Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2344: Celebration

  The Qian Qian committee member himself, but got a few thousand catties of cold spring water,

   take out a thousand catties,

   These golden core monks, monks in the foundation period,

   Jimei has found similar treasures,

   Maybe, there is a corner in the deep mountain

  Queen walked in,

  "Old Qian, a Jindan monk among the martial arts, traveled in the sky and Xingnan,

   discovered that a monk with fire attribute was a single spirit root of the fire system,

   However, several other cultivation sects in the Southern Qi Kingdom, Qingyimen, Thunder Cloud Palace, Diyanmen, and Guanghandian want us to transfer some magic weapons used by the Four Diamond Flower God, and then they will be released."

  Queen said

   If a monk passes by the jurisdiction of other cultivators,

   I found a monk with good qualifications and wanted to accept disciples,

   Must get the approval of the local cultivator

  Of course, this kind of approval is not free

  "Transfer the magic weapon used by the Four Diamond Flower God? No way!

  Queen, you also know that the so-called single-line spiritual root is a genius,

   is to practice a certain type of exercises, absorb a certain type of spiritual energy, and more.

   A certain kind of Taoism attainment is high, naturally, there will be more insights"

   Member Qian said

   The four-diamond flower **** magic weapon used on the flower plane of the mountain has reached a thousand-layer multi-layer magic circle.

   general school,

   Mountain Flower Plane does not transfer this magic weapon at all

   "Okay, I'll talk to the golden pill, that genius, let Qingyimen, Thunder Cloud Palace, Diyanmen, and Guanghan Hall accept disciples.

   A single spiritual root person is not much better than ordinary monks in terms of perceptual realm."

  Queen said

   A monk with a better qualification,

   wanted to sell the four-diamond flower **** magic weapon on the mountain flower plane,

   He knows the committee member Qian and will not agree

   a few days later,

  The waiter came in to inform,

  Langchao knife come to see you

   "Let him in"

   Member Qian said,

   Langchao knife handed over to the Qian

  "Master, I contacted the monks of the Gripen Legion for more than a month.

   I want to collect more loot from the dog

   But some general merchandise is accepted"

   Langchao said,

   "Oh, take it out and have a look"

   Member Qian said

   Langchao waved his hand,

   A lot of objects appeared on the main hall

   Committee member Qian took a look,


  Most items are relatively ordinary,

   a few items,

   looks ordinary,

   But if you look at the past with rules,

   can count,

   Qian Qian waved his hand

   These items have been suspended in front of Committee Qian

   "These items are fine, but Brother Jindan, I can't see them"

   Member Qian said

  The trophies of the monks in the foundation period, the golden core monks

   It’s impossible to let Li Yakushi and Panaga see everything

  "These items were collected from their golden core monks,

   Their golden core monks also think these items are worthless"

   Langchao said,

   items received,

   Finally, there are a few that are okay, otherwise, it’s really hard to deal with

"What do you think?"

   Member Qian said,

   "They attacked Yucao Pass, we didn't support it,

   They are dissatisfied with our Shanhua plane, and they have become relatively cold."

   Langchao said,


   Those trophies, not every piece is needed,

  He wave knife, as the golden pill of Shanhua plane,

   also had contacts with the monks of the Gripen Legion

   this time,

   collect the spoils,

   didn't collect many good things

   30,000 Heaven-Breaking Swords, which are not sold by ordinary schools.

   gave it to the past, the price is not high,

   I have been enthusiastic for a few days,

   Because of the battle at Yucaoguan, Brother Jindan was not allowed to go to the battle,

   This attitude is cold again

   Langchao knife don’t know what to say

   The communication circle sounded

   Look, it's Kun Yahui

  "Old money, the Griffin Army and the Taibai Army will meet Pipa Mountain. Come here,

  We are ready to meet"

   Kun Yahui said

   "That's a matter of course"

   Member Qian said

   Member Qian stretched out his hand,

   A message is sent,

   After a while, Inspur Knife came in;

   handed over to Committee Member Qian


   Langchao knife theory

  "The Griffin Legion and the Taebaek Legion are about to triumph.

  You call a few golden core monks, come with me to greet them"

   Member Qian said


   wave road arched hands

   After a while, Inspur Road took a few golden pills and arrived at the palace of Commissioner Qian

  "I heard that our sky-breaking sword and multiple shields have increased the foundation-building monks of the Gripen Legion.

   A lot of attack power, protection ability?

  A golden core monk said

   "That's it"

   said Jin Dan next to

  A few golden core monks,

   a dull look

   Pipa Mountain,

  Various fabrics, luxurious and exquisite,

   Already, the whole Pipa Mountain is decorated more luxuriously and luxuriously

  The leaders stationed at Pipa Mountain,

   has arrived

   Kun Mihui has a lovely smile on her face

   "Old money, you are here, just right,

   Let's go to send Zhenna together

   Heavenly Earth Star Teleportation Array,

   is already a sea of ​​people,

   gongs and drums are noisy,

   There are a lot of beautiful women dancing,


   The monks of all factions on the planetary plane of the earth have sent a head, and the monks of the deputy head level come

   There are more foundation-building monks,

   holding all kinds of spirit wine, spirit fruit

   The transmission array brilliance flashed,

   Several figures appeared,

   is Li Yakushi, Panaga, Gao Yu, Jian Rushuang

Next to   , some golden core monks reserve

   Immediately, an applause rang,

   the heads of the various factions, the deputy heads,

   brought the monk forward,

   Compliment to Li Yakushi, Panagar, Gao Yu, Jian Rushuang

   "The calendar general Shenwu, the high general Shenwu"

   Li Yakushi, Panaga, Taka Yu, Jian Rushuang nodded

   General demeanor,

   the momentum suppresses the audience

   Brother Jindan, the monk during the foundation period, began to walk out of the teleportation formation!

   after a long time,

  Gryphon Army~www.wuxiaspot.com~The monks of the Taibai Army,

   has all teleported arrays on the planet

  A sapphire platform, stored in front of the teleportation formation

   The Griffin Legion, the Golden Core Brothers of the Taibai Legion,

   Surrounded by Li Yakushi, Panaga, Gao Yu, Jian Rushuang walked onto the high platform,

   A beautiful woman walked up to the platform and began to talk,

  The sound is warm and crisp, like a pearl falling on a jade plate

   is the beauty of Yuzhen!

   The beauty of Jade gave a big praise to the Griffin Legion, the Taibai Legion’s contribution,

   have asked the pharmacist to speak

   After the impassioned speech of the pharmacist,

   Takaha continued to speak,

   finished speaking,

   It's already evening

   Every school is ready,

   Next to the teleportation array, there is a big feast

   banquets are tens of miles around

  Heavenly soil stars all kinds of mountain treasures, which are usually served by running water

   The Griffin Legion, the monks of the Taibai Legion, talked about various strange things in the course of the battle

  Various marvelous arts of the demon monks!

  The monks of all sects are very interested in listening

   This banquet was set for more than a day

  Mei Hui Ha Kun, the commissioner of the money sitting together

   Liu Sisi, Feng Biolin is happy to talk and laugh,

   I drank a lot of wine and water

   Banquet more than one day,

  The committee member Ha Kun Yahui, but not much

   is just a toast,

  Commissioner Qian and Kun Yahui, have a drink together

  Meihui Ha Kun, the member of the money committee, looked at each other with deep eyes


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