought out a few fist-sized mysterious irons.

Ao Tianjian took Xuan Tie and looked at it.

Take out three medicinal materials: "These three red ginseng pieces of 40 years old."

"A piece of black iron for a red ginseng?"

This mortal is overjoyed.

If it is ordinary black iron, a fist-big black iron ore can be exchanged for a 40-year-old red ginseng,

No profit, you need to refine this profound iron to make a profit.

However, there are rare refining materials in this profound iron, which is different.

Immediately, more than a dozen mortals gathered around and took out the black iron ore.

After a while, Aotian Sword, Wandering Sword, Meng Dali, had already exchanged dozens of medicinal materials.

In a shop next to the square, a person has been watching for a long time.

This time, came over quickly.

"I said, friend, where did you come from?"

This person said to Aotian Sword, but he was a monk during the Qi training period.

The dozen or so mining mortals all around laughed.

"I said, the shopkeeper, your medicinal material shop uses medicinal materials for the black iron ore. It's a bit less, so I don't need to shout here..."

They said to this monk during the Qi training period.

The monk's face remained unchanged during this Qi training period.

Towards the Aotian Sword, he said: "Friends, you are changing here. In a short while, the mine manager will come. Why don't you come to my shop and talk."

When it comes to stewardship, these mortals looked at each other: "I haven't eaten yet."

"me too."

As they said, they walked towards the dining hall.

"The mine is in charge, let's go to his shop."

Meng Dali said,

"Good" several people put away the booth and rolled.

The monk's face during this Qi training period immediately became enthusiastic.

Take these people to a shop by the square.

"You medicinal materials, let me see."

The monk said, Wandering Knife took out a medicinal material to him.

He took it and tasted it. Nodded: "We are monks, needless to say,

I have 3,000 pieces of profound iron ore here. How much do you have for medicinal materials? At the price just now, I will accept them at a discount. "

Said the monk.

"According to the price just now, you have already made a lot of money."

Wandering knife said.

Take out a storage bag: "Three thousand medicinal materials, look at it."

The cultivator took a look at this Qi refining period and found that, yes, the three thousand medicinal materials were all decades old.


The owner of the shop and the few people who looked at the door were all taken aback.

Meng Dali, hovering around the knife. Aotianjian they entered this store.

In the next shop. A few people gathered around and watched at the door of the shop without shy away.

The sale is done,

"We do business, these people don't shy away."

Aotianjian said to the shop owner.

"You, like me, come from outside."

The owner of the shop said: "They are awesome. My shop finally got it off."

When the shop owner said this, he was telling Meng Dali, Wandering Sword, Aotian Sword, here, take a moment.

Meng Dali walked out of the shop,

A middle-aged man leaned in.

"My friend, I have a mysterious iron mine here, which is very good. Much better than his."

He pointed to the shop just now.

"How about replacing a piece of mysterious iron ore with three 40-year-old medicinal materials?"

The guy said. He squinted and smiled.

"The medicinal materials have been changed, no."

Aotianjian said, I have practiced for hundreds of years, and I have seen many such scenes.

Several people walked towards the outside of the mine,

This guy stepped forward and stretched out his hand!

"Boom" caused a sound,

The Aotian sword waved his hand and touched the man’s hand,

The man took a few steps back.

"Foundation period cultivation base?" The man was startled, knowing that these people were not easy.

If you want to win these people, you need to call in the foundation-building monks.

Although there are many medicinal materials, they are only for decades.

The few monks he knew during the foundation construction period were simply indifferent.

Once the cultivation base is upgraded, this friendship is not that easy to use.

The cultivator during the foundation-building period is not satisfied with the harvest, so he must do it himself!

Do the math, it’s not worthwhile for the monks during the foundation period,

The man snorted coldly and walked back to the next shop.

Once this man returned to the shop, the owners of the shops surrounding him did not dare to come up.

But another shop owner came up, with red hair,

"Don't go, I have some profound iron ore, one forty-year-old medicinal material for one piece of profound iron ore, I will change it."

Said the shop owner.

At this price, once he changes hands, he can change a lot.

That guy, stop at the next shop!

"Rich, you can't make it to me"

"Xuanqun, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid! Want to practice?"

Said this shopkeeper called Wealthy.

The man stopped talking.

The red-haired wealthy shop owner took out a storage bag,

Aotianjian took a look, and there were thousands of mysterious iron ore.

For example, the shopkeeper’s mysterious iron ore is much more!

Aotianjian took out another storage bag,

The red-haired wealthy shopkeeper took a look at the storage bag.

One piece of mysterious iron ore is exchanged for one medicinal material, a lot of one.

He saw several kinds of medicinal materials, he was happy, these kinds of medicinal materials are difficult to cultivate,

These monks can be taken out.

"Come on, sit down in my shop."

He greeted several people with a warm expression on his face.

The man regretted it. He had known that the rich would make a move, so he didn't need to call the price so high.

In this area, the wealthy background is not worse than yourself.

Several people from Meng Dali followed the rich and honoured to his shop,

At first glance, this shop is much larger than the few shops next to it.

"If you are not satisfied with the medicinal materials, you can return it."

Wandering knife said.

"No, your medicinal materials are good, do you have more of these medicinal materials?"

Fortune took out several kinds of medicinal materials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These kinds of medicinal materials are much more difficult to grow than ordinary medicinal materials. One medicinal material is exchanged for a piece of mysterious iron ore, and you take advantage.

More herbs, no! "

Wandering knife said.

Over the years, the Mountain Flower Plane has bought a lot of congenital artifacts and used them to improve the environment.

Various harsh growth conditions have been created.

Of course, there is still a considerable gap with natural growth conditions.

The precious medicinal materials used by Yuanying Flower God still do not grow very fast.

Some precious medicinal materials used by the Jindan monks have grown relatively fast.

This rich and noble brought out several kinds of growth conditions, planting spells, and demanding medicinal materials.

A few of them came out to explore, considering that all kinds of medicinal materials,

You have to bring some.

These medicinal materials with more demanding growth conditions, grown for decades,

They also brought some.

This rich and honorable wants these kinds of medicinal materials.

"These kinds of medicinal materials, one kind of medicinal material and four black iron ore, we can bring you a few when we come back."

Meng Dali said.

"These kinds of medicinal materials, do you grow them yourself or pick them?"

This rich said.

"You only need to care about the medicinal materials, we planted or picked them, you don't need to care."

Wandering knife said.

"Then it will take a long time for you to come here next time?"

This rich said.

"Half a month, that spin group"

Wandering knife said.

"Don't worry, I'm here, that Xuanqun, but I can't help you."

Wealth pack ticket.

Several people glanced. "Good." Meng Dali said. (To be continued...)

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