Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2425: Rush through

"Large-scale attack Dao method, cannot be used, use restraint Dao method."

In a control tower,

A green-robed monk said to the red-robed monk next to him.

In an instant,

In the sky above Lotte Pass, there was a light that was several hundred meters wide, circular,

Towards Qian's committee and big head

The whole street, the whole street, Dao Fa Pentium,

The gravity immediately reached ten thousand times.

Many more profound mysteries descend,

Turned into mountains and rivers,

On the whole street, people who can move,

Not more than one-tenth.

On Commissioner Qian, apricot light shines

Gravity, mountains, rivers, and apricot brilliance touch,

Immediately transformed into countless runes, bursting out

Gravity, mountains, and rivers are just a manifestation of Taoism runes,

Apricot brilliance, the grade is far higher than these gravity, mountains, roads, and rivers.

Although there is a powerful mana within this brilliance of hundreds of feet,

A touch of the apricot color of the river, it immediately turned into countless runes and burst

Commissioner Qian and the big head took a few steps,

Have rushed out of this street,

Opposite, a group of monks wearing heavy armor and holding large shields,

One stop on the street already.

However, all of them looked nervous.

The power of this large-scale restraint of Taoism,

They know it.

It has no effect on the committee members and the big head,

The red sword light flashed,

Turned into a blade, like jade like ice. Red light flashed.

Faintly reflects the sky.

It seemed that it was almost the same as the magic weapon of a Golden Core monk.

Cut at these monks

With the skill of these monks, there are no tens of millions of fluctuations at all.

The sword light swirls around,

Touch this shield,

With a person wearing a shield, "pouch", it has turned into fragments in the sky.

The red blade flashed.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

Ringed in a string,

In the flesh and blood splashing all over the sky,

More than a hundred monks with heavy shields and heavy armor,

Fewer than ten people can stand.

"Ah, those heavy armored monks, I know them all, they are all above the diamond flower god

It was cut by a sword."

By the street. Qi-refining monks, monks in the foundation period. Everyone looks dumb

Seeing Commissioner Qian and the big head,

After rushing out of this street, you can already see the city gate,

A sword light surpassed hundreds of miles in an instant,

The whole sky is shining blue.

From the other end of Lotte Pass,

Cut to committee member Qian

The apricot sword light and that sword light touch in the air

The sword lights on both sides vibrated thousands of times in an instant


A ripple spreads,

Buildings within a few hundred feet, different brilliance shine,

The prohibition has been fully urged,

However, in an instant, these buildings have all turned into countless fragments.

The azure sword light was already dimmed a lot, and it made a sharp shout,


I have crossed over a hundred miles and returned to the building that urged sword light.

But it has been injured.

For a time, Lotte Pass, which was a few hundred miles in radius, was all stunned

This azure sword light is the Lord Guan

I heard that it is close to the middle-stage cultivator of Yuan Ying,

Touching this red sword light, I was cut by the opponent's sword

That's not to say, this monk who urged the red sword light,

Already a mid-stage cultivator of Yuanying Flower God?

This is the Lord of Lotte Gate,

After a few years of work, the monks living in Lotteguan may not be able to see them.

According to the legend, Guan Master has great power

Defeated several Yuanying Flower God monks of the same rank.

Today, I can't accept the color

Seeing Commissioner Qian and the big head rush out of the city gate,

No one rushed out of Lotte Pass for a while.

After a while,

Those monks in the Qi training period and the foundation building period have been spread.

"Have you heard that, just now in that battle, Brother Jindan killed more than thirty?"

The listener looked horrified,

"This Lotte Gate owns Golden Core monk, but more than forty,

More than 30 died in the first battle?"

"It's unimaginable, the touch of the golden core monk and the red sword light is just like the monks in the foundation stage.

I can’t hold it for a tenth of an instant.”

The daily affairs in Lotte Pass are managed by these golden core monks.

Brother Jindan, in the Lotte Pass,

Already more prestigious,

"Then what's the matter, Yuanying Flower God is here."

The Lord of Lotte Pass has defeated several Yuanying Flower Gods. In Lotte Pass, who dares to be presumptuous?

Commissioner Qian and Datou had urged them to escape, and they had flown more than a thousand miles.

Fell towards the top of a mountain

"Sun, the white shopkeeper, I have known him for many years"

The big head said.

Commissioner Qian, no matter what the big head is alone,

Take out a golden pill and refine it.

With the current cultivation base of the Qian Committee,

Refining a golden pill, but a cup of tea time.

A golden pill will not be of great benefit to Committee Member Qian.

After a few days,

Commissioner Qian refined more than a dozen golden pills,

The memories in these golden pills,

Let Commissioner Qian, for the entire Huotieguan,

All have a certain understanding.

The memories contained in a few golden pills,

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

Sure enough, it has entered the plane of other main gods, there are many right and wrong.

Commissioner Qian thought.

stand up,

"I already know where the refiners who are in charge of the plane coordinates are,

I will get the plane coordinates of a green sunflower plane.

You keep it. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The big head nodded,

In the battle of Yuanying Flower God, he couldn't play a role against Shang.

Most of the Taoism of the Four Diamond Flower God, Yuan Ying Flower God cut through with a single sword.

Lotte Pass has been closed for a few days,

In the battle a few days ago, Lotte turned off his own golden core and died more than 30 times.

Elite monks in the foundation building period, died hundreds of battles,

The monks are being gathered from various places.

A big cart, pulled by a three-foot-long camel beast,

Slowly approaching Lotte Pass~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A few guard monks walked up: "Stop and take a look."


A few mortal innate martial artist level people quickly jumped out of the car.

The car is full of firewood, piled up like a mountain.

These few guards during the foundation construction period released their divine minds, swept away

It is indeed a car of firewood.


Said a monk during the foundation period.

The camel beast pulled the cart into Lotte Pass.

In the lively Lotte Pass,

There are not many pedestrians.

After walking for a long time, I walked more than a hundred miles.

"Kang Dang"

A piece of firewood fell towards the stone road,

In an instant, it has entered the stone slab.

These mortal congenital warriors drove the cart and continued to advance.

After a while, from the corner, a monk in Tsing Yi walked out.

This monk in Tsing Yi walked, walked out dozens of miles,

Has reached a building complex,

Surrounded by walls, there are several tall pavilions.

Commissioner Qian walked into the door,

The guard monk came up.

Commissioner Qian took out a middle-grade immortal stone.

"I'll tell you, I'm looking for a drummer mixer, I want to refine a powerful magic weapon."

Member Qian said.

Here, it was originally a large equipment shop.

The guard nodded.

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