Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2440: Ruixian Plane

The ancient grass plane is in a valley,

Cambrian was already standing. .

Seeing the arrival of Commissioner Qian,

"Where's Jindan team?"

Commissioner Qian held a picture, and a nebula appeared,

"In the formation, where is your Jindan team?"

Cambu's blue hand shook, and a pattern was also revealed.

Commissioner Qian and Cambran smiled.

The body shape has changed,

With a reminder of the escape method, he has already gone to the teleportation formation.

The plane they are going to, the plane of Ruixian.

Starting from the ancient grass plane, it has to pass through more than ten planes of teleportation array.

There are more than 30 planes from the sky earth star,

"Cambran, the forbidden method you refine has to protect a radius of three thousand miles, can it be reliable?"

Member Qian said.

Array prohibition method, the scope of protection is more,

The protective ability must have dropped.

Even if the powerful formations refined from the mountain flower plane have to be protected for thousands of miles,

After more than 100 years of refining, it may not be refined.

"Don't worry, I have been in the Corridor of Beasts for a thousand years.

I can get a defense of three thousand miles. This is the best ancient prohibition I can get in a thousand years. "

Cambran said.

Along the way, Commissioner Qian also learned that many people praised the Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone praises the Chamber of Commerce where the spiritual energy gathers. There are several places, more than the mountain flower plane.

Brother Jindan, a casual cultivator who came from outside, cultivated by himself,

There are also many.

Cambrian has collected precious medicinal materials over the years.

He also wants to find a stable one. Suitable place for planting medicinal materials.

Give Cambran to yourself. Establish a stable supply of medicinal materials.

Cambran, decided to take the Chamber of Commerce this way,

Keep going.

"Those heaven-defying treasures, thousands of monks, tens of thousands of monks, how many people can get them?

Most people don’t rely on these popular medicinal materials,

Not enough years. Add a few more medicinal materials and refine them with the rule alchemy method,

Buyan g produces the top-grade pill, the best pill. "

"You all know the rules of alchemy, these years, you haven't been in vain"

Member Qian said.

It seems that Cambran is really better than himself in these aspects. .

"Of course, if I don't want to practice the rules of Taoism, I can also practice to the top of the Four Diamond Flower God.

Practicing rules and Taoism. Crossing Yuanying's Tribulation"

Cambran said.

Yes, although the progress of cultivation is slower than oneself. However, this practice path is safe.

From the opinion of Chairman Qian,

Cambrian successfully practiced the rules of Taoism,

Advanced Yuanying Flower God is completely sure.

"Old money, want to take the site from the hands of the demon, such a large area, it is definitely a hard fight.

Your golden core fight, be sure, there are a few four diamond flower gods, "

Cambran said.

"Don't worry, I'm not sure, I will bring Jindan team to the battlefield?"

Commissioner Qian was a little unhappy.

"Old money, I can't help it. If you want to take a larger site, you have to fight from the hands of the demons.

This ancient prohibition has already consumed most of my materials.

Refiners in the Chamber of Commerce help refine them at a favorable price. "

Cambran said.

This battle requires that Cambran’s prohibition is arranged, and there is great power.

This prohibition, Cambran, must have cost a lot of money!

Commissioner Qian can also understand.

Tossed around a dozen planes,

The guard monks beside the teleportation array suddenly increased.

The Ruixian plane is coming.

After entering the teleportation formation, there are already many Jindan cultivators around,

There were very few monks during the foundation period.

The space scene flashed and stopped,

The Ruixian plane has arrived.

As soon as they left the teleportation formation, a team of Jindan cultivators stepped up to check their identity cards.

Cambran took out his identity card and flashed it.

The Jindan Brother took the identity card, looked at it, and asked Cambran and Qian to leave the teleportation formation.

The Ruixian plane is larger than the heavenly earth, with a radius of more than 100,000 miles.

Cambran and Commissioner Qian flew more than 30,000 miles,

Another demon patrol team rushed over in the air.

At the same time, the magic weapon of sword art is urged,

Hundreds of thunder and fire have already blasted over!

Campbell's Blue Sword Art urged, emitting a yellow sword light,

Commissioner Qian issued a sword, and issued an apricot sword light.

The yellow sword light and the apricot sword light are twisting in the air!

Hundreds of thunder and fire shot out countless sparks in the air.

The yellow sword light stretched and retracted thousands of times,

Instant sword, fly sword, pick away the magic weapon,

Jianguang crossed and rotated, "Puff, puff, puff..."

A scream sounded.

Flesh and blood flew in the air, and nine monks were beheaded by Cambran!

Cambrian took a look at the side,

There are more than 30 monks,

Together with their magic weapon flying sword, it has been turned into countless pieces!

There were more than thirty monks, without even screaming.

Cambrian was taken aback.

"Old money, we start here."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

With a wave of hand, the nebula that has been released,

Entering into the formation, show the soaring sword a blueprint.

Pointing to a few places on the drawing,

"You are responsible for destroying these strongholds."

Out of the nebula, the nebula flashed and galloped towards the distance.

Beside, the formation brought by Cambran has also been released, moving to the side, galloping past,

Beside Cambran, there was another person with a slender face and round eyes like copper bells.

A Yuanying Flower God, the fluctuations that emanate, merge with the same rules.

Cambrian’s situation,

Here, there is only one Yuanying Flower God guarding.

The Yuanying Flower God who is fused with the same rules,

It is easy to take down this mountain,

If you want to hold on, it's not necessarily reliable.

The Yuanying Flower God was surprised when he saw Commissioner Qian.

The volatility issued by the Qian Da committee. He can't see it at all.

How high is Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base?


Commissioner Qian is tall. Has passed a mountain peak.

Cambran's figure is upright, her figure has rushed to the front,

Flying zigzag along the mountains,

Flew more than a thousand miles,

A building appeared, surrounded by thunder and fire,

This is where the guardian Yuanying Flower God lives.

This slender-faced Yuan Ying Hua Divine Sword Art is reminded.

Cut out several swords in a row,

Thunder fire burst into the sky, and a big hole has appeared!


With a loud shout, a monk suddenly rushed out of the building,

Standing in the air, Jian Jue urged,

But did not rush up immediately.

This slender-faced Yuanying Flower God Sword Art is reminded,

Like a stunned sword rainbow, it slashed towards the Yuan Ying Flower God who burst out of the building,

Jianguang shook. Thousands of sword shadows have been separated.

The opponent, the Yuan Ying Flower God, had already seen the Qian Da Committee and the narrow-faced monk. They are all Yuanying Flower Gods,

Dare not neglect,

With a flick of his hand, there is already an extra sword and a shield,

This sword and shield are all held in the hands of the recipient, and I dare not use tactics to urge it.

As soon as the method was urged, a rolling rock appeared on the shield, as if it were thousands of miles wide.

One stop toward this sword light!

Sword Jue urged, already slashed towards the long-faced Yuanying Flower God.

Yuanying Flower God holds a shield, and the shield is reminded of Taoism.

Thousands of sword shadows, It’s no more than banging on the shield’s Taoism,

A thunder-like violent tremor, sword light magic, splinter shots,

The rumbling sound spread for hundreds of miles!

The sword lights crossed, the shield shadow flickered, and in an instant, it seemed to fill the entire sky, and the entire sky was shining.

The two sides fight again,

This long-faced Yuanying Flower God drew a tie with this Demon Yuanying Flower God.

Commissioner Qian did not produce a sword,

Let Cambran see,

How high is the Yuanying Flower God he invited?

So as not to take credit for yourself.

This kind of adventurous combat, should be shot, should not be shot, must be clear.

"Old money, shoot, I must hurry up."

Cambran said.

"Cambran, the Yuanying Flower God you invited is average, but it's a tie with the other party."

Member Qian said.

He has released the rules of the water system, the rules of the plant system, the rules of the river soil system, and the mountains,

There are a lot of precious medicinal materials wherever we pass,

The quality of this mountain is really suitable for planting elixir,

The mountain flower plane has been transformed with starlight for so long, but it is far from reaching the quality of this mountain range.

Commissioner Qian had to say,

Ordinary Taoism is far better than nature.

"It's not easy to be able to invite the Yuanying Flower God who is fused with the same rules."

Cambran said.

While talking, the two sides made another move,

The sword light soared into the sky, and the shield shadow was like a big wave.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, it was ups and downs like a wave.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

The hills that undulated like a wave calmed down immediately.

This stretched out his hand,

Cambrian opened his mouth wide, shocked.

The Nascent Soul Flower God who fought against each other was shocked.

I saw that apricot brilliance flashed at the flower **** of the Demon Yuan Ying,

That Mozu Yuanyinghua Shenshi shield is blocked!

Thousands of miles of boulders rolled, and the sound of "rumbling" resounded across the sky!

One touch of the apricot sword light river shield!

In an instant, there seemed to be thousands of mountains crashing on this shield,

The shield suddenly opened!

This Yuanying Flower God wants to turn back the shield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is bombarded by thousands of mountains, the whole mana is running, it is stagnant!

The apricot sword light flashed,

He swings his sword one block!

The apricot-colored sword light he urged to bounce off immediately!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The armor on his body, thunder and fire rushed up,

There are already a few big holes in the body!

He screamed wildly, and dashed!

The sword light and battle armor that he urged to block, the power of the apricot sword light has been reduced a lot.

He can still urge Dao Fa,

However, the apricot sword light suddenly charged, splitting into hundreds of sword lights!


This monk, the shield is fully urged, one block!


The shield rose to a height of hundreds of feet, with an arm attached to it,

This Yuan Ying Flower God has been cut into pieces!

Yuan Ying suddenly rushed out, apricot Guanghua rolled,

The Nascent Soul has been involved in the apricot flying sword.

As soon as Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, he already held the shield.

With one hand, admiring this shield.

"The pattern on the top is nice, a little modernist."

Commissioner Qian said,

The long-faced Yuanying Flower God and Cambran were already speechless.

The modernist style, Commissioner Qian might say,

The pattern on this shield is rather mysterious.

After a long time, the Yuanying Flower God said: "Master, admire."

"I'm going to set up an array."

Cambran said, his body turned towards the distance,

In a short while, a ban has already risen hundreds of miles away.

The long-faced Yuan Ying Huashen stood with the Qian Yuan committee and had nothing to say.

The cultivation base is too far apart.

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