Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2370: Gen 0 River

Seeing the monks from the plane of Shanhua come in, there were four more monks.

Meng Dali arched his hand toward the edge knife Yuanying Flower God.

"Master Edge knife, it's been a long time."

A side knife looked at: "Meng Dali, it's you? I haven't seen you for hundreds of years. Are you a flower god?"

Meng Dali once saw a side knife in Tianpeng Mountain, but that was hundreds of years ago.

The edge knife is a four-diamond flower **** peak monk.

Meng Dali smiled: "Floating monk of the Three Diamond Flower God Peak."

The side knife was startled, and his spiritual thoughts were released: "The rules are not bad, and they already have a certain power."

Shennian swept the four monks who came in on the plane of Shanhua,

Each has the fluctuations of the rules and the law, surging widely,

Although he is the peak monk of the flower **** with three diamonds, it can be compared with the middle stage of the flower **** with four diamonds.

I practiced for nineteen hundred years, only then did I realize the rules.

Meng Dali these few,

Rules and Dao Fa have been accomplished to a certain extent.

Although the edge knife is already the Yuan Ying flower god, it is really not good.

"The place we are going to explore this time is a mountain of Xuangu, where the spiritual energy of cultivation converges.

This Xuangu Mountain has a Xuangu Hall, which is only a few miles in radius, more than a dozen golden cores, dozens of foundation-building phases, and hundreds of monks in the Qi training phase. "

Said the real edge knife.

"This real person Xuangu has a wide range of friendships, and many Yuan Ying and flower gods on this plane of the garden depend on the face of real person Xuangu.

It's impossible for this site. "

Aotianjian said.

The Suyun School, who comes to sell medicinal materials, cannot enter the Suyun Pass. Must go to a small town outside Suyun Pass.

The secular school governs. Cultivator. Mortals have a radius of thousands of miles.

"We inquired about this, and it is true."

A Jindan from Tianpeng Mountain spoke.

"Well, we Tieding Mountain, a lot stronger than Xuangu Mountain"

The fairy swordsman said.

"This Xuangu true person, I think, is more mysterious than the Suyun School. Focus on investigation."

A Jindan from Tianpeng Mountain said,

"Master Yuanlian. Have you been to Master Xuangu?"

Jian Xuantian said.

They and the monks from Mount Tianpeng have been practicing in Tiedingguan for decades,


This real person Yuanlian said in an orderly manner, if he really fought, he would always follow others.

"Princess Xuangu, the master of Yuanying Flower God, I am a golden core, how can I go there?"

Yuan Lian said.

"In this way. Last time, the fellow of the Shanhua plane had a battle at Guiyongguan. It’s not easy to go to Guiyongguan, it’s better,

The monk on the mountain flower plane, how about going to Xuangu Mountain to explore? "

Yuan Ying Hua Shen said.

"If there was a fight, there was only the Aotian Sword. We and the Suyun faction did not fight."

The fairy swordsman said.

Talk to Yuanying Flower God, not letting it go.

The Fairy Swordsman and Jian Xuantian have been exploring the vicinity of Guiyongguan for more than a year with several other golden core monks.

Where are you willing to go to Xuangu Mountain.

"That is, there is a fighting near the Suyun faction, and the Suyun faction is more tightly guarded.

You newcomers from Tianpeng Mountain, go to the Suyun School, which is not easy to explore. Why don't you go to Xuanguguan. "

Jian Xuantian said.

Real person Xuangu, but dare to challenge Real person Biandao first.

The Golden Core of the Mountain Flower Plane River Tianpeng Mountain, you said, I said it.

It's really hard to say the edge knife Yuanying Flower God.

Last time, the Dongfu prohibition appeared, and the Yuan Ying Flower God wearing black armor rushed over.

True person Xuan Gu leaned in immediately.

Luan Po let the real man Bian Dao back.

No, the golden cores on the mountain flower plane were cultivated at Tieding Pass. The tallest one was the Flower God, the Fairy Swordsman, the Aotian Sword, and the Sword Xuantian. These three people had the Flower God, and the others, There is no cultivation base of Diamond Flower God.

Speaking to the Flower God of Dao Yuanying, he was not polite.

This meeting for arranging tasks was held for a long time.

Finally, it was decided that Aotian Sword and Meng Dali, Xuan Qianhe, Wandering Knife, and Ang Tian Hammer went to Xuangu Mountain to investigate.

Tianpeng Mountain sent Yuanlian real person and a few golden pills to go over,

There are more than ten golden pills to go to Xuangu Mountain.

Biandao Yuanying Flower God took the remaining monks to the vicinity of Yongguan,

Of course, if the monk who went to explore Xuangu Mountain had a battle with Yuanying Flower God,

The edge knife Yuanying Flower God will come as soon as possible.

After the meeting, Brother Jindan began to go to Guiyongguan and Xuangu Mountain.

"We are in a town three hundred miles away from Xuangu Mountain. There is a small town in that town.

Set up a storefront, forged materials,

You can come there. "

Yuan Lian, quickly told the monks in Tianpeng Mountain about their store near Xuangu Mountain.

Although the real edge knife said he would come to support,

However, the Xuangu Mountain of the Yongguan River is already thousands of miles away.

Three hundred miles, for the three diamond flower god, but a few moments.

The Jindan monk of Tianpeng Mountain got on a camel cart first and walked towards Xuangu Mountain.

"There is a small market near Xuangu Mountain, which is relatively prosperous."

Ang Tianchui said.

Aotianjian, dare not answer.

His cultivation base was far different than these golden cores.

"We had a discussion yesterday. This small market is the most suitable."

Xuan Qianhe said.

Near Tieding Pass, the nearest city is also three thousand miles away, which is not big.

"Why don't I go to Nafang City to open a shop for refining materials,

Refining materials, ordinary monks in the foundation-building period, can already practice the refining techniques of refining materials to a good level. "

"Then, I'll go to sell medicinal materials. My plant mystery, water mystery, and earth mystery are fused. It's not a problem to come up with some medicinal materials used in the foundation building period."

Wandering knife said.

The Wandering Knife is the earliest disciple of the mountain flower plane to practice plant mystery.

Originally, the progress of cultivation was average,

Commissioner Qian recovered some spiritual roots,

He relied on the spiritual roots and the Taoist books of the mountain flower plane, and his understanding of Taoism was not comparable to that before. For hundreds of years, he broke through the fusion of the three elements and the peak of the advanced three-diamond flower god.

Plant mystery, water system mystery, soil system mystery, planting skills are very high,

"There are a lot of mortals near Xuangu Mountain. They have nowhere to collect medicinal materials. I will open a forging shop."

Ang Tianchui said.

"Aotianjian, you and me, sell medicinal materials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Meng Dali said to Aotianjian.

"That's good." Aotianjian nodded.

Several people got on the camel cart and walked towards Xuangu Mountain,

A town, no more than a dozen li, this is Xiuzhenfang City, 300 li away from Xuangu Mountain.

Nowadays, most Xiuzhen Square cities are just that big.

Xuan Qianhe thought.

Xuan Qianhe approached Fang City, and immediately several guards came up.

"Pay three low-grade immortal stones. If you want to live for a long time, you can apply for a long-term entry and exit iron card. Every time you enter and exit, you only need one low-grade immortal stone."

Said a guard.

Xuan Qianhe bowed his hand: "Brothers, I am a craftsman, I think, open a small shop here, I don't know what kind of procedures should be done?"

These three-diamond flower **** peak cultivators who have comprehended the ten rules are the first wave of disciples recruited by Commissioner Qian.

Back then, at the beginning of the day, several countries under the jurisdiction of Commissioner Qian were mixed, and the situation was better than ordinary casual repairs.

That's how it came.

Speaking of helping others refine tools, I'm already doing my best.

These guards looked at Xuan Qianhe.

The foundation period is repaired.

"In today's base building period, more and more practitioners are practicing art."

Said a guard.

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