Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2435: Master Xuesuo

Commissioner Qian picked more than 30 fruits,

Some have transplanted a few fruit trees into their own palace.

Go into the water,

Thousands of water arrows appeared in the water, and there were also thousands of ice skates, forming a vortex, facing the Commissioner Qian.

The water arrow whirlpool, the ice skate whirlpool, a foot away from the members of Qian, have become invisible.

But it also has the power of Yuanying Flower God.

The four diamond flower gods, if they are twisted by these restrictions,

If there is no strong magic weapon for protection,

But after a while, it immediately turned into minced meat.

This is a restriction established by the King Mad Lion and several other demon cultivators.

This place where the spiritual creatures grew was also told by other demon cultivators to the King of Mad Lion.

These fruit trees, the lion king and a few demons tried to transplant them,

However, the effect of transplanted fruit trees is not ideal at all.

After hundreds of years, the fruit has grown and matured, and after a try, the effect on the growth of divine consciousness is getting worse and worse.

Most of the transplanted fruit trees were planted back.

Commissioner Qian released a series of rules to merge and fluctuate, and he turned around here.

The environment here,

Commissioner Qian’s practice of rules and Taoism can only show part of it.

The transplanted fruit trees are going to be planted in the fire.

It is to add one more species to the spirit fruit of the mountain flower plane.

The monks on the mountain flower plane can also use these fruits to cultivate more fruit trees.

For this fruit tree to continue to bear fruit and grow fruit, the effect is generally sufficient.

The increase in the spirit of the Golden Core Flower God is absolutely useful.

Commissioner Qian laughed at himself,

Running around, once again gave the Jindan Brothers welfare.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the valley,

But he didn't fly, he rushed into the mountains, and his escape started.

For half a day, I have traveled for more than 10,000 miles,

In a canyon.

This gorge is more than a thousand miles long,

In the valley, there are mountains,

Commissioner Qian turned around the canyon,

A cave appeared,

Immediately, several monks rushed out of the grass.

"Please inform Master Xuesuo. I was introduced by the Mad Lion King to ask for Yuye. I am here to exchange a good magic weapon."

Member Qian said.

Here is another spiritual root. I don’t know how many years have passed since.

There was a demon cultivator of Yuanying Flower God who built a cave here.

At this spiritual root, a tender leaf has grown in three hundred years,

This young leaf can last for a thousand years.

Take advantage of the tender leaves growing on the spiritual roots, pick them down,

Taking it can make the body feel light and increase spiritual consciousness.

This cultivation world has not known how many years it has existed, and the various treasures, let alone how many there are.

In front of the cave, a monk appeared.

Tall and muscular!

Wearing a battle armor, a blue aura envelops the whole body, and you can tell at a glance, the Yuan Ying Flower God.

He screamed at the committee member Qian.

"I am Xuesuo, the lion king wants you to come? I x, he called the monks of Biyou Temple to this plane of autumn,

Together with the leader of the Zhengzun faction, Ruqiu plane lost seven Yuanying Flower Gods,

He didn't dare to let you come, get out of—"

It seems that the lion king really knows himself.

Commissioner Qian did not speak,

A whip leg, sweep!

This Yuanying Flower God saw the figure flash!

With the cultivation base of his Yuanying Flower God, the trajectory of this whip leg is not clear.

I felt like I was hit by a huge force,

The person has flew up and hit the cave wall.

On the cave wall, brilliance is forbidden to shine,

"Boom----" It collapsed.

He hit a carp and jumped up,

At first glance, there was a depression on the armor.

Several guarding monks and the Yuan Ying Flower God himself, all stayed.

This is the Yuanying Flower God, and the sword tactics can cut a river!

The fusion of the three elements,

A whip leg, the power surpasses the general Yuan Ying Hua God urged sword art.

"How dare you tell me to go?"

Commissioner Qian said that a face called Zhang Yang fluttered wildly on his face!

It's another whip leg.

The figure flashed,

This Yuanying Flower God saw the whip leg sweep over,

The body shape shook, the magic circle in the battle armor was activated,

In an instant, it has turned into thousands of figures.



Whip the leg, accurately sweep one of the phantoms.

Forbid Guanghua to shine for a while,

A figure was smashed into the ban as much as ten feet deep!

However, the prohibition next to this figure is intact.

Powerful, precise grasp of power,

Yuan Ying Flower God, like a doll.

"If you have something to say, I will give you those jade leaves."

This Yuanying Flower God struggled for a while,

Only then struggled out of the rock wall.

Looking at the formation that he has worked so hard, it is like a paper shell.

There was a smile on Xuesuo, the **** of the flower god, but it was uglier than crying.

Bringing Commissioner Qian into the cave,

Walked more than ten miles in a row,

A space of several hundred meters appeared,

In this space, a plant grows from the rock wall, like a tree and a rock wall,

Grows against the rock wall,

There are green leaves growing on it, but it is red, one inch large, and jade-like quality.

No more than one hundred tablets.

"That's it, they took a lot, and I ate some myself."

This Xuesuo Yuanying Flower God said.

The Mad Lion King said,

This Xuesuo, relying on this plant, cultivated the Yuanying Flower God,

Most of the treasures on this spiritual root were eaten by the Xuesuo Yuanying Flower God.

A tender leaf grows in 300 years,

Just these hundreds of tender leaves,

It has been enough for this plant to grow for 30,000 years.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand and had already taken more than 60 jade leaves.

Real Xuesuo had a pain on his face.

Commissioner Qian took out a shield,

"I don't take it in vain. In this shield, there is a world of Taoism ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ take it!"

For the same shield, the Yuan Ying Flower God uses its own mana to sacrifice, and set more forbidden methods, the power can also be greatly increased.

Refining is possible,

The magic circle can be added to this magic weapon as well.

The real Xuesuo, his magic power is very strong when he explores this magic weapon.

It can increase a lot of power.

Seeing that Commissioner Qian's figure flickered, he had already left the cave.

Commissioner Qian went out of the canyon and felt good.

This jade leaf, He Achi, and the spiritual creatures in Achong Cave Mansion might be worse.

However, Commissioner Qian did not offer pure gold in exchange, but offered an ordinary magic weapon.

The Dao Fa world has a radius of eight thousand miles, and it can already be said to be an ordinary magic weapon for Commissioner Qian.

The communication circle sounded, and at first glance, it was Ajan.

"Old money, can you come to Ruqiu plane, I have something to ask for."

Ajan said.

"Well, I will call you when I come."

Member Qian said.

A few days later, Commissioner Qian picked another spiritual object that grew spiritually on the plane of autumn.

Only then went to Ajan and their night market.

As soon as he entered the night market, Ajan had already walked over.

"Old Qian, I have prepared a table of good wine, come and eat together."

"it is good---"

Member Qian said.

After three rounds of wine, it's time for business.

"Old Qian, there is a sect nearby. The battle between Biyou Temple and the head of the Zhengzun faction was affected and the loss was not small.

They talked about it, ready to lean over,

You Tianyangxing Joint Committee, can you help? Let me talk about the Biyou Temple on the plane of autumn. "

Ajan said.

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