Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2413: Star Power Transmission


The Zhoutian star formation on the plane of the mountain flower,

Established for so many years,

From it, Commissioner Qian didn't know how much mysterious.

The bronze pillar in the center of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is a bronze brick with a height of hundreds of feet and a width of hundreds of feet.

All set the pattern of Zhoutian star battle array,

It is just part of the auxiliary circle that Commissioner Qian has comprehended over the years.

That's it,

The center of the formation, the auxiliary formation, the formation pattern released,

Can open some important functions.

For example, this superplane power transmission.

The star power like a big river is transmitted from the mountain flower plane.

These star powers,

Rush into the center of the formation, in the auxiliary formation,

It is transformed into specific Taoism.

From a distance, the red wolf's voice came over.

"It's going smoothly. Now, the Zhoutian Star Array at Hudui Pass can release the Nine Turns of the Galaxy 11 times!"

Said the red wolf,

Reach out,

The refining method is released,

Within dozens of copper bricks,

The Thunder Fire Array has been refined.

If you don’t transfer the star power from the mountain flower plane,

Zhou Tian’s star battle array is set for one month,

How can it be possible to release the Galaxy Seven Turning Method?

Yuan Ying Hua Shen's powerful main gun,

It has all been arranged in the Zhoutian Star Array at Huoduiguan.

It can be said,

The power of the Zhoutian star battle array at Huoduiguan,

It has already surpassed the Jiuqu Qinghe array of Tiebasan Mountain.

Today's mountain flower plane,

From the stars,

The star power obtained in one year surpassed the star power obtained from the starry sky for decades after the establishment of the Zhoutian Star Array!

One month of star power transmission,

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, which is equivalent to Huoduiguan, was established for a hundred years!

The outbreak center refined by Qian Da Committee,

Many more perfect deductions have been added.

One month,

The Zhoutian star battle array at Huoduiguan,

You can already use powerful Taoism.

This is also the reason why Commissioner Qian and Chibian have discussed many times and decided to attack the fire.

What they have to do, these golden core monks, is to close the copper bricks on the surface as soon as possible.

The refining array inside is all refined.

The magic circle in these copper bricks,

It is all set up by the member Qian.

On the mountain flower plane, Commissioner Qian had a new deduction for Zhou Tian’s star battle formation. In order to expand Zhou Tian’s star battle formation,

One line after another was added.

This Huduiguan city wall is entirely made of refined copper bricks,

Commissioner Qian will not let these copper bricks,

Just engrave some forbidden laws and the like.

These copper bricks can provide a new extension for the Qian's deduction of Zhou Tian's star battle array.

Commissioner Qian felt that Chibian was right!

Huoduiguan, such a large city,

It is most suitable for large-scale formations like Zhoutian Star Fighting Array.

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Has appeared in a building,

Inside the building, a splash of water and a spark came out of the pool,

Splashes and sparks are intertwined, refining the entire building.

Wherever it went,

A new mysterious rune appeared again.

"By the pool, I want to ask Luanpo to come and help out."

Member Qian said.

Chibian nodded: "Okay. Jiayu's combat power is average, and Quinn was promoted to Yuanying Flower God.

Just come to a Yuanying Flower God, you can beat Quinn.

Should invite a Yuanying Flower God to help out. "

A battle more than a month ago,

Quinn has been injured,

It takes only half a month.

Commissioner Qian stepped onto the teleportation array,

But it is the Huishan Flower Plane,

Walking out of the teleportation array on the plane of Shanhua,

Commissioner Qian stepped on the teleportation array to Tianpeng Mountain.

A rock, as if a wave, came out of Committee Member Qian.

As soon as you enter Damengguan,

The demons have rarely appeared.

Commissioner Qian stepped forward,

Has crossed dozens of miles.

Walked into the mountain protection formation.

Walk into the main hall, into the spiritual veins of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System,

The other miraculous primordial flower gods are now practicing.

As he cultivated in this Qingxu Upper Profound Water System Spirit Vein for a long time.

These Yuanying Flower Gods also had some insights.

Commissioner Qian spoke to Luanpo.

"Luanpo, come up, I have something to tell you."

After a while,

Luan broke his body, surrounded by waves,

open one's eyes.

"it is good."

Luanpo said.

Stepped out of the prohibition and reached the fierce barrier.

"Luanpo, our mountain flower plane, on the Qiongwen plane, has already captured a territory. Soon, the demons will fight back.

I want to ask you to do it. "

Member Qian said.

He has been in friendship with Luan Po for so many years, very direct.


Luan Po said,

Commissioner Qian’s four-diamond flower **** cultivation base,

Tianpengshan asked Commissioner Qian to do it.

Commissioner Qian has this kind of cultivation.

Luan Po, I also want Committee Member Qian to take action on some of his own things.

"However, my golden pill----"

Luanpo said.

"You can't go to the golden core of yours."

Member Qian said.

A few days later,

A four-diamond flower **** quickly walked into the Qiongwen Plane Management Committee,

As soon as he entered the hall, he immediately said:

"On the Iron Rolling Plane, another 300,000-strong team has already set off and opened to the fire."

The tall three-diamond flower **** raised his head,

I have finished a glass of wine.

"So many days, finally set off,

The three hundred thousand formations are already the demons on the Qiongwen plane, and the most formations they can produce. "

"Thirty thousand tens of thousands of people, Yuan Ying Flower God, I don’t know how many,

The strength of these 300 thousand people is definitely not as strong as imagined. "

Said the Four Diamond Flower God next to it.

In front of them, there is already a row of wine and vegetables.

After more than a month,

They are also boring.

"Rantieguan, we must fight!

After breaking down the scroll barrier, Qiongwen plane, the two sides are equally divided. "

Fang Lian Yuan Ying Hua Shen said.

For this battle, he has invited several retired Yuan Ying Flower Gods.

Various schools have been in the Qiongwen plane for so many years.

There are always some masters of Yuanying!

"The monk during the foundation construction period, float on the airship, set off-----"

Monk Yuanying Fanglian stood up and said.

"All monks, enter the line!"

Inside the fire gate,

Most of the monks in the foundation-building period rushed in towards the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation,

.Very skilled, entered their respective positions.


There are more than 4,000 monks in the foundation period,

The armor on his body, the shield in his hand, and the flying sword urged him to send.

Walking among the fires,

See if there is any prohibition to urge it.

These four thousand foundation-building monks,

They all cultivated the techniques taught by the pool, from among those one million monks.

Ten thousand and several thousand base-building pill, let these four thousand Qi training monks advance to the base-building period.

However, they did not enter the plane of Shanhua,

Not familiar with the position of Zhou Tian's star battle array.

Now, carry out the patrol mission in this fire pass.

These cultivators, the member Qiang Hechibian said, can be disciples of the Shanhua plane,


The pill that harmonizes Yin and Yang mana has less supply than the monks in the official base-building stage of the Mountain Flower Plane.

If you want more medicine, you can change it according to the contribution points of the school.

The elixir to increase skill is not supplied,

After the battle,

The Zhoutian Star Dou formation at Huoduiguan is powerful enough,

Cultivate directly with Starlight Xuan'ao.

The pill to increase spirituality,

Formal foundation-building monks of the mountain flower plane,

It is very expensive to exchange contribution points for the elixir to increase spiritual mind.

Otherwise, he would go outside to find medicinal materials to increase his spirituality, and exchange for the medicine in the Tiangong Hall.

Otherwise, go to the Temple of Heaven to get the seeds, and plant these medicinal materials to increase spirituality.

When it reaches a certain level of medicinal effect, Dao Tiangong Hall exchanges a pill to increase spiritual consciousness.

The foundation-building monks trained by the pond are of course the same.

In the starry sky, it seems boundless.

Commissioner Qian, by the pool, Luanpo, Jiayu, Quinn, sitting,

Looking at the billowing thunder and fire on the horizon, quickly approached!

"Three hundred thousand people team formation"

Luanpo's face changed.

I heard from Member Qian that He saw 300 tens of thousands of people, covering the entire sky.

That's definitely different.

Luanpo thought,

Tianpeng Mountain is absolutely unable to compete with the 300,000-strong formation.

"Don't get excited. It's like seeing me promoted to Yuanying Flower God, you can't believe it."

Quinn said.

Luan broke into the fire and saw Quinn's advanced Yuanying Flower God, he couldn't believe it.

Luan Po looked,

Quinn, really belonged to that kind of ordinary monk.

Even if there is another star battle in Zhou Tian,

Quinn's cultivation base, the four-diamond flower **** has reached its peak.

Maybe over a thousand years,

Quinn will cross the Nascent Soul Catastrophe,

However, now, Quinn has actually been promoted to Yuanying Flower God.

"Could it be that you are allowed to advance to Yuanying, others can't advance to Yuanying."

Quinn was very surprised at Luanpo.

The image of the ten thousand team formation,

It's getting bigger and bigger.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

The image of a 10,000-person team turned red in an instant.

"Xinghe Nine Turns, launch!"

In an instant, a galaxy vortex,

Tens of feet big, emerging from the stars,

This galaxy has more than ten ripples,

Each ripple rotates in a different direction,

Every ripple is like a galaxy or mountain!

As soon as these tens of feet of galaxy vortex came out, in an instant, hundreds of miles have been crossed,

With a billowing thunder fire within a radius of several miles!

The whole sky is full of stars!

As if there are thousands of ripples rippling!

The thunder fire within a radius of a few miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the ten-thousand-person team formation urged the formation,

Countless runes were revealed.

Then, another third of the thunder and fire formations,

Suddenly burst into countless fragments,

Fragments of thunder and fire, starlight flames, only then rushed upward, reaching a height of 30,000 feet!

Thousands of miles away,

You can see the sky shining countless times,

This huge thunder fire rushed up!

With one shot, one-third of a 10,000-person team was destroyed!

The rest, it seems, is seriously damaged!

Within Zhou Tian's star battle array,

All the monks stayed, except for Qian.

Within the 300,000-seat team, all the monks stayed.

Thousands of miles away,

All the cultivators stayed for the ten thousand team formation on the Qiongwen plane!

Galaxy Nine Turns,

The Mountain Flower Plane has been established for so many years and has never been used before,

Today, it shows great power!

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed to a 10,000-person confrontation next to him.

This 10,000-person team immediately turned red.

"Xinghe Nine Turns, launch!"

It is another galaxy vortex tens of feet in size,

Emerged from the stars,

This galaxy also has more than ten ripples,

Each ripple rotates in a different direction,

Each ripple is like a galaxy, mountains.

In an instant, there was already a 10,000-person confrontation.

All the runes of this ten thousand battle,

It seemed to be revealed in an instant.

Fragments of lava burst, and the river starlight flame rushed up, reaching a height of 30,000 feet!

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